Dutchess County Board of Elections Office of the Board of Elections 47 Cannon Street 845-486-2473 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Commissioners Marco Gaviglia Erik J Haight Deputy Commissioners Daniel Miller Erin Reverri General Election 11/6/2018 This document shall serve as the STATEMENT OF CANVASS of Dutchess County of Elections, in relation to the votes cast at the General Election held 11/6/2018. The Dutchess County Board of Elections, being custodian of election records, and after having met for the purpose of canvassing the votes cast at said election, DO HEREBY CERTIFY AND AMEND THE ATTACHED, AS A SUMMARY OF SAID VOTES. In Witness thereof, we have set our hands, and caused the seal of said Board of Elections to be affixed. ';) 0 Sworn this date, .Yec..6-u.t� 1 ? , 201 o Poughkeepsie, NY. Commi sioner Erik J Haight STATEMENT OF CANVASS Dutchess County Board of Elections 2018 General Election Official Results 11/6/2018 GOVERNOR/ LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR (Vote for 1) Ballots: 114199 Undervotes: 772 Overvotes: 76 Double Votes: 630 Andrew M. Cuomo/ Kathy C. Hochul (DEM, WOR, IND, WEP) 51188 DEM 48133 WOR 1534 IND 995 WEP 526 Marc Molinaro/ Julie Killian (REP, CON, REF) 59137 REP 50987 CON 7248 REF 902 Howie Hawkins/ Jia Lee (GRE) 1312 Stephanie A. Miner/ Michael J. Volpe (SAM) 453 Larry Sharpe/ Andrew C. Hollister (LBT) 1179 Write-in 82 Scatter 36 Void 16 Cynthia Nixon 30 Total 113351 General Election 2018 Certification 1 COMPTROLLER (Vote for 1) Ballots: 114199 Undervotes: 4123 Overvotes: 47 Double Votes: 116 Thomas P. DiNapoli (DEM, WOR, IND, WEP, REF) 61532 DEM 55992 WOR 2444 IND 2013 WEP 754 REF 329 Jonathan Trichter (REP, CON) 46844 REP 40152 CON 6692 Mark Dunlea (GRE) 943 Cruger E. Gallaudet (LBT) 696 Write-in 14 Scatter 8 Void 6 Total 110029 General Election 2018 Certification 2 ATTORNEY GENERAL (Vote for 1) Ballots: 114199 Undervotes: 4572 Overvotes: 47 Double Votes: 81 Letitia A. James (DEM, WOR, IND) 57206 DEM 53127 WOR 2331 IND 1748 Keith Wofford (REP, CON) 49526 REP 42607 CON 6919 Michael Sussman (GRE) 1468 Nancy B. Sliwa (REF) 474 Chistopher B. Garvey (LBT) 874 Write-in 32 Scatter 18 Void 5 Zephyr Teachout 9 Total 109580 General Election 2018 Certification 3 UNITED STATES SENATOR (Vote for 1) Ballots: 114429 Undervotes: 3371 Overvotes: 51 Double Votes: 192 Kirsten E. Gillibrand (DEM, WOR, IND, WEP) 63686 DEM 58184 WOR 2636 IND 1995 WEP 871 Chele Chiavacci Farley (REP, CON, REF) 47273 REP 40160 CON 6686 REF 427 Write-in 48 Scatter 35 Void 13 Total 111007 General Election 2018 Certification 4 STATE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE 9th Judicial District (Vote for 7) Ballots: 114182 Undervotes: 221381 Overvotes: 234 Double Votes: 3236 0 0 Hal B. Greenwald (DEM) 51323 Kathie E. Davidson (DEM, REP, CON, IND) 100344 DEM 51650 REP 39161 CON 7070 IND 2463 William J. Giacomo (DEM, IND) 53174 DEM 49990 IND 3184 David F. Everett (DEM) 49895 Barry E. Warhit (DEM) 55040 Joan B. Lefkowitz (DEM, IND} 58999 DEM 53962 IND 5037 Thomas P. Zugibe (DEM, CON, IND) 64528 DEM 50472 CON 10807 IND 3249 James F. Reitz (REP, CON) 48151 REP 40617 CON 7534 Phillip A. Grimaldi Jr. (REP, CON} 47018 REP 39694 CON 7324 Robert H. Freehill (REP, CON, IND, REF} 48759 REP 39319 CON 7177 IND 1892 REF 371 Write-in 547 Scatter 290 Void 257 Total 577778 General Election 2018 Certification 5 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS 18TH District (Vote for 1) Ballots: 64039 Undervotes: 2254 Overvotes: 29 Double Votes: 70 Sean Patrick Maloney (DEM, WOR, IND, WEP) 35827 DEM 33206 WOR 1202 IND 1031 WEP 388 James O'Donnell (REP, CON, REF) 25914 REP 21964 CON 3725 REF 225 Write-in 24 Scatter 16 Void 8 Total 61765 General Election 2018 Certification 6 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS 19th District (Vote for 1) Ballots: 50372 Undervotes: 1202 Overvotes: 17 Double Votes: 98 Antonio Delgado {DEM, WOR, WEP) 25529 DEM 24085 WOR 1021 WEP 423 John J. Faso {REP, CON, IND, REF) 22800 REP 19258 CON 3054 IND 402 REF 86 Steven Greenfield {GRE) 506 Diane Neal (FDN) 314 Write-in 13 Scatter 7 Void 6 Total 49162 General Election 2018 Certification 7 STATE SENATOR 40th District (Vote for 1) Ballots: 8768 Undervotes: 297 Overvotes: 4 Double Votes: 5 Peter B. Harckham (DEM, WOR, WEP) 3248 DEM 3103 WOR 93 WEP 52 Terrence P. Murphy (REP, CON, IND, REF) 5216 REP 4400 CON 637 IND 156 REF 23 Write-in 3 Scatter 1 Void 2 Total 8467 General Election 2018 Certification 8 STATE SENATOR 41st District (Vote for 1) Ballots: 105431 Undervotes: 2000 Overvotes: 51 Double Votes: 212 Karen S. Smythe (DEM, WOR, WEP) 51378 DEM 48671 WOR 1961 WEP 746 Susan J. Serino (REP, CON, IND, REF) 51973 REP 43515 CON 6628 IND 1501 REF 329 Write-in 29 Scatter 18 Void 11 Total 103380 MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY 103rd District (Vote for 1) Ballots: 9671 Undervotes: 2821 Overvotes: 0 Double Votes: 0 Kevin Cahill (DEM, WOR) 6832 DEM 6196 WOR 636 Write-in 18 Scatter 16 Void 2 Total 6850 General Election 2018 Certification 9 MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY 104th District (Vote for 1) Ballots: 13815 Undervotes: 993 Overvotes: 1 Double Votes: 3 Jonathan G. Jacobson (DEM) 9464 Scott M. Manley (REP, CON) 3347 REP 2851 CON 496 Write-in 10 Scatter 6 Void 4 Total 12821 MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY 105th District (Vote for 1) Ballots: 53930 Undervotes: 2538 Overvotes: 2 Double Votes: 37 Kieran Michael Lalor (REP, CON, IND, REF) 29493 REP 24657 CON 3927 IND 746 REF 163 Laurette Giardino (DEM, WOR, WEP) 21883 DEM 20837 WOR 700 WEP 346 Write-in 14 Scatter 10 Void 4 Total 51390 General Election 2018 Certification 10 MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY 106th District {Vote for 1) Ballots: 36783 Undervotes: 1186 Overvotes: 17 Double Votes: 35 William G. Truitt {REP, CON, WEP, REF) 16434 REP 13815 CON 2315 WEP 179 REF 125 Didi Barrett {DEM, WOR, IND) 19132 DEM 17818 WOR 731 IND 583 Write-in 14 Scatter 11 Void 3 Total 35580 General Election 2018 Certification 11 FAMILY COURT JUDGE (Vote for 1) Ballots: 114199 Undervotes: 5781 Overvotes: 31 Double Votes: 61 Karen Hagstrom (REP, CON, GRE, IND, WEP, REF) 53449 REP 43259 CON 6958 GRE 595 IND 1545 WEP 820 REF 272 JeffreyC. Martin (DEM, WOR) 54917 DEM 52434 WOR 2483 Write-in 21 Scatter 8 Void 13 Total 108387 General Election 2018 Certification 12 SURROGATE COURT JUDGE (Vote for 1) Ballots: 114199 Undervotes: 6007 Overvotes: 23 Double Votes: 54 Michael G. Hayes (REP, CON, GRE, IND, WEP, REF) 54597 REP 44535 CON 7091 GRE 541 IND 1538 WEP 631 REF 261 Thomas Mansfield (DEM, WOR) 53546 DEM 51297 WOR 2249 Write-in 26 Scatter 13 Void 13 Total 108169 General Election 2018 Certification 13 COUNTY LEGISLATOR DISTRICT 22 (UNEXPIRED TERM) (Vote for 1) Ballots: 4987 Undervotes: 171 Overvotes: 1 Double Votes: 7 Faye B. Garito (REP, CON, IND, REF) 2907 REP 2441 CON 376 IND 78 REF 12 Tara Langworthy (DEM, WOR, WEP) 1907 DEM 1799 WOR 74 WEP 34 Write-in 1 Scatter 1 Total 4815 BEEKMAN MEMBER OF TOWN BOARD (UNEXPIRED TERM) (Vote for 1) Ballots: 5213 Undervotes: 1382 Overvotes: 0 Double Votes: 2 Sharon A. Wohrman (REP, CON, IND) 3798 REP 2822 CON 470 IND 506 Write-in 33 Scatter 27 Void 6 Total 3831 General Election 2018 Certification 14 BEEKMAN TOWN TAX COLLECTOR (UNEXPIRED TERM) (Vote for 1) Ballots: 5213 Undervotes: 1371 Overvotes: 2 Double Votes: 0 Teresa Crispino (REP, CON, IND) 3785 REP 2795 CON 467 IND 523 Write-in 55 Scatter 17 Void 4 Jennifer Colucci 34 Total 3840 CLINTON TOWN TAX COLLECTOR (UNEXPIRED TERM) (Vote for 1) Ballots: 2074 Undervotes: 1387 Overvotes: 0 Double Votes: 0 Denise R. Biery (CN) 678 Write-in 9 Scatter 8 Void 1 Total 687 General Election 2018 Certification 15 EAST FISHKILL TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1) Ballots: 12317 Undervotes: 3350 Overvotes: 0 Double Votes: 5 Frederick D. Romig (REP, CON, IND, REF) 8898 REP 6764 CON 1124 IND 902 REF 108 Write-in 69 Scatter 43 Void 26 Total 8967 EAST FISHKILL MEMBER OF TOWN BOARD (UNEXPIRED TERM) (Vote for 1) Ballots: 12317 Undervotes: 608 Overvotes: 3 Double Votes: 3 Anil Beephan Jr (REP, CON, IND) 7127 REP 5931 CON 941 IND 255 Michael OBrien (DEM) 4573 Write-in 6 Scatter 5 Void 1 Total 11706 General Election 2018 Certification 16 LAGRANGE TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1) Ballots: 7237 Undervotes: 1809 Overvotes: 0 Double Votes: 3 Susan M. Sullivan-Bisceglia (REP, CON, IND, WEP, REF) 5379 REP 3809 CON 654 IND 453 WEP 414 REF 49 Write-in 49 Scatter 31 Void 14 Total 5428 PAWLING TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1} Ballots: 3555 Undervotes: 1144 Overvotes: 0 Double Votes: 1 Gayle K. Zelazny (REP, CON, IND) 2392 REP 1832 CON 230 IND 330 Write-in 19 Scatter 16 Void 3 Total 2411 General Election 2018 Certification 17 PAWLING MEMBER OF TOWN BOARD (UNEXPIRED TERM) (Vote for 1) Ballots: 3555 Undervotes: 76 Overvotes: 4 Double Votes: 8 Reid McGrath (REP, CON) 1781 REP 1559 CON 222 Coleen E. Snow (DEM, IND, WEP) 1692 DEM 1508 IND 139 WEP 45 Write-in 2 Scatter 2 Total 3475 PINE PLAINS TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1) Ballots: 1095 Undervotes: 31 Overvotes: 0 Double Votes: 0 Peter C. Salerno (DEM) 517 Ibis Guzman (REP) 547 Write-in 0 0 Total 1064 General Election 2018 Certification 18 PINE PLAINS TOWN ASSESSOR (UNEXPIRED TERM) (Vote for 1) Ballots: 1095 Undervotes: 425 Overvotes: 0 Double Votes: 0 Lynda A. Ball (DEM) 668 Write-in 2 Scatter 1 Void 1 Total 670 PLEASANT VALLEY TOWN CLERK (UNEXPIRED TERM) (Vote for 1) Ballots: 4255 Undervotes: 167 Overvotes: 2 Double Votes: 1 Mary Beth Muir (REP, CON) 2406 REP 2050 CON 356 Noelle Rivera (DEM) 1678 Write-in 2 Scatter 2 Total 4086 General Election 2018 Certification 19 STANFORD TOWN JUSTICE (Vote for 1) Ballots: 1694 Undervotes: 475 Overvotes: 0 Double Votes: 0 Frank T.
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