Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran Modern Intellectual and Political History of the Middle East Mehrzad Boroujerdi, Series Editor Mosaddeq being carried away by his supporters outside the parliament building after an address on oil nationalization, September 27, 1951. Copyright © 2003 AP/Wide World Photos. MOHAMMAD MOSADDEQ and the 1953 Coup in Iran ... Edited by Mark J.Gasiorowski and Malcolm Byrne syracuse university press Copyright © 2004 by Syracuse University Press Syracuse, New York 13244–5290 All Rights Reserved First Edition 2004 12 13 14 15 6 5 4 3 ∞ The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. For a listing of books published and distributed by Syracuse University Press, visit our website at SyracuseUniversityPress.syr.edu. ISBN: 978-0-8156-3018-0 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 coup in Iran / edited by Mark J. Gasiorowski and Malcolm Byrne. — 1st ed. p. cm. — (Modern intellectual and political history of the Middle East) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0–8156–3018–2 (cl. : alk. paper) 1. Iran—Politics and government, 1941–1979. 2. Mosaddeq, Mohammad, 1880–1967 I. Gasiorowski, Mark J., 1954– II. Byrne, Malcolm. III. Series. DS316.6.M64 2004 955.05'3—dc22 2004001922 Manufactured in the United States of America This content downloaded from 128 122 149 96 on Tue 18 Sep 2018 01:49:41 UTC ... We dedicate this book to all Iranians who have struggled to make their country independent and democratic. Contents Illustrations ix Contributors xi Introduction, Malcolm Byrne xiii 1. Mosaddeq’s Government in Iranian History Arbitrary Rule, Democracy,and the 1953 Coup Homa Katouzian 1 2. Unseating Mosaddeq The Configuration and Role of Domestic Forces Fakhreddin Azimi 27 3. The 1953 Coup in Iran and the Legacy of the Tudeh Maziar Behrooz 102 4. Britain and the Overthrow of the Mosaddeq Government Wm. Roger Louis 126 5. The International Boycott of Iranian Oil and the Anti-Mosaddeq Coup of 1953 Mary Ann Heiss 178 6. The Road to Intervention Factors Influencing U.S. Policy Toward Iran, 1945–1953 Malcolm Byrne 201 7. The 1953 Coup d’État Against Mosaddeq Mark J. Gasiorowski 227 viii | Contents Conclusion Why Did Mosaddeq Fall? Mark J. Gasiorowski 261 Notes 281 Selected Bibliography 341 Index 353 Illustrations Mosaddeq outside parliament frontispiece Pro-Mosaddeq crowd 12 Gen. Fazlollah Zahedi seated under a flag 18 Ayatollah Kashani and Prime Minister Mosaddeq 59 Tanks in Ferdowsi Square 88 An anti-shah crowd tearing down a statue of Reza Shah 119 An anti-Mosaddeq crowd on Shah Reza Avenue 122 John Foster Dulles, Winston Churchill, Dwight Eisenhower, and Anthony Eden in Washington 159 Soldiers and onlookers outside Mosaddeq’s house after it was destroyed 175 Abadan 181 Mosaddeq and Acheson 184 Truman and Mosaddeq 222 CIA director W. Allen Dulles 224 Kermit Roosevelt 228 Donald Wilber 234 Tables 1. The Non-oil Balance of Trade, 1948–1953 191 2. Changes in Various Price Indices, 1951–1955 192 3. Exports of Iranian Oil by NIOC after Nationalization 196 ix Contributors theFakhreddin Universi yAzimi of Connecticut. is a professor H of is historythe autho at the of Iran:TheUniversity Crisis of Connecticut. of Democracy (1989)He has andwritten many widely articles in onboth modern English Iranian and Per histor ian. .His publications in English include The Quest for Democracy in Iran: A Century of Struggle Against Authoritar- MFiana ziarRule hred —winnerehrooz n Azi ofs i nthe anas istantMossadssociate profes ghp Prize, orfessor in heMossadeghn thDepartment Dep Foundation men of Histo of History yand at the ana FranciscoSaidi-She Universi rjan St teyAward, ofUni C ersity nnecticut.Internationa He is H the Sois autho the iety a forof hor Rebels Iranian of Iran w thStudies—and The a Cause:The Cri is of FailIran:emo reThe racy of the(1989)Crisis Le of t andin Democracy, ranmany(1999 a 1941–53 ti and es on sev m Malcolmziar Behrooz Byrne sis deputy an assistant director professor and r in search the Depar directortment of the of GeorgeHistory Wash-at San ingtonFrancisco Un State ver University. ity-based Nat He is onal the Securityauthor of ArchiveRebels with where a Cause he The di Failure ects the of U.the Left.-Iran in IranRe ations(1999) androject several He articlis the s authoron modern of a forthcomingIranian history. s HistoryMalcolm(1 Byrne 9 ) andis deputyThe Chronology: director and The research Documented director Day of the by- George ay Acc Wash- unt o theington Sec etUniversity-ba Military Assista ed National c to Iran Securityand the ContrasArchive, 987)where a hew directs ll as o herthe pubUS -Iran ications Relations Project. He is the author of a forthcoming study of the Iran-Contra affair, as well as coeditor of The Iran-Contra Scandal:The Declassified MarkHistory (1993)Gasi rowand kiTheis aChronology: professor n The th Documented Departme tDay-by-Day of Po itica ScienceAccount atof Lothe Secret isiana StateMilitary University Assistance He to hasIran a soand b the en aContras visitin(1987) profes as or atwell th as Faculty other ofpublications. Law and andMark th Jhah Gasiorowski(1991), cois d tora professor (with ikkin the Keddie) Department of Nei of he Political East Nor Science West Iran at theLouisiana Soviet Union State University and the Un tedHe Stat has salso1 been 90), and visiting the author professor of many at the ar iclesFaculty on Iranianof Law andpolitics Political and democracyScience of thein heUnivers Third tyWorld of Tehran and a visiting fellow at St. Antony’s College, Oxford University. He is the author of U.S. Foreign Policy Maryand the AnnShah (1991),Heiss iscoeditor an associate (with professorNikki Keddie) in the of Department Neither East Norof Histo West:Iran, y a Ktheent Soviet State Union,and Uni ersity. the SheUnited is Stateshe author(1990), of Empireand the and author Na ionhoodof many Thearticles United on States,Iranian Great politics Br tain,and democracy and Iranian Oin lthe 1 Third 50–1954 World.(19 xi xiiIra | a po Contributors itic and Mary Ann Heiss is an associate professor in the Department of History at Kent State University. She is the author of Empire and Nationhood:The United States, Great Britain, and Iranian Oil, 1950–1954 (1996) and coeditor of NATO inHom the Post-Cold K ouzian War Era:Doesis ran It eritageHave a Future?R sea ch(1995) F low and EmpireSt An and ony’s Revolution: Co ege TheOx ordUnited University States and a them Third mber World of the since Fa 1945 ulty of(2001). Ori HomaUniver Katouzian ty f Exeteis He Iran is theHeritage a tho Research of Mu a diqFellow, and St.he StruggleAntony’s fo College,Power in OxfordIran (1990) University; and The aPolitical member Economy of the ofFaculty Mode nof Orientalan (1981) Studies, edito ofOxford Musaddiq Un- s verMemoirsity; and(1988 an honorary and author research of many fellow oth in r theoo Department s and artic e ofo Politics Irania at poli- the Universitytics econom of csExeter. and Heult is r the author of Musaddiq and the Struggle for Power in Iran (1990) and The Political Economy of Modern Iran (1981), editor of Musaddiq’s MemoirsWm Roger(1988), Louis and authoris the ofe many t Pro essorother booksf Eng ishand Hi articles tory anon IranianCulture poli- and tics,D s economics, n uished T and ach culture ng Pro Wm.he is ast Roger pres dentLouis o ist the e American Kent Professor Histo icalof English Assoc History tion H and is editor Culture in chief and Distinguishedof the Oxford Teaching Hi tory ofProfessor the Br in ti hthe Empire Department a d chai of History man of atthe the Hi Univer- to ica sityAdvis of Texas. ry C mmitteeAn Honorary of the Fellow U S De of St. a tmentAntony’s of StateCollege, Hi Oxford books University,nc de m- heperialism is past atpresident Bay (19 of 6) the and American The British Historical Empire Associationin the Midd eHe Eas is editor1984) in Hechief is ofc editthe Oxford (with JamesHistory B ll)of ofthe Musaddiq British Empire Iranian Nationalismand chairman and of Oil the( Historical 988) Advisory Committee of the U.S. Department of State. His books include Im- perialism at Bay (1976) and The British Empire in the Middle East (1984). He is coeditor (with James Bill) of Musaddiq, Iranian Nationalism, and Oil (1988). Introduction Malcolm Byrne n a major address on U.S.-Iran relations in March 2000, timed to coincide Iwith the traditional Persian New Year (1378/1379), U.S. secretary of state Madeleine Albright made the following statement:“In 1953, the United States played a significant role in orchestrating the overthrow of Iran’s popular prime minister, Mohammad Mosaddeq. ...The Eisenhower administration believed its actions were justified for strategic reasons, but the coup was clearly a setback for Iran’s political development. And it is easy to see now why many Iranians continue to resent this intervention by America in their internal affairs.” 1 Albright’s remarks were the first public acknowledgment by a senior American official of Washington’s part in the coup. Yet, Iran’s reaction was mostly negative. The secretary of the influential Expediency Council called the speech “a new chapter”in U.S.-Iran relations. But Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the country’s supreme leader, ripped the admission on 1953 as “deceitful” and complained that it “did not even include an apology.” 2 Both sides’ comments reflected the perpetuation of deep sensitivities toward the event almost half a century later.
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