Partly cloudy High: 67 | Low: 43 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR yourdailyglobe.com Thursday, April 16, 2015 75 cents Warm winds increase FIRE PREVENTION fire danger on Range By RALPH ANSAMI the danger has really shot up in saws and off-road vehicles. [email protected] the last two days, with sunshine “Small engines have the Officials warn that until and wind. potential to throw a spark and spring green-up occurs, fire dan- Snyder warned that anyone ignite a dangerous and destruc- ger will remain high across responsible for starting a wildfire tive fire,” warned Catherine northern Wisconsin and the will be responsible for the costs Koele, a WDNR wildfire preven- western Upper Peninsula. of fighting the fire. tion specialist. On Wednesday, the Wisconsin The Smokey the Bear sign at Koele said the DNR’s web Department of Natural the Cary Convenience Store on page is updated with fire danger Resources listed “red flag,” or Wisconsin 77 in Hurley listed information daily at 11 a.m. extremely high, fire danger “very high” fire danger. A weekend fire from sparks warnings for 39 counties across Forecasts that had called for that blew from a burning barrel the state. rain on Thursday were changed got out of hand and burned about Meanwhile, the city of Iron- to almost no chance of precipita- seven acres south of Ashland. wood initiated a ban on all burn- tion. Grass and several trees went up ing in the city until some rain The WDNR suspended DNR- in smoke, but several fire depart- arrives. issued burning permits in dry ments and the Department of Strong south winds quickly areas and asks the public to be Natural Resources stopped the increased the danger. especially careful with any activ- Sunday night fire from spread- “These winds are killing us,” ities that could potentially lead ing. Ironwood Public Safety Depart- to a wildland fire. Ralph Ansami/Daily Globe ment fire officer Brandon Snyder Care is urged in campfires, SMOKEY, THE fire-preventing bear, indicated fire danger was very high Wednesday at his station along Wis- said at noon Wednesday. He said outdoor grills, smoking, chain- consin 77 in Hurley’s Cary Location. FIRE — page 5 Hurley US 51 resurfacing project delayed to 2021 GCC to host By RALPH ANSAMI that would have been done in advance of the 2021 DOT work. to review the budget when city [email protected] 2016 in preparation for the project. In other business Tuesday, clerk Linda Ryskewecz returns HURLEY — The rush to get The city would have been the council: from vacation. business symposium an infrastructure grant applica- responsible for paying about —Agreed to list for sale a par- —Approved a final pay IRONWOOD — Gogebic Com- at 4 p.m. at the Linquist Center. tion in by May ended when the $100,000 of the $1 million DOT cel that was donated to the city on request for $27,319 from Ross munity College will host a series Following the Idea Bounce, city of Hurley learned the U.S. paving project, in addition to Cary Road. The city has received Peterson Construction, of Hur- of business-related events on Hendrickson — who authored 51 resurfacing project has been covering the infrastructure costs a $10,000 check to go along with ley, for phase 1 of the water Monday and Tuesday as part of the book, “Who I Am Depends on moved back to 2021. through the grant. the donation of the parcel. treatment facility project. the annual symposium centered Me!” — will deliver a presenta- The Second Avenue project Jeff Seamandel, of MSA Pro- —Granted a Combination —Learned the city’s share of around the college’s Spring Idea tion to the community at 6 p.m. had been originally been fessional Services, told the city Class B liquor license to ZAH, repairing a wash-out on the road Bounce business plan competi- in the Linquest Center based on planned by the Wisconsin council Tuesday that since the Sandra K. Ransanici, agent, for to Lake Michele will be $7,000. tion. the book, discussing strategies Department of Transportation project has been delayed by the the Alaska House, 601 Granite The matter will come before the Motivational speaker Patty for success by engaging “your for 2017. DOT, the grant application has- St., provided the proper paper- council for approval at next Hendrickson, of La Crosse Wis., best self.” A reception at Maple- The city had until May to sub- n’t been submitted. work is filled out by the appli- month’s meeting. will speak at a number events, wood Steakhouse will be held mit a Community Development The delay means the city cant. A restaurant registration —Agreed to advertise for a designed for both members of the after the presentation. Block Grant application for council will have much more was also approved for ZAH. part-time summer employee at college and the general community. On Tuesday, the college will $500,000 for infrastructure work time to prepare a project in —Agreed to set up a meeting minimum wage. On Monday, Hendrickson will host Nick Anderson as the deliver a luncheon training ses- keynote speaker of the first sion entitled “Decide to Thrive — annual Connect Summit. The Engaging People and Their Pas- summit’s goal is to bring Ontonagon BILL SIGNING sions,” according to an announce- progress to the area through con- ment from the college. The ses- necting regional stakeholders. board OKs sion will “focus on connecting Anderson is the Chief Execu- with people to improve working tive Officer of the Crispian relationships that drive a culture Advantage and “has a diverse picture project of success,” according to the experience in managing and Jan Tucker release. leading effective change and [email protected] Hendrickson will then partici- alignment projects,” according to ONTONAGON – Residents pate in the college’s Idea Bounce the release. and visitors to Ontonagon will competition, which provides stu- Anyone interested in attend- see much of what the village dents the opportunity to pitch ing the presentations can contact looked like in the 1920s with a their business plans to judges for Ken Trzaska at 906-285-1989 or project approved by the a chance to win cash prizes. The Beth Steiger at 906-307-1247. Ontonagon Township Board competition is scheduled to begin — RICHARD JENKINS Tuesday. The Pennsylvania Avenue- side of the Ontonagon Memo- rial Building has had its large windows boarded up many Tax Freedom Day arrives on April 20 years, and the board had Michigan’s Tax Freedom Day, liest in Louisiana on April 2 and hoped to install new windows when taxpayers in the state have Mississippi on April 4. Connecti- as part of the building's recon- collectively earned enough cut and New Jersey will be the struction. However, it was dis- money to pay the federal, state last to reach it this year on May covered that when the build- and local tax bill for the year, 13. ing had been boarded up, the will arrive on April 20, according “Tax Freedom Day gives us a supporting structures for the to the Tax Foundation. vivid representation of how large windows had been That ranks Michigan as 28th much we pay for the goods and removed. To fully restore the in reaching Tax Freedom Day. services provided by govern- windows to their former glory According to the annual ments at all levels,” said Tax would cost $45,000, Township report by the non-partisan Tax Foundation Economist Kyle Clerk Bill Chabot said. Foundation, national Tax Free- Pomerleau. “Arguments can be Rather than go forward dom Day falls on April 24, 114 made for if and why the tax bill is with the costly repair, the days into the year and nine days too high or too low, but in order board awarded a bid to Bob after the tax filing deadline. to have an honest discussion, it’s Burrows of Peninsula Graph- Photo submitted Each state’s total federal, important for taxpayers to ics to obtain 4 by 8 epic pic- STATE SENS. Phil Pavlov, R-St. Clair Township, left, and Tom Casperson, R-Escanaba, stand with Michigan state and local tax burden varies understand cost of government. Gov. Rick Snyder, seated, after he signed into law bills to outlaw use of certain unmanned aerial or sub- greatly. mersible vehicles to harass or stalk hunters or anglers and ensure the vehicles can’t be used to take game. Tax Freedom Day arrives ear- (For more information see brief on page 5.) ONTONAGON — page 5 TAXES — page 5 C O N T A C T U S WEATHER INSIDE INDEX TODAY GCC SPORTS Business . .7 Daily Globe Inc. Wednesday Precipitation Vol. 96, Ed. 90 118 E. McLeod Ave. High 70 To 7 a.m. Classifieds . .12-14 Partly cloudy Ofstad signs with Upper Comics . .11 P.O. Box 548 —Details, page 2 Low 31 Wednesday none Iowa Ironwood, MI 49938 Year ago today Snowfall Community . .3 High 28 To 7 a.m. — Sports Obituaries . .5 yourdailyglobe.com Low 11 Wednesday none page 9 Today’s records Snow depth none Opinion . .4 906-932-2211 High 83 (2003) Season total 188.8 in. Sports . .9-10 Low 7 (2013) Last year 180.1 in. Helping healthy run in the family. Aspirus offers easy access to wellness tips, recipes and physician resources. aspirus.org/healthyliving 2 l THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015 THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR IRONWOODNATION / WORLD TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY A grand opening and ‘The Way We Worked’ events are just starting Partly Cloudy Mostly Sunny Sunny Partly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Let’s start off with a big thank film on the Barton Organ.
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