WEATHER WATER Fair Charl ie High Tide + Low Tide 8:11 p. m. kiio 1:3azatm. 6:11 a. m. t1f In1:34 p.m. U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Phone 9-5247 Monday Date June 19, 1967 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Middle East Report dmore Retires; CAIRO(AP/AFNB)THE EGYPTIAN ERNMENT said plans have beenGOV - madeto evacuate civilians trom Alexandria and the Suez Canal w FTG zone and for large scale civil GITMO (By J03 Jim McCue) WINNDING UP A 30-year career in the defense measures. The govern:- U.S. Navy, Captain John A. Pri dmore turned over commandos the ment is still urging what is Fleet Training Group, Guantanan mo Bay,to Captain Joseph M. West called "people's war" against in ceremonies aboard the frigatete USS Dewey on Saturday morning. Israel. In one of the high points of the ceremony, the officers and The Social Affairs Ministry men of the USS Dewey, the des- reported that in the event of troyer USS Semms and VC-10 a second round of the Middle conducted a missile demonstra- East war. Egyptian civilians- tion, while Commodore Pridmore will be given weapons training narrated the sequenceof events. and armories will be set up in At the completion of the every region of the country. ceremony, Rear Admiral E.R. The ministry said women will Crawford, ComNavBase,presented be trained as nurses. Air raid Commodore Pridmore with the shelters and emergency water Legion of Merit on behalf of tankswill also be constructed. the President of the United The government says those to States. be evacuated are women, child- During his career, Commodore ren under 15, and men over 55. Pridmore was awardedthe Bronze Civil prisoners and the sick Star for an assist in sinking will be evacuated too. Commodore John A. Pridmore a Japanese submarine while in Israeli Army officials in (center) uses a borrowed sword command of the destroyer Tel Aviv report they have un- to cut his retirement cake. O'Bannon in January of 1945 . covered a surface-to-air mis- Mrs. Pridmore, a key figure In August, 1945, the O'Bannon sile along with other Soviet in many charity drives here, escorted the USS Missouri into equipmentcapturedfrom Egyptian viewed the ceremonies on board Tokyo Bay for the Japanese aand Syrian forces. the frigate DEWEY. surrender. The equipment is displayed Commodore Joseph N. West Commodore Pridmorelater took at an Army camp near Tel Aviv. (right) relieved Commodore command of the ammunitionship Israeli officials in Tel Aviv Pridmore at Change of Command Paricutin andthen was assigned said Israel has returned 19 ceremonies. (Photo by Foklers, as CommanderAnphibious Squadron wounded Jordanian (Cont'd pg2Y PH3, NAS Photo Lab. Four. He has served as an in- structor at the General Line School, on the Joint Staffs of both Commander in Chief Pacific Kosygin Sightseeing In NY and Commanderin ChiefFar East, in the organization now known NEW YORK(AP/AFNB) SOVIET FOREIGN MINISTER Alexei Kosygin saw as the Naval Systems Command, the New York sights Sunday, one dpy before the UN General As- and as Executive Officer ofthe sembly begins debate on the Mideast crisis. USS Columbus. The Soviet leader took in most of the sightstrom Wall Street In assuming command of the to Times Square, to Harlem. He described his trip in one word Fleet Training Group, Captain --"wonderful." West relieved Captian Pridmore Kosygin was accompanied by his daughter, the Soviet Ambas- for the second time in their sador to the U.S. Anatol Dobrynin and Soviet Foreign Minister naval careers. Previously , Andre Gromyko.f D Captain West relieved Captain Meanwhile, President Johnson has prepared for an indirect, Pridmore as Commanding Officer but public, debate with Kosygin today. Mr. Johnson will speak of the USS Paricutin in 1961. on the radio and television, and he is expected to deliver a Captain West's naval career major statement of United States policy in the Middle East. also includes service as Eecu- A steady stream of top level government leaders arrived in tive Officerof Scouting Squad- New York yesterday for the meeting. (Continued on page 2) ron Thirty-One, (Cont'd pge 2) PAGE 2 MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1967 GITMO GAZETTE NEW YORK (Cont'd from page 1) Kosygin drew his first American pickets in New York Sunday. They were Jews protesting Rus- ComNavBase RADM E.R. Crawford sain support of the Arab Public Affairs Officer LT Paul E. Lamey nations. The groupstarted Editorial Advisor JOG William A. Liedtke with about 35 persons and Editor JOl Sam Herzog grew to about 130. News Editor CT2 Vic Griffeth Saturday elaborate Feature Editor SN Ed Sullivan security precautions went Sports Editor J03 Sig Couch unchallenged on Kosygin's The GIZfl4I GAzETTE is published according to the rules first day in the United ad regulations for ship and station newspapers as out- States for diplomaticc lined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of the confrontations on the Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed four Middle East. days a week at government expense on government equip- Kosygin arrived by plane . **.nt mnent. The opinions or statements in news itnes that in a blaze of flood ights. Kosygin: Spoiing attack appear herein are not to be construed as official-or as reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Navy Dept. CAMP DAVID (AP/AFNB) PRES:IENETJOHNSON SPESIT Ads and notices will be accepted between the hours of the weekend at Camp David, Maryland, with Aus- 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.-MON thru FRI only and will be publish- tralia's Prime Minister Harold Holt as hIkis ed in either Monday's, Tuesday's or Thursday's. GAZETTE. guest. No ads or notices--except command notices--will be pub- In a brief meeting with newsmen at the Pres- lished more than once a week nor will they be run in idential mountain retreat, Mr. Johnson conceded S Friday's paper. that he and Holt might discuss a possible meet- ing between Mr. Johnson and Soviet Premier Kosy- GITMO (Cont'd from page 1) Air Officer aboard gin who arrived in New York Saturday. the USS Fanshaw Bay, Commanding Officerbf i trol The question of a possible meeting between Mr. Squadron Twenty-Eight, and Commanding Officer of Johnson and the Soviet Premier Kosygin remains ia USS Essex. the air. Captain West has served on the staffs of the Administration sources assume from diplomatic Commander, Submarine Forces, Atlantic Fleet, soundings with the Soviets that Kosygin would Commander Naval Air Forces, Pacific, Office of accept Johnson's invitation to confer sometime the Secretary of the Navy, as Deputy Chief to during the Soviet leader's stay in the United the Joint Chiefs of Staff and onthe staff of the States. Kosygin is expected to remain through Inspector General, Atlantic Fleet. next weekend. But no time or place has been set The guest speaker was Rear Admiral E.R. Craw- for the meeting. ford. ComNavBase, who welcomed Comodore WAst Premier Kosygin wants to woo Arab support by whom he first met when Commodore West was as- the Soviet actions in the United Nations. And signed as his Plebe at the U.S. Naval Academy. presumably he does not wish to seem toocozy wtth the President of the nation accused by the CAIRO (Cont'd from page 1) soldiers to their Arabs of siding with Israel. homeland. All the Jordanians said they received President Johnson was reported waiting until good treatment at the-Israeli hospital. he sees how Kosygin deals with the United States Israeli diplomatsleaving Moscow saidthe Soviet in his speech to the General Assembly. Union has withdrawn--at least temporarily-- per- There could be some problem about the pace mission for Soviet Jews to to to Israel to join for a meeting. President Johnson is believed to relatives. The Israeli officials say about 40 favor Washington or Camp David. Kopygin may 0 Soviet Jews had exit visas and had purchased figure his prestige would be enhanced if Mr. tickets for the trip to Israel. Johnson traveled to New York to visit !him. Now,they are told they cannot leave. According But United States diplomats figured the details to the Israeli diplomats, Soviet em ration can be worked out in view of thd potential ad- authorities say the issue is being reviewed. vantages that arise from a personal get-together The diplomats are leaving Russia because of --not only on the Mid-East but also on Vietnam the Soviet break in relations with Israel. disarmament and other major issues. NEW YORK(APAFNB) AMERICAN OIL WORKERS returned WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB) JUVENILE COURTS AND the to drilling sites in Egypt. Crews of the Phil- country's public school systems both came under lips and Pan American oil companies headed for attack in a report on juvenile delinquency just installations at El Alavein and Suez at the re- issued by the President's Crime Commission. quest J Egyptian authorities. They had stayed The report expressing grave concern overriding in Israel. juvenile crime rates said that in some cases the Newsmen in Cairo were escorted by Egyptian of- schools were forcing children to drop out. ficials on a tour of a military hospital. They Commtiision Chairman Nicholas Katzenbach noted heard a wounded officer tell of surviving a na- in a statement accompanying the report that "the palm attack in the Sinai Desert during the war. juvenile court has failedin significant respects Doctors said several other wounded were napalm to live up to its founder's hopes." victims. 4 PAGE 3 MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1967 GITMO GAZETTE TOKYO (AP/AFNB) COMMUNIST CHINA ANNOUNCED the NEW YORK (AP/AFNB) ISRAEL'S FOREIGN MINISTER success of its first hydrogen b9mb Saturday.
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