ATcr«3;« Dally Net Preas Rtw The Weather For tlw Week Baded Poieeast^ of O. S. tVeathhr’ Boreoa dnaa St. U n dear and cool tonight. Insv 65 12,701 to 60. Bunny, pleasant tempeim- turea and lew humidity Bonday. M«MBber at the Audit IS* ^ of Oirenlattea High h ear 80. Mattel City of V0OK0 Charm 'V .............. I.. yOL. LXXVII, NO. 24« (TEN IMAGES) MJI^Cffl^STER, CONN., SAtuKDAY, JULY 19, 1958 (CUaatfled Adverttalng en Page 8) PRICE FIVE CENTS Rebel Delegate U.S., Red»Seek Declares Iraq Friend of II,S. <JP) United Nations, July 19 —The delegate of the febel BT.WfUiAN OATU ^ine favorable votes with'Sweden regime in Iraq arrived yester- abstaining. yaited Nations, N. Y-, July da>»and declared “our friend- Lodge ivlll offer a similar reso- 19 (/P)—The United States lution to ths Rl-nation Assembly. ship for the United States is Rule and the Soviet Union pushed Two^thirds of tholte voting must still the same." The United Nations was familiar today "similar proposals with approve an assembly measure. Experienced diplomats guetosd-.th*. -ground for rebel delegate Hashim rival goals for an. emergency , session of the U.N. General U.S. measure might barely make Jawad. He represented the over- It but doubted th at ‘the Soviet* thrown Iraqi government in the Assembly on the Middle East resolution coUld get through, - united Nations until las* fall. crisis. Finally, the Council -^ots'd down Jawkd presented hLs credentials Nasser 6 Warns U.S. The ll-hatlon Security Council a S’ved'sh resolution to suspend for a seat on the Security CJounell, will take up the proposals when The Soviet 'Cnlon tried to have, until further notlc'e, the activities It meets again Monday to talk of U.N. observers noV in Lebanon them acceptea at once, but de- about U.S. Marines ,ln Lebanon, to insure against Inltltration. This ferred action whqn Britain- ob- On Mideast Buildup British Paratroopers In Jordan and resolution 'Said the U.S.. landings jected. Abdul Majid Abbaa*. who Fed- • complaints that President Nasser's had “substantially altered thi ob- succeeded Jawad a-> U.N. delegate, United Arab Republic is trying to servers’ situation.” Nine members remained in Iraq’s seat. oi’erthrow the Lebanese and Jor- Jawad touched on Monday'a Bj THE .\SSlOClATED PRESS opposed it. Sweden and Russia ’ danian governments. supported it. revolution in a talk with reporters. The revoUitionary rcginie of Iraq has notified the United ■The proposals were, submitted He said King Faisal II and Crown The chairman of the observers’ State.* that it hn.s withdraw.n from the Arab Union with last night after the council failed group later announced In Beirut Prince Abdul Hah were shot and ^ Jordan. to pass three resolutions dealing thirt lie had pulled his men from killed only after they resisted ^ with the situation.'- One died on Saleli Mahdi, ranking diplomat at the Iraqi embassy, said the field because the Marines’ land- Army olfleers wl o appearec at the the Soviet Union’s 84th veto. palace, he informed the State Department of tliis in a note yesterday. ^ ‘Ing had change< the rebel atti- The council beat down 8-1. with tude toward cooperating. Weeks .lawad said Premier Nurl. strong, He, said lie acted on in.*t riietion.s from the-rebel group Japan and Sweden abstaining, a of work in building uj public con- man pf Iraq, was found later at- which .seized power in a lightning coup Monday. Soviet resolution calling on the fidence in Lebanon may have col- tem pting to flee disguised as a United States and Britain to get The Iraqi witluirawal chalienged tlie authority of King lapsed. Galo Plaza L#asro said. woman. He asserted NurCSald also their troops Out of Lebanon and was sho' and killed when he-elect- Hii.'tseln of Jordan who a.s.serled after tlie Irati revolt that he Lodge said the United States Jordan immediately. Russia was "will not be thwarted" by the veto ed to fight it'out. wa.s ntlw legal head of tlie two countries. expected to offer a similar resolu- y and 'believes that all available Jawad denied that Fadhil Ja-. "A.* far a.* we are concerned. King Hii.-s.sein ha.s no rela- tion to any General Assembly remedies must be exhausted.” He mall, former Iraqi spokesman at meeting. Uon.ihip wliaf.xoever with u.*.'' .Mahdi told a re)wrter. then announced he would ask an the U.N., was killed, vas reported Miihdi said he dplivrrrd Ihr mMe* -------^ Then a Soviet veto killed a rival e.arller this week by U.S. Ambas- J.S. resolution that would have as-sembly session. to Asr I. SecretRiv of State Wi l - f Soviet Delegate Arkady A. Sobo- s'.dor Henry Cabot Lodge- He said sWnt a U.N. military force to pro- 11am Rountree In a call al the dc- lev said those who voted against Jamali was In jail awaiting trial partmenl yesterday .Mabdi said he tec^ Lebanon's independence and Middle East insuiy^ against illegal infiltration his resolution shared with the along with other political leaders. also told Rountree Jawad also denied Commimtata of arms and men. The Marines western powers responsibility for 1. The new Iraq regime Is leadv increasing the danger of war. He took part in the Uprising, declar- would lekye when this force takes to cooperate with the llnited Crisis Items over, U.sXpelegate Henry Cabot ing "We are against communism.” States to evaouate any of tho 1.- As for the future, he added: Lodge said^ The resolution got (Continued on .Page Three) 964 Americans In the country if "There will be parties, there will Banner-carrying Russians gathtr In front of the U.S. Embassy In Moscow to protest against the Beirut. Lebanon, July Ip <48— the State Department believes thl.s t’nconfirmed reports reaching be elections ' and there will be landing of U.S. Marines in. Lebaitop. The sign at left reads "Americana —Hands off Lebanon", necessary everything that we have missed the one at right “Handi off th* LebarKqj ". (AP Photofax via radio from Moscow.i Beirut today ,Said that a dozen 2. Ttie entire .staff of the Iraq MIG Jet fighters with Russian for the last 10 years. We will have cmbass.V ha.s gone over to the side a welfare State.” markings had been seen at Da- of the rebel regime and repreaent-s mascus airport. Compromise Seen He said Iraq, where the West It In.slead nf the former govern- The reports could not be con- has big oil concessions, will live Prison Inmate ment headed by Prime Minister firmed but added to the general up to Its econo-iic and political ob- Nurl Said. ligations, subject to modifications U.S. protests Red tension gripping the area. Th# '■V, Mafidl said he saw no need for report said "a few transport 'to make them suitable to the Sues to Block On Pentagon Plan American.s to leavj Iraq hecau.se planes" with Russian markings changing world.” He did not elab- "everything l.s calm and the gov- orate. were also seen in’Dama.scus. ernment has control of every part Russia has supplied both MIGs Traq has not renounced the Alcatraz Trip Attack dnJEmbassy of the country." Washington, July 19 (A’l - Unan-'i’well as reduce costly duplications Baghdad P^ct.” he said. "It has and transports to the United Arab . Despite this as.suranee, the State Republic of Egypt snd Syria but Imous Senate passage spurred ad- among the Army, Navy, Marines never been considered. We consider Hartford, July 19 t/P)—A S tate ministration hopes today for a and Air yorce. Departmeht Is understood lo he those presumably now bear UAR ourselves still' members.. .our Prison Inmate who figured in the Moscow, ifitly 19 i/Pi U.S. Am--^ that lher?''hr no repetition of yrs- planning an air evacuation of de- (Congressional compromise that "The overall contribution made friendship for the tjplted States is markings. by this bill will be one of greater prisoner uprising •in July, 1966, bassador Llewellyn- B. Thompson tfid a y ’s IncidaiU at hi* embassy pendent.s of American diplomats would give President Eisenhower still the same. I can assure you has filled suit to block, an alleged and non-essential personnel who moat of the broad powers he wants military effectiveness,” Russell ,)r, lodged a vigorous protest With The demobatrafora there scaled Beirul, Lebanon, July 19 i.Tt — that my government cherishes the wish to leave The evacuation will to streamline the Pentagon. told the Senate. transfer to Alcatraz., the Soviet Foreign Ministry to- the fence and lnvalte4 the doctor's W'armesl wishes for th* Uqited Leroy Nash, 42, of Danbury, wing of the building.'-'. be on a voluntary basi.s with A U S. IralTsport plane bringing With a surprising burst of speed Sen. H. Alexand.er Smith (R- day against attacks on the Ameri- l„ji^.,d,|Miv i hiore troops into this Middle East States.” charged In U.S. District Court can embassy yesterday. The BiiUsli note also >*Jled for Americans deriding and bipartisan backing, the Sen- NJ| said the measure would give Cairo had announced that Iraq ■* ' hot spotspol waswa.s hit byhv .small arms ate last night passed legislation the defense establishment flekihil- yeaterday that he was threatened British Minister Hillary Young compensation for damage*e* u pri- whether they want to leave was divorcing itself from the wHh transfer to the West. Coast vate and public property In the'bm Meanwhile, President Nasacr rue today, pieaumahly.
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