Tlie Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing TUBL1SQCD EVERT THURSDAY AFTERNOON bT ESTABLISHMENT. Having every facility In Presses, Type and Vatertal VOSE & PORTER. to which we are constantly making additions, w« are piepared to execute with promptness and good styU 2 10 Main Street. every variety of Job Printing, including Town Reports, Catalogues, By-Laws Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ T E Tt 31 S : grammes, Circulars, BUI Heads, If paid strictly In advance—per annum, >2.00. If payment is delayed 6 months, 2.26. Letter Heads, Law and Corpor­ I f not paid till the close of the year, 2.60. ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills •T'Newsnbscribeis are expected to make the first of Lading, Business, Ad­ payment in advance. dress and Wedding *^N o paper will be discontinued until ALL AR- Cards, Tags, rearges are paid, unless at the option of the pnbliah- Labels, A c ., Single copies five cent*—for sale at the office and ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1880. N O . 3 8 . PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO st the Bookstores. V O L U M E 3 5 . Z. POPS VOSS. J . B. POBTKR. will receive prompt attention. looking s»o like n crushed, wilted flower that the omnibus thundered and rattled and shine, while tin? clear-toned church hell, know that site more.thanand earnslife and her interest wage: farm , ta tk a iH om c LIFE AND HEALTH. hanged up Broadway: she was only real­ only a few rotis away, was summoning oth­ by the additional liglit No. 14.—F ield C rops. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. gortrg. he could not hut wonder what had so Quick­ ly changed the bright, pleasant face that izing the fact that she was going away er people in carriages and on foot for miles she brings into our home-ion,a. She’s a rare Corn 1-2 acre, $'.! 00:2d, $2 00; wheat, 1-2 SAFE AND SURE. from farm and hill and meadow! woman, anil there jire plenty of people in acre, $3 00 ; 2d, $2 00; barley, 1-2 acre, The Great Internals. External Remedy had just smiled hack at him from the door­ from him. Robert Burns. way. She strolled about the gravel walks of The mother anti tlirde sisters, four stylish Chicago who are finding it out. You must PREMIUMS and C O M M IT T E E S k 2 This hot wave is someting fearful,” said the park, sat in the rustic arlxjrs, lingered society women; were nlf haunting now ill-, go home to dinner will, ntu this evening OF THE 2d. 81 00: beans, 1-4 aerc, 81 50; 2d, $1 00; BY II. W. LONGFELLOW. Mr. Sturtevant, ns his companion regained beside the fountains, ponds and flower beds on this black-whiskered Adonis who was and get acQuainted with Eliza and the chil rve, 1-2 acre, 81 50; 2d, 81 00. One bush­ . r - .. _____• .U-. I thfair lHnl t I... tl’ .,. I... 1 ... el as sample of each. Best bushel of wheat, I see amid the fields of Ayr his side. “ I don't sec how you can stand but she saw nothing of the beauties that their idol. dren. and see what the West has done for North Knox A g ricu ltu ra l and .50; best bushel of corn, .50: best bushel of A ploughman, who, in foul or fair, it here week after week.” were delighting thousands of souls famish­ “ What should you have said.” he asked P erC .’ ” Horticultural Society, Sings at his task, “ Oh, I run up the Hudson, where my ing for a breath of country summer; she indifferently, after lying for a long time He had planned, to surprise her, hut off beans, .50; best bushel of peas, .50; best So clear we know not if it is mother and sisters are, whenever the whim was only almost overpowered by a drag­ with his eye's closed and his white bauds ’ course he could not make that admission, To be held at Warren, September bushel of oats, .50; best trace of sweetcorn, The laverock’s song we hear or his, seizes me. not knowing the books will not ging pain at being torn away from the as­ clasped boneath his shapely head, “ if I had and had to accept the invitation to dinner 28th, 29tli and 39th, 1889 .50; best trace of pop corn, .50. Nor care to ask. <jet behindhand in my absence ” sociations of years. married my accountant, the woman who like any other gentleman, and went alxnit Committee—.Tames Linikcn, Washington; For him the ploughing of those fields So you are not a married man ? ” Alone in her own room, packing her has been so long in our office, you know?” all-day with an undefined pain in his heart. Lyman S. Fooler, Hope: Albert Vaughan, There was a little rustle or drapery and lest, just as he approached.her. she would SPECIAL PREMIUMS. Warren; R. K. Saywanl, Union: Alden A more ethereal harvest yields No, 1 have never had time nor inclina­ scanty possessions, she burst out bitterly to Than sheaves of grain : tion to think of matrimony; and I am very herself: flutter of fans, then Marie, the youngest fade away like the flower maiden of his On 1 acre of wheat, 86(40; 2d. 84 (X); Robbins, Appleton. Songs fljsh with purple blootu the rye; 11 off in my present home ” “ Oh. the wretchedness and wrong, of sister, began an indignant protest, .which dreams. 3d, 82 00; on 1-2 acre of wheat. 83 50: 2d. No. 15.—Roots and V egetables. The plover’s call, the curlew’s cry. ‘ Yet it is all wrong,” replied the west­ shutting a vonng girl up in an office day her brother checked by sayin Mtfs. Sturtevant was never surprised to 82 (.Mi; 3d, 8150; on 1 acre com, 80 00; Don't excite yourself, Marie; the idea see a messenger coming with a billet from -d. 81 GO; 3d, 82 00; 1-2 acre com, 83 50 Potatoes, 1-2 acre, $1 50; 2d, $1 00; 8dt Slug in his braiu. ern man, in a fatherly way he was apt to after day for years with a vonng man no .50; Ruta Baga, 1-4 acre, 8100; 2d, .50; fall into toward any one to whom he took av her superior, except in the matter of ;uierely occurred to me as I was about to her husband. The one this morning, how-, 3d. -82 : 3d, 81 50. e V IL E J S Touched by bis hand, the way-side weed carrots, 1-8 acre, 81 00; 2d, .50; beets, 1-8 a fancy. “ A man of your age onght to he moneyloney. and expecting. _ her to look upon ! announce to you that she had been called er. was of unusual interest. Earm Improvements, 87 00 ; 2d. 85 00: , NEURALGIA Becomes a flower; the lowliest reed “ Tie’s cornu! ” it said, “ Iknow ho would, 3d. 84 00; 4th. 83 00. acre, 8 1 50; 2d, 81 00. One bushel as sam­ Diphtheria, Pneumonia, Sore Throat, Inflamma­ Beside the stream settled in a home of his own. The mother him as indifferently as upon the ‘improved ple of each. 6 cabbages, 81 00; 2d, .50: 6 tion of the Lung*, Ac., Lame Back, Inflammation of “ Is it possible!” exclaimed his mother J and he looks as if he had been through Best Dairy Industry, a sample to be on Is clothed with beauty; gorse and grass will go to heaven some day. and the sisters typo writer’ at his elbow. Oh the crneltv squashes, 8100; 2d, .50; 6 pumpkins, $1- the Kidneys, Backache, Piles, Bunions or Soreness of will take unto themselves husbands, and and pity of it. I have had my dreams. I settling her frizzes and linger pnffs which siege. You must tell her, for we wont nl- xhihition at the Fair of 1880, (see posters the Feet Irom whatever cause. Bums or Scalds, and all And heather, where his footsteps pass. the fresh breeze had slightly disarranged. low her to he surprised. You ought to “f May 3, 1880.) 0O; 2d. .50; 1 bushel of onions, 8 1 0 0 ; 2d, Inflammatory Diseases, Prickly Ueat, Humors and all The brighter seem, then niv man you will he left adrift.” will not call them foolish dream s; it was .50: 1 bushel of best potatoes, .50; 1 bush­ diseases of the skin. For all female complaints and Mr. Sturtevant flitted in and out of “ No. the only rose-bush reaching towards the “ Wh:'» was her name? I never saw have seen the man. w.ith his heart in his Committee—N. K. Burkett. Wm. J . Al­ weaknesses it has no eQual. Thousands have been lie sings of love, whose flame illumes her. but remember of heaving her spoken el ot best beets, .50; 1 bushel of best tur­ saved from an untimely doath by its use. I)o not 6. 3d floor.” every day for a week, assidu trellis. Every girl has dreams, and it is eves, when I opened the dour upon him t len and Seth Andrews. The darkness of lone cottage rooms; of in ihe matter of settling your poor fa­ nips, .50; 1 bushel of stock beets, .50; 1 deiav. but try it. ously cultivating the acQuaintance of Mr. right she should have. It makes no differ- just now, and the blank look which suc­ PREMIUMS. bushel of best table beets, .50. It is a household necessity.
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