Friday 16th October 2009 9 Elvitigala Mawatha Forgetting fascism: This is in reference Mr. Tissa Devendra’s article in the Midweek Review titled ‘a Folk Mosaic’ where in reference to the change of the street name Baseline Road to Izeth’s ironies Elvitigala Mawatha he had stated “Named after goodness knows whom The burden of Izeth Hussain’s chival- the Tigers dominated and terrorized this or what”. I thought I would con- rous (and creative) defense of columnist country and its peoples for decades. tribute the little information that I Shanie lies in his query “Is DJ really Neither fascism nor Pol Pot and the have in this connection. unaware of the differences between Khmer Rouge are allowed to be forgotten Mr. Elvitigala was a well known Prabhakaran and the LTTE on the one in those societies plagued by them. Ayurvedic physician in hand and Hitler and the Nazis on the Hussain writes: “we can afford to for- Narahenpita. He lived on the other?” (The Island, Oct 15th) get, sometimes at least, Prabhakaran and Nobel peace Baseline road in his sprawling On this issue, Rajani Thiranagama’s his child-soldiers. That is what the house which is right opposite the husband and I concur: in his recent com- Thiranagama commemorative meeting former Food City outlet on this road. memorative writing he repeatedly refers did…” prize for our It was situated into the interior from to the Tigers and their project as “neo-fas- Do these times include a mere four the main road. Now with the road cist” or “fascist”. I consider Prabhakaran months after the defeat of Prabhakaran, President widening it has come closer to the and the LTTE to be the equivalent or and at a meeting specifically held to com- road, but far enough from the fumes approximation of Hitler and the Nazis, memorate one of his victims? Thirty Commenting on the award of from the motor vehicles. He was the albeit redrawn to a South Asian scale. In years after the overthrow of the Khmer the Noble peace prize to US physician to all and sundry in this I am supported by Walter Laqueur, rouge terror, visitors to Cambodia are President Barack Obama which Narahenpita and the neighbouring Prof Emeritus at Georgetown’s CSIS, edi- still taken on tours of Tuol Sleng, the is described as ‘ridiculous’, villages. Perhaps the road was re- tor of the Penguin Reader’s Guide to Prabhakaran death camp and shown the mounds of Jonathan Key, writing to the named in his honour in recognition Fascism and author of an authoritative skulls, and I have already talked of Yad National Post newspaper in of his services to the area as a study on Weimar Germany. In his The Vashem and Lidice. The Palestinians still Canada had suggested that, the physician. Yes, times have changed New Terrorism (1999) he wrote that “in mourn the Nakba, over sixty years ago. only nation deserving such hon- since 1956, that Ayurvedic physi- terms of its [the Tamil Tigers’] fanaticism Besides, who said anything about child our is Sri Lanka. (Daily News 13 cians also could find a place in road and ruthlessness the only parallels I can soldiers? Are they the only or main fight- Oct). names instead of McKenzie, think of are the European fascist move- ing force the Tigers had? Is it child sol- ‘President Mahinda Campbell, Longdon Horton, Barnes, ments of the 1920s and 30s”. Though diers that the Sri Lankan armed forces Rajapaksa had defeated the Gregory etc. of the previous regime, Walter Laqueur’s ideological persuasion chiefly fought and overcame? LTTE ending the conflict that before the Yakkos took over. In fact, is not one I share, he is a renowned schol- Although Izeth Hussain would prefer had lasted for three decades, at it was late Mr. Bertram Rodrigo, the ar regarded as an authority on the sub- if we could all “sometimes forget” the cost of nearly 100,000 lives’. then MMC for Thimbirigasyaya area jects of Fascism, Zionism, guerrilla move- Prabhakaran, his reign of terror and ‘This is one of few occasions who told me once, that it was he who ments and terrorism. atrocities, I rather doubt the vast majori- in the history of modem warfare was instrumental in re-naming There is yet another point of refer- ty of Sri Lankan citizens will oblige, that a guerrilla/terrorist move- Buller’s road as Bauddhaloka ence for classifying Prabhakaran. embracing amnesia or applauding its ment has been utterly destroyed Mawatha and Brownrigg Road Pulitzer Prize winning journalist John F. advocacy. When Mr. Hussain modestly in such a fashion. Overnight, where the Senior Police Officers’ Burns of the New York Times referred to proposes that we can afford to forget war became a stranger to Sri Mess was, as Keppetipola Mawatha. him as the Pol Pot of South Asia. He was Prabhakaran, one could, I suppose, Lanka’, the Key, had comment- Mr. Rodrigo was particularly happy of course, not referring to his specific ide- always hope that he is exhibiting a truly ed. that he was able to do the latter ology. Swiftian irony. The Norwegian Nobel panel change. That was the time that this Whichever the case, Prabhakaran and Pol Pot Dayan Jayatilleka had praised Obama’s ‘extraordi- road was perhaps one of the most nary efforts to strengthen inter- beautiful areas in Colombo, with national diplomacy and coopera- sprawling Colonial model bungalows tion between peoples’, in award- where we lived, with stables in the ing the peace prize to the US rear, in large gardens, before the President, but, in reality, world Summit Flats marred the place. The peace is nowhere nearer in argument to build them there was Development of war torn areas sight, with conflict in that this stretch of road was less Afghanistan escalating, the populated and that it was a waste of he Sri Lanka, civil war is over, and Jaffna Town, which was his constituency. track extension from Kodikamam to White House deciding to send up space! My guess is that it may be Mr. the reports appearing in the news- The Northern and The people of Jaffna Valvettiturai via Point Pedro (d) A glass to 40,000 more US troops, and Rodrigo who changed the name of Tpapers to the effect that the would be very thankful if the President factory in Thunnaalai, Vadamarachchi. Israeli Prime Minister Government is busy demining and reset- kindly includes the following in his About a Kilometre’s distance from the Baseline Road to Elvitigala Benjamin Nethanyahu continu- tling the IDPS and in developing agricul- 'Mahinda Chinthana'. (a) A university in famous Vishnu Kovil-Sri Vallipura Alvar Mawatha. Elvitgala Vedamhattaya’s ing the build up of Jewish settle- ture and Industries throughout the Island Nelliady (b) Pipeborne water service to Kovil, suitable raw material for making family were very long standing resi- ments in the Palestinian West is encouraging. The Jaffna people have the entire Jaffna peninsula ie from glass is available. If he fulfils the above dents of Narahenepita as were fami- shown some warmth in the Northern Thondamanaaru needs his name will be written in the his- Bank, describing this land grab lies like the Dabares, Ranagalas, Election to the ruling party.The presi- (river). I think the tory of Sri Lanka in Golden letters as as ‘natural growth’. Middle East Abhyawardanes and Kannangaras. dent is happy over the election result. Government is the President who developed Northern peace will be a myth as US Perhaps Ven. Mrutthetuwe Ananda During the Srimavo Bandaranaike's working on this. Sri Lanka. The glass factory will earn would ‘naturally’ take the side of Thero of the Abhayarama Temple, regime, Alfred Duraippah the Jaffna M.P. (c) Railway Foreign exchange. No Government has the Israeli aggressor occupying Narahenpita whose dayakayas did some improvements in done any major development pro- Palestinian land. doubtless all these families were, gramme in Jaffna since the opening of Hence, if the US President may be able to speak more of the the cement factory long ago according was awarded the Nobel peace services rendered by Elvitgala to my knowledge. Vanni and certain prize once, on ‘speculation’ Vedamahattaya. other parts of Vadamarchchy and without any tangible achieve- As regards the rooster emblem Thenmaradchy and some other areas ments, President Mahinda that Mr. Devendra mentions, if I am look like Mahiyanganaya which is one Rajapaksa deserves this honour not mistaken, this rooster was the of the earlier seats of civilisation in Sri a hundred times, for his coura- emblem of either the Portuguese or Lanka. geous commitment, in brushing the Dutch. This emblem is seen I understand that the President will aside pressure brought about by prominently in Galle Fort, and now develop Jaffna in a magnificent man- the US, UK France and Norway ner. I hope these views draw the atten- a part of the Southern Provincial to wipe out LTTE terrorism. The tion of the President who does not flag. Perhaps Mr. Devendra’s broth- LTTE was classified by the FBI utter anything against peace loving er, Asoka who has done research in as the most ruthless and deadly Tamils at any time. I am of the opinion Galle Harbour area my be able to that the President will see a way to get terrorist outfit in the world, that throw more light on this. Viewed in aid from some countries for Northern was a threat not only to Sri this light, I wonder whether the tea development. Lanka, but to the entire region kiosk where Mr. Devendra noticed and the world, at large.
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