2757 Alderman Rd Palm Harbor, FL Ph: 727-786-3648 Fax: 727-789-9556 Email: [email protected] Website: stlukealderman.org Church Hours: Sunday 7am-11am Monday to Saturday 8am-12 noon St. Luke Early Childhood Center Ph: (727) 787-2914 StLukeECC.com School Of Faith– Ph:(727)-787-2845 Email: sofreceptionist.stluke@ gmail.com RCIA: Deacon Mike Ph: 727-786-3648 Disciples of Hope Prayer Chain Email:[email protected] Ph:(727) 460 – 9540. Bulletin: Ph: (813) 230-6412 Email: [email protected] Youth Ministry: Ph(813) 230-6412 Email: [email protected] Spanish Ministry: Fr. Jesus Martinez A Word from your Pastor Sunday, May 3, 2020 Follow the Good Shepherd There’s a popular TV show today called “The Masked Singer”. It’s not a show that I watch on a regular basis, but I have caught portions of it from time-to-time. The premise of the show is that a celebrity, somebody who is well-known, is dressed up in costume from head-to-toe; they have a mask on. Then, they perform a well-known song and it’s up to the panel to try to determine who the celebrity is, based on the sound of their voice. Today the church celebrates Good Shepherd Sunday. In our Gospel reading today, from the Gospel according to John, we read that the gatekeeper opens the gate for his sheep, and the sheep hear his voice. The shepherd calls his own sheep by name, and he leads them out. When he has driven out all his own, he walks ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they recognize his voice. In our lives today and in our world, there are many voices calling out, inviting us to follow them, but many of them are not of God. So how do we recognize God’s voice in our lives today? The best way of course is through Scripture, through the Bible, which we believe is the word of God itself. If we abide by that word, if we follow God’s word, if we listen to His word, we can be sure that it is God’s voice that is speaking to us and leading us on the right path. Be careful in our lives - not to follow voices that we don’t recognize. God loves us and He would never lead us down a path that is not good for us, down a path that would not lead to salvation in our lives. Again, we are called to follow the Good Shepherd, who is Jesus Christ, who loves His flock, who loves each one of us, and cares for us as His own. I invite you to participate in Mass this weekend to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. Follow His voice. He will lead us to salvation. ~Bishop Gregory Parkes, Diocese of St. Petersburg Resources Mass and other resources can be found at : ~St.Luke’s Sunday Mass on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzNMa -UzuQp6Ps1coQrrghQ. Or stlukealderman.org under Alleluia! Share the Good News. ~Live Mass at Dosp.org, Radio Spirit Fm 90.5, EWTN, Catholictv.org, Wordonfireshow.com/ mass, Laudate (App for Smart phone–which has daily readings, Rosary, Stations of the cross and more). ~Stations of the cross: https://usml.edu/digitalstationsofthecrossonline/ While we are at home, we can participate in Mass on your TV, radio, smart phone, or online. You can donate on line at awww.stlukealderman.org. Or you can mail a check. Put your offertory envelope in another envelope with a check. Checks preferred for your own security. Direct Mailing of Your Contributions: 2757 Alderman Rd Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 St. Luke The Evangelist Catholic Church, Palm Harbor Florida Page 2 St. Luke The Evangelist Catholic Church, Palm Harbor Florida Page 3 Page 4 Shar- ing the Gospel: You are one of God's sheep. Jesus calls you by name. You recognize his voice. Close your eyes. Listen to the voices of your family and friends. You can tell who is talking by the sound of their voic- es. You choose to fol- low Jesus on his path. You love God above everything. You love your neighbor as yourself. You share your toys, money and food with your family and the poor. Prayer Jesus, help me hear the right voices, and not follow the wrong voices. Something to Draw: Draw a sheep following Jesus along a road that leads into heaven. Mission for the Week: I will lis- ten and follow directions of my parents and teachers right away. Church Hours: Sunday 7am-11am Monday to Saturday 8am-12 noon Office Hours: Until further notice there are new office hours. Monday to Friday 8:30am-12 noon Sunday Mass with Father Paul: View on Youtube. Or use the link via Stlukealderman.org St. Luke The Evangelist Catholic Church, Palm Harbor Florida Page 5 Domingo 3 de mayo de 2020 Date Intentions Office Sigamos al Buen Pastor Sat, 5/2 † JoAnn Pompa Jones Closed Hoy en día hay una popular serie de tele- † Marian Epsom visión titulada “The Masked Singer” (Los Sun, 5/3 † Dan Bonner Closed cantantes enmascarados). No es un pro- grama que veo regularmente, pero de vez en cuando he visto alguna parte. La pre- Mon, 5/4 † The Damiano Family 8:30am12pm misa de este programa es que un perso- † Edward & Marrielorrine O'Leary naje célebre, alguien bien conocido, se viste con un disfraz de pies a cabeza y se Tues, 5/5 For the Sick of the Parish 8:30am12pm pone una máscara. Luego canta una canción popular mientras que un panel de cuatro personas trata de adivinar Wed, 5/6 Parish Volunteers 8:30am12pm quién es esa persona famosa, dejándose llevar por el tono de su voz. Hoy la Iglesia celebra el Domingo del Thurs, 5/7 Deacon Joe 8:30am12pm Buen Pastor. En la lectura del Evangelio según san Juan, leemos que el que cuida la puerta se la abre a sus ovejas y las Fri, 5/8 Priests 8:30am12pm ovejas reconocen su voz. El pastor llama a sus ovejas por su nombre y las conduce afuera. Ya afuera, él camina delante de Sat, 5/9 † Kyle Bastas Closed ellas y las ovejas lo siguen porque reco- nocen su voz. † Mary Lou Marth Hoy hay muchas voces en nuestra vida y en nuestro mundo que nos desafían e Congratulations! 60th Wedding Anniversary! invitan a seguirlas, pero muchas no son de Dios. Entonces, ¿cómo reconocer la Art & Carol Canalungo voz de Dios en nuestra vida? El modo más seguro es, por supuesto, a través de las Escrituras, a través de la Biblia, pues es la Palabra de Dios. Si obedecemos su palabra, si la escuchamos y la cumplimos, podemos estar seguros de que es la voz de Dios la que nos habla y nos guía por el camino correcto. Tengamos cuidado de no seguir aquellas voces que no conocemos. Dios nos ama y nunca nos pondría en un mal camino que no nos conduzca a la salvación. Repi- to que estamos llamados a seguir al Buen Pastor, Jesucristo, que ama a sus ovejas, que nos ama a cada uno de noso- www.stlukealderman.org tros y nos cuida como algo suyo. Te invi- to a participar en la Misa este fin de se- Visit the Church’s website for Father Paul’s Sunday Mass, mana, a escuchar y seguir la voz del Events, News, Bulletins, Amazon Smile, APA, FORMED Buen Pastor, pues él nos conduce a la information , and the New Donate button for St.Luke and salvación. so much more. Monseñor Parkes, Obispo de la Diócesis de St. Petersburg St. Luke The Evangelist Catholic Church, Palm Harbor Florida Page 6 VIVIR LA LITURGIA - INSPIRACIÓN DE LA SEMANA (Live the Liturgy) Cuando te levantas por la mañana, ¿de quién es la primera voz que escuchas? ¿La tuya? ¿La de alguien más? o ¿la de Dios? Todos escuchamos a alguien y seguimos algún tipo de pautas y principios. Si es una voz secular que nos impulsa a levantarnos por la mañana y asumir las tareas de la agenda del día, en- tonces podemos encontrarnos fuera de curso. El consejo que se encuentra en los Hechos de los Apóstoles era tan cierto entonces como lo es ahora: "Aléjense de esta generación perversa y sálvense." La mayor parte de lo que escuchamos en voces seculares está fuera del eje de la verdad y distorsionado. Puede so- nar atractivo, pero es engañoso en el mejor de los casos. Muchos se han extraviado como ovejas y necesi- tan regresar al Buen Pastor. Solo Jesús puede ofrecernos la puerta de la vida, y solo Jesús como el Buen Pastor realmente puede motivarnos a asumir los desafíos de la vida. Si no reconocemos su voz, podemos arriesgarnos a enfrentar la destrucción. Please support our advertisers. Without them, our bulletin would not be possible Thomas W. 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