Appendix I CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 40 WESTERN FORESTS & WOODLANDS AT RISK Table A.1. Code of Timber Production listed Fauna relevant to Western TUP Coupes Planning Standards – DETECTION BASED Planning Standards - FIXED (additional) Management Standards and Procedures MSP & Common Name Scientific Name Mid Mid Mid PS Bendigo Midlands Otway Portland Horsham Bendigo Midlands Otway Portland Horsham Bendigo Midlands Otway Portland Horsham Sort [Planning Standards (Code)] [Planning Standards (Code)] Murray Murray Murray 1 Grey Goshawk Accipiter novaehollandiae YES YES YES YES YES 2 Darter Anhinga melanogaster YES 3 Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax YES 4 Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia YES YES YES 5 Eastern Great Egret Ardea modesta YES YES YES 6 Bush Stone-curlew Burhinus gralllarius YES YES 7 Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii YES YES 8 King Quail Coturnix chinensis YES YES 9 Spot-tail Quoll Dasyurus maculatus YES YES YES YES 10 Swamp Skink Egernia coventryi YES YES 11 Little Egret Egretta garzetta YES YES YES 12 Otway Stonefly Eusthenia nothofagi YES 13 Australian Hobby Falco longipennis YES 14 Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus YES 15 Black Falcon Falco subniger YES YES 16 Dwarf Galaxias Galaxiella pusilla YES YES 17 Spotted Galaxias Galaxius truttaceaus YES 18 White-bellied Sea-Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster YES YES YES 19 Four-toed Skink Hemiergis peronii YES 20 Glenelg Freshwater Mussel Hyridella glenelgensis YES YES 21 Southern Brown Bandicoot Isodon obesulus YES YES 22 Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor YES YES YES YES YES 23 Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata YES YES 24 Square-tailed Kite Lophoictinia isura YES YES YES YES YES 25 Trout Cod Maccullochella macquariensis YES 26 Common Bent-wing Bat Miniopteris schreibersii YES Morelia spilota metcalfei (PS), 27 YES YES Carpet Python Morelia spilota variegata (MSP) 28 Samphire Skink Morethia adelaidensis YES YES YES 29 Southern Myotis Myotis macropus YES 30 Variegated Pygmy Perch Nannoperca variegata YES YES 31 Barking Owl Ninox connivens YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 32 Powerful Owl Ninox strenua YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 33 Nankeen Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus YES 34 Greater Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus timoriensis YES YES 35 Small Brown Azure Ogyris otanes YES YES 36 Eltham Copper Butterfly Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida YES YES 37 Greater Glider Petauroides volans YES 38 Yellow-bellied Glider Petaurus australis YES YES YES 39 Squirrel Glider Petaurus norfolcensis YES YES YES YES YES 40 Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo YES 41 Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos YES 42 Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris YES 43 Brush-tailed Phascogale Phascogale tapoatafa YES YES YES YES YES 44 Royal Spoonbil Platalea regia YES 45 Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii YES 46 Grey-crowned Babbler Pomatostomus temporalis YES 47 Long-nosed Potoroo Potorous tridactylus YES YES 48 Australian Grayling Prototrodes maraena YES YES 49 Smoky Mouse Pseudomus fumeus YES YES 50 Grey-headed Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus YES YES 51 Hooded Scaly-foot Pygopus schraderi YES 52 Woodland Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops proximus YES YES 53 White-footed Dunnart Sminthopsis leucopus YES YES 54 Common Dunnart Sminthopsis murina YES YES YES 55 Golden Sun Moth Synemon plana YES YES 56 Pale Sun Moth Synemon sp c.f. selene YES YES 57 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis Molucca YES 58 Mountain Brushtail Possum Trichosurus caninus YES 59 Mountain Dragon Tympanocryptis diemensis YES 60 Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiea novaehollandiea YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 61 Tree Goanna Varanus varius YES YES 62 Bandy Bandy Vermicella annulata YES 63 Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 64 Native fish Z_n/a YES Table: A.2 Code of Timber Produc�on listed Flora relevant to Western DETECTION BASED (additional) Management Standards and Procedures MSP & Common Name Scientific Name Mid Mid PS Bendigo Midlands Otway Portland Horsham Bendigo Midlands Otway Portland Horsham Sort [Planning Standards (Code)] [Planning Standards (Code)] Murray Murray Ausfeld's Wattle (Whipstick 1 YES Cinnamon Wattle) Acacia ausfeldii 2 Jumping-jack Wattle Acacia enterocarpa YES YES 3 Hairy-pod Wattle Acacia glandulicarpa YES YES 4 Buloke Allocasuarina luehmannii YES 5 Common Joyweed Alternanthera nodiflora YES 6 Plains Joyweed Alternanthera sp. 1 (Plains) YES 7 River Swamp Wallaby-grass Amphibromus fluitans YES 8 Buloke Mistletoe Amyema linophylla ssp. Orientale YES 9 Tall Astelia Astelia australiana YES 10 Downy Star-Bush Asterolasia phebalioides YES YES 11 Leafy Wallaby-grass Austrodanthonia bipartita s.s. YES Austrodanthonia setacea var. 12 Short-bristle Wallaby-grass breviseta YES Austrodanthonia sp. (syn. Danthonia 13 YES Tall Wallaby-grass procera) 14 Cane Spear-grass Austrostipa breviglumis YES Boronia anemonifolia subsp. 15 YES Goldfield's Boronia Aurifodina 16 Grampians Pincushion-lily Borya mirabilis YES YES 17 Mueller Daisy Brachyscome muelleroides YES 18 McIvor Spider-orchid Caladenia audasii YES YES 19 Short Spider-orchid Caladenia brachyscapa YES YES 20 Limestone Spider-orchid Caladenia calcicola YES YES 21 Striped Pink-fingers Caladenia carnea var. subulata YES YES 22 Midlands Spider-orchid Caladenia clavescens YES 23 Elegant Spider-orchid Caladenia formosa YES YES 24 Tawny Spider-orchid Caladenia fulva YES YES 25 Mellblom's Spider-orchid Caladenia hastata YES YES 26 Wimmera Spider-orchid Caladenia lowanensis YES YES 27 Ornate Pink-fingers Caladenia ornata YES YES 28 Common Spiderorchid Caladenia patersonii YES Caladenia sp. aff. colorata (Lower 29 YES YES Colourful Spider orchid Glenelg River) 30 Rigid Spider-orchid Caladenia tensa YES YES 31 Candy Spider-orchid Caladenia versicolor YES YES 32 Yellow-lip Spider-orchid Caladenia xanthochila YES YES 33 Short Water Starwort Callitriche brachycarpa YES 34 Western Water-starwort Callitriche cyclocarpa YES YES 35 Curly Sedge Carex tasmanica YES YES 36 Wrinkled Cassinia Cassinia rugata YES YES 37 Small Milkwort Comesperma polygaloides YES 38 Small Scurf-pea Cullen parvum (syn. Psoralea parva) YES 39 Slender Tree-fern Cyathea cunninghamii YES 40 Broom Bitter-pea Daviesia genistifolia YES 41 Grampians Bitter-pea Daviesia laevis YES YES 42 Slender Tick-trefoil Desmodium varians YES YES 43 Matted Flax-lily Dianella amoena YES YES 44 Golden Cowslips Diuris behrii YES 45 Purple Diuris Diuris punctata YES 46 Broad-lip Diuris Diuris X palachila YES 47 Trailing Hop-bush Dodonaea procumbens YES YES 48 Trailing Hop-bush Dodonea procumbens SEY SEY SEY 49 Short-awned Wheat-grass Elymus multiflorus YES 50 Showy Willow-herb Epilobium pallidiflorum YES 51 Delicate Love-grass Eragrostis tenellula YES 52 Southern Pipewort Eriocaulon australasicum YES YES 53 Brooker's Gum Eucalyptus brookeriana YES 54 Yarra Gum Eucalyptus yarraensis YES 55 Purple Eyebright Euphrasia collina ssp. Muelleri YES YES 56 Purple Eyebright Euphrasia collina ssp. muelleri YES 57 Spreading Eutaxia Eutaxia diffusa YES 58 Summer Fringe sedge Fimbristylis aestivalis YES 59 Silky Glycine Glycine canescens YES 60 Clover Glycine Glycine latrobeana SEY SEY SEY SEY SEY 61 Enfield Grevillea Grevillea bedgoodiana YES 62 Drooping Grevillea Grevillea floripendula YES 63 Anglesea Grevillea Grevillea infecunda YES 64 Mount Cole Grevillea Grevillea montis-cole YES 65 Creeping Grevillea Grevillea repens YES 66 Bead Glasswort Halosarcia flabelliformis YES YES 67 Dergholm Guinea-flower Hibbertia humifusa subsp. Debilis YES YES 68 Tufted Club sedge Isolepis wakefieldiana YES Ixiolaena sp. (syn. Leptorhynchos 69 ‐ YES Wooly Buttons panaetioides) 70 Ixodia Ixodia achillaeoides subsp. arenicola YES YES 71 Sand Rush Juncus psammophilus YES Wetland Blown grass Lachnagrostis filiformis (perennial 72 (Common Blowngrass) variety) YES ‐ 73 Purple Blown grass Lachnagrostis punicea ssp. Punicea YES 74 Small Pepper-cress Lepidium hyssopifolium YES ‐ 75 Winged Pepper-cress Lepidium monoplocoides YES 76 Winged Peppercress Lepidium monoplocoides YES YES 77 Wrinkled Buttons Leptorhynchos gatesii YES 78 Mt William Beard-heath Leucopogon neurophyllus YES 79 Button Rush Lipocarpha microcephala YES 80 Showy Pratia Lobelia purpurascens YES 81 Ridged Water milfoil Myriophyllum porcatum YES YES 82 Lowan Phebalium Phebalium lowanense YES YES ‐ 83 Squat Picris Picris squarrosa YES 84 Grampians Rice-flower Pimelea pagophila YES YES 85 Victorian Flat pea Platylobium alternifolium YES 86 Forde Poa Poa fordeana YES ‐ 87 Woodland Leek-orchid Prasophyllum aff. Validum B YES YES 88 Gorae Leek orchid Prasophyllum diversiflorum YES YES 89 Maroon Leek orchid Prasophyllum frenchii YES ‐ 90 Maroon Leek orchid Prasophyllum frenchii YES YES ‐ 91 Dense Leek orchid Prasophyllum spicatum YES YES ‐ 92 Fragrant Leek orchid Prasophyllum suaveolens YES YES ‐ 93 Pomonal Leek orchid Prasophyllum subbisectum YES YES ‐ 94 Sturdy Leek-orchid Prasophyllum validum YES ‐ 95 Sikh's Whiskers Pterostylis boormanii YES 96 Floodplain Rustyhood Pterostylis cheraphila YES YES 97 Green-striped Greenhood Pterostylis chlorogramma YES YES 98 Leafy Greenhood Pterostylis cucullata YES YES 99 Lowly Greenhood Pterostylis despectans YES 100 Large Rustyhood Pterostylis maxima YES 101 Bristly Greenhood Pterostylis setifera YES 102 Emerald-lip Greenhood Pterostylis smaragdyna YES 103 Swamp Greenhood Pterostylis tenuissima YES YES 104 Long-tail Greenhood Pterostylis woollsii YES 105 Scented Bush pea Pultenaea graveolens YES 106 Swamp Bush pea Pultenaea weindorferi YES ‐ 107 Fragrant Saltbush Rhagodia parabolica YES ‐ 108 Turnip Copperburr Sclerolaena napiformis YES YES 109 Stiff Groundsel Senecio behrianus YES YES 110 Large fruit Fireweed Senecio macrocarpus YES YES 111 Swamp Fireweed Senecio psilocarpus YES YES ‐ 112 Cane Spear grass Stipa breviglumis YES 113 Slender Darling pea Swainsona murrayana YES YES ‐ 114 Dwarf Swainson-pea Swainsona phacoides YES ‐ 115 Coast Dandelion Taraxacum cygnorum YES YES 116 Leafy Templetonia Templetonia stenophylla YES 117 Metallic Sun Orchid Thelymitra epipactoides YES 118 Metallic Sun orchid Thelymitra epipactoides YES YES 119 Spiral Sun-orchid Thelymitra matthewsii YES YES ‐ 120 Swamp Everlasting Xerochrysum palustre YES YES 121 Zieria Zieria sp. (Grampians) YES .

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