Touro Scholar The Chironian NYMC Archives Publications 4-1-1954 The Chironian Vol. 16 No. 1 New York Medical College Follow this and additional works at: https://touroscholar.touro.edu/nymc_arch_journals Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Medicine and Health Sciences Commons Recommended Citation New York Medical College. (1954). The Chironian Vol. 16 No. 1. Retrieved from https://touroscholar.touro.edu/nymc_arch_journals/79 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the NYMC Archives Publications at Touro Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Chironian by an authorized administrator of Touro Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. \J DAY ELEBRATION Tuesday, June 1st, 1954 Business Meeting at the Hotel Plaza—5:00 P.M. President’s Reception and Cocktail Hour 6:30 P.M. BANQUET 7:30 P.M. ♦ Keep This Date In Mind — In Your Memorandum Book And On Your Desk ♦ DON’T FORGET—PLAN TO BE THERE AT 5 P.M. JUNE 1st, 1954 Price, Including Everything—$15.00 THE CHIRONIAN Published quarterly by the Alumni Association of the New York Medical College Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospitals, Inc. 1 East 105th Street New York 29, N. Y. April, 1954 Vol. 16, No. 1 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE PUBLICATION COMMI'TTEE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE Editor Chairman FLOWER AND FIFTH AVENUE Joseph H. Fobes, 1901 HOSPITALS, Inc. Associate Editor J. Clifford Hayner, 1919 Officers President ______________Lawrence B. Slobody, ’36 Assistant Editor 1st Vice-President ..........Leonard Paul Wershub, ’27 Sprague Carleton, 1906 2nd Vice-President ................... Julius Blankfein, ’28 Post Graduate News Secretary ............................... Donald S. Jurnove, ’36 Assistant Editor Treasurer ........................ ...........Martin L. Stone, ’44 Harry Leinoff, 1927 Necrologist ................. —Van Alstyne H. Cornell, ’00 Medical Society News Directors Walter L. Mersheimer, ’37 Assistant Editor Frank E. Fierro, ’33 John O. Herrlin, ’23 ’ Saul A. Schwartz, 1930 Personals E. Edward Napp, ’33 Milton J. Wilson, ’18 Assistant Editor j John F. MacGuigan, 3/43 Frank J. Borrelli, 1933 College Activities Alumnus Trustees Samuel B. Moore, ’01 Charles L. Murdock, ’48 Assistant Editor George Nagamatsu, 1934 FACULTY ALUMNI SENIORS Class Reunions Directors of Departments Assistant Editor J. Clifford Hayner, ’19 Lawrence B. Slobody, ’36 Irving Shiner, 1937 Donald E. Brace, '14 Stephen P. Jewett, ’10 Business Manager \ Charles A. Turtz, ’15 Frank J. Borrelli, ’33 Milton J. Wilson, ’18 Joseph H. Fobes, ’01 Assistant Editor J. A. W. Hetrick, ’18 Reuel A. Benson, ’03 Ralph Snyder, 1950 Sprague Carleton, ’06 Faculty News ALUMNI COMMITTEES The following Chairmen have been appointed by the President Publication Committee Election Committee Joseph H. Fobes, 1901 John Herrlin, 1923 Banquet Committee Budget Committee Carl Salzman, 1924 Martin L. Stone, 1944 Membership Committee Welfare Committee E. Edward Napp, 1933 J. Clifford Hayner, 1919 Audit Committee Ground Hog Day Committee Harry D. Leinoff, 1927 Frank J. Borrelli, 1933 2 APRIL, 1954 IN MEMORIAM ology Cyn. and specialized in Surgery and Gynecology. His hospital conneaions were Quick, Dr. Audley Vincent, was born on with Beth David and St. Elizabeth. He was a August 23, 1877. He graduated from the Yon­ member of the American Academy of General kers High Schol in 1898, and received his Practitioners, Phi-Delta-Epsilon, New York M.D. degree from the New York Homeopathic Physicians, Bronx County Medical Society, the Medical College and Flower Hospital in 1902. Medical Society of the State of New York, and The graduating class of that year was thirty. the American Medical Association. Dr. Lie- One of the personal characteristics of Dr. Quick bow died on November 25th, 1953 at the age was his great capacity for work, and the in­ of 53. tensity with which he did his work. Dr. Quick was an ardent Homeopath, and while he was Beers, Dr. Merritt L, Middletown, N. Y., honored and trusted by the distinguished few, was born in New Haven, Conn., on July 20th, he had a large praaice he called "his own” 1877. He was educated at Wallkill Academy, which was made up of that class of patients and received his M.D. degree from the New which never adds to the bank balance. This York Homeopathic Medical College in 1901. was nicely commented upon by a friend and He praaiced in Middletown for more than 50 patient over the years, who said, "As a kind years. He was a member of the courtesy staflF hearted man, Dr. Quick was always ready to at Horton Memorial Hospital, a member of sacrifice the lucrative call for the urgent care the American Medical Association and the of some poor woman, child or man, whose Physicians Club. Dr. Beers was a fllfty year faith in him had made them his patient.” Dr. member of the Orange County Medical Society, Quick practiced in Yonkers for 50 years. He a fifty year member of the Excelsior Hook and was Gty Physician in Yonkers for many years; Ladder Company, and a fifty year member of on the Board of the Yonkers General Hospital, the Walkill Council, Junior Order of United and associate physician on the Staff of the American Mechanics. He was also a member Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospitals, as well as of Hoffman Lodge, Cyprus Commandery, Mid­ serving on the arthritis clinic at the Flower land Chapter, the Middletown Club, the Mod­ Hospital, and later the Flower and Fifth Ave­ ern Woodmen of America, and Grace Epis­ nue Hospitals. He was on the staff of St. copal Church. Dr. Beers died on December Johns Riverside Hospital and St. Joseph’s Hos­ 11th, 1953, at his home, after a long illness pital; a member of Westchester County Medi­ of Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease. He was cal Society, and the Homeopathic Medical So­ 76 years old. Surviving are his widow, and a ciety of 'Westchester County and the Tenebrook cousin. Miss Carlie Mallett, of Flagstaff, Ari­ Lodge of Masons. Dr. Quick died on February zona. 13th, 1954, at the age of 76. Surviving are his Mrs. Merritt writes: "My husband. Dr. wife, Mrs. Alice Adams Quick; a son, Laurence Merritt I. Beers, passed away on December A. Quick, and a brother, Charles F. Quick. 11th, 1953, after a long illness. He was a pa­ tient sufferer and never complained. I have COTLER, Samuel, Bronx, N. Y., was born in lost a wonderful husband, but have beautiful New York City on March 23rd 1906. He memories of our life together.” graduated from the New York Medical Col­ lege in 1931, and served an internship at Rude, Emerson W., Utica, N. Y. was born Metropolitan Hospital. After his internship he in Cuba, N. Y. on November 3rd, 1876. He took post-graduate study in Cardiology at graduated from Cuba High School, and had one Montefiore Hospital for one year. Dr. Coder year at Colgate. He received his M.D. degree served in the armed forces from October, 1942 from our College in 1902. He interned at to July 3, 1946, as Major in the U. S. Army, Lee Private Hospital, Rochester, N. Y. and was and was Transport Surgeon and Port Surgeon a specialist in Obstetrics and Geriatrics. Physi­ at Philadelphia, Pa. He was a member of the cian to Utica Memorial Hospital, The Home Bronx County Medical Society. Dr. Cotier for Homeless, and Chief of staff at the Home died on January 16, 1954 at the age of 47. for the aged. He was a member of the A.M.A.; Surviving are his wife, Hannah, and one ,son, New York State Medical Society; Oneida Coun­ age 7 years. ty Medical Society, and Liberty Lodge 959, F. & A. M. Dr. Rude died on April 25th, 1953 Leibow, Dr. Louise M., Bronx, N. Y., was at the age of 77. born in Roumania on May 10th, 1900. He graduated from Columbia University, and re­ Ball, Dr. William Edward, ’16, Brook­ ceived his M.D. degree from our College in lyn, N. Y. served with the U. S. Army during 1926. He took post-graduate study in Path­ World War I. For many years he was asso- 3 dated with the Health Department, and served michael, prominent physician and surgeon. Dr. as Admitting Physidan at Kings County Hos­ Hovey became personal physician and surgeon pital. Dr. Ball died on December 19th, 1953 to Daniel B. Wesson, founder of Smith, Wes­ at the age of 62. son & Co. Through this association the doc­ tor was instrumental in founding Wesson Me­ Hovey, Dr. Robert Ferry was born in morial Hospital. He was a member of the Monson, Mass., on February 19, 1875. He Springfield Academy of Medicine, the Win- graduated from Monson Academy and received throp Club, the Economics Club, the Spring- his M.D. degree from our College in 1897. field Board of Trade, Alpha Sigma Fraternity, He interned at the Rochester, N. Y. Homeo­ and twice president of the Western Massa­ pathic Hospital. He was well known as a chusetts Homeopathic Medical Society. Dr. medical practitioner and surgeon in Spring- Hovey closed his local office about six years ago field, Mass., for more than half a century, and and since has been in semi-retirement, making was a member of the State Board of Registra­ only occasional house calls. Dr. Hovey died on tion in Medicine from 1929 to 1935. He first February l6th, 1954 at the age of 79, after a practiced in Belchertown for about three years short illness. He leaves his wife, the former prior to the turn of the century, then came to Eva S. Danick of Springfield, whom he married Springfield, where he joined Dr. John H. Car­ in 1936, after he had been twice a widower.
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