THE BELFAST GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 19, 1943. To Rev. P. O'Loughlin, lately Priest-in-Charge, 4. To Dr. Barnardo's Homes the sum of Two St. Patrick's, Pennyburn, Derry, Ten Pounds. hundred poiunds. To Rev. B. Chapman, C.C., St. Patrick's, Penny- Testatrix directed that the receipts of the burn, Derry, Ten Pounds. respective Treasurers of the above-mentioned To Very Rev. Dr. Thomas Molloy, formerly of Charities should be sufficient discharges to her Glenties, and now Parish Priest, Dungloe, Co. Executors. Donegal, Ten Pounds. The said Testatrix died on the 30th day of To Rev. Canon Forker, P.P., Glenties, Co. October, 1942, and Probate of said Will was, on Donegal, Ten Pounds. the 23rd day of December, 1942, granted forth'of To Rev. Manus Harkin, C.C., Edeninfagh, the Principal Registry of the King's Bench Glenties. Co. Donegal, Ten Pounds. Division (Probate) of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland to John Fullerton, of Corna- To Rev. William Sheridan, C.C., Glenties, Co. crew, and Alexander Fullerton, of Moyrorkan, both Donegal, Ten Pounds. in the County of Armagh, Farmers, the Executors To Rev. J. Deeney, C.C., Fintown, Glenties. Ten named in the said Will. Pounds. To Very Rev. Michael Sweeney, O.M.T., or the Dated this 15th day of February, 1943. Superior for the time being of the Ordex of Oblates 'MONROE & ANDERSON, Solicitors for of Mary Immaculate, Inchicore, Dublin, Twenty the said Executors, 15 Mayfair, Arthur Pounds. Square, Belfast; and Armagh. To Rev. Ignatius Gibney, or failing him, to the To the Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland, and Superior for the time being of the Order of Pas- all others concerned. sionists, St. Gabriel's Retreat, The Graan, Ennis- Hllen, Thirty Pounds. To the Rector for the time being of the Order of Passionists, Holy Cross Retreat, Ardoyne, Belfast, Twenty Pounds. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. To Rev. James J. Greene, C.C., Ballymena. Co. In the Goods of MARY REDMOND BROWN, late of Antrim, Twenty-Five Pounds. "Knocklayde," Cable Road, Whitehead, in the To Rev. Father Gillen, P.P., Portrush, Co. County of Antrim, Spinster, deceased. Antrim, Five Pounds. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute To Very Rev. Dr. Thomas Molloy, formerly of 30 and 31 Vic. Chap. 54, that the above named Glenties, and now Parish Priest of Dungloe, Co. Mary Redmond Brown, who died on the 16th day Donegal, to be distributed by him equally amongst of December, 1942, by her last Will and Codicils those young priests who are natives of the Parish thereto bequeathed to the Committee and Session of Iniskeel. and who have been ordained priests of the Congregation in connection with the within three years of the Testator's death, Fifty Presbyterian Church, Kings Road, Whitehead, the Pounds. sum of Two thousand poiunds (£2,000) to be To Deceased's Executors to purchase a* set of applied by the said 'Committee and Session in Vestments for use of St. ComgaH's Parish Church, paying off any debt remaining outstanding, or Glenties, One Hundred and Five Pounds. owing by the said Chur'ch in connection with the building' or furnishing of the Church Hall, and The Testator died on the 14th day of April, 1941, if there is no such debt ow,ing at the time of and Probate of his said Will was on the 13th day her death, or if the said sum of Two thousand of January, 1943, granted forth of the District pounds (£2,000) is more than sufficient to pay off Probate Registry at Londonderry of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, to Arthur the said .debt then, in either case the whole or McAllister, of 77 Broughshane Street, Ballymena, such balance of the said Two thousand pounds Co. Antrim, Victualler; Reverend Dr. Thomas (£2,000) is to be applied by the said Committee Molloy, P.P., Dunglpe, Co. Donegal; Edward and Session to any fund or purpose in connection McElhinney, of Durrain, Glenties, County Donegal, with the said Church as the said 'Committee and Farmer, and Thady Gallagher, of Drumnisillagh, Session thereof may in their absolute discretion Glenties, Co. Donegal, Builder, four of the consider proper, and the receipt of the Treasurer Executors named in the said Will. for the time being of the said Church in respect of the said legacy of Two thousand pounds (£2,000) Dated this 13th day of February, 1943. shall be a sufficient receipt and discharge to her JOSEPH G. O'KANE, Solicitor for the Executors and Trustees, who shall not be con- Executors, 27 Shipquay Street, Londonderry, cerned as to the application of the said money, 25 Chichester Street, Belfast, and 64 or any part thereof. Dawson Street, Dublin. Testatrix, after making 'certain other bequests, To the1 Ministry of Finance (Charities Branch), directed her Trustees to invest the balance >of Stormont, Belfast; the Commissioners of the residue of her estate, with power from time to Charitable Donations and Bequests, Dublin, and time to vary the investments, and to pay the to all whom it may concern. income thereof to her brother William R. Brown's widow during her life, and at her death the balance of the said residue to be paid to the Board of Missions in connection with the Presbyterian NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. Church in Ireland and to be applied by such B"bard for such purposes as they in their absolute dis- In the Goods of MARY LATIMER, late of Marlacoo, icretion may think fit, and the receipt of the in the County of Armagh, Spinster, deceased. Financial Secretary for the time being of the said NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute Presbyterian Church in Ireland to be a sufficient 30 and 31 Vic. Cap 54, that the said Mary Latimer, receipt and discharge to her Trustees who are by her Will, dated the 27th day of October, 1942, not to be concerned as to the application thereof. made the following charitable bequests, namely:— Probate of the said Will and CodScils was on 1. To the Trustes of Ahorey Presbyterian the llth day of February, 1943, granted forth of •Chur'ch. the sum of One hundred pounds in trust the Principal Registry, King's Bench Division to pay the income thereon to the Minister for (Probate), of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland to William F. S. Stewart, of The the time being of said Church. Manse, Whitehead, in the County of Antrim, 2. To the Irish Branch of the Salvation Army Presbyterian Minister, and Norman Kirk, of the sum of two hundred pounds. Antrim, in said County, Merchant, Executors in 3. To the Foreign Mission of the Presbyterian said Will and Codicils named. Churfoh in Ireland to be used for the Missionary Dated this 17th day of February, 1943. Work in Manchuria in connection with said Church the sum of Two hundred pounds, and WM. L. SKELTON & CO., Solicitors, 142 should this bequest fail for any reason, to be Royal Avenue, Belfast; and Carrickfergus. used at the discretion of the Mission Board of Tp the Ministry of Finan'ce, Northern Ireland, and the Irish Presbyterian Church. all others concerned..
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