BY COURIER SERVICE THROUGH E.MAIL GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN PAKISTAN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT No.EE/CCD/GA/T.Notice/W-18/522 Dated Gujranwala, the 21/05/2021. To, The Director, Regional Information Office, P.I.D., Government of Pakistan, 204-A, Abu Bakar Block, New Garden Town, Lahore. SUBJECT:- REQUISITION FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT. Dear Sir, Please arrange the publication of the attached advertisement under classified column in widely circulated daily National Newspapers i.e. (one in Urdu & one in English) according to the requirements as specified below. The overall expenditures on this account may please be kept minimum and information about publication, name of newspaper and date of insertion may be intimated to this office. 1. Language: English / Urdu 2. Region: Gujranwala 3. No. of Insertions Two insertions, (One in English and One in Urdu) in smaller letters having minimum space. 4. Date of Insertion: 24-05-2021. It is certified that necessary funds are available to meet the entire cost of the advertisement during the current financial year of 2020-2021. The advertisement of Tender Notice may be restricted to two leading daily Newspapers (One in Urdu & One in English) only. The advertisement bill (in duplicate) duly verified by PID along with original newspapers may be furnished to this office for payment. Encl:- As Above. (Rafique Ahmad) Executive Engineer Central Civil Division, Pak, PWD, Gujranwala Copy forwarded for information to:- 1. The Chief Engineer (Central Zone), Pak PWD, Lahore. 2. The Superintending Engineer, Project Civil Circle, Pak, PWD, Lahore. 3. The Executive Engineer, Central Civil Division, Pak PWD, Sialkot. 4. The Assistant Executive Engineer-II of this Division. 5. The Divisional Accounts Officer, of this Division. 6. The Deputy Director (M & IMP), PPRA Cabinet Division, FBC Building G-5/2, Islamabad with the request to advertise the Tender Notice on PPRA Website. 7. The Cashier of this Division. 8. Notice Board. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER T.Notice 2020-21 Page 1 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN PAKISTAN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT No.EE/CCD/GA/T.Notice/ W-18/522 Dated Gujranwala, the 21/05/2021. CORRIGENDUM The Notice for Expression of Interest was issued vide No.EE/CCD/GA/T.Notice/W-18/468, Dated: 03-05-2021 for widely publicly through PPRA Website through TS No. TS450821E and for widely publicly through Daily Dunya Newspaper & Pakistan Observer on Dated: 06-05-2021. The Corrigendum was issued vide this office letter No.EE/CCD/GA/T.Notice/W-18/508, Dated: 19-05-2021 widely publicly through Daily Dunya Newspaper & Pakistan Observer on Dated: 21-05-2021. Following dates may be added in Condition No.13 & 14 of Notice. 13. Detailed Terms of Reference (TORs), evaluation criteria and other documents / information can be received from the office of Executive Engineer Central Civil Division Pak. P.W.D., 85-A Judicial Housing Society, Opposite Wapda Town, Gujranwala after depositing requisite fee of Rs.2,000/- (Non refundable) with the Cashier of Divisional Office upto 31-05-2021 instead of 21-05-2021. 14. The interested Consultants / Firms shall submit their bids till 01-06-2021 instead of 24-05- 2021 upto 02:00 PM in the office of the undersigned. Note:- Other Terms & Conditional shall remain the same. (Rafique Ahmad) Executive Engineer Central Civil Division Pak, P.W.D., Gujranwala. Ph#055-4283951 T.Notice 2020-21 Page 2 GO OF PAKISTAN PAKISTAN PUBLIC OKS DEPARTMENT NO.EUCCD/GRw/AB/ r Datcd Z n021. DRAFT EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Bids arc invited or L€ast Cost Sel€ction Basis from well rr!,uted/ experienced Consulting ,irms for carrying out FEASIBILITY STITDY, SIJRVEYING, PLAIYNING AIYD DESIG|Itr{G ctc. for thc project Mtnely 'CONSIRUCflON Of SEWERAGE SYSTEM IN NA-84, TEHSIL NOWSHERA VIRKAN, GUJRAIYWALA" The consulting / firms having experience of similar nairc of works may apply on prescribed form containing following information / pa.ticula$ duly supportcd with necessary documents; I Organizational d€tail and financial stability duly verilied by the concrmed banks. ) Registration as consultant with Pakistan Engineering Courcil along with renewal up to 30-06-2021. The Consultant must fifiiish thc certificatc of Frfo.mlltcc about Ol€ Consultancy 3 Servioes provided on the projeot of similar nature/magnitudc and in lhe sarne working condilions during lair 5 yc8rs. Aniclc of Assooiation Memorandum of Associatioo or partnerdfp deed (duly 4. / registered ftom the Horourable Court) whichever is appliceble. NIN along with ltp to dstr clcaranc€ cartilicsb for the last 5 ycars from income t x 5 &uthorities. Thc firm must bo ar active tax p8y€rs in tho list of F.B.R. List of Technical / lon-techrical staffalorg wiih thcir qualifietion on the poy roll of 6. lhe consulting firm whioh can be vcrified ifrcquired. Undertaking on stamp paper that firm is neilher involved in any litigation or abandoned 1 atry uork in any dcpaftrcrt rcr bhcklistcd as a rcsult atrd a ccrtificats to lhe 9ffect ftat all documents Particulars / infomation fumished are tsue and mn ct 8. No conditional bid will be entertaincd. 9 lntemational Iirms havingjoint venture with local firms arc also eligiblc to apply Sumrnary of the ovenll exp€ricncr indicating sepamtely the details of similsr t0. sssignmcnt duly complet€d ard in p.ogrrsr as per Dstl shcet tu tt q[,,! i; Informatiotr about the projects cornplctrd & h hard sspsrEEly, with cost of each prcjccq anount of coNultrncy contac! Numbcr of ftll timc saff wo*ing on thc . project, Nunbcr and expertise ofconsultsnts / r€sourccs person €mployed and duratio[ ofthc Droi€ct. All th€ FodDs T in RFP musi be duly lilled by the cons tant Incomplctc lppliorions 12. will not bc €nlutEined. Detailed Instructions to Bidders (lB), Tems of Reference (TOP.S), evaluation criteri4 s€lection proccdu! and other documents / information c8ll be r€c€ived from the omoe of Executive Engineer Ceotsal Civil Division Pak P,W.D., Gujraawala afur dcpositing t3 r€quisite f.c of Rs. 2000 in th€ form of CDR from any sch€duled bank of Pakistan ir lh€ name of Excautive Engincer Central Civil Division Pak- P.W.D., Gujnnwda upto 2t-05-2021. The intcr€ned Consultants / Firms sltall submit thcir bids till 2+05-2021 uplo 02.00 PM in lhc officc ofthe undcrsigned. Bid! will bc opancd on thc ssmc day on 02:30PM 14. in the presencc of consultlrfs or theia r€prEs€ntatives who c{rp to alt€nd on thc sam€ addrrss. The technicol proposals / bids will bc opcned on thc sarc day at @:30 PM and Fimncisl Bids of0!€ Firirs.ft.r cvalualion ofthe tcchnical proposals *ill bc t5. Qualifi€d op€ned on tbe timc and daG fixed for thc purpos€ in the prrrnce ofthe rcprcsentativ€s ofthc said Firms. Th€ Fimrcial Proposals / Bids of th€ Non Fims l,iU bc rctumed unopcned / t6 Qualified ul-actioned as prcmptly as possible. ue Ahmed) ErecutlYe Erghcer, CcntEl Civil Division, Pak Pli/D Gujranwala Phr0554283951.
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