Historical Fiction for Middle School and High School—Updated November 2011 Biblical History Gormley, Beatrice Salome YA Storage Gormley Middle Ages, 400-mid 1400s Avi Crispin, Cross of Lead J-Avi Avi Crispin: At the Edge of the World J-Avi Branford, Henrietta Fire, Bed and Bone J-Branford Cushman, Karen Catherine, Called Birdy J-Cushman Cushman, Karen Matilda Bone J-Cushman Cushman, Karen Midwife’s Apprentice J-Cushman Dahme, Joanne The Plague J-Dahme Grant, K.M. Blood Red Horse J-Grant Jinks, Catherine Pagan’s Scribe J-Jinks Konigsburg, E.L. A Proud Taste for Scarlett and Miniver J- Konigsburg McGraw, Eloise Jarvis The Striped Ships J-McGraw Park, Linda Sue A Single Shard J-Park Sauerwein, Leigh Song for Eloise YA-Sauerwein Vining, Elizabeth Adam of the Road J-Vining Williams, Laura E. The Executioner’s Daughter J-Williams Modern Europe: Renaissance, Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution Blackwood, Gary The Shakespeare Stealer J-Blackwood Cullen, Lynn I Am Rembrandt’s Daughter YA-Cullen Cushman, Karen Alchemy & Meggy Swan J-Cushman Gerstein, Mordicai Victor YA Storage Gerstein 1 of11 Historical Fiction for Middle School and High School—Updated November 2011 Giff, Patricia Reilly Nory Ryan’s Song J Pbk -Giff Hoffman, Alice Incantation YA-Hoffman Holeman, Linda Search of the Moon King’s Daughter YA Storage Holeman Hooper, Mary Newes from the Dead YA-Hooper McCaughrean, Geraldine The Pirate’s Son J-McCaughrean Meyer, Carolyn Doomed Queen Anne YA-Meyer Meyer, Carolyn Mary, Bloody Mary J-Meyer / YA-Meyer Sturtevant, Katherine The Brother’s Story YA-Sturtevant Twain, Mark The Prince and the Pauper Classic Twain Yolen, Jane Queen’s Own Fool J-Yolen Colonial and Revolutionary America 1400’s to early 1800’s Anderson, Laurie Halse Fever, 1793 J-Anderson Anderson, Laurie Halse Chains YA- Anderson Anderson, Laurie Halse Forge YA- Anderson Anderson, MT The Pox Party YA-Anderson Avi True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle J- AVI Blackwood,Gary Year of the Hangman YA-Blackwood Bruchac, Joseph Sacajawea:The Story of Bird Woman and the Lewis and Clark Expedition J-Bruchac Bruchac, Joseph Winter People J-Bruchac Carbone, Elisa Lynn Blood on the River: Jamestown 1607 J-Carbone Collier, James Jump Ship to Freedom J Pbk-Collier Collier, James My Brother Sam Is Dead J-Collier Draper, Sharon Copper Sun YA-Draper Elliot, Laura Give Me Liberty J-Elliot 2 of11 Historical Fiction for Middle School and High School—Updated November 2011 Erdrich, Louise The Birchbark House J-Erdrich Forbes, Esther Johnny Tremain J-Forbes Forrester, Sandra Wheel of the Moon J-Forrester Godbersen, Anna The Luxe YA- Godbersen Hemphill, Stephanie Wicked Girls YA New Book -Hemphill Heuston, Kimberly The Shakeress YA Storage Heuston Klein, Lisa Cate of the Lost Colony YA New Book -Klein Lasky, Kathryn Beyond the Burning Time J-Lasky Myers, Walter Dean Glory Field J-Myers O’Dell, Scott Sarah Bishop J-O’De Paulsen, Gary Woods Runner J-Paulsen Rees, Celia Witch Child YA-Rees Richards, Jame Three Rivers Rising YA- Richards Rinaldi, Ann Cast Two Shadows YA-Rinaldi Rinaldi, Ann The Fifth of March YA-Rinaldi Rinaldi, Ann Hang a Thousand Trees with Ribbons YA pbk-Rinaldi Rinaldi, Ann A Stitch in Time YA-Rinaldi Rinaldi, Ann Time Enough for Drums YA Storage Rinaldi Speare, Elizabeth George The Witch of Blackbird Pond J-Speare American Frontier & Pioneer Life Auch, Mary Jane The Road to Home J-Auch Blos, Joan Letters from the Corrugated Castle J-Blos Conrad, Pam Prairie Songs J-Conrad Fleischman, Sid By the Great Horn Spoon J-Fleischman 3 of11 Historical Fiction for Middle School and High School—Updated November 2011 Holm, Jennifer Boston Jane J-Holm Holt, Kimberly Willis The Water Seeker YA- Holt Ketchum, Lisa Newsgirl J-Ketchum Larson, Kirby Hattie Big Sky J-Larson Lawson, Julie Destination Gold YA Storage Lawson Paulsen, Gary The Legend of Bass Reeves J-Paulsen Rinaldi, Ann The Coffin Quilt YA Storage Rinaldi Wolf, Allan New Found Land YA Storage Wolf Western Burks, Brian Wrango J-Burks Civil War and Slavery: Ayres, Katherine North By Night J-Ayres Ayres, Katherine Stealing South J-Ayres Bartoletti, Susan Campbell No Man’s Land J-Bartoletti Beatty, Patricia Eben Tyne, Powdermonkey J- Beatty Beatty, Patricia Jayhawker J-Beatty Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker Jefferson’s Sons YA Bradley Crane, Stephen The Red Badge of Courage Classic Crane Elliot, Laura Annie Between the States YA- Elliot Ferris, Jean Underground YA-Ferris Fleischman, Paul Bull Run J -Fleischman Gaines, Ernest J. Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Classic Gaines Hansen, Joyce Which Way Freedom? J-Han 4 of11 Historical Fiction for Middle School and High School—Updated November 2011 Hunt, Irene Across Five Aprils J PBK Hunt Jenkins, Beverly Josephine YA- Jenkins Keith, Harold Rifles for Watie J PBK Keith Hesse, Karen Light in the Storm J-Hesse Lester, Julius Day of Tears J-Lester Lyon, George Ella Here and Then J-Lyon Mitchell, Margaret Gone with the Wind Classic- Mitchell Nixon, Joan Lowery A Dangerous Promise J-Nixon O’Dell, Scott The 290 J-O’Dell Paulsen, Gary Soldier’s Heart J-Paulsen Paulsen, Gary Nightjohn J-Paulsen Pearsall, Shelly Trouble Don’t Last J-Pearsall Peck, Richard The River Between us J-Peck Philbrin, Roderick The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg J-Philbrin Pinkney, Andrea Davis Silent Thunder: A Civil War Story J-Pinkney Rinaldi, Ann Girl in Blue J-Rinaldi Rinaldi, Ann Amelia’s War J-Rinaldi Rinaldi, Ann The Fifth of March YA Storage Rinaldi Severance, John B Braving the Fire: A Civil War Novel J-Severance Wells, Rosemary Red Moon at Sharpsburg YA-Wells Reconstruction and Post-Civil War Brown, Don The Notorious Izzy Fink J-Brown Calvert, Patricia Sooner J-Calvert Hansen, Joyce The Heart Calls Home J-Hansen 5 of11 Historical Fiction for Middle School and High School—Updated November 2011 Napoli, Donna Jo Alligator Bayou YA- Napoli Paulsen, Gary Sarny J-Paulsen Robinet, Harriette Forty Ac res and Maybe a Mule J-Robinet 1900-1929 and World War I: Donnelly, Jennifer A Northern Light YA- Donnelly Fitzgerald, F.Scott The Great Gatsby Classic -Fitzgerald Frost, Helen Crossing Stones YA- Frost Godbersen, Anna Bright Young Things YA - Godbersen Haddix, Margaret Peterson Uprising YA-Haddix Hemingway, Ernest A Farewell to Arms Classic -Hemingway Hesse, Karen Witness J Pbk-Hesse Hesse, Karen A Time of Angels J- Hesse Ingold, Jeanette Pictures, 1918 YA-Ingold Larkin, Jillian Vixen YA -Larkin Larson, Kirby Hattie Big Sky J-Larson Levine, Gail Carson Dave at Night J-Levine Morpurgo, Michael Private Peaceful YA-Morpurgo Newton, Robert Runner YA Newton Peck, Richard The Teacher’s Funeral YA-Peck Peck, Robert Newton A Day no Pigs would Die YA PBK-Peck Remarque, Erich All Quiet on the Western Front Classics Remarque Ritter, John H Choosing Up Sides J-Ritter Rostkowski, Margaret After the Dancing Days YA- Rostkowski Sinclair, Upton The Jungle Classic- Sinclair 6 of11 Historical Fiction for Middle School and High School—Updated November 2011 Slade, Arthur Megiddo’s Shadow YA-Slade Thesman, Jean The Tree of Bells YA-Thesman Vernick, Shirley Reva The Blood Lie YA-Vernick Webster, Jean Daddy Long-Legs J-Webster Winspear, Jacqueline Maisie Dobbs YA PBK-Winspear Williams, Barbara Titanic Crossing J-Williams Yep, Laurence Dragonwings J-Yep 1930s and the Great Depression Brown, Don The Train Jumper YA-Brown Collins, Max Allen Road to Perdition GN - Road Choldenko, Gennifer Al Capone Does My Shirts J-Choldenko Curtis, Christopher Paul Bud, Not Buddy J-Curtis Defelice, Cynthia Nowhere to Call Home J-Defelice Hale, Marian The Truth about Sparrows J-Hale Hesse, Karen Out of the Dust J Pbk- Hesse Holm, Jennifer Turtle in Paradise J-Holm Lunievicz, Joseph Open Wounds YA-Lunievicz Ryan, Pam Muñoz Esperanza Rising J Pbk -Ryan Peck, Richard A Long Way from Chicago J - Peck Peck, Robert Newton Extra Innings YA-Peck Phelan, Matt Storm in the Barn JGN-Phelan Steinbeck, John The Grapes of Wrath Classic-Steinbeck Taylor Mildred Let the Circle Be Unbroken J -Taylor Taylor, Mildred Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry J-Taylor 7 of11 Historical Fiction for Middle School and High School—Updated November 2011 Vanderpool, Claire Moon Over Manifest J-Vanderpool World War II and the Holocaust Bartoletti, Susan The Boy Who Dared J-Bartoletti Boyne, John The Boy in the Striped Pajamas YA -Boyne Bunting,Eve Spying on Miss Muller J-Bunting Bruchac, Joseph Code Talker YA-Bruchac Choi, Sook Nyul Year of the Impossible Goodbyes J-Cho Chotjewitz, Daniel Daniel, Half Human YA- Chotjewitz Cormier, Robert Heroes YA- Cormier Elliot, L.M. Under a War-Torn Sky J-Elliott Engle, Margarita Tropical Secrets YA- Engle Fletcher, Christine Ten Cents a Dance YA-Fletcher Gaeddert, LouAnn Friends and Enemies Children New Book Shelf-Gaeddert Greene, Bette Summer of my German Soldier J-Greene Greene Bette Morning is a Long Time Coming J-Greene Heller, Joseph Catch-22 Adult Fiction-Heller Hertenstein, Jane Beyond Paradise J-Hertenstein Hesse, Karen Aleutian Sparrow J-Hesse Hughes, Dean Soldier Boys YA Hughes Kerr, M.E. Slap Your Sides J-Kerr Lisle, Janet Taylor Art of Keeping Cool J-Lisle Matas, Carol Greater Than Angels J-Matas Matas, Carol Daniel’s Story J-Matas Mazer, Harry A Boy at War: A Novel J-Mazer 8 of11 Historical Fiction for Middle School and High School—Updated November 2011 Mazer, Norma Fox Good Night, Maman J-Mazer Park, Linda Sue When My Name Was Keoko J-Park Peck, Richard On the Wings of Heroes J-Peck Reeder, Carolyn Foster’s War J-Reeder Roy, Jennifer Yellow Star YA Storage Roy Rylant, Cynthia I Had Seen Castles YA-Rylant Salisbury, Graham Under the Blood Red Sun
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