Miscellaneous Notes & Reports in Natural History, No xxx Ecology, Conservation and Resources Management 2010 An ecological bibliography of the Blue Mountains of Jamaica Pierre Binggeli The majority of the publications listed below exist in an electronic form and in due course a CD will be produced. Adams, C.D. (1972) Flowering plants of Jamaica. Bellingham, P.J. & Tanner, E.V.J. (2000) The influence of University of West Indies, Mona, topography on tree growth, mortality, and recruitment in a tropical montane forest. Biotropica 32, 378-384. Aldrich, M. (1992) Land use in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Association of Professional Foresters Newsletter, Bellingham, P.J., Kapos, V., Varty, N., Healey, J.R., September 1992, 54-62. Tanner, E.V.J., Kelly, D.L., Dalling, J.W., Burns, L., Lee, D. & Sidrak, G. (1992) Hurricanes need not cause high Aldrich, M. (1993) Is there a role for agroforestry in mortality: The effects of Hurricane Gilbert on the forests smallholder farming systems in the Blue Mountains of of Jamaica. J. trop. Ecol. 8, 217-223. Jamaica? MSc dissertation, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Bengry, R. & Serrant, S. (1949) Trip to Newhaven Gap. Natural History Notes, 3, 189-194. Amman, K. (1997) Botanists to blame? Pl. Talk 8, 4. Chai, S.-L., Tanner, E. & McLaren, K. (2009) High rates Anon. (1915) Review: montane rain-forest of Jamaica. J. of forest clearance and fragmentation pre- and post- Ecol. 3, 244-246. National Park establishment: The case of a Jamaican montane rainforest. Biol. Conserv. 142, 2484-2492. Asprey, G.F. & Robbins, R.G. (1953) The vegetation of Jamaica. Ecol. Monogr. 23, 359-412. Christenhusz, M.J.M. & Toivonen, T.K. (2008) Giants invading the tropics: the oriental vessel fern, Angiopteris Aylett, G.P. (1985) Irradiance interception, leaf evecta (Marattiaceae). Biol. Inv. 10, 1215-1228. conductance and photosynthesis in Jamaican upper montane rain forest trees. Photosynthetica 19, 323-337. Cruz, A. (1981) Bird activity and seed dispersal of a montane tree (Dunalia arborescens) in Jamaica. Bellingham, P.J. (1993) The effects of a hurricane on Biotropica 13(Suppl.), 34-44. Jamaican montane rain forests. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. Dalling, J.W. (1994) Vegetation colonization of landslides in the Blue Mountains, Jamaica. Biotropica 26, 392-399. Bellingham, P.J. & Sparrow, A.D. (2009) Multi-stemmed trees in montane rain forests: their frequency and Dalling, J.W. (1995) The effect of litter and soil demography in relation to elevation, soil nutrients and disturbance on seed germination in upper montane rain disturbance. J. Ecol. 97, 472–483. forest, Jamaica. Caribbean Journal of Science 31, 223- 229. Bellingham, P.J., Tanner, E.V.J. & Healey, J.R. (1995) Damage and responsiveness of Jamaican montane tree Dalling, J.W. & Iremonger, S. (1994) Preliminary estimate species after disturbance by a hurricane. Ecology 76, of landslide disturbance in the Blue Mountains, Jamaica. 2562-2580. Caribbean Journal of Science 30, 290-292. Bellingham, P.J., Tanner, E.V.J. & Healey, J.R. (2005) Dalling, J.W. & Tanner, E.V.J. (1995) An experimental- Hurricane disturbance accelerates invasion by the alien study of regeneration on landslides in montane rain-forest tree Pittosporum undulatum in Jamaican montane rain in Jamaica. J. Ecol. 83, 55-64. forests. J. Veg. Sci. 16, 675-684. Eyre, L.A. (1987) Jamaica: test case for tropical 1 Binggeli, P. (2010) An ecological bibliography of the Blue Mountains of Jamaica deforestation? Ambio 16, 338-343. Johnson, D.S. (1914/15) The Cinchona Botanical Station. Floyd, B. (1970) Agricultural innovation in Jamaica: The Pop. Sci. Monthly 85, 512-530. 86, 33-48. Yallahs Valley Land Authority. Econ. Geogr. 46, 63-77. Grubb, P.J. & Tanner, E.V.J. (1976) The montane forests Fuller, G.D. (1911) Evaporation in Jamaica. Bot. Gaz. 51, and soils of Jamaica: a reassessment. J. Arnold Arbor. 57, 319. 313-368. Gilbert, B.D. (1897) Three new ferns from Jamaica. Bull. Kapos, V. & Tanner, E.V.J. (1985) Water relations of Torrey Bot. Club 24, 259-261. Jamaican Upper montane rain forest. Ecology 66, 241- 250. Goodland, T. (1990) A report on the spread of an invasive tree species Pittosporum undulatum into the forests of the Keapoletswe, K.K. (1993) Fourteen years of regeneration Blue Mountains, Jamaica. B.Sc. Thesis, UCNW, Bangor. in a cut gap in tropical montane rain forest in Jamaica. M.Sc. Thesis, UCNW, Bangor. Goodland, T. & Healey, J.R. (1996) The invasion of Jamaican montane rainforests by the Australian tree Keeler, K.H. (1979) Distribution of plants with extrofloral Pittosporum undulatum. UCNW, Bangor. nectaries and ants at two elevations in Jamaica. Biotropica 11, 152-154. Harris, W. (1909) The timbers of Jamaica. Bull. Department. Agric. Jamaica. New Series, 1 (1), 10-38. Kellermann, J.L., Johnson, M.D., Stercho, A.M. & Kingston, Jamaica. Hackett, S.C. (2008) Ecological and economic services provided by birds on Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee Healey, J.R. (1990) Regeneration in a Jamaican montane farms. Conserv. Biol. 22, 1177-1185. tropical rainforest. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge. Lack, D. (1976) Island biogeography illustrated by the Healey, J.R. (1989) A bioassay study of soils in the Blue land birds of Jamaica. Blackwell, Oxford. Mountains of Jamaica. In Proctor, J. (Ed.) Mineral nutrients in tropical forest and savanna ecosystems, pp. McDonald, M.A., Healey, J.R. & Jones, M. (2003) 273-287. Blackwell, Oxford. Variations and phenotypic correlation of growth attributes of Calliandra calothyrsus in the Blue Mountains of Healey, J.R., Goodland, T.C.R. & Hall, J.B. (1992) The Jamaica. Agrofor. Syst. 50, 293-314. impact on forest biodiversity of an invasive tree species and the development of methods for its control. 1991-2 McDonald, M.A. & Healey, J.R. (2000) Nutrient cycling Annual Report of ODA For. Res. Project R4742, UCNW, in secondary forests in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Bangor. Forest Ecol. Mgmt 139, 257-278. Healey, J.R., Goodland, T.C.R. & Hall, J.B. (1994) The McDonald, M.A., Healey, J.R. & Stevens, P.A. (2002) The impact on forest biodiversity of an invasive tree species effects of secondary forest clearance and subsequent land- and the development of methods for its control. 1993-4 use on erosion losses and soil properties in the Blue Annual Report of ODA For. Res. Project R4742, UCNW, Mountains of Jamaica. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 92, 1-19. Bangor. McDonald, M.A., Hofny-Collins, A., Healey, J.R. & Healey, J.R., Goodland, T.C.R., Binggeli, P. & Hall, J.B. Goodland, T.C.R. (2003) Evaluation of trees indigenous to (1995) The impact on forest biodiversity of an invasive the mountain forests of the Blue Mountains, Jamaica for tree species and the development of methods for its reforestation and agroforestry. Forest Ecol. Mgmt 175, control. Final Report of ODA For. Res. Project R4742, 379-401. UCNW, Bangor. McDonald, M.A., Stevens, P.A. & Healey, J.R. (2003) Soil Hodges, M. (Ed.) (1993) Blue Mountain guide. Mona, fertility under Calliandra calothyrsus hedgerows and other Jamaica, Natural History Society of Jamaica. land-use treatments following forest clearance in Jamaica. Agrofor. Syst. 57, 127-135. Iremonger, S. (1997) Blue and John Crow Mountains, Jamaica. In Davis, S.D., Heywood, V.H., Herrera- McDonald, M.A., Stevens, P.A., Healey, J.R. & Devi MacBryde, O., Villa-Lobos, J. & Hamilton, A.C. (Eds) Prasad, P.V. (1997) Maintenance of soil fertility on Centres of plant diversity, Vol. 3. The Americas, pp. 262- steeplands in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica: the role of 265. WWF & IUCN, Cambridge. contour hedgerows. Agrofor. Forum 8(4), 21-25. Iremonger, S. (2002) A guide to plants in the Blue McGregor, D.F.M. (1988) An investigation of soil status Mountains of Jamaica. University of the West Indies Press, and landuse on a steeply sloping hillside, Blue Mountains, Mona. Jamaica. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 9, 60- 2 Binggeli, P. (2010) An ecological bibliography of the Blue Mountains of Jamaica 71. Swabey, C. (1941) The principal timbers of Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica. Meir, P. (1991) A pilot study of tree-ring formation in a Jamaican montane rainforest. Unpublished report, SAFS, Tanner, E.V.J. (1977) Mineral cycling in montane rain University of Wales, Bangor. forests in Jamaica. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cambridge. Mitchell, T.C. (1989) A study of the impact of an invasive tree Pittosporum undulatum on the bird diversity of the Tanner, E.V.J. (1977) Four montane rain forests of Blue Mountains of Jamaica. B.Sc. Thesis, University of Jamaica: A quantitative characterization of the floristics, Cambridge. the soils and the foliar mineral levels, and a discussion of the interrelations. J. Ecol. 65, 883-918. Morton, C.V. (1965) A new Jamaican Cyathea. Am. Fern J. 55, 30-32. Tanner, E.V.J. (1980) Litterfall in montane rain forest of Jamaica and its relation to climate. J. Ecol. 68, 833-848. Moser, M. (1968) Dermocybe and Cortinarius collections of R. W. G. Dennis from the Blue Mountains, Jamaica. Tanner, E.V.J. (1980) Studies on the biomass and Kew Bull. 22, 87-92. productivity in a series of montane rain forest in Jamaica. J. Ecol. 68, 573-588. Muchoney, D.M., Iremonger, S. & Wright, R. (1994) Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Jamaica. The Tanner, E.V.J. (1981) The decomposition of leaf litter in Nature Conservancy, Arlington. Jamaican montane rain forests. J. Ecol. 69, 263-275. Newton, A.C. & Healey, J.R. (1989) Establishment of Tanner, E.V.J. (1982) Species diversity and reproductive Clethra occidentalis on stems of the tree-fern Cyathea mechanisms in Jamaican trees. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 18, 263- pubescens in a Jamaican montane forest. J. trop. Ecol. 5, 278. 441-445. Tanner, E.V.J.
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