l Torres,. : v.I City, of New York- et- �al . - -· . -- -- , ... ·-· :-·--·--·-·- .. .... ·-··---··-····. ----�-j .. Doc. 50 ·• -.- - Case 1:19-cv-06332-ER Document 50 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 10 ---------------------------------------------------------1- Wilfredo Torres, The City of New York is directed to submit a Pro Se Plaintiff response to Torres' motion to compel by July 27, 2020. -vs- It is SO ORDERED. City of New York, et al. --------�------�--·-------------Defendants-------�------ --------------------- 7/21/2020 I , \ To the Honorable Edgardo Ramos, r, :i = r� United States Judge . -<--lO r- V ,•1 Southern District of New York Oci '> or, Couthouse f./) ·: » n�:; 500 Pearl Street :- �.,; l - ; New York, N.Y. 10007 -.. + P.C) Your Honor: I As pro se plaintiff of the above case I hereby resp�cfully ask the Court for an Or er compelling defendants Police Oficer Neil Veras, Police Ofice'r Patricia De Jesus, Police Oic r John Doe #1, Police Oficer John Doe #2, and Police Oficer Jane Doe #3, to poduce their b dy-camera r videos, all personal and oficial notes, and all oth;r oficial documents about the raid of my apatment on 2-27-2019. Dockets.Justia.com I I Case 1:19-cv-06332-ER Document 50 Filed 07/21/20 Page 2 of 10 -2! BACKGROUND INFORMATION: 1---1 am erroneously included in the terrorists' list! of the government of the Unit d States, and as such am persecuted, totured, and denied due :process of law in the Couts. E hibit 1. 2---The government of the United States admits that its own Central Intelligence Agency 1 11 (' CIA ) caused the controlled-demolition of the World Trade Center on Septemb r 11, 201 C'9/11"); blamed others; in Iraq alone slaughtere� over 1-million innocent men, women, and children; proudly declared "mission accomplished"; got both political paties to ssign billions of dollars to its fake "war on terror11 at home and �broad; multiplied its militay udget; activated a tyrannical law called The Patriot At;� secret and omnipotent Cout �amed Foreign Intelligence Suveillance Cout; and replaced the U.S. Constitution with a police- tate. Exhibits 2, 3, 4. 3---Today, 19 years ater 9/11, the U.S. Attorney ;or the Southern District of Ne Geofrey Berman, granted the request of the La�ers' Committee for 9/11 lnqui , Inc. for a grand juy to find out who planted the expl9sives at the twin towers that d y. Exhibit 5. 4---A few days ago Geofrey Berman was fired to prevent the 9/11 invetigation. Exhibit 6. Case 1:19-cv-06332-ER Document 50 Filed 07/21/20 Page 3 of 10 I I I -3- 5---ln 2015, and 2016, the Central Intelligence Agency-Federal Bureau of lnvesfgation- New York City Police Depatment unit created to: persecute political dissidents ("the CIA terrorists") carried-out warrantless raids of my apatment. 6---1 filed case 16V2362 in this Cout which was�assigned to Magistrate-Judge �evin Nathaniel Fox, and Judge Ronnie Abrams, but from the vey beginning they treated me lik a criminal, fiercely defended the CIA terrorists, and ultimatdly ignored the evidence and di missed the case. 7---These Judges were in fact giving a blank-check to the CIA terrorists to comm t more atacks against me, and on 2-27-2019 there was another;warrantless raid of my apatm nt. See photograph of the CIA teroists ransacking my a�atment in my absence. Exhibl 7. I I 8--To escape the persecution of Judges Abrams ahd Fox I asked the Chief Judge o assign the lawsuit of the last atack to a diferent Judge as a inew case, and she assigned it o your Coutroom as case 19CV6332. CONCLUSION: The information requested here is vital to the cas�. J�� . I� Wilfredo T'rres v 470 Second Avenue Apt. 2A New York, N.Y. 10016 Telephone: 212-447-1737 . Case 1:19-cv-06332-ER Document 50 Filed 07/21/20 Page 4 of 10 -4- Cc: City of New York-Law Depatment Atn. Carolyn K. Depoian, Esq. Atn. Jessica Engel, Esq. 100 Church Street New York, N.V. 10007 --- ­ T Case 1:19-cv-06332-ER Document 50 Filed 07/21/20 Page 5 of 10 I ' DANIEL L. 1MEYERS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 350 BR □ADW�Y, SUITE 308 NEW YORK, NY 1 □□- 1 3 {21 2) 226-41 06 (PHONE) (2 1 2) 43 1 - □ t 07 ('AX) ' May 23, 2006 . Central Intelligence Agency ', f • \ Information and Privacy Coordinttor Washington, D.C. 20505 Re: Freedom of Infomation Act �euest On behalf of r. Wilfredo Tdrres Dear Infomation and Privacy codrdinator: Your undersigned is the attorney for Mr. Wilfredo T rres, who has, in writing, authorized 1me to request on hi·s beh lf certain records and information :from your agency as morel fully described below. (Attached is t�e duly notarized authorization). This letter constitutes a �equest pursuant to the F eedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 :("FOIA"), and the Privac Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a ("PA"). Similar �equests have been submitfed to the Transportation Security Org�nization ("TSA"), the De artment of Justice ("DOJ"), the Departm1nt of Homeland Security ("OHS"), the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") and the National Security Agency ("NSA"). The following personal infqrmation is submitted to specifically identify the party in interest; • Mr. Wilfredo Torres; • 470 Second Avenue, Apt. ·2A New York, NY 10016; • Date of birth, March 23; 1952; • Place of birth, San Juan,I Puerto Rico; • Social Security nber, ,584-42-7541. ' For many years, including Z006, Mr. Torres travels frequently between New York and Puerto Rico. His princi le travel purpose is to visit with ,fmily. He has been des·gnated wrongfully, by your agency and/dr in concert with other I governmental agencies and/or th airlines, as a person w o poses or is sus�ected of posing "a th�eat to civil aviation." As a Case 1:19-cv-06332-ER Document 50 Filed 07/21/20 Page 6 of 10 fj� ·. fIf II" . � Press V is targeted ;__ _ � 'It was not Iraq. It were o�r: ; people', says I f rump Home I US / Politics Mon �un 17, 2019 03:25PM [Updated: Mon Ju 17, 2019· 05:57PM] US President Donald Trump talked to ABC News' George Stephano�oulos on Sunday. us President Donald Trump says he knows who was behind the September 11, 2001 Jterrorist atacks that let thousands of Americans dead. In an exciusive interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos broadcast onl Sunday, Trump categorically said that "Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Center." Case 1:19-cv-06332-ER Document 50 Filed 07/21/20 Page 7 of 10 Case 1:19-cv-06332-ER Document 50 Filed 07/21/20 Page 8 of 10 Case 1:19-cv-06332-ER Document 50 Filed 07/21/20 Page 9 of 10 Case 1:19-cv-06332-ER Document 50 Filed 07/21/20 Page 10 of 10.
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