Volume 66 JOURNAL of The Helminthological Society of Washington A semiannual journal of^research devoted to Helminthology and all branches of Parasitology Supported in part by the Braytbn H. Ransom Memorial Trust Fund .-- '< K - r ^ CONTENTS } -FiORlLLO, -R. /A;, AND W. F. FONT. - Seasonal Dynamics >and Community Structure of Helminths of Spotted Surifish, JLepomis miriiatus (Osteichthys: Centrarchidae) from an Oligohaline Estuary in Southeastern Louisiana, U;S. A ....... ------ __.~.H_ 101 YABSLEY, M. J., AND G. P. NOBLET. Nematodes and Acanthocephalans of Raccoons (Procyon lotor), with a New Geographical .Record for Centrorhynchus conspectus (Acanthoeephala) in South Carolina, U.S.A. — ,-------- - *. -------- - — . — ~- — ~ — .i- 111~ JVluzZALL, P. M.^Nematode Parasites of Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens, from the , ^aurentian Great Lakes ___ . ____________________ . ----------- •- — ~ —-,-/.... — 115 • AMIN, O. M., A. G. CANARIS, AND J. M. KINSELLA. A Taxoriomic Reconsideration (of the Genus Plagiorhynchus s. lat. (Acanthoeephala: Plagiorhynchidae), with De- _ - scriptions of South African Plagiorhynchus (Prosthorhynchus) cylindraceus from Shore Birds and P. (P.) malayensis, and a -Key to the Species of the Subgenus "- ProsthorhyncHus _____ ._ _ ~______________ _ ^ -------- — — ~^------- - ~— . ~, ------ 123 REGO, A.yA., P. M. MACHADO, AND'G. C. PAVANELLI. Sciadocephalus megalodiscus Diesing, 1 850 (Cestoda: ;Corall6bothriinae), a Parasite of Cichla monoculiis Spix, 1831 -(Cichlidae), in the Parana River, State of Parana, Brazil _____________ _s^_L£ 133 KRITSKY, D. VC., AND S.-D. KULO. Revisions of Protoancylodiscoides and Bagrob- della, with Redescriptions of P. chrysichthes and B. auchenoglanii ^ <Monogen- oidea: Dactylogyridae) from the Gills of Two Bagrid Catfishes ;(Siluriformes) in ; Togo, Africa •„..•—_._ _ ___________ A __________ --— ..' — . ------ ..: — - ------- .!_-„.. ------------i , — L- 138 SCHOLZ, T.,SL. AGUIRRE-MACEDO, G; SALGADO-MALDONADO, J. VARGAS-VAZQUEZ, VV. VIDAL-MARTINEZ, J. WOLTER, R." KUCHTA, AND W. KORTJNG. Redescription of . Pseudacanthostomuinpanamense Caballerp, Bravo-Hollis, and Grocott, 1953 (Di- gehea: Acahthostomidae), a Parasite of siluriform Fishes of the Family AriidaCj -with Notes on Its Biology . —_._ . — :i_^___... ------- . ------------ — — — - -------~- ~ — li;- 146 ENDO, B. Y., U. ZUNKE, AND W. P. WERGIN. Ultrastructure of the Female Reproductive ^ System^ of the Lesion^vNematode , Pratylenchus peneirans (Nemata: Pratylenchi- dae) : _________________ ... __ ________^_L_. _ ________ _____ r_.J_._, 1_> ______ . _________. — . _____ .-.-: 155 {Continued on Outside Back Cover) Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington -• THE SOCIETY meets in October, November, February, April, and May 'for the presentation and discussion of papers in any and all branches of parasitology or related sciences. All interested persons are, invited to attend. ~ -•-.-. ~~ • *• Persons .interested in membership in the Helminthological Society ~qf Washington may obtain ap- plication blanks in recent issues;of the Journal. A year's subscription to the Journal is included in the annual dues of $25.00 domestic ^nd $28.00 foreign. Institutional subscriptions are $50.00 per year. Applications for membership, accompanied by payments, may be sent .to the Corresponding Secretary- Treasurer, Nancy D. Pacheco, 9708 DePaul Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817, U.S.A. :•- The HelmSoc internet home page is located at http://www.gettysburg.edu/~shendrix/helmsoc.html President: ERIC P. HOB ERG Vice President: 'RONALD NEAFIE Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: NANCY D. PACHECO Recording Secretary: W. PATRICK CARNEY ; .^ Archivist/Librarian: PATRICIA A. PILITT ~ - _' Custodian of Back Issues: J. RALPH-LICHTENFELS , : _ Representative to the American Society of Parasitologists: ERIC P. HOB ERG __' / • •/• Executive Committee Members-at-Large: LYNN K. CARTA, 1999 ; MARK C. JENKINS, 1999 :>.' - .. WILLIAM E. MOSER, 2000, N "V •u DENNIS J. RICHARpSONr2000 Immediate Past President: ELLEN ANDERSEN c , _x - ;; - , THE JOURNAL OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON The Journal -is published semiannually at Lawrence, Kansas -by the HelmiiKhologidal Society of Washington. -Papersvrieed not-be presented^ a meeting^o be published in the Journal. Effective;with the January, 2000 issue, the Journal name will be changed to COMPARATIVE PARASITOLOGY. MANUSCRIPTS should "be sent to the EDITORS, Drs. Willis A- Reid, Jr., and Janet W Reid, 6210 Hollins Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817. email: [email protected]. Manuscripts must be typewritten, double -spaced, and .in finished form. Consult ^recent issues ,of; the /Journal for ^format and style/The original and two copies are required. Photocopies of drawings•, may,be submitted for review purposes ^but. glossy prints of halftones are required; originals will be requested after acceptance of the manu- script. Papers are accepted with the understanding that they-will be published .only in the Journal. REPRINTS may be ordered from the PRINTER at the same time the corrected'proof is/returned to the EDITORS. ''•••_' '<-' ':: AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS to publication costs (currently $50/page for members, $ 100/page for non-members) will tje billed by Allen Press and are payable to the Society. ^ BACK VOLUMES of the Journal are available. Inquiries concerning .back volumes and current subscriptions should be directed 4o the business: office. ./ 'BUSINESS OFFICE. The Society's business office is at Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries concerning subscriptions or back issues and all .payments for dues, subscriptions, and back issues should be addressed to: Helminthological Society of Washington, % Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, Kansas 66044, U.S.A. ^- ^ / - i EDITORIAL BOARD ,- WILLIS A.vREID, JR. ;&^ JANET W.'REHD, Editors •-v •:"" 2000 , -- , JOHNM. AHO , _ROY C. ANDERSON v < DWIGHT D.NBOWMAN ^ RALPH ;P ECKERLIN v " , - WILLIAM F. .FONT RONALD PAYER JOHN C. HOLMES ~ •A: MORGAN GOLDEN - > ". _ J. RALPH LICHTENFELS > , ^' ROBIN N: HUETTEL . JOHN S. MACKIEWICZ - - FUAD M. NAHHAS \Y B. PENCE / BRENT B.NICKOL , VASSILIOS THEODORIDES , i JOSEPH F. URBAN .--- ' •" ". - / ' The Helfmnthological Society of Washington 1999 ' ISSN 1049-233X This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington J. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 66(2), 1999 pp. 101-110 Seasonal Dynamics and Community Structure of Helminths of Spotted Sunfish, Lepomis miniatus (Osteichthyes: Centrarchidae) from an Oligohaline Estuary in Southeastern Louisiana, U.S.A. RlCCARDO A. FlORILLO1 AND WILLIAM F. FONT Department of Biological Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, Louisiana 70402 U.S.A. (e- mail: [email protected] and [email protected]). ABSTRACT: The seasonal dynamics of the helminth community of the spotted sunfish Lepomis miniatus Warren, 1992, from an oligohaline estuary were investigated over a 1-yr period. From 26 May 1991 to 25 May 1992, 7 helminth species (3 Trematoda, 2 Nematoda, 2 Acanthocephala) were recovered from the gastrointestinal tracts of 200 specimens of L. miniatus. The parasite community of this host was dominated by the trematodes Bar- bulostomum cupuloris and Genarchella sp. Both helminths were recruited and matured in this host throughout the year, but their times of peak abundance differed. Barbulostomum cupuloris was most abundant in February- May, whereas Genarchella sp. abundance peaked in November-February. Camallanus oxycephalus and Lepto- rhynchoides thecatus showed a similar pattern of seasonal abundance, which was highest in May-August for both species. The remaining 3 helminths, Crepidostomutn cornutum, Neoechinorhyncus cylindratus, and Spini- tectus carolini, were too rare to detect annual patterns of abundance. Infra- and component community diversity and richness did not vary seasonally, but infracommunity predictability was greatest in February-May. KEY WORDS: parasite, helminth, seasonal dynamics, Centrarchidae, Lepomis miniatus, estuary, infracommun- ity, component community, community, Louisiana, USA. Seasonal fluctuations in prevalence and abun- community of centrarchid fishes in brackish wa- dance are common in many helminths of fresh- ter habitats differed from that of centrarchids in water fishes (Eure, 1976; Chubb, 1979), but the freshwater environments. mechanisms influencing seasonality are some- In this study, we examined the seasonal pat- times difficult to identify. Chubb (1979) con- tern of abundance of all helminths that utilize cluded that, in general, seasonal patterns of oc- Lepomis miniatus Warren, 1992, as a definitive currence of helminths are often species-specific host in an oligohaline estuary. In addition, we and dependent upon: 1) how the helminth in- used community measures to investigate season- vades its host, 2) helminth growth and matura- al fluctuations in the infracommunity and com- tion, 3) accumulation of eggs, and 4) loss of ponent community structure of L. miniatus. gravid worms. Abiotic factors such as tempera- ture may also affect the seasonal cycles of many Materials and Methods helminths (Chappell, 1969; Anderson, 1974, From 26 May 1991 to 25 May 1992, 200 specimens 1976; Eure, 1976; Granath and Esch, 1983a-c). of L. miniatus were collected from a 1.1-km section of Seasonal patterns of abundance of the hel- a canal along Interstate Highway 55 located between minths of centrarchid fishes in freshwater envi- the south bank of Pass Manchac and Ruddock,
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