Isolation Measures to Contain the Further Spread of C()\Rid-19 in District Zone

Isolation Measures to Contain the Further Spread of C()\Rid-19 in District Zone

Containment Order, Dated 21 / 06 / ZOZ0 Whereas, under Section 2, 3 & 4 of the lr.pidemic Disease Act, 1897 and "fhe Haryana Iipidemic l)isease, (-()\'ll)-19 ltcgularions, 2020' vide rvhich thc undersigncd (lhairperson(DDNl,\) being thc has bccn crnp()wered under clause 12(I) ()eographical to designate and seal an1, arcas as a corltainment area for the isolauon of cases. And whereas, it is imperative to strictly to observe rhe lockdown and isolation measures to contain the further spread of C()\rID-19 in District Rewari. And whereas the undersigned being thc Chairperson G)DMA) has been empowered u/s 34 of Disaster N{anagemcnt r\cr, 2005 to such functions as it deems necessar), for Disaster Nlanagcmcnt in tl-re Disuict. Now, therefore, I, Yashendra Singh, I.\S, District N{agistrate Rervari pursuant upon the power conferred bv 'The Haryana l,lpidemic Disease, (-O\1D-19 Regulations, 2020'along witl-r tl'rc Ir,pidcmic l)isca^se Act, 1f197 a.d l)isastcr Nlanagement .\cl, 2005 and up()n thc rccolllrrcnclation ef l)l)NI.\ (-ommittee and Containmcnt Rcyicrv (}rmmittcc. I l-rcrcbv ordcr containmcnt of the following areas due to CO\TD-19 positive cases reported in these areas, ro revent the further s of COVID-19:- Namei\ ame ofot : Buffer Zone Date of Last Tentative Containment Reported Period of 28 Zone Case in days post Zone disch Bikaner, 1. Ghasera 24/ 0s / 2020 22/ 06 / 2020 Gangayacha Ahu 2.Gangayacha .feh. .laat Rervari 3. (]indokhar 4. I{ishangarl"r 5. Lisl-rana (r. ()hurkawas 7. Naya Gaon-)aat B. GokalEarh 1. Sudhrana 26/os/2020 24/ 06 / 2020 2. Lilodh 3. Nahar -l..f hal 5. Shadat Nagar 6. Natheda 7. Bhakhli 8.Sal-rlarvas & Dhani 9. l)hana 10. l)haniva 1 1. Bharangi 1,2.I{ohar _l 3. Nayagoan 1. Jholri 26/0s/2020 24/06/2020 Teh. I(osli 2. I(aroli 3. Bishoa 4. Bhalha 5. Garhi I 6. Nlumtajpur T.hhurshid Naga. i i fi. IJau,rva I 4. Khaleta 1. ,6alwari 2e/0s/2020 27 /06/2020 Sub- Teh.Manethi 2. Dhaurana 3. Lohana 4. Buroli 5. Saharanwas, l. l(haragwas 2e/0s/2020 27 /06/2020 Ladhuwas Ahir 2. Balawas Ahir Teh. Rewari 3. Hada Bhatta 4. .\s Sons Bhatta 5. RK Bhatta (r. Yadav lJhatra T.Sclrlangia Part l llhatta ,fcllltrap) S.Sehlangia Pan 2 q Bhatta 9. Shri Shyam Bhatta \ ffi 10. Durga Bhatta 11. Hainagar 12. Bohrwas ;\hir 13. Baneafiva 6. 1. Gokalgarh, 1. Lisana 29 /0S,r2g2g 27 /06/2020 2. Shyam Colony 2. Nal'a Gaon.|att 3. Gokal Colony 3. I{alurvas 4Jawahar Colony 5. Batra Colony 6. Durga Colony, Teh. Rewari 7. Dwarkadhish Torver 1. Tower C-1 03/06i2020 01/07/2020 c-3 2. Tower C-4 Sub-'feh. Dharuhera 3. 'Iorver B-1, Il-2, B-3, B-4, B_5 4. Torver D-1, D-2, I)-3, D-5, D_(r, D-7 5. 'forvcr Block- ,\1, .\2 8. Shiv Colony (I(aluwas 1. \'adav Nagar 03/06/2020 01/07 /2020 Road), Rewari 2. \rikas Nagar 3. Gulabi Bagh ! Alry Nagar a 5. Railway Colony 6. I(aluwas 9. I(aluwas Bhudpur 03/06/2020 01 /07 12020 Teh. Rewari Chandawas 3 Gokalgarh 4 Raj Bhatta 5 Aiay Bhatta 'fower 'l'orvcr (.- 10 Dwarkadhish 1 . 1 01/0612020 02/07 l2o2o B-3 2. 'I'orvcr (---l Sub- Teh. Dharuhera 3. 'l'orvcr B-1, B-2,8-1,1J-5 4. Torver I)-1, D-2, D3, D-5, D-6, D-7 5.Tower Illock- A1, ,\2 11 Jain Dhramshala, 1. .)ainpuri 04/06/2020 02/07 /2020 Rewari 1\Iohalla 2. l)araltaz,arr I Iohalla 3. I{avasthrvara N{ohalla 4. I(hasapura Mohalla 12 Durga Colony, 1. Gokalgarh 04/ 06 / 2020 02/ 07 / 2020 Rewari \rillagc. 2. Raihvav Colonl, 3. Sl-riv Nagar 13 New Adarsh Nagar, 1. Flans Nagar 02/01 12020 Rewari 2. (.ompanv 1)agh 3. Parshuram Colony 14 Suncity Rewari Flat No. 29-53 04/ 06 / 2020 02/07 /2020 1. Sun Ciry Flat No. 22 SF (E!7S) 2. SunCiry Flat No. 1-28 (E!7S) 3. Sun Ciry H. No. E-209-E-213, 15 Asiyaki Gorawas, 1. NangaLiva 04/06/2020 02/01 12020 Pahlawas Ilanmokh 2. .f ivda (-hoki 3. No. 1 4. Maliyaki n _- 5: (-hanclanrijas Guriyanl t" Dh,^- Vill- (ltrrii.ani, ()zrji 04/06/2020 02/07 l'eh. I(osli Gopalpur, /2020 Bhuriyarvas Ladhuwas 1. Roliyarvas 01/06/2020 02/07 /2020 Gujjar,Rewari 2. Panchor 3. Sanpali -+. N[ajri l)hucla 5. ;\shiyaki Sector-4, Dh;ruheru 1. Sector-(r 01/06/2020 02/07 /2020 I)haruhera 2. Jogiv,, Ki Dhani From BPCL petrol Pump to PNB Bank I(rishana Nagar, 1. r\janta llakeri 0s/06/2020 03/07 Sec.4, Rewari (]ali /2020 2. \'atsalva Scl-rool Iirisl-rna Nagar (;PS, School & Gali Puran $agar Gali No Puran Nagar Gali 0s/06/2020 03/07 /2020 2*1&y*' _ No 1&4 i\IajraG urdas, Ilewari 1. I(onsiwas 0s/06/2020 03/07 /2020 2. Bhudla 3. Rariawas Hansaka, Rewari 1. Baltar I(hurd 0s/06/2020 03/07 /2020 2. Baliar Kalan a .). Fadni + Savraj N{ajara 5. \ILrnclia I..hcrir it (iym Iihana Club 1. l'I. No. 177 6P 07 /06/2020 0s/07 /2020 Road Rewari. to 2066 SP. 1. G)- Idrana 2. H. No. 1578 P Club road ( H. No. to 1305. 18-+7P to H. No. 1 3e3P) 2.H.No. -1883 P to 1973 P 3.FI. No. 1,562P u> 1 568 +.t L N( ). 1561 l<l 1 553 5.FI. No. 1.+59P to 1450 6.H. No. 1404 P L 1420 24 Maharala H"rpital, 1. [iast- .lha11ar 07 -06-2020 Nai Abadi, 0s/07 /2020 llervari Road from.f hayjar 1. Irast.-(lali ..\ Cl-rungi to ltaihvav starting flrom Ijast linc (,orner South of- ?. \X'cst- ltaihvav Vishrvakrrna School Starion Itoacl to Matak Mandir, Nai infront of Gol Hatti Abadi, Rewari Rewari frorr 2. West Gali B Chowk ro enrq,, starting frctm F,ast Gate of llaihvar, Soutl-r corner of I)r. Station ltervari Saxcna I lospital, Nai 3. North- Itaihvai. Abadi, Rervari to line from Delhi to N{ata ka N{andirm Rcrvari.f unction Nai .\l>adi, Itcvu'ari -tr. South- (-ir-cular 3. Nr>rtl-r-()ali .\ & Il It<>acl Itcrvari .\s mcntionccl abor.c infront of San' mects near NIata ka I I ar1,2112 Gramin, N'fandir, Nai Abadi, Bank,ari Rewari \ 4. South Circular, Road, Rewari (.hand Colony, 1. nf/06 / 2o2o 0s/07 /2020 I)haruhcra 2. a 1. ,\rea from .). Vishal Colony infront of ON{ Clinic l. Bhoop Vihar to Ilarvat'ia I-lousc 2. lirom Ilarvaria I Iouse t() infronr oI Iialuram P arlapat House. 3. From Parjapat F{ouse ro l{ajbu- Singh Flousc in (lali No. 1, Azad Nagar:. 4. Iirom llajbir I{ouse in Gali No. 1 in Azad Nagar ro Bass Road. Village Nlakharia 1. lJangarrva 08/06/2020 06/07 /2020 'l'ch. N{anethi ) Iladl-r Sundroj Village-l(hera 1. Pahrajwas 0e/06/2020 07 /07 /2020 ,\lampur 2. Chandanwas Sub- Teh. Palharvas 3. Pahlawas 28 Bhakd Nagar, Rewari 1. Employge 0e/06/2020 07 /07 /2020 Colony 2. l)haliarvas 3. Yugal Yihar Padia r', r.r, 29 Ram " Nagar, 1. Hari Nagar 09/06/2020 07 /07 /2020 Dharuhera 2, Azad Nagar 3. Bhoon Vihar 30 I(alrawas, Bawal 1. Rudh 10/06/2020 08/07 /2020 2. Chirhara 3. Naichana 4. N{ohamadpur 5. Saban 31 Nand Rampur Bass, 1. Tatarpur 't0/06/2020 08/07 Dharuhera /2020 -I[*ipu,., 2. r\hvalour 3 :.1 Yillagc (iokalpur' 'l'ehsil 1 10/06/2020 08/07 /2020 j Rcrvari 2 'l'urkiavu'as a I 1. Easr- H /o J IGU N{ccrpur j Ghyan Singh s/o Lal I Singh ro yI / o j Ramkumar s/o I Su;jan Singh :.. North- U /o I | Ilamkumar I ,/o I I Sulian Singh ro It/ol Ghyan Singh ,/" I I ffi Sultan Singh I I 3. V'csr I I /" I (lhvan Singh ,/,, I Sultan Singh ro ll/ol Omparkash r/" I Laxmi Naryan South- I 1. H/o I ( )mparkash s/o I Laxmi Naryan to I :' 1ti ,l l1/o Ghyan Singtr I I s/o Lal Singh l 33 Village Nimotth Zatnabad. 12/ 06 / 2020 10/07 /2020 Sub- Teh.Dahina Itambas. I)harvarra 31 Vijay Nagar, Gali No. Viiay Nagar, Gali 12/06 /2020 10/07 /2020 18 Rewari No. 16, Gali No. 19 Rewari 35 Vijay Nagar GaIi No. Yljay Nagar Gali 13/06/2020 11/07 /2020 12 A, Rewari No. 12 36 Shakd Nagar Gali Shakti Nagar Gali 13/06/2020 11/07/2020 No. 5, Rewari No. 4, House No. (l 164tJ-1(r59. Scc--1. t l lousc No.- 1 60(r- 1615 37 Joggru Mohalla, Balmiki Basti, 13/06/2020 11 Rewari /07 /2020 Budha Mata & |atav Mohalla 38 Village I(harkri, Vtllage- Naichana, 13/06/2020 11 /07 /2020 Bawal Sulkha, Berwal, Balawas 39 Vrllage I(apriwas, Village - Jonawas, 13/06/2020 11/07/2020 Sub-Teh. Dharuhera Malpura 40 Yillasc Sundroj, Vrllagc- Rajpura 13/06/2020 11 Itcu,ali /07 /2020 41 l)ursa (,olonr' I)art-l I, Itcrnaining .\rca oI 14/06/2020 12/07 /2020 Rervari Durga Colonr, Part- II 42 Village I(umbhawas, \/rllage- IJhurtl-ral 14/06/2020 12/07 /2020 Rewari 'I'l-rcthar, Dabari & Nlundhalia 43 Village Gurawada, V,ttog.- P,:irlripuro, 14/06/2020 12/07 /2020 Palhawas ILam Nagar, Nlalivaki 44.

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