EKONOMIA i ŚRODOWISKO ECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENT Journal of the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists No. 2 (65) • 2018 copyright © by: Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych Białystok 2018 ISSN 0867-8898 ISSN 2300-6420 (online) Ministry of Science and Higher Education Umiędzynarodowienie strony internetowej Czasopisma „Ekonomia i Środo- wisko" oraz Umiędzynarodowienie recenzentów Czasopisma „Ekonomia i Środowisko” – zadania finansowane w ramach umowy 536/P-DUN/2017 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę. Published by: Fundacja Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych 15-092 Białystok, ul. Sienkiewicza 22 www.fe.org.pl; e-mail: [email protected] Publishing: Agencja Wydawnicza EkoPress Process Manager Andrzej Poskrobko / tel. 601 311 838 Printed by: Zakład Poligraficzny ARES s.c. Roman Józefowicz / tel. 506 177 893 www: www.ekonomiaisrodowisko.pl ECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENT Journal of the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists EKONOMIA I ŚRODOWISKO Czasopismo Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych THE SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME BOARD Prof. Zbigniew Bochniarz (USA) • Prof. Tadeusz Borys • Dr Leon C. Braat (Netherlands) Prof. Adam Budnikowski • Prof. Eva Cudlinova (Czech Republic) • Prof. Józefa Famielec Prof. Bogusław Fiedor • Prof. Wojciech J. Florkowski (USA) • Prof. Kazimierz Górka Prof. Włodzimierz Kaczyński (USA) • Prof. Teresa Łaguna • Prof. Rafał Miłaszewski Prof. Bazyli Poskrobko • Prof. Leszek Preisner • Prof. Tomasz Żylicz EDITORIAL TEAM Editor in chief – Prof. Elżbieta Broniewicz Editors of particular sections – Prof. Stanisław Czaja Prof. Eugeniusz Kośmicki, Prof. Barbara Kryk Prof. Dariusz Kiełczewski, Prof. Małgorzata Burchard-Dziubińska Statistical editor – Dr Elżbieta Gołąbeska The Secretary of Editorial Office – Dr Karolina Ogrodnik contents EKONOMIA I ŚRODOWISKO 2 (65) • 2018 THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS Krzysztof Boryczko, Janusz Rak, Analysis and evaluation of hazards in emergency situations in water supply systems ............................................................................................................... 8 Piotr Rynkowski, Numerical modelling of heat loss through the cover in the anaerobic digester .............................................................................................................18 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND MANAGEMENT Manzoor Ahmad, Han Hengyi, Zia Ur Rahman, Shehzad Khan, Zia Ullah Khan, Zeeshan Khan, Carbon Emissions, Energy Use, Gross Domestic Product and Total Population in China ...32 Aldona Harasimowicz, Green spaces as a part of the city structure .................................................45 Tomasz Cichoń, Jadwiga Królikowska, Accuracy of water meters during their operation ...............63 Joanna Gwoździej-Mazur, Kamil Świętochowski, Bartosz Kaźmierczak, Analysis of water losses and failure frequency in an urban-rural water supply system .................................................76 Mateusz Rogowski, Use of Monitoring System of tourist traffic (MStt) in Stołowe Mts. National Park for visitors description .........................................................................................87 Wojciech Kruszyński, Jacek Dawidowicz, Dariusz Andraka, Joanna Tomaszewska, Application and digital implementation GIS data to computer modeling of the sanitary sewage network in Podlaskie voivodship ........................................................99 STUDIES AND MATERIALS Anna Krzysztofek, Environmental responsibility of respect index companies ............................. 110 Krystyna Rauba, Agata Zimińska, The evaluation of the public perception of the implementation of “Rajgród FW6 Polska wind farm” ..................................................124 Iwona Skoczko, Ewa Szatyłowicz, Analysis and assessment of air quality in the city of Bialystok in 2012-2017 ..........................................................................................................142 Anna Werner-Juszczuk, The influence of thermal bridges on the operation of underfloor heating system ....................................................................................................154 Monika Kolendo, Daily water demand variations in the Bialystok water distribution system in light of chosen economic and environmental conditions ................................... 168 EKONOMIA I ŚRODOWISKO 2 (65) • 2018 www.ekonomiaisrodowisko.pl 5 Marcin Dębowski, Marcin Zieliński, Magda Dudek, Paulina Rusanowska, Use of the waste fraction from bioethanol production from sugar beets for the production of Chlorella Vulgaris species microalgae biomass .....................................................................................................180 Elżbieta Wołejko, Urszula Wydro, Agata Jabłońska-Trypuć, Andrzej Butarewicz, Tadeusz Łoboda, Pseudomonas fluoresces occurrence in soil after fertilization with sewage sludge ........ 195 Małgorzata Krasowska, Zofia Tyszkiewicz, Soils from buffer zones in the agricultural catchment – selected physical, chemical, and biological properties` ..................................205 GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS Anna K. Mazurek-Kusiak, Economic and tourist functions of the forests in Lublin province ...... 216 Roman Kisiel, Joanna Zielińska-Szczepkowska, Dominika Taradejna, Natural and cultural resources of Green Kurpie as drivers of tourism development .............................................231 Piotr Dominik, Anna Fabisiak, Józef Grochowicz, Variety of raw materials in the formation of traditional culinary products as a tourist attraction ..........................................................246 Aleksander Kiryluk, Economic and environmental aspects of the cultivation of energy plants in the Podlasie province .................................................................................................257 Information for Authors – Submission Guidelines ........................................................................ 271 Economics and Environment 2 (65) • 2018 THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS PROBLEMY TEORETYCZNE I METODYCZNE Ekonomia i Środowisko 2 (65) • 2018 EKONOMIA I ŚRODOWISKO • 2 (65) • 2018 Krzysztof BORYCZKO • Janusz RAK ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF HAZARDS IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS IN WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS Krzysztof Boryczko, PhD; Janusz Rak, Prof. – Rzeszow University of Technology Correspondence address: Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture Institute of Economics Powstancow Warszawy street 12, Rzeszow, 35-959, Poland e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT: The new regulation concerning the quality of drinking water offers a number of delega- tions on the waterworks inform users about the quality of tap water. The study analysis on the public risk health should be prepared. In the paper the analysis and assessment method of the population and property related to failure occurrence of collective water supply systems is presented. Four cate- gories of factors having impact on the multiplicative risk: purity category or probability of danger occurrence, material damage, loss of population health and security were adopted. On this basis four-parametric risk matrix was developed. In the study also examples of application methods were presented. The method can provide a planning tool in crisis management at the local government level. KEY WORDS: water supply, risk, risk matrix No. 2(65) 2018 • pages: 8-17 JEL: Q530, Q570 EKONOMIA I ŚRODOWISKO 2 (65) • 2018 Theoretical and methodological problems 9 Introduction The Act of 2001 (Ustawa, 2001) on collective water supply and collective sewage disposal gives public health minister a competent to determine by requirements of water quality intended for human consumption. The new regulation (Ustawa, 2015) in came into force on November 28, 2015. Cur- rently, information about the water quality deterioration the water supply company is obliged to transfer within no longer than 7 working days to the sanitary state inspector and mayor or president of the city. Scope of the information contained in the request for a waiver was extended to: • reasons why water of the required quality cannot be delivered, • • a study analysis prepared by a research institution conducting studies, • justifications with an indication of actions to ensure good quality water,- centration and duration) on the health of water consumers. Inin theaddition, field of an public obligation health regarding,to provide the a impactsystematic of the (every derogation 3 months) (con detailed report on corrective actions taken and actions planned to be taken in the next reporting period was introduced. Information for consumers about water quality includes data on granted consents to deviation from acceptable water quality parameters. Standard information for residents about water quality should include: • area covered by water quality research, • area not covered by water quality research with reasons, • hazards resulting from lack of water quality research, • water. Theidentification provisions of of activities the regulation that should also applybe taken to wateragainst from contaminated individual water intakes supplying less than 50 people or providing less than 10 m3/d. The aim of the paper is to present analysis and assessment method of the population and property related to failure occurrence in collective water supply systems (CWSS). Four categories of factors having impact on the mul- tiplicative
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