INIS-tnf—13210 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Workshop Report No. 58 - Supplement Second International Tsunami Workshop on the Technical Aspects of Tsunami Warning Systems, Tsunami Analysis, Preparedness, Observation and Instrumentation Novosibirsk, USSR, 4-5 August 1989 Submitted Papers UNESCO IOC Workshop Reports The Scientific Workshops of the Intergovemmental Oceanographic Commission ara sometimes jointly sponsored with other intergovernmental or non-governmental bodies. In most cases, IOC assumes responsibility for printing, and copies may be requested from: Intergovemmental Oceanographic Commission - UNESCO Place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris, France. No. Title Languagw No. Title Language* No. TMa> 1 CCOPIOC. 1974. Metalooenew. Hydro- E (out of stock) 21 Second IDOE Symposium on Turbulence in E. F. S. R 43 OC Workshop on to Rseute of MEDALPEX CeVtxms «nd Tfldonc Psttorns in Esstsrn Asia to Ocean. Liege, Belgium. 7-16 May 1979 and future Ooeajngraphic Pragranmes Report ol to IDOE Workshop on): Bangkok. 22 ThkdKXVWMO Workshop on Marine n ffeB WBHwn MwMinveMn E. F. S. R Thattnd. 24-29 September 1973 PoMion Mentoring. New Delhi. Venice. Daly. 23-25 October 1965 UNDP (CCOP). 136 pp. 11-15 February 1960. WCfFAO Workshop on Raouament in E(outofatook|. E (out of stock) 23 WESTPAC Workshop on the Marine Geology Tropical Coastal Demersal Communojet S 2 OCARIdithyoplanlow Workshop. E.R Mexico City. 16-27 Jury 1974 S(ouiofstock) and Geophysics of to North-west Paatc Ciided del Carmen. Campeche. (UNESCO Technical Paper in Marine Tokyo. 27-31 March I960. Memo. 21 -25 April 1986 24 WESTPAC Workshop on Coastal Transport IOC/FAO Workshop on Recnatmant in E Sciences. No. 20). E (out ol stock) 44 3 Report of to WC/GFCMflCSEM E. F, of PoUutants. Tokyo. 27-31 Marcfi i960 Suppf Tropical Coeatal Pemersal Curiamiiaaai ttMrnatontl Workshop on Marine S (out of stock) 25 Workshop on to Irawcalibresori of Sampling E (super- SulxnltK) Papevj. Cuded del Carmen, Pdkrton in to Medherranean, Procedures of to IOC/WM0 UNEP Pilot seded by (OC Campecnt. Menco. 21-25 Apr* 1»K Monte Carlo, 9-14 September t974. Prajeci on Monitoring Background Levels ol Technical 45 OCAW6E Workshop on Phyacal E 4 Report of to Workshop on to Phenomenon E (out of slock) SatoOed Pdutants in OpenOceen WtJers. Series No. 22) Oceanography and CKmaej known as 'El NMo". Gueyaqri. Ecuador. S (out of stock) Bermuda, 11-26 January I960. Cartagena. Colombia, 19-22 August 1916 4-12 December 1974. 26 IOC Workshop on Coastal Area Manage- E.S 46 Reunion doTratojo para OaaaBoao oaf S 5 COEhltemaBonal Workshop on Manre E(outofstock) ment in to Caribbean Region. Meiico City. Programs •Oenoia Oceenicaen flelacion Geology end Geophysics of to Caribbean S 24 September-5 October 1979. a Ice Racunot No mot en la Region Region and its Resources. Kingston. 27 COOP/SOPAC-IOC Second Internationa/ del MaMco SufsmMsnW, Palo AJeora. Jamaica. 17-22 February 1975. Workshop on Geology, Mineral Resources Brad. 7-11 doAbtidt 1H6 6 Report of to CCOP/SOPAC-IOC IDOE and Geophysics of to South Pacific. 47 OCSympoe«m on Me*e Science in to E Hernotonal Workshop on Geology. Mineral Noumea. New Cefadonit. 9-15 October 1960. Wesa^Pac*:ThsW«t>Par*cCon«afgence Resources and Geophysics of to South 26 FAO/IOC Workshop on to effects of environ- Toamvat. 1-6 Deosraber IN* Pacfc, Sun. Fji. 1-6 September 1975. mental variation on to survival of larval pelagic 46 OCAHBE Mni-Oimnieiiw tor Ha Reaiorial E.S 7 Rapcfl of to Sdeohfic Workshop to k*a» E.F.S.R fanes, Urna, 20 Ap*5 May 1960. Development of to MWJN (OETBI PaWWaQ for *i C(H)pAf AIM InvtsliQMon in tfw 29 WESTPAC Workshop on Marine bUogical PragrsTneon-OceanScmceinReejton North und Ccnknl WMMfn indHn Oown, riwandotogy. Tokyo. 9-14 February 1981 to NoMMng Resources (QSNLR)' orgentted wMn to IOOE under to tponsor- 30 Memeaonel Workshop on Marine E (out of Slock) Havana, Cuba, 4-7 DeceMker 1M6 ship of IOOFAO(IOFCKUNESCO)EAC. Poaueon in to Soutn-Wsst AJJanec S 49 AGU4COW*OCPre<>ei»i«jiCoresi«nee: E Nairobi. Kenya, 25 Marah-2 Aprs 1976. Montevideo. 10-14 November I960. AnlraamatbnalSympoeiumon-BNAi- t JbrtlOCtfAO(IFK:yU*Pln*m«eOTal EfouiofstDck) 31 Thrtkastneaonei Workshop on Marine E.F.S Guyequi, Ecuador. 27-31 October 1(66 Wortwiop on Msrint PoiuNon in Etst GeoscienoB. HaJdetjatg, 19-24 July 1962 50 CCAMLB^Sciaiem.Seiia«ron E Asian Waters, Peneng, 7-13 Apr! 1976. 32 IJNUntXVUNESTOWorlga^MlnBHralional E.F.S Anavdc Ocaen vMeMy nrj k Mem 9 oaCMG/SCOR Second mtemetioneJ E.F.S.R Cc-opersaon in to Dnatopmtnt of Marine on Marine LMng Reaomes. particularly Wortohop on Mmriv GeiQeKifnott, Science and to Transfer of Technology Kris (organaed in LUMJUIIUII —I SOW MswHue. 9-13 August 1976. in etw conttxtol VM NHVOCMD ftsjinw and SCOH) Pans. Fnjnoa. M Jan H67 10 CC/WMO Second Workshop on Marine E, F. Pmu, 27 Sarmnbm -10ctet* 1962 51 CCOfSOPAC4XWo**openCeassal E PoMon (Petoteum) Mentoring. Sfoulofstock) 32 FivnsubrniDMio^UNU/lOC/UNESCO Pnceaast in fa So* Pacfc taknd Netam. Monaco, 14-16 June 1976. R Suppf. Wortcshop on tribnuuott Cooptfibon Lae. Papua-New Gwnat. i-tOcWar HP 11 Report of to KXffACYlJCP International E.S(outof3lock) intw DovvJopflMfot of Mirint SQMOB Wonohopon Mtrim Potubon in etw and to Tome* of Technotogy in Motion in to EoHBtoriat Ufpar Ocean Caribbean and Aojacent Regions, Pon to Cornell of to New Ocean Regime of Spain. Trinidad, 13-17 December 1976. Peris. 27 September-1 October 1982 anltoAt*oeahe«l%ts.(-1OMay1MS 11 CslecMCDraytatta of invM lecturers E(outofatock),S 33 Wrjrtot»ponto«EP&jmponentolt« 53 IOC Workshops to s*ieio>CBlE«sctt E Svppl. end authors to to ICOFAOfUNEP IOC Programme on Ocean Sdance io o«A*iMt.O*ta.lf-a«atja«l1(M IrMmaawialWortshop on Marine AiMion in RsMon to LMng Resources (OSLR) 54 Workshop on See4e«elMaaswemsnai in E to Caribbean and Adjacent Regions, Port Men. 2&-30 Secasmber 1983 Hotaia Condkbna. BaMan, UK *3I Mejch KM of Spain. Trinidad. 13-17 Oaoember 1976. 34 lOCWorkiricponRegionelCtHoperaoon E.F.S 55 tXCAWorkshoponDatlSouaeaM E 12 P*ponoltolOCARIBEInloroacipirtary E.F.S inMifww Soicnos HI tw Conkit EMttm Conoiaaon. BoaMst. CotMBb. 16-19 July KM Wortahop on Sdenefic Pmgrammes in Support A«anec (Western A»iea) of Fisheries Projects. Fort-ds-France, " Tenerat 12-17 December 1963 MtriMque. 28 November-2 December 1977. 2*» Ja»y ifK 13 Report of to IOCARIBE Workshop on E,S BaeicGeo-scienliacMennsneseerrti IOCWoitotop(ine C Envncmental Geology of to Required tor Aeaaaamtnl of Mmrats and aitoStttVotfMTaietwIOuMilliiiiai CeObean Coastal Ana, Port of Span HydnxartunsiitoSoutiPeolic Temwajii. lejlri, 1$-17Nu<ir»t» 1O7 Trnoad. 16-16 January 1976. Suva. Fji. 3-7 October 1963 55 Irtjmeorial Workshop on to Tecfwce) <• «X*AOmaHM&\mnmiim E.F X lOC^AO Workshop on to Improved Aepectscl to Tswnan» Wai niw| System Womahop on Marine PcMon in to Gun Uses of new arch Veseats NiNoaUn*. USSR 4-S Atajuat KM « Gunet end Mao** Areas, AM|an. Uaten,»Mey-2June1M4 56 Sa«ridlrejrnotoiolW)jftawauonto *»y Coast. 2-9 May 1976. 36 Papers sabmejed to to IOC-FAO Siappi TKhnicjl MpaKeS ol TwRaVn WHIMQ naaonel Wortahop E (out of stock) Suppl WoMioponlnpniwrJUeta of Research Systems, Tsunaiw AmVoie. Puparediam. » Msnne PoUkm in to Souh-Eett Padac. Vaetek. Utbon, 28 Mey-2 June 19M Santa** Ch*. 6-10 November 1978. 37 CGUr«SCOWonWiop on Regional •*•"•» on to Western Pacfc. E.F.R CMperaacn in Marine Sdenct In to NovoeWrak. USSR. 4-5 Aue>aJiej» Teayo. it-JO February 1979. Cental Man Ocean and Adjacent Sets IDOUNEPReoionelWerttsheeielasHew E.RS E wd Guts. Colombo. (-13 July 1M5 36 lOCflOPMEAJNEPSympoaiunionFatetnd ntfMaWh, OaWeW Met AaMleMlBMt tfl Fkase of 01 PoMsnts ei to KwieJI Acton to «Mer Canwam San Jots, Caste Ma. Pan Region, Baton, Ho, 6-12 Janury 19(4 » to Joint nCWMO (0 axwoAahoptoOarmaXARK-TtWOERP E Workshop on to Uaas of SubmerstUt and flfnvWiy vpeMMo VtnclM if) Vw Soirih 12-16 September 1M( Ptctic Suva, fiji, 24-29 Saptember IMS Second IOC Workshat Oh to Mtlibti E(outofstodk),F, 40 IOC Workshop on to Tedrtcel Aspects of Stout of stock), R TeuneniArieJysei,Pred«*)nendCommuni- ZOcMaiKM oakms. Sidney, B.C.. Cane* SMI Jufy IMS toJkM E 40 IOC Wortttiop on to Technicel Aspects FAO«>^«mO4aCA4JNEPPnraaen Sutpl. c< Tsunami AneV»es,Predk*»i end E (out of stock), &»i»minica»ons. Mmmi Papers F.S.R.AI Sidney. B.C.. Canda. 29J1 JKy 1M5 Refen, Meat. QMM. 13-17 Jta KM 41 FWWon*hopofPeaWeen»lntoJoin!FAa byto nOVMOMEAAMEP Protect on MoMoUng *€8C0) of PoMon in to Marine Dtttomnt ol to in (ta iflfeBtnt Paxfc, fJMVjaili, lMojni. , feno Waal and Cateje) Akfcan Region (WACAF/2) SI OSkMr - 3 temaber KM iiJJ Oakar. Senegal. 2( October. 1 Nmmber 1M5 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Workshop Report No. 58 - Supplement Second International Tsunami Works UN: UNESCO 926 00DDlD7EDbfi Second International Tsunami Workshop on the Technical Aspects of Tsunami Warning Systems, Tsunami Analysis, Preparedness, Observation and Instrumentation Novosibirsk, USSR, 4-5 August 1989 Submitted Papers 16I1U 318000 UNESCO PREFACE The Second Workshop on the Technical Aspects of Tsunami Warning Systems, Tsunami Analysis, Preparedness, Observation, and Instrumentation, sponsored and convened by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), was held on 1-2 August 1989, in the modern and attractive research town of Academgorodok, which is located 20 km south from downtown Novosibirsk, the capital of Siberia, USSR. The USSR Academy of Sciences and the Computing Center of its Siberian Division, hosted the TSUNAMI 89 Conference and this Second International Tsunami Workshop. The First International Tsunami Workshop on the Technical Aspects of Tsunami Analyses, Prediction and Communications, was held in 1985 at the Institute of Ocean Sciences in Sidney, British Colombia, Canada.
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