Patented Sept. 30, 1947 2428,178 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE METHOD OF MAKING FNELY DVDED WOLATZED S LCA Richard Reik, Piedmont, and Alva C. Byrns, Los Altos, Calif., assignors to The Permanente Metals Corporation, Oakland, Calif., a corpora tion of Delaware No Drawing. Application July 18, 1944, Serial No. 545,551 6 Claims, (C. 23-182) 2 This invention relates to finely divided amor the assumption slipped into the technical liter phous silicon dioxide that is in a condition of ature that silica is "volatile' in the presence of unusually high reactivity. This special kind of carbon at temperatures below 1600 C. by being silica, which shows valuable properties in a great reduced to silicon from which silica is again number of various applications is particularly formed by reoxidation (A. B. Searle, Refractory suited for use in the manufacture of refractory Materials, London, 1940, pp. 57/58 and 704). materials, Seeing that the boiling point of silica is at 2230 It is amongst the principal objects Of the inven C. and silicon boils even at 2600 C., the princi tion to prepare silica of an extraordinary degree ple underlying the above described empirical of fineness without having recourse to mechan 10 methods remained unexplained. ical trituration that requires special intensity or On the other hand it has been assumed for costly separation treatments to yield a material a long time that, analogously to the oxides of car anything similar to the Silica, resulting as a pri bon, silicon forms in addition to silicon dioxide mary product from the present process. Another a lower degree of oxidation of the formla SiO. eSSential object of the invention is to enable 5 According to the U. S. Patent No. 875,286 to amorphous Silica to be produced from naturally H. N. Potter, SiO is obtained by heating crystal Occurring Crystalline siliceous material. Both line silicon in the presence of oxygen under such these purposes are accomplished according to the conditions of oxygen supply and pressure as to present invention, without working cost being prevent the oxidation from progressing to the exceeded that are bearable in the manufacture of 20 stage of dioxide. For rendering the atmosphere a raw material which is intended for use in quan in which heating takes place adequately poor in tities like silica. To this end ordinary sorts of oxygen, Potter suggests to operate under re Silica, are caused to react with reducing agents at duced pressure or while diluting the normal at the relatively low temperature at which reduction mosphere with large quantities of an inert gas. to gaseous Silicon monoxide occurs, while con 25 Alternatively it has been proposed to prepare tinuously removing the SiO-gas from the reduc SiO by partial reduction of SiO2, for which pur ing Zone and Subjecting it to Oxidizing conditions pose different Ways have been chosen. to reform solid SiO2 therefrom which is then sep The first experiments were made in 188 with arated and collected. The dioxide appears in this fused silica while using carbon as the reducing manner in an extremely fine state of subdivision. 30 agent (American Chem. Journ, vol. 9, pp. 14/15). As early as in 1897 it has been discovered that In 1904. Potter succeeded in performing the car when fireclay is heated in the presence of car bothermic reduction. Without a melt by simply bon, part of the silica, is reduced and volatilized, heating a mixture of SiO2 and an amount of Some of the alkalis in the clay being volatilized at carbon that corresponds to the reaction the same time; subsequently the supposition was 35 made that volatilization occurs under oxidizing SiO2--C=SiO--CO conditions. No industrial application resulted to a temperature at which the monoxide volatil from these observations until in 1912, the British izes. Another investigator, Frank G. Tone, dis Thomson-Houston Co. disclosed a method of pro closed in the U. S. patent No. 993,913 a similar ducing refractory materials by highly heating 40 method of partial reduction of SiO2 by means of mixtures of silica and carbon that contain a me carbon, while leaving the question undecided tallic compound intended to yield the respective Whether the product obtained by condensation metal by reduction, and by collecting the "sub from the gaseous products of combustion leaving limate.' A treatment of Such kind of a mixture the reduction furnace, was a lower oxide of sili of silica, carbon and an aluminum silicate, with 45 con or a mixture of silica and amorphous silicon. or without one part of manganese oxide, is re - According to Tone the silica to carbon ratio in ported to result in a felted material of low thermal the furnace feed may conform to the reaction conductivity. A similar process consists in heat ing a mixture of silica, carbon and rutile in an SiO2--2C=Si--2CO electric furnace under reducing conditions and 50 or be even lower in silica and higher in carbon, collecting the sublimate of flaky, laminated respectively; but Tone adds that it is much bet ter to employ mixtures higher in silica since Structure that contains silicon, carbon, titanium Such mixtures yield the desired product in greater and oxygen (British specifications Nos. 25,370, abundance. 1912, and 29,389, 1912). Out of these disclosures 55 A second method, proposed by Potter in his 2428,178 4. 3 monoxide which is disengaged as a gas at temper specification No. 875.675, consists in performing atures far below the boiling point of silicon, and the partial reduction of SiO2 with the aid of readily reforms SiO2 on contact with air. How silico according to the equation ever, this sequence of reactions was heretofore SiO2--Sis2SiO. turned to account only for the production of coS netics such as dentifrice and face powder be for instance by heating an approximately com cause of yielding a finely divided powder of posed mixture of Si and SiO2 above the resistor of white color. Thereby it did not come to light an electric furnace of the arc type in an in that silicon dioxide directly produced by the way different atmosphere. 0. of gaseous SiO without intermediately isolating Finally according to R. Flusin (Ind. chimique solid SiO by condensation shows the character 9, 391) silicon carbide may be used instead of and function of a chemical of extremely high re carbon for the reduction by means of the re activity that is particularly valuable for the man action ufacture of refractory materials; nor was it SiOa--SiC=SiO--Si-CO recognized that this method offers the possibility Of whatever kind the reducing agent may be, s of preparing amorphous silica from naturally Oc the silicon monoxide is liberated in the state of curring crystalline raw materials without oppres brown-colored vapors which have to be condensed sive rise of the manufacturing expenses. quickly because otherwise decomposition takes The development of these discoveries of more place according to the equation 2SiO=SiO2--Si generai import may have been impeded by the (Ulmann, Enzyklopaedie der technis chen 920 fact that it was an open question whether the Chemie, 2nd ed., 1932, vol. 9, p. 505). The silicon product resulting from the partial reduction of monoxide depositing on condensation is reported SiO2 and Subsequent oxidation of the vapor to be in the form of an extremely finely divided evolved was actually a distinct substance of the powder or to appear at least principally in that formula SiO or rather a mixture of silica and form while a smaller portion is in the vitreous 25 silicon showing the composition of SiO. As al State. ready pointed out, Frank G. Tone left this ques Powders of such kind are meant for use as tion undecided in 1907; this was still the state of body for oil paints and for thermal and electrical the matter in 1941, though K. F. Bonhoeffer had insulation purposes, moreover as abrasive or pol in the meantime succeeded in establishing, by ex ishing powders (Ullmann, loc. cit.). Frank G. 80 amining the absorption spectra, that in the prod Tone mentions in the first place the use of his lucts formed by reduction of silicon dioxide with products as reducing agents. carbon actually the compound SiO is existent Apart therefrom, Potter suggests to utilize the in the gaseous state (Zeitschrift fuer physikalische finely subdivided silicon monoxide powder result Chemie, vol. 131/132, 1927 to 1928, p. 363). Zintil ing from partial reduction of SiO2 for converting 35 reports in 1940 (Zeitschrift fuer anorganische und it into silicon dioxide of equal fineness by oxida allegemeine Chemie, 245, 1 to 7) that quick con tion. Potter states that there are various ways densation of the vapor evolved in the vapor space of doing this, one of which consists in blowing results in the formation of an exceedingly light, a dust of silicon monoxide through a heated finely divided powder, but adds that the ques chamber in which it is oxidized by reaction with 40 tion whether the said powder consists of the an oxidizing gas (specification No. 886,637). A chemical individual SiO or a mixture of Si and second method consists in blowing an oxidizing SiO2 in correspondent proportions could not have gas through a furnace during the progress of re been decided until then. Likewise, H. N. Baumann action which, per se, would liberate silicon mon 45 stated in 1941 in Transactions of the Electro oxide (specification No. 875,674). Still another chemical Society, vol. 80, 95, 1941, that the ex method, that is disclosed in specification No. istence of silicon monoxide has been reported at 908,131 consists in burning the powder of silicon different times, but it has remained doubtful monoxide in the state of suspension in an oxidiz whether this suboxide is a definite compound.
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