Quaker business Themethod practice of group discernment “Walk cheerfully over the world answering that of God in everyone” Authority and responsibility in the meeting for worship for business ROLE OF PARTICIPANTS AUTHORITY OF DECISIONS MADE In a rightly-ordered Meeting for All decisions made in a rightly-ordered Business, all participants share responsi- Meeting for Business represent the bility for the spiritual discernment that promptings of the Spirit, as discerned occurs, and hence for the actions that by the meeting. Thus, once the sense flow from it. Creation and maintenance of the meeting has been expressed in of a spiritual climate in which corporate words and this formulation is agreed by discernment can flourish will naturally the meeting as an acceptable minute, fall to the clerk/s and other experienced it stands as a permanent record of Friends more than to those who are that decision. This record cannot be inexperienced, but the discernment subject to challenge or change at a itself is made collectively by the later date (other than minor factual or gathered meeting. grammatical correction). Only those present at the time can know whether ROLE OF THE CLERK AS SERVANT or not the minute is an accurate record OF THE MEETING of the sense of the meeting, and this Each meeting is facilitated by the is the reason why the minute is given clerk, usually with the support of a such careful consideration during the recording clerk. The role of the clerk meeting. We recognise that our spiritual is similar to that of a chairperson in discernment process is conducted by a secular meeting in that the clerk is ordinary people and may turn out to responsible for the order of the meeting have been flawed or inadequate, but and the matters that are considered. The Friends trust that this will eventually significant difference is that the clerk is become apparent and the matter can appointed as the servant of the meeting, then be brought to a future meeting for not as its leader or chief executive. further discernment. Authority for its decisions remains with the meeting as a whole and its interpre- Traditional Quaker decision-making in tation of the divine. meeting for business, on the other hand, is a Spirit-led process in which we seek to learn RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE LAW the will of God for the meeting in the matter If the meeting is an incorporated body at hand. This difference has profound impli- under Australian State or Federal law, cations for what it means to be a member of a there are requirements in regard to Quaker faith community. Roger Walmsley record-keeping (including the minutes 2003, ‘this we can say’, 2.37 of meetings) and the roles of appointed officers that need to be followed in the conduct of our Meetings for Business. Spiritual discipline: The role and responsibilities of participants BEFORE THE MEETING so that all relevant insights, emotions, information and other considera- Preparatory work for the Meeting for tions can be weighed in the meeting’s Worship for Business includes both discernment process. information gathering (which could be in the form of reports or recom- Any information considered should not mendations from committees or other lead to setting the mind with a prepared meetings) and preparing the mind and point of view: heart. … some preliminary thinking can help PrOVISION OF ITEMS AND clarify [but not pre-empt] the decisions to be INFOrmATION TO THE CLERK/S made by the business meeting.Stevenson, Friends have a responsibility to assist C. 1997, “Quaker business method” in the clerk/s by providing adequate notice ‘As the Seed Grows’, Australia Yearly of matters to come before the meeting, Meeting and by providing adequate background Attempts to influence a particular information. outcome, such as lobbying, can interfere with the processes of attentive listening Submit information about matters to and of discernment. come before the meeting in good time, and preferably in writing. Avoid, if you possibly ‘WITH HEART AND MIND PREPARED’ can, any last-minute messages to the table. In practice this involves being “aware of ‘Quaker Faith & Practice’, 1995, Britain any preconceptions or strong feelings Yearly Meeting, section 3.10 that you may have and be ready to CONSIDERATION OF THE AGENDA set them aside or see them set aside AND BACKGROUND INFOrmATION by the Meeting” (Warren, J., The Friend, 11 April 00). There is also Friends are also expected to inform important spiritual preparation for themselves properly and reflect upon both the clerk(s) and for all those who matters to come before the meeting, attend to ensure that the meeting is MEMBERS RESPONSIBILITY TO ATTEND conducted in a worshipful manner. It is Members of the society are expected important that each participant begins to attend Meetings for Worship for the meeting with the expectation that it Business on a regular basis. will be a spiritual experience. There is a special responsibility to attend On taking your seat, try to achieve quietness meetings for church affairs, for it is here that of mind and spirit. Try to avoid having the meeting enacts its faith. ‘Quaker Faith subcommittees or conversations just as the and Practice’, 1995, 11.01 meeting is about to begin. Turn inwardly When it is not possible to attend, there to God, praying that the meeting may be is a further responsibility for members guided in the matters before it and that the to inform themselves about the clerk may be enabled faithfully to discern meeting’s decisions. and record the mind of the meeting ‘Quaker Faith and Practice’, 1995, 3.09. PErmISSION FOR NON-MEMBERS REPORTS TO THE MEETING Attenders are encouraged to participate so that they can experience for If any of us are asked to attend themselves the process of spiritual a meeting where we are asked to discernment. Non-members are usually report the views of another group or asked to seek permission from the committee, we need to remember that: meeting, via the clerk, as a precaution- ary measure to ensure that the spiritual When you are appointed to attend a meeting, climate of the meeting is upheld. (It is you attend with local knowledge which may difficult to hold to Friends’ traditions be of assistance: you are not there as a delegate when a large number of inexperienced with an inflexible brief to put over on behalf people are present). of another body of Friends which is not itself going through the exercise of the meeting. ‘Quaker Faith and Practice’, 1995, 3.09 DURING THE MEETING As the process of dealing with the item continues, unity may be reached on a The meeting will usually proceed along decision: the following lines: • When the clerk recognises that there • The meeting will open with a period of is a clear sense of the meeting, he silent worship and a short reading. or she articulates this sense to the • The clerk will then introduce the first meeting. Some Friends may be heard matter to be considered and ask for to murmur “I hope it will be done”, Friends’ contributions. others may nod, others may not • Spoken contributions to the meeting’s respond in any obvious way. This lack discernment are offered in a worshipful of formal acceptance may surprise manner, as in a Meeting for Worship. inexperienced Friends who are used to Because it is important to avoid falling voting, but it is simply a recognition into a debate or discussion, which that the decision has already been leaves little room for the spirit, Friends made. seek permission from the clerk before rising to speak. The clerk ensures that In some instances, unity may not be those who wish to speak are heard and reached: decides whether it is appropriate for a Friend who has already spoken on an • Theclerk is responsible for recognising issue to speak again. when unity is not going to be reached, • It may be necessary to move into a and usually asks that the matter be less formal information-gathering deferred to a future meeting. The phase before returning to more formal meeting may decide to appoint an discernment. individual or committee to undertake • Periods of silent worship may be further investigation of the matter and introduced by the clerk when necessary report back. to ensure that the meeting remains • The decision is then recorded in the open to spiritual guidance. form of a minute. Friends support the clerk(s) in silence while they try Friends are not to meet like a company of to find appropriate words to ensure people about town or parish business … but that the minute is a clear expression to wait upon the Lord. Fox, G. 30 January of what has been decided. The clerk 1675 (from Worcester prison) offers this minute to the meeting for acceptance as an accurate expression BEING OPEN TO THE LIGHT of the decision that has been reached. A Friend may have strong feelings or Friends may suggest corrections or opinions about an issue, but corporate clarifications to this minute. discernment means being prepared to • When all are satisfied that the minute be led by the Spirit to a new under- has accurately recorded the sense of standing. Each person must be willing the meeting, the clerk will move on to to be open to a way forward for the the next matter for consideration. group that does not coincide with personal views. SPIRITUAL ATTENTIVENESS Every person present shares responsi- … no-one can come with sincerity to a bility for setting and maintaining the Friends’ gathering for business with a spiritual climate needed for genuine mind unalterably set.
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