---r -- - -- -- ....-- , ' .. All The News of rosse ew.s All The Pointes flomll 01 Ib, News Every Thursday MorDing 99 Kercbeval TV. 2-6900 Complete News Coverage Pointes ._----------------------------:---:-::----------,.---------::::-:::--:-----:--=---:--- Entered as Second Class Matter VOLUME I4-NO. 27 13.~5c PerPer COpyYelll GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, JULY 2, 1953 It the Post Office at Detroit, M1ch. Fully Paid Circulation HEADLINES Two Iniured in Accident on East Jefferson But 247 Pints .. New Post Office of the Contributed \VEEK Sub..Station Opens In Two Days As Compiled by the Grosse Poillle News 200 Who Had Made Ap- pointments Promising Do- Thursday, June 25 In ."The Village" nation Fail to Make HENRY KAISER, head of the K'Iiser Motors Corp., announced Appearance that the aircI;aft work in his Jacobson's' Home Decorative Shop Provides Space for plants will close down in orderly Much-Needed Facility to Serve Large Last week's blood collection fashion, ,...hen it became certain Section of Pointe held in the Pointe to repay a that the Government will cancel debt owed to the Red Cross its contract with the firm. Secre- Post Office NO.3 officially opened its doors yesterday, Bank by the Marine Hospital, tary of the Air Force Harold .Tal- July 1. It is. located in Jacobson's Home Decorati\(e Shop,_, fell far short of its goal. With bot. staled that app-roximately 5205,000,000 worth of contracts Mack and Kercheval. ~ a quota of 800 pints estab- Cor the production of planes at "The post office is unique from lished, in the hope of replac- the standpoint of location," Teen-Ayer$ . th 610 . t d b th the Willow Run plant has been stated Gl'osse Pointe City Clerk mg e pm s owe y e cancelled. It has been estimated Norbert Neff. "Too, there is am- hospital and allowing for a that from 10.000 to 12,000 persons G. P ze pIe parking space in the vicinity, balance' which would be des- will lose their jobs because of the IVe 0 Ice move. The UAW (CIO), bitter, convenient for shopp~rs and those ignated for other uses, the called this unfair. who wish to use. the facilities of Roug h Time total take during the two days .. .. the new post office." was only 247 pints. SOUTH KOREAN PRESIDENT 'Besides", he addee, 'it is 10-' The Marine Hospital will get Syngman Rhee, told the UN com- cated almost in the exact center Eight Taken to Station House credit. for 224 pints and the rest mand that he wanted a show- from the post. office branch at f B P t was consigned to Korea and ather down with the Communists and Manistique and Kercheval, De- A ter Raucous eer ar y destinations. that he wanted a united Korea troit, and that which is located at on Lochmoor Boulevard Third Rejeeted now. Cheering Korean throngs -Picture by Fred Runnells Mack and Warren, in the Farms. Only 334 persons showed up to heard him say he will lead them Two persons were inJ'ured earl.y Monday morning, June 29, when a car ,in which they we~e r.iding w.as involved in a distant of at least two milps in Eight teenagers who re- give blood and almost a third of in a fight to the dp.ath if the b P k P I J E k H f 1291 Engle and either direction, fused to heed the warnings these had to be rejected for one Cniteod Nations rejected his arm- an accident at E. Jefferson and Harcourt, according to a re port y a1' 0 lee. ames nre m,'. ,0 .' John Hannan, manaC1er of F . th T h d d t- of Woods police officers, 1'1- reason or ano er. wo un re i"tice demands. He urged that Ambrose J. Rack, 26, of 1286 Hillger, both of Detroit, suffered back injuries and ~ace~a~io~s of the. scalp, ~e~p~ctlvely~ Jacobson's, will be postmaster of . h' h d d d fl' 't the station. day, June'26 ,when they were persons W 0 a lOa e e inl e the United States at least re- and were taken to Bon Secours Hospital, where they were x-rayed for further pOSSible InjUries and gIven pemclllm treat told to quiet down and stop appointments ~o give blood failed ~nd to his or'fer of peace. Wal- ment. T'" I' . to appear and.it kept a staff of ter Robertson. is flying to confer • • • I'ting in front o( movmg traffiC 1OtersecllOn.. belonging to Frank Young of bottle breaking at a beer volunteers busy all one day try- with Rhee. He has a top secret Jake Gilliam of 1250 Hillger, I and causing an accident. Jackson was giver: a tIcket and 3164 Third avenue, Detroit. Chief Rector party, were ticketed to ap- ing to ~ontact these who reneged, message from President Eisen- Detroit, was the driver of the I Police said that Jackson was ordered to appear 10 court July Checking with Detroit author- pear in court, Saturday, July The first day of the, collection, hower for the South Korean. car in which the two injured i driving south on Devonshire and 29, ities, Park police found out that 11. held at the Grosse Pointe Pack- president. men were riding, He escaped: was crossing E. ,Jefferson to Police are investigating a curi- the wallet was stolen, along with Retires Aug.l According to a report by police, ard showrooms, East Jefferson • • • seI'ious injuries, ! enter H"rcourt when he stwck ous incident that occurred at the a' wrist watch, from Young, while Woods Sgt. Walter O'Dell and and Lakepointe, produced only Friday. June 26 Luke B. Jackson. 21, of 958 ~the car driven by Gilliam. His time of the accident. They said he was at a bar in Detroit. The After more than 29 years 01 Patrolman LeRoy Tobian, an- 147 donors, including a good PRESIDENT EISENHOWER Emerson Detroit driver of the I car skidded over the curb to land that at the scene, someone gave case was turned over to the po- service with the Park Fire De- ~wered a call from Dr. M. J. many who just dropped in. Ther. signed a bill granting Pakistan other ca~, was dcketed for cul- Ion its side against a tr~e at the them a wallet, minus any money, lice of that city. " partment, Chief Edward L. Rec- B1aess of 96 Lochmool', who com- had been 216 appointments mad. one million tons of wheat to toi' will retire August I, just two plained of a noisy teenage beer for that .day alone. days after he reaches the official. party in a neighbor's house. He Only Half Were Pointer5 ~~.:~.tco~~:~~T~~i~~rstt~~~~te~~IR retirement age of 60. also stated that empty beer cans Volunteel' and professional wheat has been loaded a!ld is on t Seats Love Proposes Pre Prl.mary Plan Exams 0 ary . ~ ," .. Chief Rector, born in Detroit, were being tossed into his yard wOI'kers on the collection esti- July 30, 1893, first became, inter- by the merry-makers. mated that only about half of the 9~~~~ ested in the Iirefighting profes- I ~~~;\'~~.plus wheat,ci~~e~;~:~t~~~~~:~and is the first ship N Sl Convention for R.estoring' For W(lods Girls Drinking Too total number of donors who ap- ew ate sion in 1912, and joined the De- The police officers said that peal'ed were residents of the troit Fire Department in 1914. He when they knocked on the do()r Pointe, The balance were local ~~o~i1;~~~~~~e~~:ta~v~~~lbe:a~~ Of Officers! 'Republican Party Harmony Policemen, was with that ~rganization until and Gulf C!last ports. ,--- and °it was opened, they saw a employes who live in other com- I 1918. ~ group of boys and girl3 drinking munities, and visitors .from other J. 2- O'Ne'll Suc Pointe 'Attorney Indicat;;-Rel~ctanc~ to Be Candidate for Competitive Tests In Parl( Since 192:~ beel' out of bottles Rnd cans, but cities. ..Satur a•ay,• une. .lORr. 0b er.t K - I, • . • d Will Fill f k . He joined the Park Fire De- they could do nothing because it It was reported one contributor IN HIS ,FIRST .major speech ceeds C ril Paye as President Governor In CIting Nee _ or Teamwor Ranks of Lieutenants, partment, November 23, 1923, at was on private premises, They was from Algonac, three from ~mce leavmg office, form e r Y • •• .. 1 d th Sergeants the time jointly a police-fire de- warned the youths to tone down I Royal Oak, a number from Mt. President Harry Truman sharp- of Service Organlzatton What lS descl'lbe~ by Rep~b1Jcan party, ea ers as e partment, and served one year ly criticized the Eisenhower ad- ---, first concrete plan for a pre-pnmary conventIOn as a means the noise and to stop throwing Clemens. as a patrolman-fireman, before empty bottles and cans in neigh- From the pointe of view of the ~inistratjon's reduction in the I The Grosse Pointe ~otary lof restoring party harmony has .been devised by Haro~d O. The Woods will conduct an he was promoted to sergeant in bors' yards and in the streets. Red Cross, it would have b~.zn miiitary program. He as:;erted Club held its final meetmg of ILove, of Lochmoor boulevard, Pomte attorney, whose fnends eligibilty examination for the 1924. He was made a lieutenant They said as they were issuing ?ust, as easy and much more s~t- that ther~ is no evidence that the the fiscal year, Monday, June have obtained 25,000 names on petitions urging his candidacy ranks of police lieutenant and in 1925.
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