> AAM chbarter nec;ar— B l ' Festiv)alofTreilespreviei — Cl i i i -4 - Indfa'CappB'otJaranw . ■ _______________ Jto JW ilJ ^ M u n t o o lon’tfgi^get: — montonly 2 daya using y na^aWsClassllIedsr t e l ^pJayfeiSagame —-■Pl wM1;.733H1^"*<0WI : to perforr [taH-iii'l ■ I@ i , 3 5 0 5 9 0 2 3 5 0 KALVAR CORP _3J.22_.S..3RD E 1 . 0 0 4 SALT_s LAt^E , C.ITY .--UT-^34115 . Sunday, Novemember 29,1087 ' 02n d yiyear, No. 333 Twin Falls, Idaho10 ^ipires^rerffffl ’^ 1 te m p i»ers fli[are ; i . ■ j By JOSEPHS. FRAZIERI ‘ • with.” - The Aasociatcd Press The segregjegation building for- ine^y was useised to house inmates - V ATLANTATwo ,ncnew fires heldBolitary . confipem ent, broke out Saturday in thcthe federal St^«t5aid.1. FirefightorsF were bat- f • - i-.'- prison held by Cuban inmam ates, and tling th e b lase z e from : a position away one refugee told fellow Inmatosinn he from the buildiIding bccauso it was in w as ready to kill-som b1 of the 94 . on area underjrCubonscontrol^ { ■ hostages. Later, a spokcsitcsm an for Stowart lateater reported a second theTTIIKatcs said they w ere•.re read y to fire in th e cdtiidlication building, near . V'*' die before droppmg-their•ir demand the prison facuictory th o t b u rn ed w hen _-libtfreodom.-------------------— ^ the Cubans“revolted n Mondoy_.,.He. 3 . U.S. Justice Departmentent spokes- gaid firefighterters probobly.would not, . man Thomas Stewart satds; th e able to pouru r w ater on t h a t fire bc- : blazes erupted Saturdayly ni ig h t in cause it w a sI tooto far inside the comv the prison segregation bulkuildmB im d p , „ 1,5 renc•achcB from o u tsid e th ir in th e complex’s education)n tbuilding. _____' Firefighters were hamperetered by tho , \ Tact th a t th e b urning• -biiildingB-b Federal ^iciolsofl hod shut off w ere inaccesable from th[C e area a s not w ater to thJ e prisonp Friday and said controlled, by the Cubans,s. vwho took there w ould[ bebl no food sh ip m e n ts to inmatos. Food supplies over the prison Monday. the rioting in - “Am ong the in m ates ththere are within the prijm son, how ever, could al- lates to hold out forrsev- people who want to destrojtroy th e ert- low th e in m a t tire prison'," he said. "Thaihat’s one of- eral weeks. AtAuthorities reported no the many factions we're■re d caline Progress in ncnegotiations. 160 feaared dei>ad in oceaan jet cirash B y DAVID CRARY m iles c a s t of Madagascar, a much •' The Associated Press larger- islanand east of southern Africa. : JO H A N N ESB U R G .'SouSouth Africa The cockpicpit crew last contactcd ” • A South A frican A irwways aj Boeing the ^ u n d1 1l 0 minutos’before the y ^ jum bo je t carrying 16(160 people 'scheduled larlanding, whon they told ‘^^SS-• bBSKBSBm i-^ntTollers—about—an— -r -th e—Indian—a»p—trafne-r< Feltmancif} the«honO K o t t h e itontjiPohoUW yRcfth«) Ocean near Mauritius alte:ifter its cri/w em erg en c/. to».boa£J^BJ(uire«LF( reported smoke in thc3 acabin and Thc planele “reported that it was ,v,- cockpit. All aboord werwere feared doing an emsmergrincy descent from >*< dead. its flight levcevel down to 14.000 feet riake Giqityon^. had smoke in the cabin, reaksleegm/Sr Tho jetliner crashcd•d in early because it ha B dybf m orning d arkness m inute:itc s before i t - sm o k e -in -ththe-cockpit.”-Maurit»u» -r--------- -— ..-n...,. was to land at Mauritiuss fofor a refuel* controller SetServan Sing told The As-- in^c& fl^tt?w ek8--lU'-W wr.re^wnB ^80-lte caat^ h is ab tiio r.said . A ga'shifshin his head alM rei « canyp ing stop cn route fromn 1Taiwan to sociated Prcsi iTinieJ-ffewswriter . •' & was iihlrijured li^^li^-went for help.: - , He sa id theth jot was cleared to quired ^sp^n'stit^es.fahe'be's'aid,. but . J a ils ' .:\8iii .Johannesburn. jsileaam aig ean d vyas • a f : pfebably: saved - 'Jamn ^ ^' ’-:liC&^»bicaiiw .. „„„ begin an insinstrum en^ lan d in g sys- .•.•v '-T W .i^F A L L S ^ 'A n 11-:l-ycat-bld.bby climbmg -rigright a m lu£fei»d only tlsailt Another South African jsp w ^ e d //- t;.• . /there’re’a' Ke :c6uJS have?si;rer^t^.:.'O!ft>0f;, can Airways nppi-oach Saturday bOTcatti .the rimm o f Sn ak e R iv^t.C an-.' notnotbrokenVafl had been susp- p lane s e n t to tak e rescue c as serioud t>ecfim^..qf!’ .thert,i^.^irfevfl'Feltmai^ifliid;, ^ ; ; ‘Roger.’ It w as going, • yon, broke hia le^an'd gashsh e d h is h'ead w hen he; I, SShe aaid. he was listed as i the'island radioed that p6s8ible';iritemBl in]uriesI ^that wouliin't JaHb'W'^v';^ffing'Uares&Ffiltman-lay vrit r s that, going to that point, , slipMdj and fell 40 feet off;![f^a ledge.'.’ '“'.pw biisieet-rMds.-the' . ..bhe'.'o:' of Fall? JCouii^i! husi w as spotted about 13.Q.JI that we had no-contact, ■ '‘‘JomSs son bfjf Jeny.and.Trevflf of upup'briX-j^fl. ■ ■ y . Mauritius. An empty life i • soii.w ent C h ris tm a s . .rocky;cy-tBi$^aln'where ha fell pro>prby^-^^g tlU' : i038TIpop8,feU^h;oi^:at!aftor'ridoh while clira^.. Trevft!1 F tltiftan sa id h e r so itnojiignor Mali wjth his-friend count0 ^ . 8 h o s t iriecMseihle cireu.eaa.> ;• ■-'.• J' •>; • -suitcase were seen, but i as no immediate indica- • • ing'j vrfth a ; frl<md'iffidea eraeaU i^'th e, Perrine shoppingeh( i t M ap b'V alley Ml had been.-. • ahopping r-.-Ri^ e | e H . wbrkea"for hbiireBtb^jpioi^de.nieai*' "to ' survivors. tion w h a t cauroused the sm oke. ]Bridge'. H e ' w a i'lijf c d ••in i serious cohditipn. Isaac.Im D ahir:ll./ She had - cal atattention, climbing d o ^X 'tt th e CMyoA.AwUl The paBscngers camcme from 11 S earch boojoats were on thoir way -' Soturday 1 night at Magic: ValleyV Regional Medi- oisewnere.els ■ ., 'vAftet the boys finishedshojhopping, their curios- j:ond1 liIbWeHh^'additionol supplieplica by Tope from ■ countries. No Americanaans were re- through heavsavy swells to the site of cal.Qenter,:, - ity brought the children toto'the t nearby canyon 'Perriiriije Bridge. Thbn a half dowdozen inenistUTiGd ’ - _• ported oboard. • _ the' wreck. OfTicials sa id planes '^•‘It appears .that th is littittle bby. is the luckiest ity ‘ail- le a d in g - in to - itr —the-b< “ > T he arrliner was oni’a~rbgulflrly~would a' rejoinin thi e scarch a t-d n y b rc a k - ■ boy. alive.” T rcva'foltm afilOafd'^taydarnlBhtr-Trti where-they-fimnd-ftrtrail- jiUt gone down to in- ' ihg ambulanco-i dovmstreainin ___^hear ; Canyon : ^IscheduledK flight fromI TTaipei and Sunday, tryiryingtopickupthesi^al "after het son iinderwcnt; sBtirgery. “And it Iwks - FeFelttaari said .''T h ey h a d Ju s box-containing_thcvjcl’.fl____| Y,efltigtttg.a»y rocks,: sh e said fags Golf Cburee. ^ . V. -Iwas due to land at MaiMauritius for from-^o-bo; ^ike■hfr«atnfr^)U^fa^r:^nsnscathed ” --------:— !— Ml gath‘cY«d"TO*:bDth--------------- • ;; refueling at 4:13 a.m. beforebef< resum - flight d a ta rC'records, Doctors p u t a p in in Ja■ames* i rig h t thigh bone ■ ■i• She learned that her son way and th e n aiiother , . ' > S c e R E S C U E ;o n PP a ageA i S . 'M n g its night, ofilcialB said.sa Mauri- The planele carried< 141 passengers to, help h eal th e broken legIe and ho will remain , feefeet to U lo d g e l^ a t gay?^ waj Utius is an island chainin about 500 and 19 crew.’w: ' '^'1;^ Witness recountsts brutalify ^.^DramaTi^ “Scent<~6fm6n leyspUt . JPolice <chief vcOWS I centra'4 ilimmigrcation ptaperfrcaud to^ hunttmurdeerers m ore asIS the deadlines for applicatiiation to the Legaliza* ■■ incase'SS By PAT'MARCANTONIO M cre aito by armedled police, “Wc want ■■.'...■..tion .anim d -■ Special- AgriculturaL-\L-WorkerPrograms - ByiyJOHNEDLIN J ONIO - • 7Vmc«-NciVcws writer G oyigusu nt all11 cocosta. We wont hia : r.B yPA TM A R C A N TO N approac!ach. Therhe Associated Presn head." Times'News writer generaMegalization, oponn tto those who have TWINI^ FALLS - People out to maimake easy money : For g< - Tho . G ayigusii ('‘grimgrinding the bush" in d continuously in tho U .Sl.aince .a before J a n . 1 HARARE.H Zimbabwe — e United ■ hn™ alreIready caught the smell of 1blood when it resided n Satur- the local MfttaIfttabele language), ■ ■ BOISE - The tho deadlhio is May 198,988. For the SAW ’natiiation’s top police official on ! to illegal aliens seeking heljtielp’ to apply for 1982, tl here 16 whose real nameme Iis M organ Sango,_____ ■ ■ States of America ,vorverBua E»- “ “'s *» _____ Progran ^ ille g a l^ ie n s whwho have worked in _daylay,Jnspec.tc,d_thc_fnrmB_\vh.c itlgn,___ ________________i . ___ IS rebel lendw^^u- — -I- —tela-Renfro-and-Irmam a -G irz a — ____ Icgflhzfltli can agriculture Tor aTleas!ast“0O"aays during whitewhi missionarica and chchildren is'n notorious i well attom eyC amilo Lopezz ataays.'“Eveiyone America m urder-__thoritiea blume.for;.for_many_ofthe_hun-__ .
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