nATS, 'Arl, , .......,. YI, ZI ••• .u lJar •• ~ ••• r.... ,aoelanD 'OODS, "In '''111,.r. R, 1 Ill,•••• ZJ ••• Al tII•• .,lI Cl .... r-. II OAa• Partly Cloudy ....11 tu. ''-'' U .d ...011. t.r II.. p •••• L laOIl:S, ........... I ••• I , ... l.. elhtllH1 . OAIIOLDn"P'II.:, L5 A""." ••• , ... •. ,.•• r.r roo, IOWA: ParUF doady and warmer ro IoU ....... II-f, c-t. .-1 ••• 0-1 e•• , ••• yoU. I., fl •• wttb _Iaered IIcht abo"'en rau.... fUEL OiL, po.'" ••• u" ••, .. flYO " •• p ••• THE DAILY IOWAN ..... • 10. I.. t ,..... ,.,1" ,•• , ... fI.. ,,"lip." &Ids 1MfIliq• burg tlU .oU• • Iowa City', Morning ~ewspaper ~~~============================================~====~~~~~~~======~~~~~~==~==========================~~==================~~ FJYE CENTS n. AHOClIA..... ...... IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, MAY 2., 1945 ..... _-........ VOLUME m NUMBER 205 ===================='~======================================================================================~=========== ree ew ... a inet em ers arne Hopkins Goes Marines Enter At a GIanc. I Clark Replaces To Moscow Cily of Naha Today's Francis Biddle 'r, 11 02 lttaehed To Represent Truman; Regiment Crosses Iowan Labor, Agriculture t section Joseph E. Davies to Go Ision on Asato River Heads Resign; Jones lated in On Mission to London On West Side 1'nuMJl1UUI*.. -1:ftilnations* * To Leave WFA Job esc sol_ of Biddle. Wickard N'd Madam ties alld WASHINGTON (AP)- The GUAM, Thursday (AP) - Both hrkim. WAS H I N G TON (AP) nunitlon White House announced yes­ - Pr id nt Truman hook up :tery the !lanks of the stoutly defended terday that Hafry h Hopkin , Japanese line on southern Okina­ Ropkbia IeaT~ fot MOICow on hi cabinet y terday by naming ~cA1Jis_ hIS left on a special mission for presidential million. vho had wa were bent back yesterday by thn new members and ig­ President Truman to Moscow. United States 10th army forces, nalled a new, treamlined attack to bury lJId.trIa.I in T 0 It , 0 There he is to converse with fighting lhrouih rain and heavy tarae.. on the l1ation' No.1 hom front undergo hee"" B-la raid. H.rsha! Stalin on m u t u a I mud. problem-food hortag , . United States-Soviet interegts. On the west side, the fourth ch, Un!_ CIIJeap ..... trllr.e cal'-d ott. The new cabinet members : iVed lilt J.oseph E. Davies, former am­ regiment of the Sixth marine di­ ttom y g neral- Tom C. vision crossed the Auto river to ritoriOlU baS'llldor to 1110 cow, alRo will CITWaD .....UDe ratJoos to be Clark. succeeding Francis Bid­ miUtal} undertake a pceial' presiooDtial enter the capital city ot Naha In increased June 22. dIe. Clark, 55-y or-old 'rex-an, is force. On the east side, the ~er of a mission to London. seventh marine division captured DOW istant attorney general. ~ nd . Davies will dis C U ll s with ct'etary of la bor-Federal Prime Minister Churchill and two hills, expanding its flanking bulge south of Yonabaru, whose Industrial Targets Judge L wi B. ehwclJenbach, US\er to other officials "certain matters of former Democratic senator from common interest" to the United occupation was completed agalnst receiVed scant resistance. Washington. He succeeds Madam states and Great Britain arising In Tokyo Blasted Frances Perkins. 1. Chi\\­ The FDDJ1h marlae redmeJd, ner unl. oulof the war, the announcement Incladlnr veteran~ of the olrl ma~ Secretary ot agriculture-Repre­ ter pilot laid. rlne raider ...Uallons, forded die By Superfortresses sentative Clinton P. Anderson, He has BopklDs. an IntbnrJe of &be late New Mexico Democrat, sutceeding lths and rr.ldent a-evelt, who aUeJldeci Auto and apparenti" wen I te­ care brldl'ehead In 'be northe"'­ Claude R. Wickard. ~It. His .all, international oonl_ 4,500 Toni of Iombs )ubuque willi blm. len for M08eOw ,eMer­ em tec&or gf Nalla which pre­ Mr. TrullMn disclosed that. A~ .., auompanjecl by Averill Bar­ vloll I, bu been uplorerl by pa~ Dropped on Capital's denoD abo will become war food .rIBan, United States amballAdor trois. Railroad Yards adJIIinlatn.&or when Marvin Jones Ie 1l11811a. Sixth division marines on the ,te.. oa' 01 that position Jllne 30 I &0 relaame hill position as jllqe of Charles S. Ro~, presidential northern edge of Naha sent ele­ GUAM, Thursday (AP)-$trik­ Uae coun of claims, onday press secreta ry, was asked if the ments yesterday across the Asato iog before dawn, more than ~50 Hopkins~Davie s missions would river 1,000 yards from the river Superfortesses today dropped 4,500 Anderson heads the house lood special. take the place ot a Big Three meet­ mouth under cover of artillery tons of bombs on important Tokyo committee which has been critical attached Ing or would be preliminary to a and warship guns. Industrial targeEs, the greatest load at government food policy and has eer pro­ later meeting between President Continued rains and heavy of destruction hurIed on the Japa­ 'been calling for a new, coordinated ill be at Truman, Churchill and Premier mud made the gOing slow in aU nese capital to date. attack. 'fhe fact that he was put on, POSt Stalin. sectors. The tareet area included the inlo the twin po ts of agriculture Rapids He replied the official statement Near the center of the Ilne. 77th highly important Shinacawa sec­ secretary and war food adminis­ ,0 inter­ would have to stand "just as I - Slaff Photo by Joltn. A.nderson. division troops at t a c ked hUls tor. The railroad marshalling yards trator was laken to mean that new ning the rMd it." there. throuah which a third ot measures to combat good problems Wlm THE IOWA RIVER near the se:ven-toot stage Taesday after­ soli conditions ar primed for ll00dll, not only here but over the entire fronting fortress Shur!. The text of the statement fol­ Japan', raU traffic passes. was a are In store. noon, water below the Iowa Insmate ot Hydraulic Research clam W&ll stale. U would not take very much raIn to throw the river oat of It In the same general sector, the need of lows: First marine division repulsed a key objective. May Z the house commJUee churned Into Ia.cy patterns.. The river had fallen to the 5.2 foo' stage banks becallse the soU ha absorbed a much moisture as it un. The url'ed the pr ident, amollM other VES lor "TIle president hu req..tecl Japanese counterattack. The assault equalled two 1,000- yesterday sInce the 7 .• foot lltare ruched two uyS ago. Bankful stage rapid fa.1l of the river In the la t two day I expected to haU and tblJ\l'll, to coordinate the IIro..,.m III other Mr. Harry Ilopkln.t and Mr. Jo­ below the city Is nine feet. L. O. Orawford, a soda.te director of the remain at about five feet, If the cattered howers predleted for today Maj. Gen. 'Archlbald V. ArDoId, plane raids by B-17'8 or B-24's on Berlin from England. from I'rower to consumer to br Ik ~ I. Davlee ~ _lIC\erialle MIt- Iowa In tltute of lIydralic Ite earch, said yesterday that river and don'e drvl'lope luto r:eneral rain . MIama...... e( the 'ah. toI4 AI dII HI_10M for him. • liP b1aek market and ease short- Jstment, ----------------------------------------~-- Dopklnr. "A.. oelatect .. Pre.. .. war A spokesman for Maj. Gen. Cur~ ot the "Mr. Hopkins will proceed in correspondent In the field, lila' tis Le J\!ay, commander of the 21st "elL 11th, be­ company with Ambassador Averill onl! achIevement of tbe dlvillon's bomber comand, pointed out the It advocated top prlority for Jge, and Harriman to Mascow to converse Small, Large Nations dramatic thrult alonl' Ollinawa', Shina,awa area provided "one of farmers in the matler o[ manpower Allies Arrest Karl Doenitz Yanks Drive to River and mcahlnery, revised price poli­ 1 of two, with Marshal Stalln upon matters e ..' coa t was to len&1hen by the happiest combinations of in~ Married now .In discussion between the , . , Junction in Fighting 4,000 yudll 'he front wblch lbe flammability and congestion" that cies to assure profits to producers if they Soviet government and the govern­ Clash Over Peace Japanese mUllt defenel wUb a could be found for the Superlort­ and dlstrlbutors, and special In­ ment of the United States. rapidly dwlndllnl' ..arrilOn. resses. ducements to ward olf threats of Destroy Flensburg ~oyernmenlln Manila Watershed While doughboys ·of the 7th developing black markels in eggs "Mr. Davies will go directly to PreserviP.g Machinery Taklng off from bases in the and sugar. London to discuss wIth Prime Mln~ slogged throuah knee-deep mud Marianas, the B-29's carried thou~ along the coast the 96th infantry Wickard, the retiring agriculture ~STol ister Churchill and other members SAN fRANCISCO (AP)-Blg FLENSBURG, Germany (AP)- milled suicide by taking pot on 45 MANILA, Thursday ' (AP) ­ sands of pounds of deadly fire of the British government certain and little countrieS at the United Allied supreme headquarlers act­ miolUtes aft.c:r lhe arrest. There Figbtlng In the Manila watershed division entered Yonabaru to find bomb. to be hurled on fllmsy resi­ secretary, has been picked as rural electrification administrator, th~ :LUE matters of common Interest to the Nations conference s t rug g 1 e d ing in concert with the Russian WIlS no immediate confirmation of area increased in violence Monday It des rted. It was the largest dences built as temporary shelters United States and Great Britain through a tug-of-war over great high command, arrested Grand this report.) as the 38th division, behjnd a tre­ Okinawa city to fall into Ameri­ for thousands of homeless after the president also dls.closed at his bus­ iest news conference yet, a sessio'll Irising out of the war.
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