II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this section is to define the characteristics of the Sapphire Project (“Proposed Project”). As discussed below, the Proposed Project would involve the construction and operation of a new mixed- use development within an existing 1.92-acre site (“Project Site”) that is currently developed with two commercial office and medical office buildings and a multi-level parking structure. The two existing commercial office buildings and parking structure would be demolished to allow for the construction and operation of a new mixed-use project with 369 multi-family dwelling units and 22,000 square feet of neighborhood-serving commercial floor area consisting of retail and restaurant land uses. The following section includes the following information: (a) the location and boundaries of the Project Site, (b) a description of the existing zoning and land uses that occur on site and in the immediate Project Site vicinity, (c) a detailed account of the characteristics of the Proposed Project, (d) a statement of the Proposed Project’s Project Objectives, (e) a discussion of the Proposed Project’s construction activities and timeline, and (f) a list of discretionary actions required to implement the Proposed Project. B. PROJECT LOCATION The Project Site is located within the boundaries of the Westlake Community Plan area within the City of Los Angeles. The Project Site is located west of the Harbor (I-110) Freeway and west of Downtown Los Angeles. Figure II-1, Project Location Map, shows the location of the Project Site in relation to the greater Los Angeles area. The Project Site is an infill development site and is designated as a “transit priority area” as defined by CEQA (See P.R.C. § 21099) and pursuant to the Department of City Planning’s Zoning Information File ZI No. 2452, Transit Priority Areas (TPAs) / Exemptions to Aesthetics and Parking within TPAs Pursuant to CEQA.1 As shown in Figure II-1, Project Location Map, the Project Site is located within one-half mile from the Seventh Street Metro Center Station (at 7th Street and Flower Street). Additionally, the Project Site is within 0.75 of a mile (walking distance) from the Pershing Square Station (at 5th Street and Hill Street) and 0.86 of a mile (walking distance) to the Westlake MacArthur Park Station. Primary regional access to the Project Site is provided by the Hollywood Freeway (US-101) and the Harbor/Pasadena Freeway (I-110/SR-110). The Hollywood Freeway runs in a north-south direction north of the Project Site, while the Harbor/Pasadena Freeway runs in a north-south direction east of the Project Site. These two freeways also provide access to the San Bernardino (I-10) and Santa Ana (I-5) freeways to the east, to the Golden State Freeway (I-5) to the north, and to the Santa Monica (I-10) and Pomona (SR-60) freeways to the south. 1 City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning, Zoning Information File, ZI No. 2452, Transit Priority Areas (TPAs) / Exemptions to Aesthetics and Parking within TPAs Pursuant to CEQA, website: http://zimas.lacity.org/documents/zoneinfo/ZI2452.pdf, accessed February 7, 2016. Sapphire Project Draft EIR II. Project Description State Clearinghouse No. 2016031029 Page II-1 ONE H ALF M ILE RA DI US (A PP RO X IM A T E ) Westlake MacArthur Park Station PROJECT SITE M APPROX. 0.4 MILES WALKING M 7th and Metro M Pershing Square Center Station Station PROJECT SITE LEGEND N Half Mile Radius Distance from the SCALE: APPROXIMATE 7th and Metro Center Station 0 500’ 1,000’ Source: Bing Base Map, 2016. Figure II-1 Project Location Map City of Los Angeles ENV-2015-3033-EIR July 2017 The roadways adjacent to the Project Site are served by several bus lines managed by multiple transit operators that include the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (“Metro”), LADOT DASH, Montebello Bus Lines, and Orange County Transportation Authority (“OCTA”). The Project Site’s proximity to the 7th Street/Metro Center Station, approximately one-half mile to the southeast, provides transfer opportunities to other Metro rail services, Amtrak, Metrolink, and numerous bus routes served by Metro, LADOT, and municipal bus operators. A detailed description of the public transit systems serving the Project Site area is described in Section III, Overview of the Environmental Setting. Local street access is provided by the grid roadway system surrounding the Project Site and surrounding area. W. 5th Street, which borders the Project Site to the north, is a two-way east-westbound street providing one travel lane in each direction. 5th Street is classified as a Collector Street. S. Bixel Street, which borders the Project Site to the east, is a two-way north-southbound street providing one travel lane in each direction. Bixel Street is classified as a Modified Avenue II roadway. 6th Street, located south of the Project Site, is a two-way east-westbound street providing two travel lanes in each direction. 6th Street is classified as an Avenue II roadway. Lucas Avenue, located west of the Project Site, is a two-way north- southbound Avenue II roadway that provides one travel lane in each direction. C. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 1. Regulatory Setting Land use development within the City of Los Angeles is regulated by the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), the City of Los Angeles General Plan (“General Plan”), and 35 separate community plans that comprise the Land Use Element of the General Plan. The Project Site is located within the Westlake Community Plan Area (“Community Plan”) of the City of Los Angeles. The Project Site is also located within the boundaries of the Central City West Specific Plan (“Specific Plan”) area, which is a defined geographic subarea of the Westlake Community Plan. A description of the applicable development regulations and policies set forth by the LAMC and applicable planning documents is provided below. a. City of Los Angeles Municipal Code The Los Angeles Municipal Code (“LAMC”) assists City offices, departments and other governmental agencies in their functions, and will serve the people as the official source of information regarding the regulations enacted by the City of Los Angeles for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. As the LAMC pertains to development, the LAMC sets specific requirements and standards for development projects within the City of Los Angeles, such as zoning laws, construction standards, open space and parking requirements. The LAMC is amended by ordinances and is enforced by the City of Los Angeles. As seen in Figure II-2, Zoning and General Plan Designations, the Project Site is zoned R5(CW)-U/6, C2 (CW)-U/3 and C4(CW)U/4.5. As indicated by the “(CW)” designation, the entire Project Site falls within the “CW” overlay, which refers to the zoning designations of the Central City West Specific Plan Sapphire Project Draft EIR II. Project Description State Clearinghouse No. 2016031029 Page II-3 LEGEND Zoning Designations Project Site CW Project Site Zoning Zoning Designations Zoning: R3 or R4 Zoning: C2 or CW Zoning: PF Charter School SCALE: APPROXIMATE A N 0 250’ 500’ CW Close Up View of Project Site with Land Use Categories * A R5(CW)-U/6 C2(CW)-U/3 C4(CW)-U/4.5 Zoning Boundary * Land Use Categories are identifed in the Central City West Specific Plan. LEGEND General Plan Designations Project Site General Plan Designations Community Commerical Regional Center Commerical Limited Commerical Community Commerical - Mixed High Residential Medium Residential High Medium Residential High Density Residential Public Facilities Convalescent Hospital Cultural / Historical Site N SCALE: APPROXIMATE 0 250’ 500’ Source: City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning, ZIMAS, 2015. Figure II-2 Zoning and General Plan Land Use Designations City of Los Angeles ENV-2015-3033-EIR July 2017 (“Specific Plan”). The specific development regulations pertaining to the Project Site’s zoning designation is therefore addressed below under the Central City West Specific Plan subheading. With respect to zoning, the Project Site is also located in a Los Angeles State Enterprise Zone (ZI No. 2374) that regulates parking standards. The Project Site is also within the jurisdiction of the Freeway Adjacent Advisory Notice for Sensitive Uses (ZI No. 2427) and is designated as a transit priority area (ZI No. 2452). b. City of Los Angeles General Plan Whereas the LAMC is an overarching document that provides specific requirements and standards for all aspects of living, working, and city function (including development) within the City of Los Angeles, the City of Los Angeles General Plan (General Plan) is a comprehensive, long-range declaration of purposes, policies, and programs to guide future development and growth within the City. The General Plan is a dynamic document consisting of 11 elements, 10 Citywide elements (Framework Element, Air Quality Element, Conservation Element, Housing Element, Noise Element, Open Space Element, Service Systems Element / Public Recreation Plan, Safety Element, and Mobility Element (Mobility Plan 2035)) and the Land Use Element (which provides individual plans for each of the City’s 35 Community Plan Areas), and the Plan for a Healthy Los Angeles (adopted in 2014).2 (1) Westlake Community Plan As mentioned above, the City of Los Angeles Land Use Element is divided into 35 community plans. The Project Site is located in the Westlake Community Plan Area (CPA) within the City of Los Angeles. The Westlake Community Plan aims to promote “a vision of the Westlake area as a community that looks at its past with pride and approaches its future with eagerness, while maintaining its individual identity.” To achieve this vision, the Community Plan aims to preserve and enhance the positive characteristics and promote community identity of the existing residential neighborhoods, while providing a variety of new housing opportunities; improve the function, design, and vitality of commercial corridors and plan future commercial and industrial development that promotes needed job opportunities; and maximize the development of future transit systems.
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