r,i:;^N E V IIOMDAY, DECEMBEtl 18, 1948 J , ,. .. ^nrl;p0tpr lEitfntttj l?walb AFtragt DaUj Not Tram E bb tramm si v, a,wSSSm-mmm. < Far the Meath ef Neveesher, 1P48 Ten hearings are scheduled to No. 4 Comtipany of the South Mu mgma Chi Bodaty which gherwoed C. A^lnwan, eon of Manchester Fire department was opened its sale thla afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Asplnwall of come up tonight before the Zon­ ing Board of Appeals at an 8 p. m. called to 809^ Spruce street at the Second Congregational church, 9 , 6 3 5 — >wn South Coventry, has received a 8 :8 0 a. m yesterday to extinguish will present an entertainment this Bachelor of Science degree in Air meeting in Municipal building. Re- Btoaber ef Aoflt quMta ara a^ll of a minor nature a chimney fire, No damage was evening and hope for a good turn-1 tL IfitlBMtfir l«dg«'2IA. n . A. F. TransporUUon a t Parka College, reported. out of the pariniioners. Baiaaa er tM atleae •ad A. H , wUl haM « • S t Louis University. A graduate and no opposition is expected. n m tim «< office™ of ManchesUr High school he Mmu:hester- - ^ 4 CHy of Village Charm toeaofroW eireniaK « t T:S0. In ad* itved two and a half years to the Trinity Past Noble Grands Asso­ ciation will meet to Odd Fellows ditlea t* tbe legiilar, reporta w - Army. MANCHmER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1948 Aiverttalaa fm aa 13) P iiC B F O im i « n l vr'isq^ortant eoaunltteea will haU, East Hartford Wednesday af­ FOL. L X V n in NO. 88 (FOURTEEN PAGES) toee IntenMiag reporta. Friends of Charles Sturtevant ternoon a t three o’clock. The Re- ■ ............i----- T-:----- --------------------------------- ~ IS Unooln street, gave-him a fare- bekifbB are rentlnded of the “Mer- HALE'S SELF SERVE TIa iliitifcoDd of i Imb^ Bate weU party Friday night «t the ry-go-Round," and the Christmas The Original In New England Bbolom win hold its monthly meet- horned Rudolph Haupt, OT Birch party, Shtera Givn Away Their Dogs ins tpmoerow eveains at ^ t in street. Mr. Sturtevant, an em­ tiSe Itanple. MW. Oeorfo Lcm er ploye of P ra tt A Whitney, la leav The lo ^ stamp collectors club ] and HEALTH MARKET nan Red W riter and Mrs. Nat Schwedrt have tog for California soon. will meet tomorrow evening at 47 nlanned an intereatins P»ofr^. Maple street and all collectors, men (eatnriiis • hook review hy Dr." Mrs. Axel Swan of 40 Haw­ aa well as women, to this area will Jaoob 8<cal on the current novel. thorne street was admitted Sim- be welcome. An auction and op­ "Jessica. My Daughter," by Arl day to St. Francis hospital to Hart­ portunity for trading stamps will | TUESDAY SPECIALS Ihtt-Vahav. A social tinu with re* ford to undergo an operation. be a part of the program. Gut Peiping Railway: Quizzed in Inquiry; fmatunents will follow. Members, Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales their husbands and newcomers will be welcome to attend. GOLD MEDAL • .- The Friendly Circle will meet Wednesday evening at eight o’clock 25 LbJSag ^ 2 e l5 Iso latio n Solon Sees Treason >f- at. the T. M. C. A. After the busi* FLOUR ' session Mrs. Edmund Brown of Adams street will entertain . with SNTDER FREESTONE ELBERTA Congreaaional Investiga- monologues. RefreshmenU wUl be Aetioa Followa Goaingj served by Mrs. Rudolph Heck, Chambers Reveals 191*8 Still Seek Type- No. Z V z Can Of aiy ’a Air Flelda by TalkAhaut Coalition Mrs. Chester Hogan and Mrs. Rob­ PEACHES ert Kittle. Names of the children -'-4. Nationalists; All Traf«i wrilep Believed Used who will attend the Christnias VERMONT MAID By Red Spy Ring to party, Monday. December 30. fie to Tientsin Cut: Spreads in Nanking Threat of Death Siould bo turned in to Mrs. Fred­ Copy Secret Govern* erick Heerde by Friday. December Practical SYRUP When Reds Destroy j 17. Sections Near Lang- Wave of Rumors and Pe^ Tffifa ^ieusmen of *lm- Pig BficoaiM Hoggish; ment Documento; Re­ BEECHNUT STRAINED Threatened . plied Threat on Hy Farmer Is SS.’i Poorer fuses to Answer Many The Manchester Ovle Orchestra Gifts For fnng; Repair Gangs titions for Peace in neetint for weekly rehear^ at BABY FOOD Jars Proceeding to Scene: Capital Despite De­ Life* Made by Woman Winnipeg, Man., Dec. 14.— Of Questions Adied Concordia Lutheran Church ^ He Calls Communist (J*)—Farmer Peter Smnd is emit their rdiearsala until after nunciation hy Chiang $86 poorer today becoiue one Washington. Dec. 14.—(A*) the holidays. They will meet again All Kinds of Qgara, Cigai^ttes and > Tobacco . Pciping, Dec. 14.—(/P)— of his pigs made s hog of it­ oa Monday Jan. 3. The Home! Chinese Communists com­ Barbara Ann and Marilyn 'Naomi Noce, outers ot Hortiabarg, Fa., New York. Dec. 14.—(A*)=— self. I —Congressional spy inverti- Nanking, China, Dec. 14.- walked into the dty toy mission and turned over their tbroe pet togs Sniud dripped his billfbid to gators questioned a wonian The OM Scoot Leaders A aso^ in Fancy Xmas Wrappings pleted' the isolation’of Peiping {/P)—Talk of a coalition gov­ Whittaker Cliambers said to­ the pigpen. 'The pig chewed it today. They cut the railway "oo sosne other little boy or girl eould havo a pet for C%rlstama.” Communist writer today in Hen Win have a Christmas ernment or a negotiated peace (.%P wtrepboto). day “an implied tlireat on my before he could retrieve it. their hunt for the typewriter Wednesday evening in St M ^ s MeINTOSH to the sea after the govern­ to end China’s civil war life’’ was made in 1988 by a When he took the tattered churah. Bach leader la lequwtod ment itself closed the city’s money to the bonk he was told they thinlba Red spy ring to bring a 80-cent grab-bag gift spread through Nanking to­ woman whom he described as it was of no value because tbe used to copy secret govern­ Lbs. air fields. Authorities dis­ day. A wave of rumors and a long-time Communist. pig had eaten too much. APPLES Simtex ' closed that all traffic to ment documents a decade Center Hose Oo. No. 3 win n ^ petitions for peace swept the Lowering of Taxes Chambers, confessed former He sold the hog to help off­ ago. But about all they got fefttgbt a t 7 e’olock. Fonofwlag Tientsin was cut when the Communist courier, made the set the loss. SenuBlneae meeting, motloo Me- Reda attacked-and destroyed oec- capital despite a stem denun­ waa refusal to answer many of tnres'wQl be shown by John Oiu- CHESTNUTS Lb. tiona of the railway near Long- ciation of “peace mongers’’ assertion to newsmen at the . their queaUons. dn. Ah oyster stew supper win be ’ r Printed fang, 30 miles southeast of Tlent- by President Chiang Kai-Shek. Question Is Raised Federal building w h ^ he Is a la Nattoaal Offlee sgrvad. ■In. E ^ n aome of the nation’s highcot key witness befqfgAlU espionage- I She was Marian Bochrarii. 60. NO. 1 Cut by Guerrilla Bolds officials were among those talk­ probing grand jury. Hoover Backs , who said she lives at 314 W sst Repair gongs were proceeding ing of a possible peace. Offers Suggea- j ........... s a a a a a ^ g e s Berle Summoned to Appear. 1 11th street. New Fork dty. She -.A" Table - Cloths to the scene, but authorities were Magin Adolf A. Berle, Jr., former as- I Identified herself aa a witter in POTATOES 15 Lb. Pk. 59c Resigaatton Rnumr Denied : the national office of the Ctounu- in the dork over the number of A rumor that Chiang Kai-Shek tion aiatsnt secretary of state, was Boost in Pay Cars Wanted! Conununlsts operating in the area. After Driac6ll News TldbitS summoned to appear before the ^ nist perty for tbe last few yean. bod resigned from tbe presidency { Mrs. Bschrsch said she had not We boy sH is lws snd Ika railway often has been cut by caused excitement in Hong Kong, Asserts Hours Being jury today. $ 2 - 5 9 54x54 size guerrilla raids. Culled From (fP i Wires g*__copi«d any eecret govenunent pa- models ™1888 to 1949, hut was immediately denied in Chambers sold the person who Authoritiea closed the south sir Nanking. Cut for Some Workers made the threat is "a white-hair­ Says Salaries of txOV* I pen hut she would not HEALTH MARKET Unusually good looking patterns that wiU field, last sir link with the outside ed. very venerable, handsome A dm iniatra*' questlona She would not any X*.. please the housewife. All color* combinations. A message from Hong Kong said President Allan' B. Kline of the ernment A am inisira* whether she knew Alger Hiss, w lasiHnt Cash wortd. Peiping’s - west field was the rumor was believed to have Hartford, Dec. 14.—(A*)— woman ’ who was a witness at his RIB END closed yesterday. NatlonaUst American Farm Bureau Federa- .oo, tors Should Be Higher even whether she had ever Uved Buying Service- Other Printed Cloths 82,29 to $3.98 been circulated by speculators, Roswell Magill, chairman of Uon declares new depression can-' to W'eahtngton. ground troops were reported loot­ who wanted to buy gold at a After he left- the Oonimunist ing the west field today, the special State Tax Study not be prevented by resort to price potly in 1938. he said this woman After the round with her, the Lb.
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