Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 140 / Tuesday, July 22, 1997 / Notices 39305 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY The following paragraph applies to all information during the quarter ending of the collections of information covered June 30, 1997. Internal Revenue Service by this notice: An agency may not conduct or Last name First name Middle name Proposed Collection; Comment sponsor, and a person is not required to Request for Form 8582±CR ABART GERDA respond to, a collection of information ABDELNOUR DAVID PAUL unless the collection of information AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), ACETESON MARILYN MARGARET Treasury. displays a valid OMB control number. ADDA JUDITH BELL Books or records relating to a collection ADKINS KYO CHIN ACTION: Notice and request for of information must be retained as long AE MIN STACY SANG comments. as their contents may become material AHN CHUNGHEE in the administration of any internal AHN MODRD SANGKYO AHN YOUNGOK SUMMARY: The Department of the revenue law. Generally, tax 3 returns Treasury, as part of its continuing effort AHN ELISA KYUNG-HEE and tax return information are AHN KOOK BEEN to reduce paperwork and respondent confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. burden, invites the general public and ALBRIGHT SANDRA LYNN 6103. ALMEIDA NORMA ESTHER other Federal agencies to take this Request for Comments: Comments ALMEIDA PATRICIA ESTHER opportunity to comment on proposed submitted in response to this notice will ALMEIDA SYLVIA ESTHER and/or continuing information be summarized and/or included in the AMADERA MASAKI JULIAN collections, as required by the request for OMB approval. All AMBROS DIETER HANS Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. AMEIDA DIANA ESTHER comments will become a matter of AN IN YONG L. 104±13 (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)). public record. Comments are invited on: Currently, the IRS is soliciting AN DUCK WON (a) Whether the collection of ANDERSEN- ELIZABETH ANN comments concerning Form 8582±CR, information is necessary for the proper FRONTERI Passive Activity Credit Limitations. performance of the functions of the ANDERSON MARILYN MARJORIE DATES: Written comments should be agency, including whether the ANDERSON GARY DUAN received on or before September 22, information shall have practical utility; ANDREWS PETER NEWTON ANGELICOUS- ELIZABETH GORDON 1997, to be assured of consideration. (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate SIS ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments of the burden of the collection of AQUINO GILBERT RALPH to Garrick R. Shear, Internal Revenue information; (c) ways to enhance the ARNOLD MYONG HUI Service, room 5571, 1111 Constitution quality, utility, and clarity of the ARNOLD ETHAN ADAMS Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20224. information to be collected; (d) ways to ATKINSON JAMES LINDY minimize the burden of the collection of ATKINSON HEATHER LOUISE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: ATTARD JENNIFER ANN information on respondents, including Requests for additional information or AVERY ELIN (K-A KATHERIN through the use of automated collection ALIYA) copies of the form and instructions techniques or other forms of information should be directed to Martha R. Brinson, BAE JUNG-MOK MICHAEL technology; and (e) estimates of capital BAE KENNETH SANGKI (202) 622±3869, Internal Revenue or start-up costs and costs of operation, BAEK SIUNNA Service, room 5571, 1111 Constitution maintenance, and purchase of services BAGGER KAREN M. Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20224. to provide information. BAILEY CHONG MAI PAK BAKER WILLIAM STEVENS SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION : Approved: July 10, 1997. BALCH CHONG PUN Title: Passive Activity Credit Garrick R. Shear, BANKS SAMUEL ANDREW Limitations. IRS Reports Clearance Officer. BANKSON DOUGLAS HENNECK BANKSON BEVERLY OLGA OMB Number: 1545±1034. [FR Doc. 97±19229 Filed 7±21±97; 8:45 am] (NEE Form Number: 8582±CR. BILLING CODE 4830±01±P CARLSON) Abstract: Under Internal Revenue BARNARD THOMAS JOSEPH BARNES GRAHAM Code section 469, credits from passive DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY BASKORO IBNU BASS activities, to the extent they do not BASSAGE ANGELIA LING exceed the tax attributable to net passive Internal Revenue Service BAYER MELISSA income, are not allowed. Form 8582±CR BAYLY STEPHEN VINCIENT is used to figure the passive activity Quarterly Publication of Individuals, BEAN MI CHA credit allowed and the amount of credit Who Have Chosen To Expatriate, as BERNSTEIN JOSEPH FRANK to be reported on the tax return. Required by Section 6039F BERRIDGE CHRISTEL HERMINE, EVA BERWICK SAMUEL Current Actions: There are no changes BESSETTE BIANCA AREANE being made to the form at this time. AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. BESSETTE BIANCA AREANE Type of Review: Extension of a BESSO MARC JOSEPH currently approved collection. ACTION: Notice. BHUSAWANG SUCHITRA Affected Public: Individuals or BILLESBERGE- LAMBERT GEORGE SUMMARY: This notice is provided in R households, business or other for-profit accordance with IRC section 6039F, as BINNER VALERIE CHRISTINE organizations, and farms. amended, by the Health Insurance BIRKNES BENTE RITA Estimated Number of Respondents: Portability and Accountability Act BLACKWELL BRUCE IRVING 900,000. (HIPPA) of 1996. This listing contains BLAIR MICHELE MADELLINE Estimated Time Per Respondent: 5 hr., BLAKE DUNCAN JOHN the name of each individual losing BLAKE VICTOR HAROLD 49 min. United States citizenship (within the BLANKENSHIP- JOHN WILLIAM Estimated Total Annual Burden meaning of section 6039F) with respect LEON Hours: 5,229,450. to whom the Secretary received BOLLINGER WILLIAM GUEST 39306 Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 140 / Tuesday, July 22, 1997 / Notices Last name First name Middle name Last name First name Middle name Last name First name Middle name BOWDEN GORDON TERRY CHOI MIN GEW DESCHAMPS ROGER HENRY BOWDEN (NEE BEATRICE LOUISE CHOI YOUNG GON DIMMA KATHARINE LOUISE NILSSON) CHOI DOSOUNG PHILIP DIXON BETTY BOWENS ADLOPH BARNER CHOI JUNG JA DOKKO YOON BOYCHUK JACK EDWARD CHOI BYUNG YUL DONOVAN JAMES LAWRENCE BOYD MARIE ELISABETH CHOI JASON SUNG DOWNES SHIRLEY HELEN BOYD H. HOOD CHOI JUNG SOON DU PASQUIER SHELBY ROBERT BOYER- JANINE AURORE CHOI WON-SUP DUDEK STEPHANIE ZUPERKO KWONG CHOI SARAH JUNG DUNBAR DOUGLAS (NEE CHOI JENNY SOONJOO DUNBAR JOYCE BOYER) CHOI-LEE MYUNG JA DUNCANSON ARCHIE VAIL BRADLEY GERDA DUKI (BERRY) CHONG KIL TO DUNLAP DOROTHY EDITH BRENNAN PAUL DUNSTAN- CHOO JU HYUN DUTT MOHAN EDMUNG CHOUGH SUNGJUNG EATON RANDALL BRYAN BREWER DEBORAH JANE CHOUNG MICHELLE EBNER GAIL ZELLA BRINDLE SAM E. CHOY ARTHRU JIN DONG EHIDER ALETTA JOHANNA BRINKE KARIN INLANDA CHOY YOON KEUN EIDE GLORIA PAULINE BROOKSHIER CHON SUN CHRIQUI MENACHEM EKBATANI JOHN BROWN WOODSON CHURCHILL CHUN EUN JOO ELLIOTT MARGARET ISOBEL BROWN JR. RALPH LYMAN CHUNG HO-KYOON ENOCH LORRAINE RUTH BROWNE SANDRA LEE CHUNG JOHN JONGMUN ENRIGHT JAMES EDWARD BUZZELL YONG HO CHUNG JANE EWHA ENRIQUEZ PORFIRIO QUINTO BYUN SUNG HA CHUNG MICHAEL YOUNGBUM ERRINGTON ANTHONY FRANKLIN CABANERO DANNY CEBUA CHUNG KYUNG AE CAGNARD LARS CHRISTIAN CHUNG DAVID YUNG-CHUAN EVANS DIANE CATHERINE CAMILLERI ANGEL SAM CHUNG KYU SUK FABI JOHANN CANTINI GEORGIO CHUNG SUNG Y. FABI (NEE MARIA CARL PHILLIP CHUNG JEANHYUN CLARA BIDNER) CASTEEL DONALD WILHELM CHUNG IL-SUN FERGUSON SANDRA KAY CHAMBERS RANDOLF ARTHUR WIL- CHUNG KYUN MO FESTEJO PETER MILES HELM CHUNG SEAN SEPMG-HOON FINAN LUCY HWANG CHANDLER DAVID LEWIS CHUNG WOO GON FLANDERS MALCOLM WARREN CHANG ALBERT CHAO HSIANG CHUNG DONALD DONGWHA FLEMING WARD THOMAS CHANG CHUL HO CHUNG OKWHA KIM FONDAS MATTHEW JOHN CHANG JUNE LLIN CLOPPEN- JORN CHRISTOPH FOSTER CAROL ROGERS CHANG PAUL BURG FOSTER KATHARINA CHANG SANG YOUN COBB ADAM DONALSON FOXLEY ALEJANDRO TOMAS CHANG JOHN HWAN COBLE TAMMY LYNN FRANCISCO NANCY KAY CHANG NAE HYUN COLLETTE MARY M. FREE DENNIS EVERETTE CHAPMAN WENDELL LUDWIG CONSUL LEO CHI-CHEN FREEMAN PRISCILLA HINCHCLIFFE CHEN YET SEN ROBERT CORK EDWIN KENDALL FREEMAN STEFAN SEBASTIAN CHEN PI CHAO COSTELLO STEVEN JOHN FRISBIE EDWARD JOHN CHENG SU MING COUNTS VICKY LYNN FRISSE HELGA ANNA-MARIA CHENG KUANG FU CRAIG JACQUELINE LEE FUHRER LORENZO GUSTAV CHEY ANTHONY PARK CRUZ TEODORO CORPUZ FUJIWARA HARUE CHI MINA CUSSEN ALBERT JAMES FUNG CAROLINE SAU TAK CHI ISAAC HO CZESCHIN ROBERT WAYNE GAMBILL ROBERT ARNOLD CHIA LAWRENCE PAU-LIN DANGOOR DAVID ALAN GARCIA ERICA CHAROLA CHIN SUNG AE DANI PETER JULIUS GARDNER KEVIN MAURICE CHIN PETER HYUNJOON DARDEN STEPHEN CHARLES GARNIER ROBERT CHRIS- CHING BERNADETTE KAR FUN DARDEN DOROTHY LEWIS TOPHER CHISNALL MARIA ALEXANDER, DARLINGTON CYNTHIA L. GATLING CHA LEE MAILLIS DART KENNETH BRYAN GEORGE JR. DENIS PATRICK CHO CHANG HYEON DE CHARLES GUY GEORGES LAWRENCE PETER CHO KUM SUN CHEZELLES GERARD RHODE LOUISE CHO PHILLIP SUNG DE GROAT ERIC GRANT GLYNN RENAE CHARLOTTE CHO JOON SUK DE LA BARRE WILLIAM DE TALANCE GOLDBATCH TONIA MICHELINE CHO MANNY SE DE LISA ENNIO ANTHONY GOLDSMITH MAURICE MARKS CHO YOUNG JOON DE GAEL ALAIN GONSEI PATRICIA PFAFF CHO YONGSIK ROQUEFEUI- GORDON JRND-UWE CHO JAE BERNARD L GORDON, ANGELICOUS- ELIZABETH CHO MIKYUNG DE SANTO RENATE SLS CHOE BYUNG JOO DEAN VINCENT CYRIL GRANT HUI OH CHOI PAUL KYUNG DEBONO DENNIS GREEN LIBBY CHOI JEAN YOUNG DEGNER- SUSAN STJERNA GREENE TERESA CECILIA CHOI ROBERT ELSNER GRIFFIN MICHAEL CHOI ESTHER DELGADO- TIA JUANA GRIMA JANICE JOSEPHINE CHOI MIN A. ZYGMUNT GRIMA TONY PETER CHOI ANTHONY EUGENE DENNIS JEFFREY HOLT GRONDIN FRANCES GRACE Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 140 / Tuesday, July 22, 1997 / Notices 39307 Last name First name Middle name Last name First name Middle name Last name First name Middle name GUERRERO
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