Eighth Series, Vol. XXVIII; No. 48 Friday,May 8, 1987 Vaisakha 18. J 909 (Saka} LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Eighth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) ( Yol. XXVIII ontain.r NoJ. 41 IO 50) LO.K SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Prlr� · R.6, 6.00 CONTENTS [Eighth Seriss, Vol. XXVIII, Eighth Sftsion, 198711909 (Saka)] No. 48, Friday, MayS, 1987Naisakha 1S, 1909 (Saka) Obituary References 1-2 Oral Answers to Questions: 3-40 * Starred Questions Nos. 966,967,969 to 971, 974 and 979 Written Answers to Questions: 40-2U Starred Questions Nos. 964, 965, 968, 972, 973, 975 40--59 to 978 and 980 to 983 Un starred Questions Nos. 9507 to 9709 59-259 Papers laid on the Table 267-294 Messages from Raiva Sabha 294-295 Committee on Private Members Bills and Resolutions- 295 Minutes on Twenty-ninth to Thirty-sixth sittings 296 Committee on Petitions- Fourth Report - presented 296 Committee on Government Assurances- Eighth Report - presented Goa, Daman and Diu Reorganisation Bill-Introduced 296 Constitution (Fifty-Seventh Amendment) Bill-Introduced 297 State otArunachai Pradesh (Amendment) Bill-Introduced 297 • The Sign t marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question ... actually _ad on the floor of the House by that Member. (Ii) MII1ter8 under rule sn - (I) Demand for "1easures t) meet the drought situation in various parts of the country. Shri Kamala Prasad Rawat 298 (ii) Demand for reducing import duty on raw wool to en- courage export of hand-knotted carpets. Shnmati Chandra Tripathi 299 (Iii) Need to provide more telephone connections to Yavat- mal city of Maharashtra. Shri Uttamrao PatM 299-300 (IV) Demand for an overhead bridge across Chambal river between Chau Mehla and Sitamow to ensure smooth communication between Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh Shri Jujhar Singh 300-301 (v) Demand for adequate supply of Postal Orders of different denominations in West Bengal. Kumari Mamata Banerjee 301 (vi) Demand for clearance to Manugur Th8l11lal Plant in Andhra Pradesh ~Krishna Thota 301-302 (vii) Need to make available infrastructural facilities to Palda and Mudialy Fishermen's Cooperative Societies in West Bengal. Stvi R.P. Das 302-303 (vii) Demand for an opinion poll in the disputed area to solve Maharashtra-Kamataka border issue. Dr. Datta Samant 303-304 Khadi and Vilage Industries Commission (Amendment) Bill 304-350 Motion to consider, as passed by Rajya Sabha Shri M. Arunachalam 304 Shri K Ramachandra Reddy 305-310 Prof. N.G. Ranga 310";_315 Shri R.P. Das 315-319 Shri Girdhari Lal Vyas 319-322 Shri Naresh Chandra Chaturvedi 322-325 Shri V.S. Krishna Iyer 325-330 Shrimati Kishori Sinha 330-332 Shri Harish Rawat 333-335 Shri K.N. Pradhan 336-338 Shri Raj Kumar Rai 338-341 Shri Narayan Choubey 341 Shri Y.S. Mahajan 341-344 Shri Jagdish Awasthi 345-347 Shri R. Jeevarathinam 348-350 Re. Sitting of Lok Sabha on Monday, 11th May, 1987 350 Committee on Private Members' BiUs and Resolutions - 350-351 Thirty-sixth Report- adotped Bills Introduced- 351-355 (1) Doctors and Engineers (Regulation of Migration to Foreign 351 Countries) Bill by Dr. P. Vaiial Peruman (2) Consumer Protection (Price Determination of the Products 352 Manufactured in the Private Sector) BII by SOO Chintamani Jena (3) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trbes (Recognition of 352-353 Walfare Associations) BiH by Dr. P. Vaiial Peruman (4) C'A>nstitution (Amendment) BiB (Amendment of article 25. etc.) by Shri Shantaram Nail< (iv) COLUMNS (5) Prevention of Food Adulteratiun (Amendment) Bill 355 (Insertion of section 16A· etc.) by Shri Hussain Dalwai Prevention of Disputes Regarding Religious Places Bill 353-354 by Shri G.M. Banatwalla Motion to introduce - Negatived Eradication of Unemployment Bill 355-405 by Shri G.M. Banatwalla Motion to consider - Shri Chintamani Jena 355-363 Dr. A. Kalanidhi 363-369 Shri Salahuddjn 369-373 Shri Anoopchand Shah 373-375 Shri Bhadreswar Tanti 375-378 Shri Somnath Rath 378-381 Kumari Mamata Banerjee 381 -385 Shri C. Janga Reddy 389-394 Shri Manoj Pandey 394-402 Shri Harish Rawat 402-405 Re. Sushil Muniji's visit to Golden Temple, Amritsar 405-406 and his meeting wIth Prof. Darshan Singh Shri Teja Singh Dardi 405-406 S. Buta Singh 406 LOK SABRA DEBATES LOK SABHA Pradesh Legislative Assemblies during 1952-67. She served as Minister in the State of Madhya Pradesh from 1956 to 1967. Friday, May 8, 1987Naisakha 18, 1909 (SAKA) A well known social worker, she was associated with several social organisa- tions. An able and distinguished academic, she took active part in the The Lok Sabha met at Eleven spread of education and served a number of the Clock of educational and cultural organisations in various capacities. A widely travelled person, she attended the Plenary [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair) Session, 13th and 14th World Health Assembly in Geneva and New Delhi in [English] 1960 and 1961 respectively. She led the Indian Delegation to the 12th International OBITUARY REFERENCES Conference of Social Work in Athens in 1964. MR. SPEAKER: It is my sad duty to inform the House of the demise of two of Smt. Padmavati Devi passed away at our former colleagues, namely Dr. Pur- Bhopal on 12 April, 1987 at the age of 69 nendu Narayan Khan and Smt. Padmavati years. Devi. We deeply mourn the loss of these friends and I am sure the House will join Dr. Purnendu Narayan Khan was a me in conveying our condolences to the member of the Third Lok Sabha during bereaved families. 1962-67 representing Uluberia con- stituency of West Bengal. The House may now stand in silence for a short while to express its sorrow. A medical practitioner by profession, Dr. Khan took active part in the The Members then stood in silence for proceedings of the House. A well known a short while. social worker, he was associated with several social organisations and served as President of Madhya Howrah Assam Relief Fund in 1960. A widely travelled ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS pe-rson, he was the Editor of a medical journal during 1937-38. [English] Dr. Khan passed away at Howrah on 7 Loss to the Cotton Corporation March, 1987, at the age of 76 years. of Ind 18 In Exports Smt. Padmavati Devi was a member of *966 .. SHRI ATISH CHANDRA S,\lHAt the Fourth Lok Sabha during 1967-70 SHRI BANWARI LAL P.UROHIT: representing Rajnandgaon constituency of Madhya Pradesh. Earlier, she had been Will the Minister of TEXTILES be pleased a member of Madhya Bharat and Madhya to state: 3 Oral Answers May 8,1987 Oral Answers 4 (a) whether the Cotton Corporation (c) the total loss suffered on this of India has suffered huge financial loss account and the action contemplated to during the last one year due to its having recover such losses? undertaken exports of cotton at a very low price than available in the then ruling international market; THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF TEXTILES (SHRI S. (b) if so, the fads about the price of KRISHNA KUMAR): (a) to (c). A exports received by the. Cotton comparative statement on prices of cotton Corporation of India aduaily and also as well as a statement on lossess about the ruling international price at the suffered by CCI on exports of cotton time when the contrads for such exports during May, 1986 - April, 1987 is given were entered into; and below. 5 OraJAnSWBIS VAISAKHA 18, 1909 (SAKA ) Oral AnsW91S 6 o 0 (1) LO to ..0 ,...: .q N I- Z W o o o o o o o ~ o l() o o o o o W l() ai to N ..0 C') to I- C') v v C') C"') N oCt l- (/) o o o o o o o o o o o l() o o LO o N N C\J ai cD C\I to cD v v v C') C') C') C') C\I o "'0 to to to C\I ch en en 7 MAYS, 19S7 Oral AnSW8tS 8 o o II) o ~ ~ o o o o o o o o o o ,....: cO Lri N cO C\I ~ M M ~ o o o o o o II) o o o o o a:i ci N M v ~ ~ C\I ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II) II) II) oo::t 0 0 r-- 0 0 0 0 ~ a:i ..,j cO 0 M cO M ,....: a) M M C\I oo::t oo::t C\I IJ) IJ) M at) > > ~ ~ > g f ...J ...J S Ch co ~ Sc:( ~I I c:( ~ «I .!:::! 16 (.) a::c: ~z (.) cr. ~ ...J c:( c:(- «- c:( c:( c:( ~ _j _j ~ _j « C') < ~> ~ ::.:: (ij co...., u. < < « < c:( a; (.) 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