Address Book - 2017 NAME OF THE OFFICE PAGE NO Central Office Liaision Department Management Development Centre Health Insurance SBUInternational Operations Central Zone Eastern Zone East Central Zone Northern Zone North Central Zone Southern Zone South Central Zone Western Zone Guest Houses at Zonal Head Quarter LIC Cards Services Ltd LICHFL & Subsidiaries LIC Mutual Fund LIC Pension Fund Ltd. Officers on Deputation GBIC & Ombudsman's Offices MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION (As on 17.07.2017) Shri V. K. Sharma Smt. Usha Sangwan Shri Hemant Bhargava Shri B Venugopal Smt. Sunita Sharma Shri Subhash Chandra Garg Shri Girish Chandra Murmu Shri Ashwani Kumar Smt. Alice G Vaidyan CENTRAL OFFICE “Yogakshema”, Jeevan Bima Marg, P.B. No.19953, Mumbai 400021. STD022.Telegram: BIMAKENDRA_MUMBAI 400021 EPABX .No.66598000 Department Fax No. Fax No. Department Actuarial 22028321 22884103 Board Sectt./GJF Chairman Secretariat 22028600 22811049 Corporate Communications CRM 22825829 22022159 Direct Mktg. E&OS 22823518 22810452 Engineering F&A 22845518 22817253 HRD/OD IT/BPR 22851915 22047060 IT/SD Inspection 22818237 22850137 SBUIO Investment Operation 22810448 22024955 Invest M & A Invest. ( RM & R) 22810697 22852175 L&HPF Marketing 22824386 22884129 Marketing ULIP Marketing (B&AC) 22884108 22029923 Marketing FPT OS 22045607 22026284 Personnel P&GS 22828853 22855982 R.T.I. Mktg. CLIA 22024587 22020681 Micro Insurance U&R 22024597 22820009 Vigilance SBUEstates 22810699 22850137 SBUIO Telephone Numbers Name Designation Office Residence Sharma V. K. Chairman 22027060 Sangwan Usha Ms. Managing Director 22818233 Bhargava Hemant Managing Director 22028085 Venugopal B. Managing Director 22021645 Sharma Sunita Ms. Managing Director 22020997 Agarwal Niraj Executive Director (Internal Audit) 22026548 23675029 Banerjee D.K. Executive Director (Engineering) 22028267 22026445 Bhattacharya S N Executive Director (C.C.) 22028307 23675029 Chandrasekaran V Executive Director (InvstRM&R) 22832912 Chaturvedi R Executive Director (RTI) 22021625 22820757 Chawla G S Executive Director (IT/SD) 22841109 26608432 Datt Ranbir Executive Director (CP/NPRJ) 22047932 Dikhale S S Ms. Executive Director (Marketing/PD) 22027527 Ganesh K Executive Director (CRM) 22029593 22022945 Jain P K Executive Director (Invst.M&A) 22028440 23618081 Kulkarni Madhuri Ms. Executive Director (Actuarial/ACGC) 22023740 25390556 Kumar Rakesh Executive Director (MktgB&AC) 22021916 Kutumbe P. H . Executive Director (F&A) 22028086 Mendiratta T R Executive Director (P&GS) 22028493 23634776 Mohanty D.P. Exicutive Director (IT/BPR) 22828665 - Mohanty S Executive Director (Legal) 22855981 26606569 Molri P.K. Executive Director (Invst. Operations) 22028957 Nair Rajivan K Executive Director (MktgCLIA) 22855980 22027522 Prabhat Shiv Executive Director (Micro insurance) 22025236 - Ratnam Nalini Ms. Executive Director (NB&RI) 22882876 Sahdev Kiran Ms. Executive Director (HRD/OD) 22852177 Shrivastva Sharad Executive Director (Personnel) 22028325 23673003 Singh S C Executive Director (Board Sectl/GJF) 22023640 Sood R K Executive Director (E&OS) 22021572 23695218 Sudarsan R. Executive Director (Inspection) 22042251 23637240 Venkateswarlu S. Chief Vigilance Officer 22810687 Anand A K Chief (INVO) 22883270 Babu K C Ms. Chief (Estates) 22839867 Behera S Chief (SBA) 22818242 Das K K Chief (Audit) 22041460 23532719 Das S K Chief (INVR) Dhamane Sadhana Ms. Chief (INVMS) 22023305 23514515 Dubey R K Chief (CRM/ULIP) 22041538 24377208 Garg Sarita Ms. Chief (IT/BPR) 67090333 26192653 Gupta Anil Chief (Direct Marketing) 22022615 Gupta Rajiv Chief (IT/SD) 67090309 24302079 Hindoyar T.S. Ms. Chief (Personnel) 22044101 24377027 Jain S M Chief (F&A) 66598303 26108390 Joshi D.N. Chief (Marketing) 22028270 23519989 Kadiresan K Chief (INVO) 66598669 Kher P Ms. Chief (ERD) 22818232 Kher S P Chief (Invst M & A) 22023305 Koul Navin Chief (RTI) 66598795 Kumar Praveen Chief (NB&RI) 22884068 23534862 Meena K R Chief (Mktg) 22028270 Mittal N K Chief (F&A) Nadkarni S S Chief (OS) 22047880 Nagaraja Rao P V S Chief (P&GS) 22045304 24303997 Nanda H Chief (IT/SD) 67090326 P. Sridhara Rao Chief (Invst M&A) 22822975 24302102 Palaniswamy R Chief (CRM) 22029587 23523622 Paul D S Chief Engineer 66345435 9967470340 Ramkrishnan Roopa Ms. Chief (F&A) 22852173 Renuka S Ms. Chief (CRM) 22025892 23512270 Singh R P Chief (P&GS) 22023639 23512570 Soman S S Ms. Chief (Invst Operations) 22049275 26186746 Surinder Mohan Chief (Invst Operations) 22028422 24377829 Wanwar G S Chief (Personnel) 22852176 Agre J S Ms. Secretary (CP) 66598945 25222033 Bagga Manju Ms. Secretary (P&GS) 22824780 8800132600 Barat J Secretary (Micro Insu.) 66598995 Basu T Secretary (F&A) Buch Hemant Secretary (PGSM) 66598592 7506396951 Chakrapani J. Secretary (IT/BPR) 67090495 Chatterjee Radha Ms. Secretary (GJF) 66598733 Chaturvedi M C Secretary (E.R.) 22810701 Das Gupta Arindam Secretary (INVR) Gopalakrishnan Nalini Ms Secretary (Inspection) 66598574 23512494 Jha Ravi Kumar Secretary (INVO) 66598641 65602555 K. Ganesan Secretary (P&GS/ACGC) 66598584 Keshava Maiya G Secretary (F&A) 66598981 Khare Rachana Ms. Secretary (PCMC) 67819475 Krishna Kumar S Secretary (IT/BPR) 67090314 Kumar Deepak Secretary ( Corp. Communications) 66598473 24311278 Kumar Ravi Secretary (Per/Admn) 22880147 Kumaresan P Secretary (MktgCLIA) 66598789 Kurien Rosaline Ms Secretary (IT/SD) 67090304 Lekshmy Kylas Ms. Secretary (CRM) 66598344 23522971 Meena L C Secretary (MktgSBA) 66599355 Mishra P R Secretary (INVO) 66598656 23521289 Mishra R. Secretary (Estates) 22810682 23521172 Mulky Ganesh Kamath Secretary (Vigilance) 22818 240 Muralidhar P K Secretary (Marketing) 22818241 Narayan S Secretary (Actuarial) 66598398 26126576 P. Anjubala Ms. Secretary (Corp. Communications) 22028943 24306835 Paikray P C Secretary (MBAC) 22837589 Pandey Tablesh Secretary (P&GS) 66599345 23532514 Pant Dinesh Appointed Actuary 22852174 Paul Bindu Ms. Secretary (Investment) Prabhakaran Geeta Secretary (Board Sectl.) 22022079 65290401 Prakash Vidya Secretary (Direct mktg.) 22021956 - Prasad Mallika Ms Secretary (Direct Mktg) 66599486 24383609 Pudakalkatti Ravi M Dy Chief Engineer (Vigilance) Rajnikanth R. Secretary (Direct mktg.) 22021956 24383948 Ramana C V Secretary (NB&RI) Ramanujam T S Secretary (Invst RMR) 22816348 22816348 Ramasamy S. Secretary (Invst. Operations) 66598661 25292191 Rastogi Sanjeev Kumar Secretary (INVO) 66598843 Ratha B S Secretary (HRD) 66598877 258935096 Sarkar A Secretary (OS) 66598407 Seema S Ms Secretary (INVM) 66598980 Seshagiridhar K Secretary (PGSM) 66598840 65215365 Seth Aruna Ms. Secretary(OS) 66598442 23531486 Shekhar P. Secretary (IT/SD) 67090306 Shekhar Pramila Ms. Secretary (IT/BPR) 67090328 Srivastava A.K. Valuation Actuary 66598322 26131350 Suresh B.A. Dy Chief Engineer 66598562 Suriya Narayanan S. Secretary (INVO) 66598764 23531813 Swaminathan R Secretary (Audit) 22883056 28571697 Varshney Rekha Ms. Secretary (CRM) 66598885 Varughese John P. Secretary (F&A) 66598305 23526244 Venkataramanan G. Secretary (Marketing/FP) 22810679 Ahluwalia S Ms Dy. Secretary (P&GS) 66599351 9910901741 Anand Sanjay Dy Secretary (MktgB&AC) - Bhogte Geeta Ms. Dy Secretary (INVO) 66598618 Bidkikar Meena S. Ms. Dy. Secretary (CC) 66598939 65882270 Chauhan S. B. Dy. Secretary(OS) 66598406 Darde Susmita S Ms. Dy. Secretary (F&A) _ Das Biswajit Dy. Secretary (Direct mktg) 26139094 - Devi Gayatri Ms. Sr. Architect 66598568 Doddamani S.V. Dy. Secretary (Micro Insu.) 66598552 Gaitonde P P Ms Dy. Secretary (HRD/OD) 66598517 - Gamit V P Dy Secretary (Inspection) 66598826 Girija S Dy. Secretary(ER/Disc) 66598525 Gupta S K Dy. Secretary (INVR) Iyer Annapoorni V Ms. Dy Secretary (INVO/ACGC) 66598629 Iyer Sudha Ms. Dy. Secretary (INVO) 66598697 Jadhav E S Dy. Secretary (ERDisc) 66598964 Jain S K Dy Secretary (IT/BPR) 67090513 Kalpana N Ms. Dy. Secretary (Actuarial) 66598369 Keshava Murthy M Dy. Secretary (CRM) 66598904 Kotwal M R Ms. Dy. Secretary (INVR) 25898204 25898204 Kumar R Ranjan Dy. Secretary (IT/BPR) 67090375 Kumar Suresh V Suptd. Engineer 66598564 Malhotra Meenakshi Ms. Product Actuary (Mktg/PD/ACGC) 66598772 Muzaria T S Suptd Engineer 66598558 9406750611 Nadkarni Rashmi Ms. Dy. Secretary (L&HPF) 22828338 - Nalage N B Suptd Engineer 66598569 Nayak A.R. Dy. Secretary (Invst RM&R) 66598655 25475893 Nirmalraj K S Dy. Secretary (IT/BPR) 67090305 Parwani Suresh Dy. Secretary (INVM) 66598627 26166605 Prabhu R D Dy Secretary (F&A) 66598306 Roy B.J. Dy. Secretary (INVM) 66598654 - Sekar M. Dy. Secretary (MPPR) 66598539 26134315 Shetty S S Ms. Dy Secretary (Legal) 22828338 22040623 Shukla Sanjay Dy. Secretary (Direct Mktg.) 66598934 Sinha R K Dy. Secretary (P&GS) 66598583 Sridhar Prabha Ms. Dy. Secretary (F&A) 66598355 25838090 Srivastava A K Dy Secretary (NB&RI) 66598998 Vithal Mohan Rao P. Dy. Secretary (IT/SD) 67090370 28570448 Walawalkar R.R. Ms. Dy. Secretary (HR/LIB) 66598438 Deboo Benaifer Ms. PS to Chairman 22027060 Poojary Ganesh Protocol Officer (Mumbai) 66598484 Marwah Rajesh Protocol Officer (Delhi) 01123325734 Policyholders Grievience Cell 22880172 CO-LIAISON DEPARTMENT, NEW DELHI Ground Floor, Jeevan Deep Building, 10 Parliament Street, New Delhi110 001. STD : 011 Tel No.: 23363598, 28844154 Fax No. 23363598 E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone Numbers Name Designation Office Residence Jha T N Secretary 28844154 9999631266 Gandhi Susheel Dy. Secretary 23363598 CO-LEGAL CELL, NEW DELHI H39, Asiatic building, 2nd Floor (Back Side), Connaught Place, New Delhi 011001. STD: 011 Tel No.: 23326693, 283326694 Fax
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