Liss ... Purim Gone: Issue Next ... ommrntatnr Scrapped Official Under graduate Newspaper of Yeshiva College NEW YORK �232 NO. 6 VOL. LXXIX WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 19--74 --------YESHIVA UNIVERSITY, -------------------- YCSC Elections Held; Senate Argues On Schac·ter Keynotes YVi BibleRequirem-ent, Eisenberg In _As Head A Business Min-or Holocaust Observanc·e By HOWARD WIEDER · . IBy HOWARD WIEDER With approximately 69% of all students voting, Larry By HENRY ZUPNICK In an emotionally charged speech marked by a sharp Eisenberg amassed a landslide victory to become the next At the Senate meeting of attack on United States Secretary of State Henry Kissin­ President of the Yeshiva College- Student Council. Mr. April 19 Senator Weinstein pre­ ger, Rabbi Herschel 'Schacter, a prominent leader of the e t e · s nted to he S nate a plan w Eisenberg; currently Junior Class e American Je ish community, Mr. Eisenberg waged an ,aggres- for revising the .Bibl .program, "kiddush Ha'Shem in a senseless, President, defeated Glenn Hirsch, e e spoke at the Holocaust Memorip.l e siv door-to-door campaign. w WYUR E� cutive Secretary and which had be n devised by · a e rootless, Godless orld?" Amidst e Day Observanc on Thursday, . e - The campaign itself was de- committe consisting of Dean audible cries and sobs in the Junior Class S cretary-Treas e t t April 18 at Lamport Aud1torium. urer, by a 332 (62%) - 203 void of any,"burning" issues and Bacon, stud n sena ors and audience, he continued, "Silence unm by the hurling of e Rabbi Schacter was the first 3 vote in the YCSC Execu- arred members of the Bible D part­ riluy best e�press our grief, but ( 8% ) e Jewish Army Chaplain to enter e tive Board elections held on m nt. dar we be silent? ... No, we March 28. The plan is similar to the .one will not forget. No, we will not e e te t e t e e The reason for the ·,overwhelm­ pr s n d by a group of s ud n be sil nt wher ver in the world e w e w ing majority vote may have been senators at the last me ting but Je ish lif is at stake, herever provides· for two more terms of in the world Jewish status and attributable to the campaign e style of Mr. Eisenberg, a YP mandatory on -credit courses in honor is threatened. No, no, a . student ,majo,ring in Pre,med. In addition to the ten credits to thousand no's ! We must not only e be taken in the first six terms. remember who they were, but an effort fo meet ach student, e However, th plan gives the (Contimted on Page 4, Col. 1) student the option of taking Buying Kosher Meats these 2 last courses p-n, or for no credit. (The only require­ Harry Fischel School And Especially 'Glatt' ment being that he pass these e Announces New Plans Costly In N. Y.C. Area cours s.)· Keating Questions Values For Summer Session New York · City housewives making their pre�Passover meat In the discussion that follow- By ROBERT KANTOWITZ purchases encountered prices av- Paul Millman e "L h' La • ed, Prof. Keating qu stioned the Paul Millman The Harry Fischel School for eraging ten per cent higher than aug mg rry ' . value of -a eourse where no Hi her e sh - Rabbi Herschel Schacter . g J wi Stud<ies has an those prevalent four months ago, bruising, personal invectives. The mark or credit is given, express- nounced plans for a 1974 sum- e e e according to a r cent kosher key factor in the outcome may ing th opinion tha t education- the Buchenwald Concentration m r session. Courses are to be e meat prices survey conduct d by :have been the visibility of the ally -it would not be beneficial. te s offered in such fields as ancient, et Camp af r it wa liberated by the M ropolitan New . York Co- candidates. ior. Kra added that allowing U.S. troops. medieval, · and Spanish Jewish e e r ordinating CouncH on Jewish Mr. Eis nberg's ' p rsonal ap- students to take the courses.P-N Though twenty-nine years have histo y ; Jewish philosophy; and Poverty, This anticipated season- proach · was · embodied: Jil ·,a · letter o · or· no credit ,is · going against pa e s t e , - · Talmudic literature. e r f ss d ince h event, he re r e e t s al_ is brought- av rag(\ .kosh r : , to . the ,.s udent. body, . issu_ed · the the student' :·original intent to marked that the vision· of the _ The primary purpose of these e e e m at .pric s : cJos Jo __. the ._al).- day�-oLthe;:elect�n,Jin.. whic li• tie.. i111prove. ..the:.quality.,:and, level of e e e t t e . ci· i matoriums still ·smold ring summer ·courses ·is to bring to­ Bm peak ha had- be n record� ····stated,; ";- :. '·.• . e · ws e e · Stug nts :ar,e · inore· : • t. h�•; Bibie :courses.· • ·• · - wtJ-i the · ashe.s of innocent . Je · g th r rabbis,- scholars, educators ed during e e e t e rs .. the third-week. of--Aug, · . than constitu¢nts : or voters;·· but :At 'this· PQirit S nator Kramer · ,and the · st nch 6f ,th� · -lif less · an'd communi y l ade who are ust, 197;3. ... _ ·, .rather, ·lri�ivjduals :with personal: · suggested :thaf the •Bible depart- · bodies· -have -left :an · indelible im- . unable - to make use of the spe• -As in. previoll§ _surveys, ':V-ide. ·., hopes. and .:cc;>ncerns· ; ; ; -: I ··lie- · m ent' .in ::".YC ' be'; abolished nd p ry e e - · a ressi�n oh his memo ; He re- · cial r sources- of Y shiva Uni­ fluctu-ation� . · i_n prices. r�- . eve t�t- running -. for officeJn- , ·. t a W!'.>1'.iJd-:more'appropr iately '. calls ••,running versit during the regu ar year, t e e e h · froin . baIT-acks· to · .. y l · pot' ed from th diff r nt areas. volves niore-than ,plaste�ri'g w,alls · · be<a p �rt:'. of '"·YP. After the · barracks ·-only be - In · addition to offering · oppor• e to flilbberg.ast- in which th Coordinating,Coun- · ·. with flyers: only w· ·biiildlng· •ic meeting; -Seriat.or. Kramer ·_told ed and stunned by he sight of · tunities-. for. profession l ad­ w .t a �il - funds �o<:a) Je ish: Commun<_ -pcrsona1: .r�pport· · arid ·comrade.-- ::TlrE, ·COMM��T,()R:- that he'. hund '.eds -of 'corpses. · vancement, ·this · program •will r te . · 1 · · it� Councils to. -ameh? � · th_e . � e · e e e t e e _ · - hlp -_can _w� , ho� -� r�ly .sup� -·. _ was sun? th�t :when :� -pr sents . · t i e o ·t e crema o _· · p�l)ffiit stud n s to broad n th ir p ight of e Y k 1 y J e Ou s d f h t riums, . l � -� �:: _pr ·, .C:: � -� - e�": : port_, -for IS�Ue§.':"I.11lportant to·: iµl , \'his,:plan--to ,:J::>rt-Belkm-. that • th .-· :he s'iiw many l r e ·ne.s 'o .'boil . : understanding through· . an . ex� e a g · p f -· . isn poor. · Ac�raing to ·. th ,- lak -of us)' :·'. , -. - . ·• ,· :·,:-. _: ,> -·: · • .' ·,·• -:.•Pre.sident,•'wiU--give:- his ,approval. · ·. · .. • . -· .. · · . -change - of ·ideas with·recognized . · . 1 t · b s l . : · est stafi_stic.s , co� pile<t '.)y the :, , �: _...:·,,_i!roiillses,-:Proe�lses.'. i _;< : /�n · 9th�t : d¢v�lqplllents Dean ��d �� :� e· 1;r: e<J f � auth· orities .. n ,t n tal n o n il of. · e Y e t . � r� �(i �:Coo, � ; : -�; t<>. _ : _ .: �r.; �-l!!�e�ber,g ::aav��t_ed\�·� ;•:i 13ji"�n;-:; ,a.i,lnio�pce11'· . �pat · by_· a _. ,-�l� c -�b _: .\a e\:� :s · ·, , . F_urthenrior ; _ .C stud n _ 35:7, QO, v r ua wen y . ati ut e r ; s · � .. � - 1 t U�. � ! .. ,�r()� :3:11� ex�n�in�-?� ��·.· · J.i':'�!)im<>�\vo e t a ulty a - �:= e e e J �_' ��· F e ew , c � . that I w U nev r f ef. ,as l n wh�_ :ar int rested in · th B�/ r cent f o k s o a oE1 _ i org o g pe_ . o � Y 1 _ : .t t l , cll-� ���gryun.s:ott �pre\lllO�•�r,-: •· prov,� 'fS����hment o b s1- · e w w. 1 0 e , � u -as G,a gives m a m emory."· : · . MA •pro�am in ·Je ish �tudies- _Je ISh.-I,>OPUlatio!), have n� In s · B e .. m1tiated and · -·m.a,iage<J the : ness··-minor :m . �'G. Seve� new - . : · e e · · may- fulflll - a good portion of so. low : that - th y -may: -be ,r -. · \-CSC Used-Book E�cii�ng� earl•:' _ ' bnsiriess cot1rses ·will -be ' insti- .Who Are.W e'?. e e e . · , . their araduat r quirem nts · by garqed :a.s -welfar� risks. e e · · -. ' , · , ·i';-r•·iri:U:i year 'and pfoinise<ffo ' ttited )n<x-Q< and 18 cr edits w m Bui •how, questioned Ra bbi . · pa�ticl;ating in the summ r pro� Gl�tt t e e establtsh a used-book : co-op. be needed o fulfJU the minQr's Schacht r, can we xpress our gram. Classes wm be small to Some , of · the price iscr pan- (Continued on Page :3, e · d e ·· COL . 1) • requirem nts. memory to those who died for assure maximum development of cies were attributed to the dif- each student and the satisfac• ference in price between kosher tion of his specific needs.
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