THE EASTERN & ORIENTAL, 53 WESTFIELD ROAD, WESTFIELD, WOKING GU22 9NQ PLANNING STATEMENT P20-2822 | MARCH 2021 MARCH 2021 | EMO | P20-2822 PLANNING APPLICATION FOR INSTALLATION OF EXTERNAL PLANT; EXTERNAL COLD STORE; CANOPY AND SATELLITE DISH WITH MINOR ALTERATIONS TO REAR ELEVATION. PLANNING STATEMENT THE EASTERN AND ORIENTAL, 53 WESTFIELD ROAD, WESTFIELD, WOKING GU22 9NQ ON BEHALF OF CO-OPERATIVE GROUP FOOD LIMITED TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 (AS AMENDED) PLANNING AND COMPULSORY PURCHASE ACT 2004 Prepared by: Emma Morrison CONTENTS: Page No: 1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA ................................................................. 2 3.0 PLANNING HISTORY .................................................................................. 4 4.0 THE PROPOSAL .......................................................................................... 5 5.0 PLANNING POLICY ..................................................................................... 6 6.0 PLANNING ASSESSMENT .......................................................................... 10 7.0 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................... 13 APPENDICES: APPENDIX 1: DECISION NOTICE AND OFFICER'S REPORT REF. PLAN/2019/0720 MARCH 2020 | EMO | P20-2822 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Planning Statement is submitted in support of an application for the installation of a plant enclosure with external freezer/chiller units to facilitate the occupation of the ground floor retail floorspace (approved through planning application ref. PLAN/2019/0968) of the former Eastern and Oriental restaurant, 53 Westfield Road, Woking by Co-operative Group Food Limited as a new convenience food store. 1.2 This application is made following the approval of planning permission ref. PLAN/2019/0720 for similar development which was approved in September 2019. Following the approval of this application, amendments have been made to the proposed layout of the rear yard area and this application seeks permission for the new layout, however some aspects of the originally approved proposal remain unchanged. Please see section 4 for details. 1.3 This Statement sets out the background to the site and development proposals including the relevant planning history and planning policy framework, together with their physical context, and assesses the proposals in terms of their compliance with policy. 1.4 The Statement should be read in conjunction with the supporting documents to the application, including drawings prepared by RPM, Plant Layout prepared by Orwell Design Associates and Noise Impact Assessment by Noise Solutions Limited. MARCH 2021 | EMO | P20-2822 Page | 1 2.0 SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA 2.1 The application site comprises an area at the rear of the former Eastern and Oriental restaurant which has recently been granted permission for conversions and extensions to provide a ground floor retail unit (Class E) and 7 no. residential apartments on the upper floors (ref. PLAN/2019/0968). 2.2 The wider site occupies a corner plot, with Westfield Road to the west of the site, and Westfield Common to the south. The site is bounded by the Grade II Listed The Old Cricketers and Cricketers Cottage to the east (in residential use) and the Moorcroft Centre for the Community to the north. 2.3 The site is separated from the properties to the north and east by vegetation and fencing and there is a wooded area to the west of the site, across Westfield Road. 2.4 The approved layout for the new convenience store shows access from Westfield Road and onto Westfield Common to the south. The parking area is at the front of the unit, and the main entrance is on the western elevation. 2.5 The current approved layout (PLAN/2019/0720) for the plant area is shown in the below extract from approved Ground Floor Plan (drg. no. CO1116-P-110A). MARCH 2021 | EMO | P20-2822 Page | 2 2.6 The layout of the building is such that the service/plant area at the rear of the store is screened from public views. 2.7 The site does not lie within a Conservation Area and is within Flood Zone 1, the area at least risk from flooding. MARCH 2021 | EMO | P20-2822 Page | 3 3.0 PLANNING HISTORY 3.1 The planning history which is relevant to the site is summarised below. • PLAN/2019/0720 for the proposed installation of external plant equipment including refrigeration condenser and air conditioning units within timber fenced enclosure together with installation of external cold store, canopy and minor alterations to the building rear elevation. Approved 12 September 2019. A copy of the decision notice and officer's report are included at Appendix 1. APPENDIX 1 – DECISION NOTICE AND OFFICER'S REPORT REF. PLAN/2019/0720 • Following this application, an application for a non-material amendment to this permission was applied for (ref. AMEND/2021/0003). This was withdrawn after subsequent changes were made which affected the plant enclosure and resulted in a new red-line boundary for the proposal, requiring a new planning application. • PLAN/2019/0968 Change of use of ground floor restaurant (Class A3) to a retail store (Class A1) with extensions and alterations for the creation of 7 no. flats (Class C3) (5x1 bed and 2x2 bed) on upper floors and associated car/cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping and the demolition of single storey garage. Approved 19 March 2020. • PLAN/2014/0836 Erection of single storey rear infill extension and new external staircase and external alterations. Approved August 2014. MARCH 2021 | EMO | P20-2822 Page | 4 4.0 THE PROPOSAL 4.1 This application seeks planning permission for the installation of a revised plant enclosure adjacent to the northern boundary of the site, together with an external cold store and canopy; satellite dish; and minor external alterations to the rear elevation. 4.2 The plant enclosure will house the same plant as previously approved, comprising 3 no. air condition units, together with refrigeration pack and gas cooler as specified on the Plant Layout (drg. no. E3271-CR3 Rev 02). No changes are proposed to the type of equipment to be installed. 4.3 The plant will now be arranged towards the northernmost corner of the site, with a timber hit-and-miss fence forming the enclosure to the south of the equipment. Access along the rear of the store will now be provided between the building and the plant enclosure. 4.4 The position of the external cold store and canopy has also been amended from the previous approved layout, with the canopy now proposed across the rear of the store, and the cold store proposed towards the north eastern corner of the building. The new metal back of house door will therefore be relocated to the right of its previously approved position. 4.5 A satellite dish is proposed to be installed on the eastern elevation at a high level in the same position as previously approved. MARCH 2021 | EMO | P20-2822 Page | 5 5.0 PLANNING POLICY 5.1 The following policy is considered relevant to this application. National Planning Policy National Planning Policy Framework 2019 (NPPF) 5.2 The revised National Planning Policy Framework 2019 (NPPF) sets out the Government's policies for the planning system to ensure that the planning system helps to achieve sustainable development. 5.3 The key objective of the NPPF is to achieve sustainable development and paragraph 8 confirms that there are three overarching objectives which need to be pursued, namely economic, social and environmental. The economic role should contribute to sustainable development by building a strong, responsive and competitive economy and ensuring the sufficient amount of and right type of development to support growth. 5.4 Paragraph 11 confirms that a presumption in favour of sustainable development is at the heart of the NPPF and for planning applications this means proposals for development conforming to the Development Plan should be approved without delay. 5.5 Paragraph 38 relates to decision making and confirms that "local planning authorities should approach decisions on proposed development in a positive and creative way" and that: "Decision-makers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible." 5.6 Paragraph 80 states that "significant weight should be placed on the need to support economic growth and productivity, taking into account local business MARCH 2021 | EMO | P20-2822 Page | 6 needs and wider opportunities for development." 5.7 Paragraph 92 states that planning decisions should "plan positively for the provision and use of …community facilities (such as local shops…) and other local services to enhance the sustainability of communities and residential environments." 5.8 It further states that decisions should "ensure that established shops, facilities and services are able to develop and modernise and are retained for the benefit of the community." 5.9 Paragraph 180 states that development should "mitigate and reduce to a minimum potential adverse impacts resulting from noise from new development – and avoid noise giving rise to significant adverse impacts on health and the quality of life." 5.10 Chapter 16 of the NPPF sets out the approach to heritage assets and states (at paragraph 189): "In determining applications, local planning authorities should require an applicant to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting.
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