Homecoming Rocket Lifts Off Tonight TODAY, INSIDE TODAY, EDITORIALLY • QUEENS • OPEN LOUNGES • DEBATE nlb aub lark • MORATORIUM • FRESHMEN " CURRICULUM A Prize.- Wlnning Newspaper * * * * NUMBER 4 VOLUME LV * * Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Friday, October 10, 1969 Babcock School Dul~e Game~ Concert !re, just Dedication Set , weird. Bug?" Disney. For Tomorrow hniques, 1ent. If Highlight Homecoming ;t.'' One Dr. John A. Perkins, president of the through The big Homecoming weeKend, highlighted of Trustees, Alumni Council and all Boards at 11 a.m. Wilmington (Del.) Medical Center. will be picture by tomorrow's football game with the Duke of Visitors for dinner, '7:30 p.m. Friday. A law alumni reunion will be held Sat­ the principal speaker Saturday at the dedi­ lchieve­ Blue Devils and a concert by the Iron Butter­ The Alumni Council . will have a break­ urday evening from 5 to 8 p.m. at the cation of the University's Charles H. Bab­ :ained to fly, begins tonight with a pep rally and bonfire fast meeting Saturday morning at 8 followed Sheraton, and a post-game party will be cock School of Business Administration build­ ~al. Who followed by a street dance with the Inmen. by registration in Reynolda Hall. Classes held for alumni and friends of the Univer­ ing. lywood's Tomorrow's activities begin with the dedi­ are excused on Saturday. Tours of the sity at Graylyn Estate beginning at 5 p.m. The dedication ceremony will be held at rton and cation of the Charles H. Babcock Hall in the Babcock School of Business will be con­ Saturday evening. 10 a.m. on the Magnolia Court behind Rey­ town of morning, followed by the judging of displays ducted at ll a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Women's dorms will host open houses nolda Hall. massive in residence houses, the game at 1:30 p.m., Men's Residence houses and fraternities Sunday afternoon 2 to 5 p.m. Perkins was president of the University 1 ancient and the conce-rt at 8 p.m. · will hold open houses Saturday beginning of Delaware and president of Dun and Brad­ d atop a Miss Demon Deacon will be announced street, Inc., before going to the Wilming­ that the at halftime of the football game. Fourteen ton Medical Center. He was undersecre­ fact, the coeds are competing for the title bestowed tary of health, education and welfare in e (Darby on the basis of a student vote taken Open Lounge Resolution 1957 and 1958. He also has been budget r during Thursday. director for the state of Michigan, control­ he diffi­ Penny Olin, senior of Springfield, Va., ler of the state's department of admin­ 'ilm. His represents Delta Sigma Phi fraternity: Mvra istration, and professor of political science re Bug." Delapp, freshman of Lexington, represents Approved By Legislature and assistant provost at the University of nd Janet Pi Kappa Alpha. ponsible and present during the hours the Michigan. ·echauns Nancy Cummings, senior of Jacksonville, BY DIANNE JONES He received the B.A. degree from Mich­ lounge is open. igan and the M.A. and Ph, D. degrees from thunders Fla., represents Taylor House; Betty Benton, Managing Editor Jim Cross, president of the student gov­ Wailing junior of Mt. Holly, represents Sigma Chi; the University of South Carolina. He is ernment, announced the appointment of Bill the author of three books and the director reat fun, Mary Bumgardner, sophomore of Cape May A resolution l:d.lling for limited open DeWeese, sophomore of Waynesburg, Pa., of several companies. · for ya! Court House, N. J., represents KappaSigma; lounges in the men's dorms was passed as head of an ad hoc committee to investigate Judy Kubik, sophomore of Orlando, Fla, without opposition Wednesday night by the Dr. RobertS. Carlson, deanofthe business other avenues of intervisitation. school, will preside at the dedication cere­ represents Alpha Sigma Phi. Discussion became more controversial Student Government. The Legislature also mony. The guests will be greeted by Dr. Rated "G" Other candidates are Carol Sue Jordon, enacted an amended resolution, which lim­ when Walt Snider, sophomore of Westchester, 11:45, 3:30, senior of Thomasville, representing Kappa Pa., proposed a bill to limit the number James Ralph Scales, president of the U­ ited the number of unexcused absences al­ niversity. The speaker will be introduced J, 8:45 Alpha; Mary Cunningham, junior of Hunt­ lowed a legi!:;lator to two per year. of excused absences allowed a legislator ington, W. Va., representing Theta Chi; by Leon L. Rice, Jr., of Winston-Salem, Susu Evans, senior of Eglin Air Force - The open · lounge resolution, pres11iited · to one. The bill was amended to allow two president of the University's board of Base, Fla., representing Sigma Phi Epsilon. by Mike Ford, sophon:ore of Alexandria, unexcused absences per year and passed trustees. Lou London, sophomor.:: of Shelby, is Va., will go to the Student Affairs Committee with moderate opposition. The Iron Butterfly Will Perform Saturday. William R. Lybrook of Winston-Salem, Lamba Chi Alpha's candidate; Jane Munro, for consideration at the end of this month. president of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foun­ sophomore of Coral Gables, Fla., repre­ dation, will give a tribute to the late Charles sents Davis House. Dottie Soper, junior H. Babcock, prominent Winston-Salem bus­ enhancein~;~~~~;dt~~~os~~~r: college life" ~eh~l~o~e!e;~;~~~and the "students Moratori·um Observance inessman and philanthropist in whose honor of Silver Spring, Md., represents Poteat House; Ann Roberts. freshman of Bur­ feel that improved co-educational relation- the school and building are named. lington, represents Alpt.a Phi Omega serv­ ships are conducive in obtaining the de- Music for the program will be provided ~fraternity; h d I d 0 d d the University band directed by Calvin R. ice and Linda Henshaw; fresh­ ~~ed academic atmosphere," Fordresolv- . s. w man of Greensboro, represents Kitchin c e u e . n e nes ay Huber. The Rev. Warren T. Carr, pastor House. 1) That all men• s house lounges shall of Wake Forest Baptist Church, will give 'Jther events on the agenda for the ~annual be opened to all females during the hours The University is planning its own ob- 10 Vlew of the strong student support for . the invocation. The prayer of dedication weekend meeting of the Development corresponding to tne closing hours of the servance of the Vietnam Moratorium on the boycott, the administration here has de- November, three days m December, and so will be given by the Rev. Richard N. Otta­ Council at 4 p.m. Friday and of the Board University girl's dormitories. Wednesday as an alternative to the nation- cided instead to hold the Chapel p;:ogram on until th~ v1ar is en~ed. way, director of the Church and Industry 2) Each men's organization will have a wide boycott of classes. and go on with classes. Here, J~m Cro~s 1s~ued a statement thlS Foundation. 'fl designated member responsible at all times The observance here will take the form However, no special policy on the cut- week urgmg Umvers1ty students, faculty, An informal social hour will be held for the action of that particular organization of a Chapel program, entitled ., University ting of classes has be~n. ado~ted .for that and. admin~~trators t.o j?in in th.e mora- following the ceremony. Tours of the new ill Homecoming '69 during the times a female is present. The Convocation for Peace;· and will feature day. Rather, the adm1mstrat10n 1s leav- tonum ~s our contnbutlon to brmg peace building will be conducted before and after open lounges will be conducted inaccordance pacifist speeches poems and readings from ing it up to the discretion of students and to Amenca. the dedication. TODAY wi!h University policy. the Bible ' ' faculty members-essentially the same policy "I hope that the 'Convocation for Peace' Construction of the business school was ~ 3) It will therefore no longer be necessary Classe~ will be held as usual here, but followed for class cuts on all ctays. and the other n:eans in which we will. il- completed in time for the beginning of the ; 7:30 - Bonfire and pep rally on the for the particular men's organization to reg- a student may cut classes without violat- "I have proposed to the faculty a dis- lustrate our desire for an end to th~ VJet- fall semester. The building was made 'football field, followed by a street dance ister open houses with the dean of women. ing any University rules. The matter of tinct Wake F.orest observa~ce," .James.Ral~h nam War ":Ill serve ~s a cata_lyst ~n both possible by two gifts of $500,000 each from with the Inmen. 4) Each individual men's organization class attendance is being left up to indivi- Scales, president of the Umvers1ty, sa1d thls the academic co'!l~umty and m Wwston- the z. Smith Reynolds Foundation and Mrs. Susan Reynolds of Greenwich, Conn. TOMORROW will have the personal privilege of decid- dual faculty members and students. week. "I don't see any useful purpose Salem;' Cross sa1d m the statement. ing whether to accept open lounges and The Vietnam Moratorium originally was to be served by missing classes. 10:00 - Dedication ceremonies of the how to conduct the policy j.1 accordance planned as a one-day boycott of classes "This is a more appropriate outlet," Charles H. Babcock School of Business to th.is bi~l. at colleges and universities throughout the Scales said.
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