AGRICULTURAL AM) DOMESTIC. Around the Farm. A NEW enemy to grain has lately been PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNINS discovered in a cargo of barley discharged :> !*•<* «Mrd story of the brick block corner of Main at Amsterdam. It is a small, micro- and Huron streets, scopic maggot, of an unknown species, ANN AKBOR, - - MICHIGAN. and, besides the in jury it inflicted on the ttntrar.ee on Huron street, opposite^he Gregory grain, its presence there produced se- House. rious illness and a peculiar eruption on EIJIHTT 33. J=» O 3\T 3D , the skin of all who came in contact any- EDITOR AND PUBLISHEU. where with the cargo. Terms, W2.00 a yoar, or SI.90 In advance. To FACILITATE the parturition of cows, ^ ' the administration of a few handfuls of RATES OF linseed with their drink for three or four weeks before their calving is strongly SPACE. recommended by a -writer in the Land- wirth, a German agricultural paper. In over thirty years' practice he has always found it to act beneficially, and, more- 4 (K> ii no over, it increases the secretion of milk, « 00 7 00 VOLUME XXXII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1877. NUMBER 1659. »4 ootvsm 7 oojio oo decreases inflammation and constipation, 1 ntas::.. HI 0(1 IS Oil and forms a certain remedy in retention of afterbirth. Twelve lines or less considered a square. HEART AKD HARP. fore the doorway of oiae of theof her drees, and rose hastily. His face NATIONAL LEGISLATION. ries by the illegitimate sale of postage- THK 1IAISNER of THE PROPHET. 'Cards in Directory, not to exceed four lines $4 00 houses. The than made ho motion THE setting of shade trees along both :* year. Gems of Poesy from the November Maga- showed signs of great t•lnotic-h, but the stamps outside the limits of their office. WS1 It be Unfurled In the Contt st Now Business or special notices 12 centR a line for the to come toward the house, ami seemed sight of Nancy wrought a chan'/e in it. This abuse has been extensively adver- sides of the roads in the farming dis- first insertion, and 8 cents for each subsequent in- zine*. (Vl>stract8 ot Some Important Mea * In- Kaging in Europe? tricts is often advocated by the rural sertion. not to see the children. As he came op- He came to her and looked in her face. troduced in Congress. tised during the past summer, and Sena- CONTENTMENT. posite to where they stood they discov- " Are you tne woman that gave me my tor Edmunds' bill, which is as follows, Within the Mosque of St. Sophia at press, as a means of increasing the value Marriage and death notices free; obituary notices The Geneva Award.—Senator Fer- Constantinople lies a flag which, if un-of farms, in consequence of the pleasant- cents a line. All the winter t laugh and eing ered that he bore upon his back a huge supper at the house yonder, and asked nan, of New York, has introduced (bj will probably become a law : Yearly advertisers have the privilege of changing For joy that the Bpring is near, woeden cross. He kept on his way, SECTION 1. Tbat no ro.-tmaster or Deputy furled, would startle all Christendom, ness of such street when the trees be- their advertisements quarterly. Additioaal chaiu, I make the spring with my pinging ring, me to stay ? " request) two bills to open a way for the Rejoicing that she is here. staggering through the deep sand be- Postmaster or other person intrusted by the and compel it to band together in a com- come large. There is no mistake in this ing will be charged for. "Yes, I am." distribution of tke $6,000,000 of theUnited States, the Postoffice Department or the mon struggle against Ielamism. Imper- opinion, and farmers would do well to Advertisements unaccompanied by written or —Harper. neath his burden, until he was lost to Geneva award still remaining in the verbal directions will bo pnbfislieA Iteee months sight behind the rocks which made one | " And you are not afraid <;f me ? " Postmaster General with postage-stamps or fect, and sometimes fanciful, accounts club together and set maples, elms, etc., and charged accordingly, ' ON THE CLIFF. "No; I should not have come here if treasury. One allows claimants to try stamped envelopes shall sell or dispose of the Legal advertising, a'r*t Insertion, 70 cents per of the walls of Paradise. have been given of the flag, and many along their farms, and then see that no ' See the far mountains, all a waving line, I had beeh. I came to Hee you. I did their luck in the Court of Claims, same otherwise than in the regular course of bad translations of the inscriptions on it. cattle are allowed to run in the highway. folio; 35 cents per Jo)^, for each subsequent inser- Fading and melting into misty gray." " Let us tell Nancy," said one of the official business, at their face value, and for tion. \\ hen a posf r*5,emeut is added to an advertise- not know but I might help you." and the other proposes to establish a From the best source we gather some —Farmer's Friend. ment the whole ^iu ^ - the same as the first I answer with a wide, unseeing gaze, children. And they entered the house cash on delivery. coargeo " Yes, miles and miteB away." " You are a good woman. I am a bad special court for the adjudication of the SEC. 2. That"any Postmaster, Deputy Post- facts which are, at this time, very inter- together. man." claims, master, or other person who shall violate the To DEAma depression in a field, where "And the great river, dwindled to a thread, esting. This emblem of the power and Whatever happened in or about this "You cannot be wholly bad. ¥ou Bounty pilt.—Senator Ingalls, of provisions of the preceding section shall be sacred office of Mohammed is described a clayey or hard-pan - subsoil prevents JOB PRINTING. With farms dwarfed to a har_d's-breadth side bj little settlement-was sure to come, sooner deemed guilty of embezzlement, and shall, on the sinking of rain-water, and the lay of •Pamphlets, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards side." have raised this cross here." Kansas, has introduced a bill to equalize conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not to be of "green silk, with large crescent .'tall Tickets. Labels, Blauks, Bill-Heads and other I know the distant ocean through it sends or later, to the ears of Nancy Daore. " Do you think so ? Do you say so ?" the bounties of soldiers who served iu on top of the staff, from which is sus- tho land is unfavorable for ordinary ..-ariclies of Plain and Fancy Job Printing executed The full throb of the tide. Bemote i'rom town, the people had no exceeding one thousand dollars, or by impris- methods of drainage, first dig a hole ao with promptness, and in the best possible style. he cried, eagerly. "Oh! look at me,the late war for the Union. It is an ex- onment not exceedinc one year, or both said pended a long plume oi horse-hair (said " Listen ! the low-voiced wind with tender touch church, minister, or priest; but they tell me that again." Nancy looked act copy of the bill which passed the punishments, in the direction of the court. to be the tail of the Prophet's favorite if for a well through the impervious Whispers and sways the bright leaves In the air." were not so very forsaken so long as they stratum at the bottom of the hollow, fill Alas ! to my denied and famished sense steadily at him, toying again to recall his House of Representatives on the 20tb SEC. 8. That every Postmaster and Deputy Arab steed), while the folds of the flag Silence is everywhere! had with them this widow, Nancy Da- features. Postmaster making a quarterly return, as re- exhibit tho crescent and quotations from it up to the brim with refuse stones, re- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. cre. It used to be said that no secret of June, 1876, except that it proposes to quired by law, shall make, subscribe and at- move the excavated earth so as to allow O vanished sparkle from the cup of life, "No," she said, deliberately. "You strike out of that bill the clause providing tach thereto an oath or affirmation in tho fol- the Koran." The accurate quotations ONALD MACLEAN, M. IV, Physician snd was safe from her ; but every secret was are as follows : "All who draw it [the the surface water free access to the pit, D Surgeon. Office and residence, 71 Huron street, Filled to the brim with beauty so divine! safe with her. There are some women are not wholly bad, and you have suf- for the deductions of the bounty paid lowing form : and standing water will never injure the Ann Arbor. Office hours from 8 to 9 a. ru. and from Without thee, spirit, sweetness, light are lost, fered much for what you have done." understate laws. "I do solemnly swear (or aflirm) that I have sword] will be rewarded with temporal to 3 p. m. And flavorless the wine. who are born confessors, and she was not, since making my last quarterly return, advantages ; every drop of their blood, grass or grain crop in that part of the —Mary L. Jlitter, m Scribner. one. It was impossible to withhold con- " I have suffered hell for ten years.
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