.salnuP eqllE seqolqtr,lr s3^u?l p?drqs-tuacserc str ,{q ,{lledrcuudxelduroc Dllalilqqns O eqt \uo4 paqsrnBurtsrpsr sarJedspaleleJ ,{luElsrp srqJ uqe'I rrlllqdltls oJasole't epunssnoreclnl raqlo ouo {luo uo punol ere sacuecserogurpele,rog-d\olle1 DJoolu e aqolp"JcprsuoJsr cAqBIaJ lsasop slr asncraqxalduot o aulqq s c eqlJorequcurt sesorJrlEnb tl'tlqeq ql,roJSlcera uc seqeJeq poquJsop sor)cds,!\cu trq8no$ua^A urJoJaJrT SurqurlJ ro xu1u 3ur,luqw DlDBrZ txls Jo sJequr?urJaqlo uro4 xalduol D aulqqns asoro egt qsrnSurlsrpleql seJuacsaJollurpate,rol]-,rolle^ aql ,{l0tdrcuudsr ll 'selndDS lo l.ltl puu'sc^s?lclellcd 'sroqn 1.1oclucsard eql ,(qpezuelJrrrqc sr qtrq,\\ 'uontcs srql ur pcznrSocat,nou e.tr saroedsqns g put 's,\\opuns serredsgZ Jo lrrol V (t6 :8t8 | uoqJurld)uoqcueld (Je) ulnlalo|.tg ltcs JtnlrlsuoJtvqt 'dnoJ8 s^norcqntse u,roul .raSrrJl1 Jo urd nuol put t:]rlvJtsnvuialse/& lo 1s0,1\-rllt]osoql ol JrurcpuJ 'xeldutox alo sorJcdsJ^rJ ci^cq1 pc,ncr,nersr q pU1!qnr Dtalo..i Crcql sc cjeqolpe.r:a;e.lsorcods pclt1c: '(euoJuresorC) ,{1cso1c;no1 eq1 3u rpulcur l?.ras(r.rg1e scrmds paje,\\ol-I ,rollo{ c^rJ.;o,{(rouoxu eq1 u0!lJnpoJtuI 'popr,lord sr sclrcdspc.rcmo11-,,,ro1 1a{ 'xoldrLror c^r.lIlr? ol ,(J) 1]JJo.lcrJqt pur dnor8tnql.;o s.roqLucrlr rltr,\\ p?snluoJ oq LttxDr.tl1LldTt 67 ,c^rlulcl Dllautqqnst)Laso.r0 cqt ol pctr?lol^ lcsolJlou qSnoqtlV utlo-l ?/srrll 6 pc.rcmog,lurd oqt tsosolJslr uroJ.l lJullsrp sr croqpclrlsurcJ sr tlt[1,4\ '! urqc'l D)lnqdlilsDJ)to.r0 sr sJi,^\oll ,rollc,{ a^l]tl ot sorrcdssnorcqnl rcqlo ,{luocql xoldruoJ,//rJr iLlqn'- Drai-ol(l "\ll suJJcrl ot pc.llclcl,{1crr1ca11oc o.tuptru pc1u1c:,(lcsofo c.r: :^croods- rlo-l cscq.Lpctutsuroisr qrrq,\\'uorlcultld /rt1)t.t1u| Qpu\".'^ou l! "t\eu cu,l\ol rrrt?r2trz(l quto) ctJ,i'o'l (slcrc) t)toout o'uoqtulld Dlpt.tryqnsDJ)soto',sat:,ads csoqlloJnojlol polrfosordcrr suorlrrlsnllrpur suortdl.rJsoOUoqourld(JC) trtnta1n,ltg1:tcsoLatruq ur tuolaq llr ,{cq1 erlc:1"-nyL[el:^o/^A tsc^\-q]nos ur orntopuaolu srJ,\\og,no11o,( q1r,r (auoJrrosolc) .lrrlu.rlsltV r)../ar./../(lJo scrcods^ snoroqnt a^tC (6661)l,g-gr:(l)Clrlr.iiir?N ulclso/(\15-c^\-qtnos oroJJ .v .eu,\\o-I (cf,af,tJasorc) //..ir.!..)./oJ o sotcads- snolaqnl porc,rog ,ro11e,{cql Jo ^\ar^oJ Jr LuouoxEl v lf,Brlsqv 'Brrr.t|nd '$ntd ta09 rr|rlsnV urilsa/^!\ uu.tD 9 eu,{\o-lucllv ellBrlsnv urafsaM fsJA\-qlnostuo4 (aeJrBJasor0) uaso.to lo serJadssnoJaqnt peJearou-,{rollo,{aql Jo ^rer^a.IJlruouoxEl v (666r)/89/:(r)€r,rir,(,N '76 Nuttsia Yo1. 13, No. I (1999) Drosera sulphurea was synonymizedur'det D. neesii l-,ehm.by Marchantet al. (1982),but is here reinstatedas a distinct species.Since it may be mistaken(because it hasyellow flowers) as a member of the D. subhifiell4 complex, D. sulphurea is included in the key, but it is not descdbedin full. Taxonomy Key to the yellow-lloweredtuberousDrrsera species 1 Leaflamina crescent-shaped, with lobesat theangles ............D,sulphurea L Leaflamina broadly obovate, reniform or orbicularon mostleaves, withoutlobes .................................2 2 Plantserect. Leaves solitary......... .............D.zigzagia 2. Plantslax (oftenleaning on nearbyherbs for support)or climbing. Leavesin groupsof 3 ormore.............,, ............,,,,,,,.,.3 3 SepalsgIabrous................. .........................D.moorei 3. Sepals91andu1ar............... ........................................4 4 All plantparts (excluding the sepals) gIabrous................. ...D.intricata 4. All plantparts (excluding the lowermost section of stem,stamens, stylesand petals) glandular.... ...........D'subhirtella Reinstatementof Dros era sulp hure a Droserasulphurea is restdctedto theDenmark-Albany region in coastalregions of south-west WestemAustralia. Its closest relative, D. ,?eesii,also occurs in thisregion but has a much greater range extendingeast to Cape Arid andnorth to Kalbarri.Specimens ofD.neesii occuning intheHill River- Mingenew-Kalbariregion areknown as subsp.roredlis N.G. Marchant.Otherthan having awhite tuber,D. neesiisubsp. borealis barely differs from D. neesii subsp. neesli. While the status ofD. neerii subsp.borealls requires further study, D. sulphureashows so many morphological differences from D. neesiilhat it is undoubtedlya distinctspecies. Droserasulphureahas a yellowor yellow-blushedpink tuber,stems 40-60 cm tall, yellow petals, sparselyglandular ovary, yellowish green styles c. 4.5 mm long,each divided into manybranching filiform segmentswith theapex ofeach segmentfurtherdivided into 3 shortsegments, and yellowish- greenstigmas terminating the ultimate segments. In contmst,D. neesiihas a darkmaroon or white tuber,stems 15-40 cm tall, pink petals,glabrous ovary, white styles c. 2 mm long,each divided into anumberofbranchingterete segments, andreddish-pink stigmas forming a slightly swollen emarginate projectionat the apexof eachsegment. The Drosera subhirtel/c complex Eachof thespecies belonging to theDrosera subhirtella complex can be identifiedby its unique seedmorphology. There are also significant differences within thegroup in themorphology of their vegetativeand floral organs.Many of thedistinguishing characters of the four speciesare given in Tablel. 'Jnd{la'pa op-Icelq flaug'uaeJ8uap:rca spdas 'snorqq8'a1u1urce1 ,{ljpln8eq xadepuE sulSreru '3uo1urur 'pe g-g 7'eleloeouel op-{celq'uaa.r3uaplo8seloels€rq:snoJq€I8'8uolturu8I-,sla.pad 'Ieulru]ol'alslntru€d :peJe,{'oU-ZI-€ ?ruacsaloLful's(roJqelSecepns prxeqz lSuol urur 9 g-g'1 spuqE 'sJaqlo Surqcl?J-lresull€urgJelu :epr^\ LIxu] Z-Z'I'3uo1 urru g Z-l uo xed?el?cunJl III^\ Jslntlqlo 'e1e1led '?uo1ul[u pu€rruoJluer tnq so^ueltsour uo ele^oqo,{puo:q oulwaT zl-s alopede q}P\ '(luasejd se^?alleJslpl eql'8uol ulur 0€-0I alotedu q1r.,*;eelp4uec aqt srredp:e1z11uuogppe q1y'r 'Euoyvtc 'punoJ8.,'\oleq seruqeruos)g;o sdnoJ8el?ujellu ur sa,vzI g*g I uololspcnre^:'ur€Ip uruJ S " 'asoqol?'aryt sq€aqs,&ed?d lc?lq ul pere^oc JaqnJ slrxeJ€al aqt ruorJ pecnpoJd (sloor raddo.lp) '3uo1 'SurquJlt suololsSurrnpord-raqn1 qlrn tuc A7-97,{1pnsn sueruloads Sulre,rog Jo ruols eql Jo 'saruoloc 'xel'qtaq Suqqruercs ul punoJueq.r pelSu?l uego lmuuand snorquy8uau8 uaploEy '():u,{s) ' '['u,rlertsny {ooH qraql.ll L'llor p\tzpuouwue uJetsoi[lsa,{r-tDnos otsz'd'd :adKJ'(89t:t98l tu?qlue8.)'Wuegsuacsa^Db['re^ lrsalzuauoDsuQ '(\ 'qroq 'l 'llo) :oloLl')IooH ur pul puowwwo'l 'ell€rlsnv urolselAlse,r-qlnos :adtl (€62 :8t8luoqcu?ld)uoqcu?ld elBJlrlu! eJosorc urur€ l-l l uru 9 €-s z rurus l-z l uwz'z-s'l qfuol poos u[u z I-l urur9 g-€ ruru€-z ujru 9 €-€ qfuol ol.tls ruu 9-9 ruruzI-9 8 uru'I0I-9'9 ultrsll-8 qfual lBlad snoJq?[E relnpuEIE snoJqEIE J€INPU?IE aluAoqo 'als^o ,{l^\orr€u 'Jndrllo 'clldIIIe slBdos snoJq€13 snorqslS 'x6d8 'JI€rt lu :e1npuu1E IPlsrp snoJq€[E elEIupEl 'alEIuIcel ur alururcEl 'aleIuI3?[ saloelrsJq slarlpad T snoJqslE l3lnpu?l3 snorqelS snorqEIS saloJlad'suels el€^oqo ,4lpuorq JUInJ!qro rruoJruaJ olE^oqo ,{Dsour fllsour fllsour ,{peo;q ,{psoru BuFuBl ,{J?lrlos s,€ur ^nsou s,eur flsoru s,€ ur ,(llsoru IrsJe xBl xBl XBI m3oz3r2'e Dnauryqns'Q laJoow'Q DrDtwu!'Q 'xeldvtoc '1 o11auryqnsC' eqt u sarcadseq1 ;o uosueduoc poJSoloqdroyq e1qe1 'e!rmo-l D.tasoJ(j lo salcads snoraqnl pajemou-^1olle,{ Jo .^{euar J(uouoxel V V Nuttsia Yol. 13, No. I (1999) 3.5-5 mm long, 1.5-3 mm wide, margins and apex irregularly laciniate, laciniae c. 1.5mm long andtipped with a minuteapical gland; abaxial surface covered with stalkedglands c.0.3 mmlong. Petals yellow,obovate, 8-11.5 mrnlong,5.5-7 mmwide, apex slightlycrenate. Stamens 51 mm long, f,ilamentswhite, anthersand pollen yellow. Ovary green,ellipsoid, 1.5-1.6mm long,1-1.5 mrndiam. at anthesis; carpels 3, glabrous.S4rles 3, goldengreen, 3-3.5 mm long,each branched into manyfiliform segments,each segment divided near apex into a numberof shortsegments, each terminated by a simplestigma. Capsule obovoid, c. 3 mm long,c. 4 mrndiam. Seeds black, naillike, 1.5-2.2 mm long; base obovoid, concave,0.5-0.6 mm diam.; shaft c. 0.25mrn diam. tapering towards the apex,slightly falcate, longitudinally winged on oneside and apex,c.0.15 mm wide. (Figure1) Otherspecimens emzrilard WESTERNAUSTRALIA: Wamballup Nature Reserve, 23 km NW of MountBarker,22Sep.1993,A.R. Annels 3773 (PERTH); Near Katanning,56 km S of Wagin,27Sep. 1933,W.E. Blackall 3121(PERTH); c. 9 miles [14.4km] E of Cranbrookalong road to Borden, l0Sep.1974,L.DeBahr 3560 (PERTH);c. 5 miles[8km] E of Kendenupalong rhe Red GumPass Rd, l0 Sep.1974, L. DeBuhr 3588(PERTH); c. 21 miles[33.6 km] E of Jerramungupalong road to Ravensthorpe,2l Sep.1974, L. DeBu&r3714 (PERTH); New Norcia road, ll Sep,1980, H. Demarz 8185(PERTH);Kendenup, c.60 kmN ofAlbany,18 Oct. 1957,R. Erickson s.n. (PERTH); c. 8.5miles [13.6km]Eof Jenamungup,11Oct. 1973,R. Garraty 254 (PERTH); Near Creek W of FisherRd, 33"50' S, 117' l0' 8,I0Ocl1994,C.Lewrs 83 (PERTH);Fish Road Reserve, Busselron, l6Sep. 199(, A.Lowrie 1067 (PERTH, MEL);North East Rd nearMount Cooke,zoct.1997 ,A.Inwrie 1896(PERTf[, MEL); SerpentineRiver Crossing on AlbanyHighway, 2 Oct. 1997,A.Lowrie 1898(PERTH, MEL); BeaufortRiver Reserve,2 Ocl 1997,A. Lowrie 1904(PERTH, MEL); junctionof GreatSouthern Highwayand Newton Rd, Cranbrook,19 Oct. 1997,A. Lowrie 1938(PERTH, MEL); Bowelling, 28 Sep.1954, A.R. Man s.z.(PERTH); Harvey, 26 Sep.1950, R.D. Royce 3342 (PERTH). Distribution. Knownfrom Busselton,Cranbrook, Jerramungup, Bowelling, Katanning, Mt Cooke areaand New Norcia. Habitat.Drosera intricata grows in greyor brownclayey sand in thebeds of fast-flowingseasonal creeks,floodways, watersheds, and in shrublandwith paperbarks(Melaleuca sp.) on themargins of winter-wetwatercourses and swamps. Floweringperiod. September to October. Conservationstatus, Drosera intricata is a commonspecies and currently not underthreat. Etymology.Drosera ifirtcab is named from the Latin intricatus - entangled,in referenceto the tangledlife form of thespecies.
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