IDP 2010/2011 ii Foreword by the Executive Mayor We are entering the last year of the 2nd (second) democratic, non-racial local government horizon. We have just come out of a very significant strategic workshop which further pursued the realization of political and administrative interface. The strategic planning workshop took place simultaneously with the Outcome 9 forum which are gigantic steps towards addressing the service delivery challenges. The Government outcome nine commits the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs to develop a local government system which is efficient, effective, responsive and accountable. The IDP and Outcome 9 are interdependent in that they ensure integration, coordination and sharing of resources by all spheres of government from planning to implementation and as such it is critical to service delivery. The strategic planning session was a resounding success taking into account the affirmed objectives, which include inter-alia, the following:- Municipal Turnaround Strategy Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan which in turn became Performance Agreement between Council and top echelon management. The adoption of both the Spatial Development Framework and Local Economic Development strategy by Council is the biggest achievement which contributes even more to the credibility of our Integrated Development Plan (IDP). The biggest challenge in any municipality is vested in the effective delivery of basic services. The municipality will continue to ensure that we meet this mandate in spite of the given limited resources. Equally so, the maintenance and management of existing municipal assets is as important as providing new services. If existing assets such as electricity networks, water, roads and sewer networks are allowed to fall into disrepair, the budgets allocated for emergency upgrading become more costlier than timeous maintenance. As a developmental local government, consultation and listening to the views of stakeholders becomes as equally important to the provision of services. To this end the IDP review and budget consultation became indispensable. We are also required to have the ability to plan and to intervene through the development of inclusive and democratic policies in order to be able to respond to the needs, interests and challenges of the communities we serve. The municipal council is committed to good, caring, developmental, democratic and clean governance. As such the council shall at all the times observe best practices that are free from all form of racism, corruption and unfair discrimination. Msukaligwa Integrated Development Plan 2010/2011 iii Overview by the Municipal Manager Msukaligwa municipality IDP review process has been conducted in accordance with the provision of Section 34 of the Municipal System Act. The process is by its very nature a challenging one. It does however, hold within it lessons that can only serve to assist the municipality in its endeavours to enhance efficiency in its service delivery initiatives. In undertaking this exercise we had to be more vigilant to the calls by the communities that we serve for accelerated delivery in respect of basic services. We have therefore endeavoured through the review of our IDP to focus our strategic programmes to respond to the challenges of service delivery while also ensuring improved institutional and individual performance. We have through the IDP, structured our projects and programmes to address the Key Performance Areas as contained in the Five-Year Local Government Strategic Agenda which forms the basis for institutional and individual performance management and monitoring. In response to the calls from both the national and the provincial spheres of government for a Turn-Around Strategy to transform local government to be more responsive to the needs of the communities that we serve our municipality has proactively taken the necessary steps to formulate the requisite turnaround strategy. The strategy will assist the municipality to address challenges that have in the past hampered our service delivery initiatives and help us ensure the delivery of a better life for all our people. The IDP is now partly informed by the turnaround strategy, a clear indication of our commitment as a municipality, to address the areas in which our service delivery efforts have, in the past, been found wanting. The medium Term Strategic Framework also provides guide on planning and resource allocation across all spheres of government which also formed the basis of our planning as it provides for priorities on which municipal planning and all spheres of government should be based on. Therefore consideration of the said strategies had been crucial in our IDP review process as well as other National, Provincial and District municipality Frameworks as contained in the IDP document. Our IDP document has further captured inputs from the local community as well as other stakeholders and such inputs had been aligned with the said frameworks. As a municipality, we shall strive within our available resources to provide for community needs in line with the priorities of MTSF and other applicable frameworks by taking necessary measures to speed up economic growth and transform the economy to create decent and sustainable livelihoods, develop comprehensive rural development strategy linked to land and agrarian reform and food security linked to land reform, fight against crime and corruption and build cohesive, caring and sustainable communities. While the Auditor General has returned an unqualified audit report for the 2009/10 financial year, we are quick to add that we have noted the matters for consideration raised in the report. We are taking immediate steps to address the matter raised in this regard with view to heeding the call for operation clean audit by 2014, as made by the national and provincial treasury. In closing, we wish to acknowledge the importance of the role that need to be played by all our stakeholders, including the communities that we serve, in making a success of our service delivery efforts and initiatives. Msukaligwa Integrated Development Plan 2010/2011 iv ACRONYMS ABET Adult Based Education and Training AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome CBO’s Community Based Organisations CMIP Consolidated Municipal Infrastructure Programme COGTA Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs DAC District AIDS Council DARDLA Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Administration DBSA Development Bank of South Africa DCGTA Department of Corporative Governance and Traditional Affairs DCSR Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation DE Department of Energy DEDET Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism DHS Department of Human Settlement DHS Department of Human Settlements DLTC Driving License Testing Centre DM District Municipality DPW Department of Public Works DRDLR Department of Rural Development and Land Reform DTI Department of Trade and Industry DWEA Department of Water and Environmental Affairs ECA Environmental Conservation Act EHS Environmental Health Services EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme FBE Free Basic Electricity FBS Free basic Services FPA Fire Protection Association GIS Geographic Information System GSDM Gert Sibande District Municipality HBC Home Base Care HDI Historically Disadvantaged Individuals HOD Head of Department ICT Information and Communication Technology IDP Integrated Development Planning IEM Integrated Environmental Management IGR Intergovernmental Relations IMEP Integrated Municipal Environmental Programme IS Information System IT Information Technology ITP Integrated Transport Plan IWMP Integrated Waste Management Plan IWSDP Integrated Water Services Development Plan KPA Key Performance Area KPI Key Performance Indicator LDO Land Development Objective LED Local Economic Development LM Local Municipality LRAD Land Redistribution for Agricultural Development LUMS Land Use Management System MAM Multi Agency Mechanism MEC Member of Executive Committee MFMA Municipal Finance Management Act Msukaligwa Integrated Development Plan 2010/2011 v MIG Municipal Infrastructure Grant MPCC Multi Purpose Community Centres MSIG Municipal Systems Improvement Grant MTAS Municipal Turnaround Strategy NEMA National Environmental Management Act NER National Electricity Regulator NGO Non Governmental Organization NLDTF National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund NSDP National Spatial Development Perspective PGDS Provincial Growth and Development Strategy PHC Primary Health Care PMS Performance Management System PPP Public Private Partnership RA Registering Authority REDS Regional Electricity Distribution System RSC Regional Service Council SABS South Africa Bureau of Standards SALGA South Africa Local Government and Administration SAPS South African Police Service SDF Spatial Development Framework SETA Sector Education Training Authority SLA Service Level Agreement TSC Thusong Services Centres WSA Water Services Authorities Msukaligwa Integrated Development Plan 2010/2011 6 Table of Contents 1 PART ONE: INTRODUCTION AND MUNICIPAL ANALYSIS 13 1.1 INTRODUCTION 13 1.2 POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE CONTEXT 16 1.2.1 REPORT OUTLINE .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 1.3 IDP PLANNING PROCESS 18 1.3.1
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