(PR) Equinix-Dallas Thinx NIXI

(PR) Equinix-Dallas Thinx NIXI

litix &a6otix Tomix %HLIX *.IX $-IX &)EIX LA/IC A/G-IX% RE1/IX TIE !alla" member name LI/X /o.a )I/X - Seoul WIX - %olan$ %IE - *ang(o( EBuinix-Atlanta EBuinix Toronto 7%IX - /ago6a Ra,a *an( o' Tan0ania SatCo/et !IT .I4A!A Tan0ania ISC '.root-"er5er".n 4antel TIX - Tan0ania A-tu" Solution" *ell Communication" iAIX S&R-IX Six Telecom" 1,uru ne TER/ET TTCL Tan0ania %ort" Aut,o A'rica nline %) automati"ering Sitelix SA-IX Simba/et &e$iaca"ter 7oint Tran"it t0/IC /A%.%eru Com-ano Internet .alle6 SS Tam-aIX benet+or( A* *rin TRA 8 1R. RG AT S rigin Glimmergla"" %TT La?ea$o /orrno$ Qbranc, A* 46lon Excellent Ho"ting S+e$en A* S-ace!um- IT A* CoreSite - An62 !IX - *alleru- Eli"a Cor-oration # Saunala,ti Grou- %TT *elem 9*EL: /IXI - A,me$aba$ Ru+eb-// S L-IX # S LIX I% Grou- /A%.EC - Gua6aBuil EBuinix C,icago I*X &egaFon Alcom T6'on S5en"(a A* T-LEX &i/A% E$ge-IX % 1IX /A% CA*ASE &en$o0a &almIX &almo # IX R InTouc, %TT Reci'e Giganet IX *urun$iX r$ina .erti" STAR TA% *FIX RJiX %er"-e(ti5 *re$ban$ !/A R/!-IX A1SIX Gu6anix Com-aB-/A% *IX - 7a(arta TIE Atlanta STHIX LITIX Internet Tec,nolog6 A$5i"or" Ab I%.i"ion *T RAS& /et+or(" FreeIX ne.com A#S !FRI Re"ilan" A* . !AC & ExWe"t C &IX S4IX% %I%E *ri"bane SARAT .-IX T,inx IX *IG A%E ComX /et+or(" A#S /et Sat A* &&% A$ix !TEL-IX *RE&-IX *eirut-IX Telx - /e+ 8or( %TT LA7 9LA7: S5erige" Ra$io A* 3==E3 Ser5ice" A* &eta&icro Automati"e %aci'ic Wa5e /A% .SIX I%5> &umbai CH Telecom3 S5erige A* %ortlane )TH/ C *or$erlig,t A* IXSA Ri6a$, GIX G$an"( TLLIX HT/-IX %TT Cuiaba 9CG*: /A%-Colombia eXc,ange We"t AllTele Allmanna S5en"(a Tele'ona(tiebolaget EBuinix &iami Intere$ %anam THIX 9IIG#/IX: LAIIX E1/IC-IX %TT /atal %TT Central %auli"ta &rFri$a6 A* !GC ne A* )4/-IX %TT *ra"ilia 9!F: %aci'icWa5e - LA T!C !ata /et+or(" *a,n,o' RASC & // .-IX EBuinix I*X !alla" LIX - %olan$ %AIX Seattle %I%E /et+or(" *ri"bane Samara-IX A&S-IX Ea"t A'rica Ea"6S-ee$6 !anmar( Smart?og 9T!F GR 1%: A1SIX - &elbourne %I%E &elbourne %TT So 7o" $o Rio %reto &AE We"t Li$ero /et+or(" A* /etrouting InterLA/-IX /A% AE%R .I Quito !ail6motion Sti'tel"en C,almer" Stu$ent,em *re$ban$2 !?IX %TT Rio $e 7aneiro 9R7: HIX - Honolulu R!C-IX )in",a"a Wi(ime$ia Euro-ean net+or( &ainloo- .entelo # *roa$K/et &CI - &AE.net %,oenix Internet Exc,angeG LLC %HX-IX FICIX - E"-oo !ataCenter Fr6"lan AS Global /et+or( &anagment Lt$ Tigo Terremar( /A% &a$ri$ CI/X - Ca-e To+n A'rinet !?ibouti !ata Center SARL / TA &a$ri$ S X - Singa-ore .o$acom Stoc(,olm" Sta$"nat A* /etno$ Lulea /A% CA*ASE &ar $el %lata %TT Sao 7o"e $o Rio %reto 9S7%: *a6onette AS Cat"-/et Global *roa$ban$ Sol Airtel Tan0ania GleS8S Internet Ser5ice" A* SI&*A/ET EBuinix /e+ 8or( *aneTele AS *)) Acti5o S6" AS 1CC /etno$ Sun$"5all AFRICA /LI/E 7TL )RA F / Tele'iber AS &icrocom )I/IX Ergogrou- ASG Region %HIX - &a(ati Cit6 A&S-IX Hong )ong S-icenet /etlan$ I/TER/ET S L1TI /S .o$acom C6bernet An$er" *u"ine"" Grou Fixo 4anlin( WIA A/GA/I CL 1! SER.ICE /A% CA*ASE Santa Fe !C% /et+or(" Cielux /etno$ Got,enburg AA Arro+net GnTel *olignet-Aar,u" G/-IX Tele2 .i5aCell-&TS *R-IX !omene",o- AS We"er5IT )&! A#S AS2L<E3 Tela5ox IX /et+or(" S-riteLin( Internati range Armenia Regi"trar AS Re$-ill Lin-ro C %HIX Routit *. Rotter$am T,e /et,erlan$" C &C R LLHo"t Inc I%- nl6 Sner-a Arminco ErgoGrou- ASG I)T !r Clu"tertec, AS -era So't+are ASA PInet Tec,nolog6 Con"ultanc6 *. *li00ar$ Entertainment Wac,ttoren- Li$ero /et+or( A* Stu-i LLC *rno 1ni5er"it6 o' Tec,nolog6 range *u"ine"" !enm T. 2 AS Fnutt Con"ulting Itera /orge AS Signet *... Telenor )eenon$ot" *... Tele"er5ice *re$ban$ S(ne A* /et+or( /or+a6 AS /et Fon$" ASA Sigterm &ulti,o"t IT AS Signal *re$b *lix Solution" AS /etno$ Stoc(,olm Com Hem A* /R) Con"oll AS Fa"tHo"t AS &I&ER AS /et-o+er Internet 2 *u"ine"" S5erige )* Gla"5e0elring Hil5er"um le An$rea" Herman"en nLi5e CL/ E!* *u"ine"" %artner Wor(0one AS Scaling /et+or(" A* Global La6er *. )on"tant AS robtex Hi3G Acce"" A* Interoute &anage$ Ser5ice" S+e$en A* *ellit Solution" AS /*L /et+or(" tem- una""igne$ /et at nce A* Seriou" Tube" /et+or(" I/TELLIT AS /etCom GS& AS 7/T # &ulti.'i Tele2 /e$erlan$ *... Re$bu" Inter,ou"e IS% Ser5ice" *. Integrate$ Internet *ree$ban$ !el't /etno$ C &IX *1TLERnet+or(" .I/ITAG 1A* Am"ter$am Internet Exc,ange 9A&S-IX: Route Ser5er" AS Fiber !ire(t i S5erige A* .i$eo-la0a A* Internet S6"tem" Con GET Route$.org Flattr A* Com-u(o" Com"en"o *... .ertixo *.. Intro+eb /e$erlan$ Sunet Sa'et6 Com-uting AS /IX LoBal AS Te(ni(b6ran i S5erige A* Fu?it"u In5ia 6 Litix 1nite$ *roa$ca"t Facilitie" *itbun(er *. 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SG.GS I-bri$ge FICIX IT-Lauget %ar(net Stic,ting /ationale Searc,tec, Limite$ &ax%oint Interacti5e Exce$o /et+or(" A* !IX - L6ngb6 ASR Ser5ice &aat"c,a--i? !igitalu" W-/ET )ie5 It" Ho"te$ Tec,noto- /et+or(" 4en S6"tem" A#S X= Solution"G Inc. S-ee$XS Autonomou" S6"tem I%2 Internet *... CC*ill !uoca"t nline *ree$ban$ Re$,o"ting *. AS number 1nilogic /et+or(" *... Autonomou" S6"tem Autonomou" S6"tem &ainlab GmbH 'or A&STER!A& Autonomou" S6"tem 'or /et,ol$ing. Go"comb Tec,nologie" Limite$ SI!/ 4iggo Cool+a5e A LG Inc. %rolocation AS RG Communication" S.A Game%oint Wieric(e EBuinix /et,erlan$" Autonomou" S6"tem I"iConneXion /et+or( -enmin$" &axiTEL Telecom *... Xentec, RI%E /et+or( Coor$ination Centre 1net /et+or( Rea"onnet I% /et+or(" Su-erior *... Internet S6"tem" Con"ortium /ianet A#S **/ Tec,nologie" Cor-. - Global En5ironment 'or /et+or( Inno5ation" 9GE/I: Worl$Stream C. Internet /E %R XS8SQ AS /. Hol$ingmaat"c,a--i? !e Telegraa' %E /etlogic" *. C72 Ho"ting *u"ine""Connect Text-lu" Gigane+" Feral Ho"ting Ser5eriu" net+or( Samage 5.o.'. Wi$eXS SaaS-la0a ISC %olitie Euroacce"" Global Autonomou" S6"tem Carrier to Carrier Telecom /. *i$$ing,ui0en IC Ho"ting Hen4.nl Riot Game" Lt$ /et Groun$ *... !igital Re"i$ence /et+or( !elta Solution" .R4-IX C RE RI/EX 'ra/A% * R-IX &atrIX Titan /et+or(" Internet @ Telecommunication" !ancom /itro /et+or(" Intermax *... Enne Solution" /&IX C IX E)T-IX F/IXF &!-IX QL!-IX WRIX !igi'oon Grou- *... In'o%act )!IS &otto .oI% !ocler /et+or(" Autonomu" S6"tem )&-IX RIX-GH /S)-IX GCIIX Content-IX Eu"(o/IX Ser5iHo"ting /et+or(" Autonomou" S6"tem *al(an-IX I/XS-HH C6ru" ne TIE %,oenix LIX - Lat5ia 4eeu+"e )em-en !S! Automati"ering *... FICIX - ulu &AE - We"t /etno$ H>Ho"ting *... # i>I% *... %oco" b5 &AE - &iami %IX &ontreal IX.L !4.%L %TT Lon$rina *elgian /et+or( Solu %roSer5e ./IX - Hanoi 3R X Giga% % !RF IX **IX - /ago6a IIX - 7og6a(arta 1nix-Solution" *.*A !atagrou- Internet -ro?ect !ataIX &o"co+ &L-IX#&S)-IX Gul'IX *a,rain CHEL-%% Com-utel Stan$b6 *. # +++.ne$erlan$.net Tribion /IXI - H6$eraba$ %TT .itoria 9.IX: 4oranet Ser5ice" Hil' Telecom C/C *ei?ing /A% A&S-IX C,icago GIX - Accra .IC-IX Com-uterline Re$net Lt$ &ail%lu" *... %TT Cam-ina" 9CAS: ./IX - Ho C,i &in, Ro/IX !ataIX /o5o"ibir"( A&S-IX /e+ 8or( **IX - (ina+a S%*-IX *eirutIX &AG%I &a$IX 1ral-IX %3 communication" Gm /A% CA*ASE La %lata )%/ Euroring" *. %I%E /et+or(" A$elai$e %TT So 7o" $o" Cam-o" EBuinix C,icago Sea-IX A&S-IX /er$/et E$utel *..

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