TRUST BOARD AGENDA – PUBLIC 28 January 2015 13:30 - 15:00 Clarence Wing Boardroom, St Mary’s Hospital Agenda Presenter Timing Paper Number 1 Administrative Matters 1.1 Chairman’s Opening Remarks Chairman 13:30 Oral 1.2 Apologies Chairman Oral 1.3 Board member’s declarations of interests Chairman 1 1.4 Minutes of meeting held on 26 November 2014 Chairman 2 1.5 Matters arising and action Log Chairman 3 1.6 Minor amendment to governance arrangements Chairman 4 2 Operational items 2.1 Patient Story Director of Nursing 13:45 5 2.2 Chief Executive’s Report Chief Executive 6 2.3 Operational Report and Integrated Performance Chief Operating 7 Scorecard Officer 2.4 Finance Performance Report Interim Chief 8 Financial Officer 3 Items for decision 3.1 Values, behaviour and promise project Director of 14:20 9 (Bob Klaber and Pippa Nightingale presenting) Communications 3.2 2014 Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Chief Operating 10 Response (EPRR) assurance process Officer 3.3 NHS Trust Development Authority self- Interim Chief 11 certifications (Compliance October, November; Financial Officer Board Statement October, November) 3.4 Standing Orders Company Trust 12 Secretary 4 Items for discussion 4.1 CQC Inspection - follow up and action plan Director of Nursing 14:35 13 4.2 Research Review for 2014 Medical Director 14 (Prof Jonathan Weber presenting) 5 Board committee reports 5.1 Quality Committee - report of 14 January 2015 Committee Chair 14:55 15 5.2 Audit, Risk & Governance Committee - Committee Chair 16 report of 10 December 2014 5.3 Finance & Investment Committee Committee Chair 17 Minutes of the meeting of 20 November 2014 5.4 Foundation Trust Programme Board Committee Chair 18 Report & Minutes of the meeting of 10 December and Minutes of the meeting 18 November 2014 6 Items for information 6.1 Report of items discussed at confidential Trust Chairman 19 Board 26 November & 17 December 2014 7 Any other business 14.50 8 Questions from the public relating to agenda items 9 Date of next meeting 25 March 2015, Oak Suite, W12 Conference Centre, Hammersmith Hospital, W12 0HS Trust Board - Public: 28 January 2015 Agenda No: 1.3 Paper No: 1 Trust Board - Public Agenda Item 1.3 Title Board members’ declarations of interests Report for Noting Report Author Tracy Walsh, Committee Clerk Responsible Tracey Batten, Chief Executive Executive Director The Trust’s Standing Orders and Standards of Business Conduct policy require directors to declare interests which are relevant and material to the Trust Board. The declarations of interests register shall be considered by the Trust Board on a quarterly basis (May, July, November and March) with any changes in interests between these meetings to be declared at the next Trust Board meeting following the change occurring. Recommendation to the Board: The Trust Board is asked to note the paper. Trust strategic objectives supported by this paper: • To achieve excellent patient experience and outcomes, delivered efficiently and with compassion. Page 1 of 1 Trust Board - Public: 28 January 2015 Agenda No: 1.4 Paper No: 2 MINUTES OF THE TRUST BOARD MEETING IN PUBLIC 10.00am – 12.30pm Wednesday 26 November 2014 Oak Suite, W12 Conference Centre Hammersmith Hospital Present: Sir Richard Sykes Chairman Sir Gerald Acher Non-Executive Director Dr Rodney Eastwood Non-Executive Director Jeremy Isaacs Non-Executive Director Sir Anthony Newman Taylor Non-Executive Director Sarika Patel Non-Executive Director Andreas Raffel Non-Executive Director Designate Dr Tracey Batten Chief Executive Officer Prof Chris Harrison Medical Director Steve McManus Chief Operating Officer Bill Shields Chief Financial Officer Prof Janice Sigsworth Director of Nursing In attendance: Jan Aps Trust Company Secretary (Minutes) David Crundwell Chairman, Imperial College Healthcare Charity (to item 4.1) Michelle Dixon Director of Communications Ian Garlington Director of Strategy Ally Fuller Service User (item 2.1 only) Kevin Jarrold Chief Information Officer Prof Dermot Kelleher Principal of The Faculty of Medicine of Imperial College Jayne Mee Director of People and Organisation Jane Miles Chief Executive, Imperial College Healthcare Charity (to item 4.1 only) Helen Potton Interim Trust Company Secretary 1 General business Action 1.1 Chairman’s opening remarks The chairman welcomed Board members, staff and members of the public to the meeting. 1.2 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Sir Thomas Legg and Prof Dermot Kelleher. 1.3 Board members’ declarations of interest and conflicts of interest There were no additional conflicts of interests declared at the meeting. 1.4 Minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2014 The minutes were agreed as an accurate record, with the following amendment to the minutes of the meeting on 30 July 2014: JA • Item 3.2 – the majority of undergraduate teaching would move from the Charing Cross site to the St Mary’s site if the SaHF outline business case was approved to support the implementation of the clinical strategy. 1.5 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 24 September 2014 Page 1 of 7 Trust Board - Public: 28 January 2015 Agenda No: 1.4 Paper No: 2 The minutes of the meeting were agreed as an accurate record. 1.6 Matters arising and action log The Board noted the updates to the action log. 2 Operational items 2.1 Patient story The chairman welcomed Ally Fuller to the Board meeting who had kindly agreed to explain her patient experience at both St Mary’s and Hammersmith Hospitals. Prof Janice Sigsworth explained that Ms Fuller had recently shared her experiences at a cancer patient event. Ms Fuller explained that she had been a patient since 2013 and had two inpatient stays, one each on Charles Pannet and A8; she had found very contrasting experiences, which had surprised her. On Charles Pannet (St Mary’s Hospital) she experienced a lack of warmth and empathy from staff, particularly at night, with her call bell being placed out of reach, poor pain control, and personal needs not attended to. She felt vulnerable and unable to complain whilst a patient, although she did mention her concerns to the consultant. On A8 (Hammersmith Hospital), her experience had been completely different, an entirely positive experience when she felt totally cared for. Ally Fuller had made a formal complaint after about five months, the delay a result of wanting to get back to a normal life as soon as possible. She felt her complaint had been well handled, and had particularly appreciated being taken back to the ward to see the improvements made as a result of her comments – her sole aim in complaining had been to ensure other patients did not have a similar experience. Dr Tracey Batton noted that it was good that improvement had been made as a result of the complaints, but queried how the Trust could ensure such events did not happen at all. Prof Janice Sigworth outlined that ward managers (seen as sufficiently far removed to be a ‘safe’ place for complaint or comment) were now touching base with each patient every few days; this would provide an opportunity to make changes quickly. In response to questions from the Non-Executive Directors, Prof Janice Sigworth outline the changes made: a new ward manager had been appointed; a number of staff were no longer working at the Trust; and regular review of ward staffing, particularly given that Charles Pannet was one of the busiest acute wards in the Trust. The Chairman apologised to Ally Fuller for her experience at the Trust and thanked her for both her complaint and the positive impact it had had on patient care on the ward, and for attending the Board to share this experience. 2.2 Chief Executive’s report Dr Tracey Batten particularly highlighted the following items: • The draft Chief Inspector of Hospitals report had been received by the Trust and was being checked for factual accuracy; a response would be sent to CQC week commencing 1 December 2014. The Quality Summit, with CQC and stakeholders, would then be held in mid-December, with the CQC rating confirmed and the report published after this. • The bedding of the Cerner patient administration system implementation was progressing well with data quality continuing to improve. Clinical documentation was being piloted and would start to be rolled out during the Spring 2015, together with electronic prescribing at which point the Trust would observe greater benefits and efficiencies from the system. • Jan Aps was welcomed as the incoming Trust Company Secretary and thanks were extended to Helen Potton (Interim Trust Company Secretary) for her contribution and for having ensured a smooth transition. • The mid-term review of the Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) had demonstrated the importance of clear alignment of the BRC and the Academic Health Sciences Centre (AHSC); Prof Jonathan Weber had been appointed as the Director of the AHSC and arrangements were in hand to invite him to present to the Board early in CH 2015. Page 2 of 7 Trust Board - Public: 28 January 2015 Agenda No: 1.4 Paper No: 2 The Non-Executive Directors expressed some concern as to the scale of saving / efficiency requirements highlighted in the NHS Five Year Forward View. The Board noted the report. 2.3 Operational report Steve McManus presented the operational report and integrated performance scorecard together, particularly highlighting the following items: • The Trust had clear Ebola procedures in place, with staff appropriately trained and personal protective equipment available. • The Trust was experiencing an increase in the average length of delay for patients in relation to repatriation and transfer to more appropriate environments for care; this was adversely affecting the length of stay performance. Daily escalation arrangements were now in place and it was expected that closer relationships with stakeholders (social work staff now on site seven days a week; joint funding of 18 beds with Central London Community Health NHS Trust; early successes with the implementation of whole systems integrated care) would see an improvement in this position.
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