Official Magazine of ISAF Issue 49 July 2008 MIRROR ISAFInternational Security Assistance Force • Issue 49 July 2008 • Success stories from around Afghanistan Page 16 Special Forces physicians save Afghan child Page 19 official magazine of isaf COMISAF Intent ISAF MIRROR n full partnership with the grow- ing institutions of the Islamic ISAF Mirror is a Headquarters Republic of Afghanistan, and International Security Assistance I Force Public Affairs product in- within the means allocated by NATO and the many nations sup- tended for the information and porting the mission, ISAF demon- entertainment of ISAF and associ- strates NATO’s commitment to the ated personnel. Though articles have security, reconstruction and the been edited, opinions expressed are extension of governance in Afghan- those of the author and do not neces- istan. Further, ISAF demonstrates sarily reflect the policies of NATO, both the will and capacity to apply Joint Forces Command Headquar- irresistible force by, through, and in ters Brunssum or ISAF. support of Afghan National Secu- The Mirror is published every two rity Forces against the insurgents’ months (March, May, July, Septem- strategy and others who forcibly op- ber and November) and distributed pose the progress of this campaign. among the regional commands. We will assist in demonstrating the View it on-line at www.nato.int/isaf. growing capacity of ANSF to meet Submissions to ISAF Mirror the GIRoA’s security challenges, should be related to ISAF opera- and will operate in such a way as to tions; however, other articles may be demonstrate respect for the Afghan run based on their appeal to an inter- people and their culture in order Gen. David D. McKiernan national military audience. Articles to effect their direct support of our Commander, ISAF should be sent in Microsoft Word endeavor. format and photos should be at least 4.5 cm at 300 dpi resolution. Include identifying information of authors. E-mail submissions to jessica. [email protected]. The dead- ISAF Mission line for submissions is the 25th day Conduct military operations in the assigned area of operations to assist the of the month prior to publication. Government of Afghanistan in the establishment and maintenance of a safe To contact the editor, call DSN and secure environment with full engagement of Afghan National Security 318 686 2466 or e-mail jessica. Forces, in order to extend government authority and influence, thereby fa- [email protected]. cilitating Afghanistan’s reconstruction and contributing to regional stability. ISAF operations are divided among five regional commands: Regional Command Capital (approx strength 5,900) •HQ ISAF in Kabul (Composite) •HQ RC-C in Kabul (TUR) Editorial Staff Regional Command South (approx strength 23,800) Royal Navy Capt. Mike Finney •HQ RC-S in Kandahar (CAN) Chief, Public Affairs Regional Command West (approx strength 2,500) •HQ RC-W in Herat (ITA) U. S. Navy Lieutenant Regional Command North (approx strength 4,300) Jessica L. Gandy •HQ RC-N in Mazar-e-Sharif (DEU) Editor Regional Command East (approx strength 16,400) •HQ RC-E in Bagram (USA) U. S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Michael E. Wagoner Layout and Design Front Page: Back Page: Afghan girl smiles British soldier takes a for the camera in break with an Afghan boy Kandahar. while on patrol. Photo by: PO1 John Collins 2 ISAF MIRROR JULY 2008 CONTENTS Page 23 Page 22 Page 7 Pages 4-5 Page 17 Page 18 Regional Command Capital Royal Canadian Mounted Police train Afghan Pages 6-7 security forces Regional Command East Page 18 Pages 8-9 Afghan National Army Air Regional Command North Corps conduct successful missions Pages 10-11 Images from Afghanistan Page 19 Special Forces physicians Pages 12-13 save Afghan girl COMISAF Change of Command Pages 20-21 Regional Command South Pages 14-15 Interview with COMISAF Page 22 Regional Command West Page 16 Success stories from around Page 23 Afghanistan Afghanistan National Taekwondo Federation visit Page 17 ISAF MIRROR JULY 2008 3 Regional command capital + 2nd and 9th Alpini Regiment of the Italian Contingents Handover in Kabul abul, Afghanistan - The reconstruction support of rural areas. sistance in the rebuilding and 2nd Alpini regiment of In the period from the 10th of development sectors. They brought Kthe Italian Contingent, left January to the 10th of June, the to fruition many projects with funds Kabul mid June after five months of Italian contengent provided 2017 granted by the Italian Minister of service. patrols, 300 observation points, 400 Defence and some Italian donors. Colonel Michele Risi, Command- escorts, 700 activities with Afghan Every project has had the active er of the 2nd Regiment was replaced security forces and discovered 11 participation of local authorities and by Colonel Andrea Mulciri, Com- hidden munition caches. people, giving priority to undevel- mander of the 9th Regiment. Italian troops also provided as- oped areas. The ceremony of transfer of The “ Fiorito Polsinelli” medi- authority was attended by the cal clinic was the last CIMIC Commander of the operative project realized by the 2nd Al- landing forces, General Arman- pini Regiment in Musay valley. do Novelli. The structure is dedicated in The Italian Contingent in Ka- the memory of two Italian sol- bul supported Afghan authori- diers belonging to the 2nd Alpini ties in guaranteeing security in Regiment who lost their lives in the Kabul area and in providing a terroristic attack in 2006. First Month of Activities Successful for New RC-Capital Italian Contingent in Kabul abul, Afghanistan - Region- al Command Capital’s new KContingent in Kabul, made up by the 9th Alpini regiment from L’Aquila, just ended the first month of its activities in Kabul. In this period, the Italian Contin- gent made more than 800 patrols, many of them conducted with Kabul City Police. Moreover, in the same period, RC - Capital Italian troops gave help to the local population. In particular they delivered food and water in rural areas, realized urban constructions and gave medical and veterinarian support in many small villages. 4 ISAF MIRROR JULY 2008 RC-Capital Troops Find 100th Cache abul, Afghanistan - In mid ian, French and Turkish Contingents The Italian Contingent operating in June Regional Command operating in the RC-Capital area of southern Kabul inaugurated a clinic KCapital Troops found the operations. This is a very significant in Musay Valley. 100th cache, located in the Kabul result compared to last year. The French Civil Military Coopera- area since the 1st of January 2008. RC-Capital is also working hard for tion Team inaugurated 3 pedestrian This important goal was achieved reconstruction and development. bridges in Kalakan and water tank in thanks to ISAF troops’ deep pres- The Task Force operating in eastern Chesmeh Ye Karuti. ence on the area of operations and Kabul recently inaugurated a library, Turkish units installed wells in to the good relationship between the a clinic, three pedestrian bridges and Khak-e Jabbar and built twelve local populace and soldiers. about thirty wells in the rural district classroom schools in Police District Total items found in the whole of Surobi. 12. Kabul area amounts to: 6598 In all the rural areas of Kabul bullets, 671 mortar rounds, 478 region, troops are also distributing rockets, 693 fuses, 75 kg of explo food, clothes, scholar equipments, sives, 145 grenades, 117 mines, agricultural tools and medical and 3 guns, 2 counter air systems, 2 veterinary support too. rifles and 1 mortar. Since December 2007, RC- Task Force Surobi found 84 of Capital national Contingents have the total 100 caches discovered by spent 5.5 million dollars on recon- RC-Capital. struction. The others were found by Ital- RC-Capital Troops Support Agriculture in Rural Area abul, Afghanistan - Onward of another project: the construction Agriculture is the main source of activities of Italian troops of of one wall which can contain rain income within this area and the “Ag- KRegional Command Capital and also help solve the problem of riculture Project” is one of the many encourage agriculture. drought in this rural area. activities lead by Italian troops in On the 30th of June, in the Both projects had been realized the Kabul area. Jegdaleg valley, Italian troops of with national funds totaling more RC-Capital achieves important Task Force Surobi inaugurated four than 29.000 euro. results in the agriculture field, one new wells. The opening ceremony These activities belong to the “Ag- of the most important focuses of was attended by Italian soldiers with riculture Project” which consists of it’s reconstruction and development the local population and its leaders. delivering trees, agricultural equip- efforts. In the same day, the Nawabad ments, fodders, and grain to Surobi’s village celebrated the achievement local population. ISAF MIRROR JULY 2008 5 Regional command east + Kunar School Brings Skills to Workers higal, Kunar province – Af- Dr. Jamaludeen heads the ap- Provincial Reconstruction Team ghanistan still struggles with prenticeship council that acts as a (PRT) and the local government. Shigh unemployment rates, but managing board for the school. He Students are given a daily stipend the first graduating class of Kunar told Sada-e-Azadi, “There are many during the 3-month course as well Construction Center has found companies who are involved in as housing on campus if they need 100% employment. construction work, and 45 of them it. Graduates receive a certificate of 140 students, from all districts came today to make job offers to the achievement and a starter toolkit. of Kunar, graduated the 3-month graduates.” Interested companies re- PRT Commander Daniel W course at the newly-constructed fa- quested 157 skilled laborers – more Dwyer spoke of the honor in pro- cility in Shigal district.
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