THURSDAY June 14, 2018 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 CENTS Adairsville City Council gets a clean opinion BY NEIL B. MCGAHEE opinion, also referred to as a clean opin- $3,439,748, a net increase of $316,923. In- of water, due to the flooding experienced • Heard a motion to approve a Memo- [email protected] ion.” creases in SPLOST, LOST, local property during the last several weeks randum Of Understanding with the Boys In his report on the city’s internal control taxes and hotel/motel taxes accounted for • Heard a request to approve the annual and Girls Club relating to the financial If it’s 2018, it must be the time for clean over financial reporting and compliance the increased revenue. funding agreement with the county library commitment to the CDBG funded project. opinions. with law, regulations, contracts and grant Hatch said the General Fund increased system for $67,500. • Heard a motion to authorize the city That’s accountant talk for “your audit agreements, Hatch said, for the fiscal year, its balance by $397,411 to $2.42 million. • Heard a motion to amend the contract manager to approve a task order for the de- looks good.” the city did not receive any audit finding Total budgeted revenues of the General with RDJE for emergency sewer repairs to sign of McKenzie Street sidewalks and And accountant Christian Hatch brought nor were any instances of non-compliance Fund amounted to $3.38 million. $318,491. paving project. that message to the Adairsville City Coun- identified. Council will vote whether to accept the • Heard a motion to to authorize the • Heard a motion to approve the reappoint- cil’s Tuesday work session, just as he has He also reported that at year’s end, the report at tonight’s regular council meeting. mayor and city council to enter into a ment of Patricia Eastin to the Historic Preser- done every year. city’s total assets exceeded total liabilities Memorandum Of Understanding with the vation Commission for a three-year term. “On behalf of Williamson and Co. by $31.1 million, an increase over 2016 by In other business, council: Boys and Girls Club to execute construc- CPA’s,” Hatch said, “for the fiscal year nearly $536,000. Total tax revenues includ- • Heard a report that $8,552 in emer- tion and grant-related documents in order The Adairsville City Council will meet ending Dec. 31, 2017, the city of ing Special Purpose Local Option Sales gency repairs were made to the spring- to complete the Community Development in regular session tonight, June 14 at 7 pm Adairsville received an unmodified audit Tax (SPLOST) elections came to house, one of the city’s principle sources Block Grant Program. at Adairsville City Hall. Bond set for man accused AN OVERALL GOOD TIME of flamethrower rampage BY JAMES SWIFT [email protected] Senior Georgia Superior Court Judge Larry Salmon appeared al- most flabbergasted upon hearing the facts of the case regarding ac- cused arsonist Randy Weaver in Bartow Superior Court Tuesday. “He has certainly gone big on this one,” said Cherokee Judicial Circuit Assistant District Attorney Weaver Elizabeth York during the motion RANDY PARKER/DTN to set bond. “Weaver made his own Sheriff’s Office report, the first in- Adairsville farmer homemade flamethrower with a cident took place on Cedar Creek David Baker looks propane tank.” Road around 9 a.m., after Weaver over his goods for Weaver has been in custody and his wife got into an argument sale at the since his arrest March 10. The over a truck. season's first Cartersville resident, who has yet “He got into a truck, drove it Adairsville to be indicted by a grand jury, through her fence, he then rammed Farmer's Market. the porch of the residence where The farmer's stands accused of two counts of market drew first degree arson and two counts of she was, and after she thought he several local second degree arson stemming had left ... he had set fire to the farmers and from two incidents that transpired porch of the house where she was shoppers. The on the morning of March 5. farmer's market According to a Bartow County SEE WEAVER, PAGE 8A will take place weekly through Sept. 1, on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon on the lower level of Cartersville man gets the town square. 6 years in confinement for meth possession BY JAMES SWIFT [email protected] A 20-year-old Cartersville resi- dent was sentenced to 20 years in Bartow Superior Court Tuesday for possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute. Luis Borja Sanchez, initially charged with drug trafficking, en- tered a negotiated plea of guilty to the lesser included offense. Sanchez Sanchez will spend the first six being in possession of more than years of the sentence in confine- 28 grams of a “mixture containing ment and the remainder on proba- methamphetamine.” According to tion. He is also ordered to pay a prosecutors, Sanchez was a passen- $5,000 fine. ger in a vehicle that a law enforce- Sanchez additionally pleaded ment officer attempted to stop guilty to one count of obstructing along Grassdale Road. He then fled an officer, for which he was given a sheriff’s deputy once the car was a 12-month sentence to be served pulled over. concurrently with the sentence for In addition to the drugs, prosecu- drug possession. tors said Sanchez was also found to Per a bill of indictment, Sanchez was arrested in early Nov. 2016 for SEE SENTENCE, PAGE 8A Registration for 2018 Give a Kid a Chance now open BY DONNA HARRIS p.m. at the Allatoona Resource we can do more. We believe that pre-K through 12th grade will re- [email protected] Center at 6503 Glade Road in Ac- self-sufficiency is empowerment. ceive a new backpack, school sup- worth. Give a Kid a Chance illustrates this plies, a T-shirt, a haircut and health, Students may not be thinking Doug Belisle, executive director beautifully.” dental and vision screenings free of about starting a new school year of Bartow Collaborative, which This will be the second year the charge. yet, but one Bartow County organ- sponsors the event, said the Give a event is being held at two locations, Local hair stylists and cosmetol- ization has been planning for it Kid a Chance program “embodies and program Director Barbara ogy students from Chattahoochee since last October. the purpose of the collaborative.” Hoffman said having more than Technical College will give the Online registration for the 2018 “Bartow Collaborative is about one site turned out “wonderful” last haircuts; Walmart will conduct the Bartow Give a Kid a Chance, a pulling together community part- year. vision checks; and the Bartow back-to-school outreach for the ners, nonprofits, social services, “CrossPoint City Church and County Health Department will be county’s at-risk children, will be churches and businesses to help BLESS Coalition played a huge on hand to provide State Form open through July 16 for this year’s strengthen families and ensure that role in helping us make this a real- 3300 health exams for students event, scheduled for Saturday, July kids are prepared for school and ity at the ARC,” she said. “We new to the school systems. 28, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Bar- that they succeed when they get served 326 students.” The dental exams will be con- tow County College and Career there,” he said. “We believe that At the 10th annual event next ducted at the academy by Georgia SPECIAL Academy at 738 Grassdale Road in strong families make strong com- month, Bartow County and Volunteers help students gather their backpacks and school Cartersville and from 9 a.m. to 2 munities. We believe that together Cartersville City at-risk students in SEE GAKAC, PAGE 7A supplies at last year’s Give a Kid a Chance event. INSIDE TODAY Storms, State . .2A Business . .6A showers VOLUME 72, NO. 34 Family Living . .3A Blotter . .7A High 88 U.S. & World . .4A Sports . .1B www.daily-tribune.com Entertainment . .5A Classifieds . .4B Low 70 2A Thursday, June 14, 2018 • www.daily-tribune.com State The Daily Tribune News ContactUs The Daily Tribune News Lawsuits: Address: 251 S. Tennessee St. Cartersville, GA 30120 Congressional Mailing Address: 251 S. Tennessee St. Cartersville, GA 30120 maps dilute black Phone: 770-382-4545 After 5 p.m.: 770-382-4548 Fax: 770-382-2711 voters in 3 states Alan Davis, Publisher BY MICHAEL KUNZELMAN are attempting to better position Jason Greenberg, AND DAVID A. LIEB themselves for the next round of re- Managing Editor Associated Press districting by backing state legisla- tive candidates, lawsuits and ballot Jennifer Moates, A Democratic political group initiatives that would shift redis- Advertising Director launched a legal campaign tricting powers away from law- Mindy Salamon, Wednesday to create additional makers to independent Office Manager/Classified majority-minority congressional commissions in some states. Advertising Director districts in three Southern states, "The creation of additional dis- Lee McCrory, claiming the current maps discrim- tricts in which African Americans Circulation/Distribution inate against black voters. have the opportunity to elect their Manager Attorneys filed separate federal preferred candidates in each of Stacey Wade, lawsuits in Alabama, Georgia and these states will be an important Circulation Customer Care/ Louisiana, challenging congres- step toward making the voting Account Manager sional maps lawmakers in each power of African Americans more J.
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