CHAOS brings ministry 'Pride and Prejudice' Amy Carroll brings in The Jane Austen classic will puppet ministry on be hosted by the Junior Saturday for 16 children. class at the end of March. CAMPUS LIFE I 7 10 I A&E MARCH 12, 2008 VOLUME 62, ISSUE 16 “Unite the pair so long disjoined, knowledge and vital piety.” Northwest Nazarene University -Charles Wesley Women’s Review: ‘South Pacific’ basketball New president elect pleases NNU audiences headed by CALLY BEKKEDAHL nurse Nellie Forbush to NCAA (Kendra Hughes) and a “South Pacific” was an French planter, Emile de regionals incredible effort by N NU’s Bacque (Matt Johnson). music department. The The story is set in the Solo­ Crusaders will hard work put into this mon Islands in the midst face second seeded production was evident on of World War II. Through Chico State Friday nighr. this, we meet a zany bunch The musical follows the love story between Army SEE “HUGHES” PG. 10 by DEREK DE ROOY The Crusaders earned a trip to the Women s Division II Regional Tournament on Saturday night, as they beat the Western Oregon Univer­ sity Wolves by a score of 63- 58. Posts Jenn Williams and Almost the whole cast joined in for the musical number "Honey Bun" (photo by Robin McConkey). Kristin Hein paced the team in the win. Williams scored a game- high 16 points, as she shot Middle East Affairs Club 8-of-15 from the field on Dr. David Alexander addressed the student body at chapel on Monday. Alexander will will host WNL tonight the night. Hein added 14 be replacing Dr. Hagood when he retires in August (photo by Robin McConkey). points an impressive 15 re­ bounds, including 5 on the The evening will include ‘Aladdin and live offensive end, and 5 assists. Dr. David Alexander plans to continue theanimals to bring awareness about the area Hein’s effort on the glass helped the Crusaders to a rich traditions of NNU during his presidencyby AMBER FORD complete with live animals 39-29 rebounding advan­ and amazing opportunities tage. Point guard Mallory by IAN BAUDER Board ofTrustees. education from the Univer­ Have you ever wondered to experience Middle East­ Whipple added 9 points and Alexander is currently the sity of Illinois, five years as how large a camel is? Or ern culture. 5 assists in the game, and Dr. David Alexander vice president of university a member of NNU’s music have you ever wanted to So far, the night’s events only allowed 1 turnover in was announced as N N U ’s advancement at Southern department faculty and eat goat? The Middle East will include food and drinks 35 minutes. twelve president at a press Nazarene University in chairing the music depart­ Affairs Club will hold a from different countries in Wolf Vanessa Wyffels conference Monday morn­ Bethany, Okla. His edu­ ment at SNU. Middle Eastern cultural the region, watching the ing, after a three day voting cational background in­ night tonight at Wednes­ SEE “REGIONALS” PG. 8 process conducted by the cludes a doctorate in music SEE “ALEXANDER” PG. 6 day Night Live in the Perk SEE “MEAC’PG. 7 Index Weather SATURDAY NNU News Briefs Slight chance of snow. News 2 From the National Weather Service Opinion 4 Hi; 47“ I Low: 30“ Peer Health Educators healthy choices over the March 5 edition of “The Campus Life 6 will hold annual ‘Spring they should make during Crusader,” was in fact a re­ Sports 8 THURSDAY SUNDAY Fling’today Spring Break, complete view of the event and not a A&E 10 Chance of showers. 20% chance of snow. The PHEs will be in the with prizes! news story. “The Crusader” Humor 12 H i:5 r 1 Low; 32 Hi: 48“ I Low; 30“ Student Center today from apologizes for any confu­ 11 to 2 to bring awareness From the Editor’s desk sion this may have caused Quote of the week for their annual “Spring “Saturday’s Mr. NNU pag-^ because it was not indicat­ FRIDAY MONDAY "In three words 1 can Fling.” This event will be eant bittersweet for Wheat- ed that it was a review in sum up everything I've Slight chance of showers. Partly sunny. giving students the op­ ley,” an article appearing the in headline. learned about life: it goes Hi: 4'}'' I I.ow: 31 lii:3i/' I Low; 31“ portunity to learn about the Campus Life section of 2 NEWS MARCH 12, 2008 New bills presented STDs more prevalent in American for the state legislature teens than ever before byALLI SCHISLER was introduced to the Sen­ ate on Friday March 7. It by ASSOCIATED PRESS nationwide, researchers chlamydia, which affected Fenton said given the dan­ According to Simon Si- passed the House 61-8. with the U.S. Centers for 4 percent; trichomoniasis, gers of some STDs, "screen­ frin, of the Associated Press, If the bill is passed it At least one in four teen­ Disease Control and Pre­ 2.5 percent; and genital ing, vaccination and other the Idaho legislature vetoed would increase the credit by age American girls has a vention found. They re­ herpes, 2 percent. prevention strategies for a bill on Friday March 7 $50 for the poorest Idaho­ sexually transmitted dis­ leased the results Tuesday Dr. John Douglas, direc­ sexually active women are that would hold employers ans and by $ 10 for everyone ease, suggests a first-of- at an STD prevention con­ tor of the CDC's division among our highest public who hire illegal immigrants else in the first year. The its-kind federal study that ference in Chicago. of STD prevention, said health priorities." responsible. rebates would rise by $10 startled some adolescent "Those numbers are the results are the first to Douglas said screening The bill, which went be­ per year u n .^ everyone gets health experts. certainly alarming," said examine the combined na­ tests are underused in part fore the House State Affairs a $100 rebate', said Druzin. Some doctors said the sex education expert Nora tional prevalence of com­ because many teens don't Committee, was unani­ By 2016, the Bill would cost numbers might be a reflec­ Gelperin, who works with mon sexually transmitted think they're at risk, but mously rejected, with rep­ Idaho $ 122 when all Idaho­ tion of both abstinence- a teen-written Web site diseases among adolescent also, some doctors mistak­ resentatives citing concerns ans receive their maximum only sex education and called sexetc.org. She said girls. He said the data, now enly think: "Sexually trans­ about unfair complaints refund. teens' own sense of invul- they reflect "the sad state a few years old, likely reflect mitted diseases don't hap­ nerabilty. Because some of sex education in our current prevalence rates. pen to the kinds of patients n sexually transmitted infec­ country." Disease rates were signif­ I see. tions can cause infertil­ "Sexuality is still a very icantly higher among black Teens need to hear the ity and cancer, U.S. health taboo subject in our soci­ girls — nearly half had at dual message that STDs officials called for better ety," she said. "Teens tell least one STD, versus 20 can be prevented by ab­ screening, vaccination and us that they can't make percent among both whites stinence and condoms, prevention. decisions in the dark and and Mexican-Americans. said Dr. Ellen Kruger, an Only about half of the that adults aren't properly HPV, the cancer-causing obstetrician-gynecologist girls in the study acknowl­ preparing them to make virus, can also cause geni­ at Ochsner Medical Center edged having sex. Some responsible decisions." tal warts but often has no in New Orleans. teens define sex as only Cecile Richards, presi­ symptoms. A vaccine tar­ "You've got to hammer Boise Capital Building (photo courtesy of Wikicommons). intercourse, yet other types dent of Planned Parent­ geting several HPV strains at them," with appropriate from business competitors Otter is semi-supportive of intimate behavior in­ hood Federation of Amer­ recently became available, information at each stage and the ramifications of of this bill, more than some cluding oral sex can spread ica, said the study shows but Douglas said it prob­ of teen development to such a measure on the Ida­ of legislators. Hart, along some diseases. that "the national policy of ably hasn't yet had much make sure it sinks in, she ho economy, said Sifrin. with others, believes Idaho Among those who ad­ promoting abstinence-only impact on HPV prevalence said. Rep. Phil Hart, R-Athol, should simply cancel tax mitted having sex, the rate programs is a $1.5 billion rates in teen girls. She said there are a lot “It’s a problem not being on groceries, and giving was even more disturb­ failure, and teenage girls The CDC recommends of myths out there, too dealt with in the way it Idahoans tax breaks at the ing — 40 percent had an are paying the real price." the three-dose HPV vac­ — many sexually active should be,” one of the bill’s register. STD. Similar claims were cine for girls ages 11-12 teens think the withdrawal supporters. “If (the employ­ Hart said he saw a re­ "This is pretty shock­ made last year when the and catch-up shots for ages method will protect them, er) can show that he did port from New Orleans ing," said Dr. Elizabeth government announced 13-26. or that douching with make a good faith effort, that showed some residents Alderman, an adolescent the teen birth rate rose be­ Chlamydia, which often Coca-Cola will kill STD there would be no penalty.” using money from relief medicine specialist at tween 2005 and 2006, the has no symptoms but can germs.
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