PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Fri,, March 22. 1974 Expert Offers Advice Minimum Wage Hike For Tree Treatment Called Peril to Jobs ilanrI|THtpr Eupning te a lb WASHINGTON (UPI) - The tie real increase in personal MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1974 - VOL. XCIII, No. 147 ^fonchester A City o f Villume Chorm * s ix t e e n p a g e s _ BARBARA RICHMOND Dr. Schramm cautions this they should contact the nation’s workers may see the spendable income. TWO MINI PRICE: FIFI’EEN CENTS For those who have trees homeowners that massive Tolland County Extension Ser­ minimum wage go up to $2 an “The labor force will pay (for damaged by the December wounds caused by the breaking vice or an arborist who can ad­ hour by May, but a con­ the action) through more un­ ice storm, Dr. Robert J. off of tree tops and branches vise them. gressional opponent charges employment and more taxes,” Schramm, extension should be treated to prevent For those trees worth the action could backfire on said FTice. nurseryman at the Universi­ decay in cases where it may be treating, they should be pruned them by boosting unemployr President Nixon, who vetoed possible to save them. back to a main stem or trunk ment. similar legislation last year, ty of Connecticut, has words He said some trees and TTie House Wednesday voted of advice concerning treat- and the “wound” should be supported the measure, but shrubs may be beyond saving 375 to 27 to raise the minimum asked the House to make the Kissinger To Meet With Brezhnev itient of them. treated with a wound paint or and if anyone is in doubt about with orange shellac. Dr. wage for most workers to $2 minimum less for teen-agers to Schramm said. this year. It would go to |2.10 in make it easier for them to find Any wound more than, one 1975 and to $2.30 in 1976. work. ’The idea was rejected by inch in diam eter should be The Senate has passed a both the House and Senate. Trip To Pave Way treated in this fashion and the slightly different bill, but Rep. ’The federal minimum wage State Budget materials can be purchased at Albert H. ()uie, R-Minn., said does not apply to certain any hardware store or garden he believes the final measure seasonal workers, the hotel and For Nixon Visit center. Dr. Schramm could reach the President’s restaurant businesses and cer­ desk in time to be signed and go emphasized the use of orange tain other jobs. It does cover Increased WASHINGTON (UPI) — Secretary of State Henry A. into effect May 1. about 49 million other workers. CIRCUIT COURT 12 court on a charge of operating a shellac, and no other kind, as Kissinger flies on another mission to Moscow at midnight the orange is not toxic. Rep. Robert D. Price, R- Rep. Ray J. Madden, D-Ind., Maneheettr Seeslon motor vehicle while his license Trees or shrubs split in two Tex., who argued against the passionately sought approval of tonight to prepare the way for what may be a difficult June Several charges against was suspended. $56.3 Million boost, predkted the action the measure, sa]^ng the United visit by President Nixon. The judge stipulated a |750 along the long axis of the stem, Steven Rodrique, 18, of 355 E. but not completely broken, can would mean “more inflation, States is threatened with HARTFORD (UPI) — A public hearing is set for Kissinger met for 45 minutes with the President in the Middle Tpke., were disposed of surety bond be set when higher prices, more unemploy­ be healed if treated in the another depression because of Tuesday on a new proposal adding $56.3 million to Gov. Oval office of the White House Friday to discuss what the Thursday when Rodrique was Hildebrand is taken into ment, more taxes and very lit- the low wages paid many - custody. spring or summer months. Dr. Thomas J. Meskill’s recommended $1.3 billion budget for Secretary will talk about with Soviet Party leader Leonid taken into custody on a Hart­ ^hramm said, adding that if workers. ford County Superior Court the split is not too long it can be the coming fiscal year. I. Brezhnev and other officials preparatory to Nixon’s bench warrant charging him Other cases heard Thursday Digan Presents The increased spending proposals were approved Friday summit meeting. inciuded; tied together with a suitable with rape. twine so the wound is closed all Management Talk Read by the appropriations committee. TTiey include cost-of- Nixon then flew by helicopter Rodrique was scheduled to • Kevin 0. Faria, 18, of East along the edges. living raises for the state’s 372,0(X) public employes, in­ to his Camp David mountain military and nuclear defense appear in Circuit Court 12 Hartford, fined a total of $35 for Robert Digan, coordinator of retreat. umbrella while refusing to disorderly conduct and causing After this is done the edges Herald Ads Thursday on charges including youth services for the Board of creased per pupil grants for public schools, more money Some administration officials cooperate or consult on unnecessary noise with a motor along both sides should be rape, operating a motor vehicle painted and a suitable brace Education, presented a for state and community colleges and increased welfare have expressed concern that economic and political matters. while under the influence of vehicle. Additional charges of ihanagement institute two day? should be furnished, if benefits. (Meskill recommended a $5 in­ despite the professed policy of Vest said that after the liquor, breach of peace, and in­ intoxication and interfering this week in Atlanta, Ga. on the Moscow talks, Kissinger would necessary. Tlie budget proposals got un­ crease.) detente between the two super­ toxication. with an officer were noUed. subject of youth service bureau powers, a new arms race may stop briefly in London on his Dr. Schramm said if there is animous support from the — Increasing welfare flat The drunken driving charge • Richard Hagenow, 28, of 9 management. be brewing between the Soviet return trip to Washington next any doubt that the wound should EXTERIOR Republican-controlled com­ grant by 10 per cent at a cost of was continued to April 4 and the Lilac St., charges of intoxica­ ’The institute was part of a Union and the United States.. Thursday for discussions with not be treated or that it might mittee. The proposals assume a $11.8 million, bringing the other charges were nolled (not tion, criminal mischief and dis­ four-month, series preparing HOMES PMHIED Defense Secretary James R. the new British Foreign not heal, then he suggests that one half per cent sales tax average monthly payment to a prosecuted) after Rodrique was orderly conduct all nolled (not youth service workers in Schlesinger recently said that Secretary James Callaghan. the split branch be removed. Limited TImel reduction and allocates $28 family of four to: $341. (Meskill presented in the higher court. prosecuted). Georgia to operate youth ser­ the Soviets are engaged in a Kissinger will send one of his (NON-UNION) million for increased property did not recommend a welfare Police said the rape charge • Dennis Hartley, 28, of 27 In cases where large shrubs vice programs. Digan’s presen­ “truly massive effort” in their party to Brussels to fill in the tax relief for the elderly. increase,) stems from an incident last Ju­ Kerry Rd., charges of third- or trees have had the main tation at the State Mental missile and nuclear weapons Council of the North Atlantic Meskill recommended — Spending $28.1 million on ly- degree assault and threatening, trunk broken in two a con­ Health Center in Atlanta, was ED’S SHIN CO program. Treaty Organization on what reducing the tax to 5.5 per cent state employe salary increases Rodrique remained free on a both nolled. siderable distance down the at the request of the National INC. He warned: “If the Soviet transpired in Moscow. with a full one per cent reduc­ and teachers’ retirment 82,500 bond posted in Circuit • Edward Kehoe, 34, of 240 trunk, it may mark the end of it Center for Youth Development Union insists on moving ahead The matter of consultations tion. programs. Court. His Superior Court case Spruce St., charges of third- but if there is doubt then here, of the National Council on ■8622 with a new set of capabilities, has become extremely touchy (>)mmittee Co-Chairman Sen. (The retirement change was continued to an unspecified degree assault, intoxication and too, an expert should ^ con­ Campaigning For Easter Seals Crime and Delinquency. we wjll be forced to match with the European allies com­ V. Nicholas A. Lenge, R-West would let teachers begin collec­ date. second-degree failure to sulted. them.” plaining that Washington doesn’t Hartford, said the proposal is ting pension benefits im­ appear, all nolled. He was He said with some birches it Pentagon officials said tell them of major policy generally acceptable to mediately upon retiring instead Two Hartford youths charged bound over to the next session may be possible to salvage the Bunny-clad children of the Junior Women’s CHub of Manchester will be looking for Moscow is apparently rushing moves. Vest said Anatoly F. Republican legislative leaders. of waiting three years as with first-degr^ robbery in of Hartford County Superior tree by removing the main donati,ons for crippled children and adults after school and on weekends starting March 23 India Print Bedspreads ahead with building and testing Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador He predicted it would have currently required.) connection with a March 14 Court on a charge of assaulting branch near the ground, through April 6 at McDonald’s, Kings Department Store, Caldor’s, Pathmark’s, K-Mart, new missiles nd systems in Washington, will travel with A new shipment, large variety in twin or full sizes.
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