USOO8846984B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,846,984 B2 Allgeier et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 30, 2014 (54) PRODUCTION OF Co-DIOLS 4400,468 A 8, 1983 Faber 4,401,823. A 8, 1983 Arena 4,780,552 A 10, 1988 Wambach et al. (71) Applicant: E I du Pont de Nemours and 5, 112,994 A 5/1992 Koseki et al. Company, Wilmington, DE (US) 5,210,335 A 5/1993 Schuster et al. 5,412,111 A 5/1995 Matsumoto et al. (72) Inventors: Alan Martin Allgeier, Wilmington, DE 5,538,891 A 7/1996 Schneider et al. (US); Wathudura Indika Namal De 5,696,303 A 12/1997 Darsow et al. Silva, Rahway, NJ (US); Carl Menning, 5,981,769 A 11/1999 Baur et al. 6,008,418 A 12/1999 Baur et al. Newark, DE (US); Joseph E. Murphy, 6,087,296 A 7/2000 Harper et al. Woodbury, NJ (US); Joachim C Ritter, 6,147,208 A 11/2000 Achhammer et al. Wilmington, DE (US); Sourav Kumar 6,265,602 B1 7/2001 Voit et al. 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