Council Offices, Almada Street Hamilton, ML3 0AA Wednesday, 19 September 2018 Dear Councillor Cambuslang and Rutherglen Area Committee The Members listed below are requested to attend a meeting of the above Committee to be held as follows:- Date: Tuesday, 28 August 2018 Time: 14:00 Venue: Cambuslang Institute, General Purpose Room, 37 Greenlees Road, Cambuslang, G72 8JE The business to be considered at the meeting is listed overleaf. Members are reminded to bring their fully charged tablets to the meeting Yours sincerely Lindsay Freeland Chief Executive Members Carol Nugent (Chair), John Bradley (Depute Chair), Walter Brogan, Robert Brown, Janine Calikes, Margaret Cowie, Alistair Fulton, Ann Le Blond, Martin Lennon, Katy Loudon, Margaret B Walker, Jared Wark 1 BUSINESS 1 Declaration of Interests 2 Minutes of Previous Meeting 3 - 6 Minutes of the meeting of the Cambuslang and Rutherglen Area Committee held on 29 May 2018 submitted for approval as a correct record. (Copy attached) Item(s) for Noting 3 Education Scotland Report - St Charles' Primary School, Cambuslang 7 - 12 Report dated 13 August 2018 by the Executive Director (Education Resources). (Copy attached) 4 Active Schools in South Lanarkshire Presentation by Karen McInally, Active Schools Manager and Paul Wright, Active Schools Co-ordinator, South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture Limited. Item(s) for Decision 5 Community Grant Applications 13 - 16 Report dated 14 August 2018 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources). (Copy attached) Urgent Business 6 Urgent Business Any other items of business which the Chair decides are urgent. For further information, please contact:- Clerk Name: Lynn Paterson Clerk Telephone: 01698 454669 Clerk Email: [email protected] 2 CAMBUSLANG AND RUTHERGLEN AREA COMMITTEE 2 Minutes of meeting held in Rutherglen Town Hall, Main Street, Rutherglen on 29 May 2018 Chair: Councillor Carol Nugent Councillors Present: John Bradley, Walter Brogan, Margaret Cowie, Alistair Fulton, Ann Le Blond, Martin Lennon, Katy Loudon, Margaret B Walker, Jared Wark Councillors’ Apologies: Robert Brown, Janine Calikes Attending: Community and Enterprise Resources G Cameron, Supplier Development Manager; S Keating, Property Development Manager; M Lennon, Youth Learning Area Co-ordinator Finance and Corporate Resources L Paterson, Administration Officer 1 Declaration of Interests The following interests were declared: Councillor(s) Item(s) Nature of Interest(s) Brogan Community Grant Application CR/02/18 Involvement with group Cambuslang Summer Festival Cowie Playscheme Grants:- Fernhill Kids Playscheme, Member Rutherglen (PS/CR/3/18) Cathkin Braes Kids, Rutherglen Involvement with group Playscheme (PS/CR/4/18) 2 Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting of the Cambuslang and Rutherglen Area Committee held on 13 March 2018 were submitted for approval as a correct record. The Committee decided: that the minutes be approved as a correct record. 3 Year of Young People M Lennon, Youth Learning Area Co-ordinator, Education Resources gave a presentation on the Year of Young People, highlighting the opportunities that had been promoted to encourage participation in culture, sport and other activities. Some of the topics included:- participation equality and discrimination education enterprise and regeneration health and well-being culture Duke of Edinburgh Award 3 Details of the launch event and other events that had been held within the Cambuslang and Rutherglen Area Committee area and across the Council were also provided. Information was also provided on the recent Education Scotland inspection of Community Learning and Development. The process had involved a 2-day strategic inspection followed, 3 weeks later, by a 5-day place based inspection in areas of Rutherglen Central, Whitlawburn and Springhall in Cambuslang. Although the inspection report had not yet been published, verbal feedback had been positive. M Lennon, having responded to members’ questions, was thanked for his informative presentation. The Committee decided: that the presentation be noted. 4 Business and Supplier Development Programme S Keating, Property Development Manager and G Cameron, Supplier Development Manager, Community and Enterprise Resources gave a presentation on the Business and Supplier Development Programme for businesses in South Lanarkshire which included information on:- how the Council supported business access to finance recruitment support advice services The key objectives of the Supplier Development Programme were to:- raise awareness of opportunities arising from public sector spend provide training and support on all aspects of public sector tendering improve the tender readiness of local suppliers promote links and integrate with other government support services Information was provided on:- online resources training programmes meet the buyer events business engagement An overview of business support and examples of assistance that had been provided to businesses within the Cambuslang and Rutherglen Area Committee area and the outcomes achieved were also provided. S Keating and G Cameron, having responded to members’ questions, were thanked for their informative presentation. The Committee decided: that the presentations be noted. 5 Playscheme Grant Applications 2018/2019 A report dated 15 May 2018 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources) was submitted on applications for playscheme grant for 2018/2019. 4 The playscheme grant funding would allow an allocation of £600 to be made to the playschemes that operated over the summer, October and Easter periods with £400 for the summer period only and £100 for each of the October and Easter periods. Travel and Freedom Passes would be allocated to those playschemes which had requested them. The Committee decided: that playscheme grants be awarded as follows:- (a) Applicant: Brat Pack Playscheme, Rutherglen (PS/CR/1/18) Amount Awarded: £600 (b) Applicant: Cambuslang Universal Connections (PS/CR/2/18) Amount Awarded: £600 (c) Applicant: Fernhill Kids’ Playscheme, Rutherglen (PS/CR/3/18) Amount Awarded: £600 (d) Applicant: Cathkin Braes Kids’ Playscherme, Rutherglen (PS/CR /4/18) Amount Awarded: £600 Councillor Cowie, having declared an interest in the applications detailed at (c) and (d) above, withdrew from the meeting during their consideration [Reference: Minutes of the Executive Committee of 28 February 2018 (Paragraph 7)] 6 Community Grant Applications A report dated 15 May 2018 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources) was submitted on:- applications for community grant to be met from the 2018/2019 budget 3 community grant applications which had been dealt with by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources), in consultation with the Chair, during the period 13 to 31 March 2018 to ensure that the 2017/2018 budget was utilised as fully as possible The Committee decided: (1) that community grants be awarded as follows:- (a) Applicant: Cambuslang Summer Festival (CR/2/18) Purpose of Grant: Special event Amount Awarded: £4,000 Councillor Brogan, having declared an interest in the above application, withdrew from the meeting during its consideration (b) Applicant: Stonelaw Pre School Group, Rutherglen (CR/3/18) Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250 (c) Applicant: Eastfield Physically Disabled Club, Cambuslang (CR/4/18) Purpose of Grant: Specialist transport and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £500 5 (d) Applicant: Cambuslang Churches’ Holiday Club (CR/5/18) Purpose of Grant Outing, entrance fees and materials Amount Awarded: £200 (e) Applicant: St Cadoc’s Women’s Guild, Cambuslang (CR/6/18) Purpose of Grant Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250 (f) Applicant: Flemington Hallside Church Youth Project, Cambuslang (CR/7/18) Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200 (g) Applicant: Kirkhill Bowling Club, Cambuslang (CR/9/18) Purpose of Grant: Equipment and materials Amount Awarded: £300 (h) Applicant: Cambuslang Parish Church Pastoral Care Team (CR/10/18) Purpose of Grant: Outing Amount Awarded: £200 (i) Applicant: Rutherglen Bowling Club (CR/11/18) Purpose of Grant: Equipment Amount Awarded: £300 (2) that the action taken during the period 13 to 31 March 2018 by the Executive Director (Finance and Corporate Resources), in consultation with the Chair, to approve the award of the following community grants from the 2017/2018 budget be noted:- (a) Applicant: 1st Cathkin Brownies, Rutherglen (CR/54/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing and entrance fees Amount Awarded: £250 (b) Applicant: Burnside Autumn Club, Cambuslang (CR/56/17) Purpose of Grant Outing Amount Awarded: £200 (c) Applicant: 1st Rutherglen Brownies Girl Guiding (CR/57/17) Purpose of Grant: Outing, entrance fees and materials Amount Awarded: £350 [Reference: Minutes of 13 March 2018 (Paragraph 6) and Minutes of the Executive Committee of 28 February 2018 (Paragraph 7)] 7 Urgent Business There were no items of urgent business. 6 Agenda Item Report 3 Report to: Cambuslang and Rutherglen Area Committee Date of Meeting: 28 August 2018 Report by: Executive Director (Education Resources) Subject: Education Scotland Report – St Charles’ Primary School 1. Purpose of Report 1.1. The purpose of the report is to:- [ [ advise of the outcome of the inspection of St Charles’ Primary School by Education Scotland inspectors [ 2. Recommendation(s) 2.1. The Committee is asked to approve the following recommendation(s):- (1) that the Education
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