T U E S D A Y 161st YEAR • NO. 70 JuLY 21, 2015 CLEVELAND, TN 16 PAGES • 50¢ Leaders, law enforcement present flag to Marines in show of support By JOYANNA LOVE Rowland said. Banner Senior Staff Writer Rowland stressed he wanted the “All of our people, the Marines in Cleveland to know they Support was shown to local U.S. entire city of Cleveland are were thought of and supported in this Marines with Monday’s presentation of standing with you.” difficult time. a flag and pledges of prayers and sup- — Mayor Tom Rowland The group expressed condolences to port at a recruiting office. the local Marines and offered prayers Rep. Kevin Brooks (R-Cleveland) and support. presented to the Marine recruiters a wonderful to see the community come The office reopened Monday with an flag that had flown over the state out in support of the Marines. We cer- added security presence from the Capitol. tainly take that to heart. We are very Cleveland Police Department. He said he usually includes a label aware that as the recruiting (office) a “This is going to make us stronger,” on the box thanking people for their huge part of our job is to be a part of Interim Chief Mark Gibson said. prayers. the community.” The office had been closed on “But today I am reversing that. Our Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland, Friday in light of the recruitment cen- prayers are with you,” Brooks said. Councilman Dale Hughes and ter shootings in Chattanooga a day Brooks said he was also praying for Cleveland Police Department Interim earlier. Chattanooga and the families of the Chief Mark Gibson also visited the All other local military recruiting Banner photo, JOYANNA LOVE five servicemen who were killed in last recruiting center on Frontage Road to offices also reopened on Monday. GuNNERY SGT. CAMDEN MEYER, far left, and Maj. Kathryn Wagner of a local U.S. week’s shooting. show their support. Although a response to a “shots Marines recruiting center accept a flag from Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland, City “We definitely appreciate it,” Maj. “All of our people, the entire city of Councilman Dale Hughes and state Rep. Kevin Brooks (R-Cleveland) as a token of Kathryn Wagner said. “It has been Cleveland are standing with you,” See MARINES, Page 16 their support and appreciation. Inside Today Davis Gun-free zones explains in military get Bell resolution county Shootings spur raises senator’s move By BRIAN GRAVES Says ‘No one is Banner Staff Writer getting cheated’ A mostly unknown government policy that has been learned from the tragic Chattanooga shoot- By BRIAN GRAVES ings has one state senator wanting action from the Johnson wins Banner Staff Writer federal level. British Open “No one is getting cheated.” State Sen. Mike Bell, R- That was County Mayor D. Riceville, announced Monday Zach Johnson birdied the 18th Gary Davis’ response to com- that he has filed a resolution hole and held off the competition ments some county commission- calling for federal action to end to win the British Open in a play- ers said they received about gun-free zones at military facili- off against Marc Leishman and when the 2 percent across-the- ties. Louis Oosthuizen. The Atlanta board pay raise for county Not many were aware of the Braves used the first home run of employees was supposed to prohibition of weapons on mili- the year from right fielder Nick begin. tary campuses until pictures of Markakis to beat the L.A. The raise was in the 2015-16 the facilities in the path of the Dodgers. The Tennessee budget approved by the shooter clearly showed signs Volunteers will open the 2017 C o m m i s s i o n designating them as “gun-free Bell football schedule against Georgia on July 6. zones.” Tech in Atlanta. See Sports, Following an Bell notes military facilities and personnel have Pages 9-11. inquiry by been threatened by jihadists plotting to conduct Commissioner violence within the United States. Political parties Thomas Crye As an example, the senator pointed to the 2009 incident where U.S. Army Pvt. William “Andy” Long at last week’s Banner photo, HOWARD PIERCE not the enemy C o m m i s s i o n FAMILY MEMBERS of U.S. Navy Petty Officer Randall Smith place a baseball and was shot and killed outside a Little Rock, Ark., meeting, Davis recruiting center by a jihadist terrorist who, like In America, the enemy is not mitt in his honor at the memorial next to the recruiting station on Lee Highway in Thursday’s shooter, was also from Tennessee. political partisanship, according to said the budget Chattanooga. Smith was the fifth member of the military to lose his life after last the president of the Bradley as approved Thursday’s shootings. See BELL, Page 16 County Young Democrats. Davis had the Instead, the enemy is homeless- increase begin- ness, wage inequality, job dis- ning July 13, crimination, human rights viola- adding that the budget itself was tions, animal cruelty and student not passed until July 6. County dissolves Fire Committee debt, among others. See the Commissioner Milan Blake guest “Viewpoint” on Page 12 of said at the time he felt “the spirit” today’s edition. was to begin the increases on July 1. Alford to name members of new internal group Davis told the Finance By BRIAN GRAVES upon requests in conjunction Forecast Committee Monday the problem Banner Staff Writer with individual Commission was “not communicating it well.” “They are in agree- Today’s outlook is for partly sunny member expertise and experience “I probably didn’t explain it The citizens-based County Fire ment with this.” prior to the last voting meeting in skies, with a high near 92 and a 40 well enough to start with,” he Committee, also known publicly — Howard Thompson August, since other internal com- percent chance of showers or thun- said. as the fire board, is no more. mittees have already been estab- derstorms. Tonight should be partly Davis used the example of an The Bradley County lished for this year.” cloudy, with a continued 40 percent employee making $50,000 per Commission unanimously passed County Fire-Rescue will receive The resolution was passed chance of rain and a low around 71. year getting the 2 percent raise. on Monday a resolution intro- beginning Jan. 1. without any discussion. Wednesday calls for mostly sunny That would equal $1,000 per duced by Commissioner Howard “They are in agreement with A meeting of the Fire skies, but with a 30 percent chance year. Thompson that dissolved the this,” Thompson told the Committee scheduled for July 28 “Beginning July 13, the raise committee established in 1999. Cleveland Daily Banner last week. has already been removed from of rain, and a high near 89. According to the text of the res- Wednesday night’s forecast calls for goes into effect which means The committee mainly served the county government calendar. there are 25 pay periods,” Davis an advisory role to the olution, an internal Commission mostly cloudy skies, with a 30 per- Another resolution which said. “You take that $1,000 and Commission, with its most recent committee made up of five com- would have dissolved the Healthy cent chance of rain. The low should recommendation being the pay missioners will be named by be around 70. See DAVIS, Page 16 raises members of Bradley Chairman Louie Alford “based See COUNTY, Page 16 Howard Thompson Index Classified................................13-15 Comics...........................................6 Cleveland boys get Editorials......................................12 Horoscope......................................6 Obituaries.......................................2 a superhero room Sports........................................9-11 Stocks............................................4 By CHRISTY ARMSTRONG TV Schedule..................................7 Banner Staff Writer Weather..........................................8 Two little boys who love superheroes recently experi- Around Town enced kindness from the sort Sandra Ogle giving a customer who didn’t wear capes or tights. great friendly service ... Rose Volunteers from Special and Dick Kellar taking care of a Spaces of Chattanooga recently pesky, unwanted snake ... converged upon the home of “They were all so amazing,” Tommie Stephenson wearing her Cleveland residents Tyler and Becky said of the volunteers. butterfly pink headband proudly Becky Adam to give a room “They’re just selfless.” ... Terrance Davis giving a ride to makeover to their two sons. The crew sent the Adams and a friend ... Dustin McMurray Special Spaces is a nonprofit their children, 6-year-old catching a lucky break while organization that renovates the Peyton, 5-year-old Colton and umpiring. rooms of children with life- 3-year-old Kaylee, on a free trip threatening illnesses, making to the Tennessee Aquarium in Banner photo, CHRISTY ARMSTRONG the rooms “special” for those Chattanooga that morning. THE ADAM FAMILY gathers together to enjoy the boys’ bedroom Special Spaces volunteers reno- whose illnesses require them to vated over the weekend. From left are Peyton, Tyler, Kaylee, Becky and Colton Adam. spend a lot of time in them. See BOYS, Page 4 6489076 75112 2—Cleveland Daily Banner—Tuesday, July 21, 2015 www.clevelandbanner.com Elliott. He leaves behind his wife of 61 years, Alma Ruth Troutt; daugh- ters: Triston Burnette, Donna OBITUARIES Leigh Troutt Grunas, Kimberly (USPS 117-700) Kennedy (Michael), and Diana Periodical Postage Paid at Cleveland, TN 37320-3600 Post Office Bedwell (Dennis); son, Cyrus POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to: Banner, P.O. Box 3600, Cleveland, TN 37320-3600 Edgar Troutt Jr; grandchildren: ruba Martha allen by visiting his memorial web ing. Published at 1505 25th Street, NW (P.O. Box 3600) page and guestbook at A private burial service will be Rachel Wilcoxon (Brandon), in Cleveland, TN 37320-3600, daily except Saturday Ruba Martha Parks Allen, 96, www.companionfunerals.com.
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