Cardiol Ther DOI 10.1007/s40119-017-0085-7 ORIGINAL RESEARCH Single-Pill Combination of Perindopril/Indapamide/ Amlodipine in Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension: A Randomized Controlled Trial Sergey V. Nedogoda . Vesna J. Stojanov Received: October 13, 2016 Ó The Author(s) 2017. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com ABSTRACT (SBP C140 and \160 mmHg and DBP C90 and\100 mmHg), uncontrolled on maximal Introduction: Patients with hypertension often dose antihypertensive monotherapy or with a require a combination of three antihypertensive single dose of dual therapy. Patients were ran- agents to achieve blood pressure control, but domly assigned to: single-pill triple combina- very few single-pill triple combinations are tion of perindopril 5 mg/indapamide 1.25 mg/ available. The aim of this study was to deter- amlodipine 5 mg (Per/Ind/Aml) or dual-pill mine whether a single-pill triple combination of combination perindopril 5 mg/indapamide perindopril, indapamide, and amlodipine was 1.25 mg ? amlodipine 5 mg (Per/Ind ? Aml) as effective as a dual-pill combination of once daily for 12 weeks. The primary endpoint perindopril/indapamide plus separate amlodip- was change in office supine SBP and DBP from ine at reducing blood pressure in patients with baseline to week 12. The proportion of respon- uncontrolled, essential hypertension. ders defined as those with normalized BP Methods: This international, multicenter, (SBP\140 mmHg and DBP\90 mmHg), and/or open-label, randomized controlled trial was decrease of SBP C20 mmHg, and/or decrease of conducted in men or women aged C18 years old DBP C10 mmHg at week 12 (W12) compared with confirmed essential hypertension with baseline was also assessed. Secondary effi- cacy endpoints included change in office supine SBP and DBP, response, and BP control at weeks Enhanced content To view enhanced content for this article go to http://www.medengine.com/Redeem/ 4 and 8. The tolerability of the treatments was A487F0607C763559. also assessed. Results: A total of 148 patients were random- Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s40119-017-0085-7) ized: 75 to Per/Ind/Aml and 73 to Per/ contains supplementary material, which is available to Ind ? Aml. Mean supine SBP and DBP were authorized users. 149.1 ± 4.7 and 94.1 ± 3.1 mmHg, respectively, with no relevant between-group difference. At S. V. Nedogoda (&) week 12, both triple-therapy regimens were Department Volgograd Medical State University, associated with clinically significant reductions Volgograd, Russia e-mail: [email protected] in SBP compared with baseline (-21.5 ± 11.7 and -20.0 ± 12.9 mmHg, respectively). Reduc- V. J. Stojanov tions in office supine DBP were also clinically Center for Hypertension, Clinical Center of Serbia, significant (-15.3 ± 7.8 and -14.8 ± 9.0 Medical School University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia mmHg, respectively). The proportion of Cardiol Ther treatment responders was high in both groups: increasingly used to provide optimal BP control 89.2 and 87.1%, respectively. The reduction in [8–13] with fewer dose-related adverse office supine SBP/DBP was already evident at effects. In addition, each agent in the combi- week 4 and maintained for the duration of the nation can lessen adverse effects of other com- study in both groups. The majority of patients ponents [14]. This may counteract the tendency were treatment responders at week 4 (89.2 and of some physicians to prescribe lower than 82.9%, respectively) and had achieved BP con- guideline-recommended doses of anti-hyper- trol (87.8 vs. 78.6%, respectively), which was tensive drugs because of concerns over tolera- maintained until week 12 in both treatment bility, and the inevitable suboptimal dosing and groups. Both treatments were well tolerated inadequate dose titration required to achieve with no between-group differences. target BP goals [15, 16]. Conclusions: In adult patients with uncon- When triple-combination therapy is trolled essential hypertension on treat- required, the European Society of Cardiology/ ment, single-pill triple-combination therapy European Society of Hypertension guidelines [1] with Per/Ind/Aml is as effective as the same dose and other guidelines [3, 17–20] recommend the dual-pill combination of Per/Ind ? Aml. Both use of an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) treatments were associated with clinically sig- system inhibitor or angiotensin II receptor nificant BP reductions compared with baseline blocker (ARB) with a calcium channel blocker and were well tolerated.Clinical trials number: (CCB) and a diuretic as rational and effective. http://www.controlled-trials.com ISRCTN: One such combination is perindopril, inda- 16442558.Funding: Les Laboratoires Servier. pamide, and amlodipine. In addition to addi- tive effects on BP control, each component of Keywords: Amlodipine; Antihypertensive; this combination has demonstrated protection Indapamide; Perindopril; Single-pill of target organs at risk from hypertension combination; Uncontrolled essential including the heart, renal system, brain, and hypertension vasculature, in a wide range of patients with hypertension. The three components are also complementary in terms of tolerability: INTRODUCTION perindopril reduces the peripheral edema that is a dose-limiting side effect of CCBs [14]; Hypertension is a major modifiable risk factor for amlodipine reduces ACE inhibitor-related cardiovascular disease and stroke and there is cough by decreasing prostaglandin synthesis global agreement among current hypertension that is induced by bradykinin [21]; and inda- management guidelines that the majority of pamide is a metabolically neutral diuretic [22]. patients with uncomplicated hypertension Each individual component is associated with a should be treated to a blood pressure (BP) goal of large evidence base of use in arterial hyperten- systolic blood pressure (SBP)\140 mmHg and sion, and single-pill combinations have also diastolic blood pressure (DBP)\90 mmHg [1–6]. been extensively evaluated: perindopril/inda- Monotherapy can effectively reduce BP in pamide has shown efficacy in patients with only a limited number of patients and the recurrent stroke [23], diabetes mellitus [24], and majority will therefore require treatment with in octogenarians with hypertension [25]; two or more agents to reach target levels [7]. In a perindopril/amlodipine combination has been meta-analysis of SBP reductions in 42 trials studied in detail in patients with hypertension (N = 10,698), the combination of any two med- at high cardiovascular risk [26]. ications from different BP-lowering drug classes Given the extensive experience with these was approximately five times more effective than agents as mono and dual therapy it was doubling the dose of a single drug [8]. hypothesized that combining the three agents The use of triple-combination therapy, tar- into a single-pill would maintain the estab- geting three different mechanisms of arterial lished efficacy and safety of these agents while hypertension pathogenesis, is becoming reducing dosing complexity. Knowing that Cardiol Ther some physicians may be reluctant to prescribe confirmed at the inclusion visit. Patients were fixed-dose triple-therapy combinations due to excluded if they had any contraindications to concerns over tolerability, the aim of the pre- perindopril, indapamide or amlodipine, or any of sent study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy the following conditions: complicated hyperten- and safety of a triple combination of perindopril sion (known stage III or IV hypertensive retinopa- 5 mg/indapamide 1.25 mg/amlodipine 5 mg in thy); macroalbuminuria; diabetes; moderate or a single-pill versus dual-pill combination severe renal failure (creatinine clearance 30–59 and perindopril 5 mg/indapamide 1.25 mg plus \30 ml/min, respectively); known complicated amlodipine 5 mg over 12 weeks, in treated liver disease; recent disease (previous 6 months) patients with uncontrolled hypertension. such as cerebrovascular disease (ischemic stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, transient ischemic attack); recent ventricular rhythm disorders (except iso- METHODS lated extrasystoles); and known or suspected symptomatic orthostatic hypotension (defined as a Study Design reductioninSBPC20 mmHg and/or in DBP C10 mmHg from supine to standing-up, The study was an international, multicenter, maintained for the first 3 min of standing-up). open-label, randomized controlled trial con- ducted at 13 centers in Russia and four centers Intervention in Serbia. The study protocol was approved by independent Ethics Committees, in accordance At the inclusion visit, patients were randomly with the local regulations in each of the coun- assigned to one of the following treatment tries and complied with the Declaration of groups: a single-pill triple combination of Helsinki, current Good Clinical Practice guide- perindopril 5 mg/indapamide 1.25 mg/am- lines (including source documents archiving), lodipine 5 mg (1 tablet/day orally in the morn- and local laws and regulations (ISRCTN regis- ing before breakfast), or a dual-pill combination tration number: 16442558). All participants of perindopril 5 mg/indapamide 1.25 mg ? am- provided informed consent before enrolment. lodipine 5 mg (1 tablet each/day orally in the Patients were randomized 1:1 to treatment by a morning before breakfast) (Fig. 1). Treatment computer-generated allocation schedule using a allocation was balanced, non-centralized, permuted block method (with a block
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