February 8, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E83 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE 2006 CON- July, or to arrange for such a visit to another Rob von Gogh was selected for the ‘‘CAO GRESS–BUNDESTAG/BUNDESRAT Member’s district. Excellence’’ award. In his role directing the EXCHANGE Participants are selected by a committee CAO client services team and serving on the composed of personnel from the Bureau of CAO leadership group, he has been a role HON. J. DENNIS HASTERT Educational and Cultural Affairs of the Depart- model CAO employee who lives the CAO mis- OF ILLINOIS ment of State and past participants of the ex- sion, vision, values, and delivers the CAO cus- change. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tomer experience to all his customers, col- Senators and Representatives who would leagues and employees. Wednesday, February 8, 2006 like a member of their staff to apply for partici- Charlene Best is the 2006 recipient of the pation in this year’s program should direct Mr. HASTERT. Mr. Speaker, since 1983, ‘‘Knowledge’’ award for being an employee them to submit a resume and cover letter in the U.S. Congress and the German Bundes- who is dependable and gets things done which they state their qualifications, the con- tag and Bundesrat have conducted an annual across the organization by leveraging a wide tributions they can make to a successful pro- exchange program for staff members from range of CAO resources. Her ability to set-up both countries. The program gives profes- gram and some assurances of their ability to and establish office space for the new House sional staff the opportunity to observe and participate during the time stated. Historian in a seamless manner demonstrates learn about each other’s political institutions Applications may be sent to the Office of her unique understanding of the House com- and interact on issues of mutual interest. Interparliamentary Affairs, HB–28, the Capitol, munity. A staff delegation from the U.S. Congress by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 15. will be selected to visit Germany from May f Ron Carrico was chosen for the ‘‘Personal- 21–June 3 of this year. During this two-week ized Solutions’’ award. He developed a prod- exchange, the delegation will attend meetings 2006 ACHIEVING CAO EXCELLENCE uct for the CAO that met current needs and in- with Bundestag/Bundesrat Members, Bundes- AWARDS corporated the structure for future integrations tag and Bundesrat party staff members, and with other enterprise system solutions that are representatives of numerous political, busi- HON. VERNON J. EHLERS being developed in the CAO for the House ness, academic, and media agencies. Partici- OF MICHIGAN Community, specifically: MicroStrategy 8, Ad- pants also will be hosted by a Bundestag IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ministrative Tools, Links and Solutions—Atlas, Member during a district visit. Lawson and the Customer Solution Delivery Wednesday, February 8, 2006 A comparable delegation of German staff Model. This solution will provide the capability members will visit the United States for two Mr. EHLERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to report ‘‘near real time’’ performance meas- weeks July 9–22. They will attend similar congratulate Rob von Gogh, Charlene Best, ures. His consistently passionate customer meetings here in Washington and visit the dis- Ron Carrico, Chantel Greene, Matt Guilfoyle, service, effective communication, and problem tricts of Members of Congress. The U.S. dele- and Tina Hanonu on their extraordinary solving enable customers to meet their profes- gation is expected to facilitate these meetings. achievements in the Office of the Chief Admin- sional and personal roles. The Congress-Bundestag/Bundesrat Ex- istrative Officer, (CAO) supporting the United Chantel Greene was selected for the ‘‘Dedi- change is highly regarded in Germany and the States House of Representatives and their re- cated’’ award for exhibiting commitment to United States, and is one of several exchange ceipt of the 2006 Achieving CAO Excellence achieving the mission of the CAO. Through programs sponsored by public and private in- (ACE) Awards. The 2006 CAO ACE Excel- stitutions in the United States and Germany to lence Awards acknowledge the extraordinary adversity, Chantel was able to lead others, foster better understanding of the politics and efforts made by these members of the CAO build consensus and live the CAO customer policies of both countries. This exchange is team. These awards exemplify the goals, val- experience. Her positive attitude is an inspira- funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bu- ues, and mission of the organization. Consid- tion to others and it is the key to her success. reau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. ered to be among the highest honors awarded Matt Guilfoyle is the recipient of the ‘‘One The U.S. delegation should consist of expe- to CAO staff, at the heart of these awards are Team’’ award. He is relentless in his efforts rienced and accomplished Hill staff who can customer service, commitment to delivery so- and commitment to developing the CAO cus- contribute to the success of the exchange on lutions, and high standards of excellence. tomer experience. The essence of his hard both sides of the Atlantic. The Bundestag re- Recipients of the 2006 CAO ACE Excel- work and dedication to bring the CAO together ciprocates by sending senior staff profes- lence Awards represent many areas of the was evidenced in the success of CAOne. He sionals to the United States. CAO and perform a variety of jobs. Whether consistently and significantly contributes to the Applicants should have a demonstrable in- working directly with customers, supporting CAO team as a whole, bringing the CAO cus- terest in events in Europe. Applicants need CAO internal operations, or ensuring the tech- tomer experience to life. not be working in the field of foreign affairs, al- nical infrastructure is operational, each serves Tina Hanonu was chosen for the ‘‘Simplify though such a background can be helpful. The as an exemplary role model for the entire the Day’’ award. Her ability to improve CAO composite U.S. delegation should exhibit a CAO community. Collectively and individually client services procedures during Hurricanes range of expertise in issues of mutual concern they delivered solutions that fulfilled the CAO Katrina and Rita enabled the CAO to provide to the United States and Germany such as, customer experience, ensuring full satisfaction reassurance and sustain service for district of- but not limited to, trade, security, the environ- for their customers and colleagues. fices affected by the hurricanes. Tina’s energy, ment, economic development, health care, Employees nominated for an award must be drive, and enthusiasm enabled the House Re- and other social policy issues. This year’s del- in full-time status, have received at least one covery Operations Center to support and egation should be familiar with transatlantic re- PACE evaluation, and have a current perform- achieve results during such demanding times. lations within the context of recent world ance rating of excelling. Nominations for the events. awards are submitted by managers, super- On behalf of the entire House community, I In addition, U.S. participants are expected to visors, deputies and associate administrators. extend congratulations to Rob von Gogh, help plan and implement the program for the The nominees are then reviewed by a com- Charlene Best, Ron Carrico, Chantel Greene, Bundestag/Bundesrat staff members when mittee comprised of the head of each CAO Matt Guilfoyle, and Tina Hanonu for their tire- they visit the United States. Participants are business unit, the deputy CAO for operations, less efforts and outstanding contributions to expected to assist in planning topical meetings the deputy CAO for strategy, the administra- the U.S. House of Representatives. We wish in Washington, and are encouraged to host tive counsel, and other members of the CAO them continued success in their job endeav- one or two staffers in their Member’s district in team. ors. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:14 Feb 09, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08FE8.001 E08FEPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMREMARKS E84 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 8, 2006 HONORING WLTL: A RADIO STA- poral Verdugo established title to the Rancho cation Committee, Women’s Committee, the TION OWNED BY ILLINOIS DIS- San Rafael. The Rancho included most of Building Committee, and the CSC for the past TRICT 204 AND OPERATED BY present day Glendale, Burbank, Eagle Rock, 191⁄2 years. THE STUDENTS OF LYONS TOWN- and Highland Park. In 1831, Mr. Verdugo died For the past 201⁄2 years, Ruth A. St. Pierre SHIP HIGH SCHOOL and passed Rancho San Rafael to his two worked on the Women’s Committee, Elections, children. It was not until 30 years later that the Civil Rights, Citizenship and Legislation, Edu- HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI children divided the Rancho between them. In cation, Union Label, and as the Retiree Re- OF ILLINOIS 1871, a court decision known as the ‘‘Great cording Secretary. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Partition’’ was made dissolving Rancho San Eva Thornton started her career as a Bene- Rafael into smaller parcels. Homes and busi- Wednesday, February 8, 2006 fits Representative in 1988 and has continued nesses began to spring up, and in 1887, the in that position until the present day. Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to County Recorder finally registered the ‘‘Town honor WLTL, the radio station operated by the of Glendale.’’ Mr.
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