ORDINATIONS TO PRIESTNOOD AT SEMINARY SUNDAY Listening In PARISH SCHOOL Contents Copyrighted— Permission to Reproduce Given A fter 12 M. Friday FoIl(|wing Issue LOCAL YOUTHS There ere two imtitationi that ei'e herd to beet. One of them U the United Stetet (orernment; AS CRIMfe CURE WILL BE GIVEN the other it the Cetholie Chureh. D^. John Galen Locke, after a bat­ DENVER CATHOLIC tle of yeart over income tax, hat come out on top. He wet (rand dragon of the realm of Colorado in PROJEB AGAIN RANK BY BISHOP weeping, wailing, howling, awful, ___________________ I___ pitiful and other adjective-brand­ ed yeart of the K. K. K. Uncle Study of Juvenile Court Report Shows Few Six Also to Be Made Subdeacons atid Two to Sam thought he did not report Be Raised to Minor Orders enough'.income tax, but now ad- Offenses Where Parochial Educa­ REGISTER mitt that he did. Dr. Locke, how­ ever, led a movement that pro- tion Is Available Two young men, both students for the Diocese of mited to take oyer St. Thomat’ The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic RelHster. We Have Denver, will be ordained to the priesthood Sunday morn­ leminary at a Klan meeting houte A study .of the Denver juvenile court’s annual report, Also the International News Service (W ire ahd M ail), a Large Special Service,and Seven Bmaller Services. ing by Bishop Urban J. Vehr in the chapel of St. Thpmas' juit at toon at we got it built. The just issued in printed form, shows that the offenders among teminary it ttill a “priett factory” seminary at 9:30 o’clock. The young men are the' Rev. and, if anybody atkt you, the Catholics are in exact proportion to the absehce of parish VOL XXIX. No. 17. DENVER, COLO., TI^URSDAY, DEC. 14,1933. PER YEAR Roy Breen and the Rev. Petef- Moran, whose home parish Church it doing nicely in Colo­ school facilities. Lack of Catholic education and poverty, has given thirty-two of its members to the secular priest- rado, while the Klan it all but it is evident from the report, are the chief causes of what­ hood. A t the same time six dead. ever juvenile delinquency exists among Catholic young­ More Views of Greatest Statue in U. S. young men will be ordained to the Dr. Locke, although anxiout for sters. The proportion of Catholic offenders when compared Just Finished at Cainp Santa Maria subdeaconate. The men and their power and willing to ute ttrange with the Catholic child population is not alarmingly high. methodt to get it, never wat a dioceses are: Thomas Lynch, San­ E ilf lm lessness and mischief explained ta Fe; Lawrence Kellerj Helena; pertonal bjgot, in the writer’t etti- There are 89 “ Spanish” boys 125. It ih brought out .that on an mation. .They tay he wore a brown listed. So far it has not been pos­ Eugene Gergen, derby in 1928. We know of one sible to provide the “ Spanish” average of 1,000 bicycles a year Great Falls; time when the imperial wizard of 'with a parish school and hence are stblen in Denver. Leonard Gall, their number heads the list. Inas­ The report, of the court gives Denver; Henry siJTMiii Eiioyp, the Klan tent a fake ex-nun here to lecture and the tjiddenly dit much, however, as there are about the religious statistics o f the boys Altmann, Great appeared. W e hav* it on the bdat 1.9,000 “ Spanish” in Denver, the handled in the last year and shows Falls; and C' imaginable•------— —*'—---authority that ''^Dr7 p ro p o rtio n of criminal offenders that 227 of them gave their faith Altermatt, Gr« Locke had her etcorted by five could be much higher. One reason as Catholic. It womd seem from a Falls. Minor or­ KELLY MEMOiL Klan gentlemen over the ttate why there are more “ Spanish study.of the figures, however, that ders will be con­ line, taying th%re wat enough bigo­ children in the juvenil^ court is some youngsters who are not Cath­ ferred on Frater A beautiful marble statuary try already and he wanted no that they are the largest immi­ olics are calling themselves that. Regis Landy, 0. more created. grant group. Other ' children of The religious statistics, for in­ P., a Dominican j group of the Holy Agony,^ donated foreign parentage handled by the stance, include, only one Greek stude^nt, and to S t Thomas’ seminary by Mr. • Believe Jt or not, thit ad ap­ court and who probably are Cath­ Orthodox, but the nationality fig ­ Martin • Werner and Mrs. RalpluW. Kelly of Den­ ver in memory Wieir deceased chil­ peared on the Church page of latt olics run as follows: Italian, 35; ures sho'w 23 RussiSns and three of Great Falls. Austrian, 10; Irish, 9; Polish, 3. Greeks, who are fa r more likely to The Rev. Fr. dren, will probably be bleMed by Saturday’t PoA: “ Itn’t Prayer Bishop Vehr on Saturday evening. There are four children of Ger­ be Orthodox than Catholics. These Breen is the son tilly? If prayer influencet God, The group, which was executed by man descent, but it impossible to schismaties, however, if asked of Mrs. A n n it not. he who prayt ttronghr than the Daprato company of Chicago, judge their religion, Thd^erm their -religion, would often say Breen , of 1226 God? Have we mixed up God with is an exquisite work in colored Santa'Claut? 11 a. m. Univertalitt “ Austrian,” let it be remembered, “ Catholic," for their Church often 10th St., Denver. marble and is perhaps one of the Church, E. Colfax ave. and La­ is used by a group of nationalities calls itself the Orthodox Catholic He wa| born in most magnificent works of its kind fayette ttreet.” which before the war were under Church. Denver Novem­ Austrian rule. ^ to-be found in this region. The preacher’t logic it appall­ Among the girls Handled in ber 4, 1906, and P**" Moran received his primary education at ' Mr. ^nd Mrs, Kelly gave the ing. If i boy whote family it in It has-not been possible yet to the juvenile couirt^ 32 gave their S t Joseph’s school here. He took g;roup '.to the seminary to be danger of ^tin g itt home writet to get a parish school capable of car­ religion as Catholic. Of these, 14 his high school course at Sacred erected in the memorial chapel in Pretident Rootevelt and the Chief ing for more than about 260 are listed as Mexicans. It is inter­ esting to note that among the boy Heart high school. A fter com­ the rear of the main chapel in Executive tket that the family gett of the Italian youngsters. Those memory of their three deceased ' a federal loan, are we to infer that nationalities , that have adequate offenders 84 were children o f di­ pleting his high vorced or separated parents and school course he children: Earl Eugene, Dorothy the-boy it ttronger than the Preti­ Catholic school priWsion all have Marie and Herbert Vincent. dent? If a toddler comet up to her small numbers in the juvenile Smong the girls 40. enrolled at S t mutcular fAher, atkt for a penny court. The Italian numbers are In judging juvenile court fig­ Joseph’s prepara­ Critics have acknowledged the and it given it, doet thit mean not large considering the Italian ures, it, is well to remember that tory seminary at group to be one of rare workmgift- that the toddler it ttronger than population. These figures are de­ many children of the well-to-do or Kirkwood, Mo. In ship. The group is life-size and the father? If I am drowning, cry creasing. middle, class commit mistakes just 1925 he enrolled is set on a mosaic base in keeping for help and am retcued by a life­ as serious as those that involve at S t BenedictLs with the marble and mosaic motif The chief cause o f the cases in that prevails in the chapel proper. guard, doet thit prove that I am hearings in the court on the part college, A t c h i- itronger than the life-guard? Ergo, the juvenile court, it is obvious of the poor; but have their cases Seminary authorities have also from the report, is poverty. “ The son, Kansas, ai^d if I pray to Cod, am I ttronger handled in other ■ways (by being a yehr later en­ announced the donation o f ten great majority of parents “in the sent o ff to private schools, by hav­ than God? tered St Thom­ more pews for the chapel by Frank juvenile court,” says the booklet, ing fathers immediately make Kirchhof, K.S.G., and the dona>- .“ are ignorant, many of them un­ as’ 8 e m i n a r God gains nothing by our pray­ good stolen wares and avoiding tion of a Crucifix and candle set believably so, and of low standing Denver, to begin er*. He ha* u* pray to' Him be- proseention, etc). for the altar by the. Rev. C. M. in the economic structure, but in Ti i s philosophy cau*e we need prayer. In order to Johnson o f the CathedralT addition to these factors the court course. After (Turn to Rage 4 — Column I ) completing a must struggle with Subnormal DEANERY WILL mental conditions which make the year and a half parties difficult to handle at the ELECT HEADS of study he was NOTICE** trial and difficult to obtain obedi­ forced by the ill­ The programs of Christmas ness 'o f Ms fa ­ ence from regarding matters The Danver deanery of the services and music in Catholic ther, Harry „ „ „ churches of Denver and- vicin­ ordered by the court.” As every­ Diocesan Council of Catholic Breen, to discon- ity will be published in The body knows, poverty often brings Women will meet Monday aft- tinue his studies for some time.
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