"Aar. y,,..rd .0-147 REPOR TRESUMES ED 010 650 24 LIBRARY STATISTICS OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES,1965-66 INSTITUTIONAL DATA. BY- LIBRARY ADNINISTRArIONDIVISION AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSN.,CHICAGO, ILL. REPORT NUMBER ER-T-0016 PUB DATE 67 GRANT 0EG-3-7-070016-1604 !ADS PRICE MF-$0.36 HC-$9.72 243P. DESCRIPTORS- *STATISTICAL SURVEYS, *COLLEGELIBRARIES, *INSTITUTIONS, *QUESTIONNAIRES,*LIBRARIES, EXPENDITURES, PERSONNEL, INCOME,CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY WAS CONDUCTEDIN COLLABORATION WITH STATE LIBRARY AGENCIES TO OBTAININSTITUTIONAL LIBRARY DATA FROM 2,207 ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS LISTED INTHE "EDUCATION DIRECTORY, 1965-66, PART 3, HIGHEREDUCATION." DATA GATHERED WAS PRESENTED BY STATE ANDINSTITUTION IN THREE TABLES WHICH WERE--(1) SELECTED MANAGEMENT DATAON COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, 1965-66, (2)OPERATING EXPENDITURES, PERSONNEL, AND BEGINNING SALARY,1965-66, AND (3) NUMBER OF FULL -TIME LIBRARY STAFFMEMBERS AND LOWESTAND HIGHEST. SALARIESBY TYPES OF POSITION,SEPTEMBER 1, 1966.A SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE FORM 4 WAS INCLUDED IN THEDOCUMENT. (TC) V 7 wiimmadituAlusiialikar* ve t,1c9oioa7:1 U. S. DEeAR TMENT OF HEALI ...iCATION This document Officeot Education AND WELFARE has beenreproduced Person ororganization exactly originating as receivedfron; the stated donot necessarily it. Points represent of viewor opinions or policy. official Office of Edupositioncatiom LIBRARY STATISTICS College and 111Ver biLlUbp 1965-66 INSTITUTIONAL DATA Project No. 7-0016 Grant No. OEG3-7-070016-1604 Compiled by the Library Administration Division of the American Library Association The research reported herein was performedpursuant to a grant with the Office of Education, U.S. Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare. Contractors undertaking such projects under Governmentsponsor- ship are encouraged to express freely their professional judgment in the conduct of the project.Points of view or opinions stated do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Office of Education position or policy. 1967 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Chicago, Illinois a 13LAW NOTMI= PRECEDIN6PitE PREFACE During the May 1966 National Conferenceon Library Statistics, which was co- sponsored by the National Center for Educational Statistics, USOE,and the Library Administration Division, ALA, the library statisticsprogram was discussed. Representa- tives from the National Center for Educational Statistics explained thata new program was being undertaken in the collection of educational statistics.This program had as its aim the consolidation of dozens of discretesurveys into two all-embracing surveys, one on elementary and secondary education and the other on higher education.It was hoped that this would eliminate overlaps, bring about greater internal consistency, and concentrate the data collection in one office (i.e., higher educationsurveys in the offices of approximately 2300 college and university presidents.)While imaginative in its basic conception, its execution did notseem to assure the availability of academic librarystatistics for February of 1967, when academic library administratorsneed these data urgently for budgeting purposes. In addition therewas some question as to whether the data collected in thismanner would be comparable to data previously collected. As a result of this change and our reservations,we suggested to Mr. Alexander M. Mood, Assistant Commissioner for Educational Statistics,USOE, that for 1965-66 a parallel collection of college and university library statistics should be undertaken. We offered to undertake this assignment ifwe could obtain a small contract grant from the Bureau of Research, USOE. Mr. Mood agreedto support our application and with the assistance of two of his staff members, Mr. Joel Williamsand Dr. Bron- son Price, our proposal was prepared and reviewed.Approval of our proposal was obtained expeditiously through Joseph A. Murnin, Director, Small ProjectsProgram, Chicago Regional Off ice, Bureau of Research, USOE. Negotiations withtwo Chicago research firms for editorial, statistical work, and machine tabulations were not successful because of theamount of clerical work, the lack of understanding of library statistics, and the shortness ofschedule.This major set back caused us to seek the quickest possible aid to helpus to complete the project. Due to their long association with the prior library statisticssurveys Dr. Frank L. Schick, formerly Assistant Director of the LSB and Coordinatorof Adult and Library Statistics, and Mr. Theodore Samore, formerly College and UniversityLibrary Special- ist, USOE, both of whom are now on the faculty of the Schoolof Library and Information Science, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, were consulted. As a result of this discussion and a university visit shortly thereafter,a contract was entered into between the American Library Association and the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee whereby they would undertake responsibility for the editorial and statistical work and the machine tabulations.The Library School recruited a group of five editors, and Dr. Richard Black, Director of the Computer Center,was responsible for the ma- chine tabulations. As a result of these arrangements we anticipated the completion of the project by early February, enabling us to publish the results by Mardi 1, 1967. Tomeet our deadlines correspondence with respondents had to be kept toa minimum. The speed of completion of this publication represents a unique demonstration of cooperation between USOE, the ALA, School of Library and Information Science, and the Com- puter Center, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. For this teamwork academic librarians are indeed grateful. Alphonse F. Tram Executive Seaeu try Library Administration Division 7/; c4. iii PMEWNG PAGE BLANK-WiE Euap 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface Alphonse F. Trezza iii Introduction Frank 1. Schick viA. Institutional Library Data of Colleges and Universities, 1965-66 Theodore Samore 1 Table I Selected Management Dataon 10 College and University Libraries, by state and institution: aggre- gate United States, 1965-66 Table 2Operating Expenditures, Personnel, 88 and beginning Salary. For college and university libraries, bystate and institution: aggregate United States, 1965-66 Table 3 Number of Full-time Library Staff 1614. members and lowest and highest salaries, by types Of position: aggregate United States, September 1, 1966 Appendix: Questionnaire 231 V PRECEDING PAGEBLANK- NOT FILMED INTRODUCTION By Frank L. Schick, Director School of Library dt Information Science University of Wisconsin -Milwaukee When approached by Alphonse F. Trezza, ExecutiveSecretary, Library Administration sA Division, during the second week of Decemberto join forces with his office to produce the Institutional Data for the 1965-66 College andUniversity Library Statistics,a number of problems had to be solved simultaneously.We had to assemble and teach a competent croup of editors, hadto establish a close working relationship with the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee's Computer Center, which had not previously handled a similar assignment and had toprepare a realistic budget. When Mr. Trezza visited us a week later, we had obtained thego-ahead sign from the UWM administra- tion, had signed up agroup of eight editors and met with Dr. Richard Black, the Director of the Computer Center, Mr. Orrin Bentz andtheir staff to iron out questions of programming for the computer print-out. Previous Surveys This survey continues a series of statistical studieswhich were initiated by the Statistics Committee of the Association of College and ResearchLibraries of the American Library Association and conducted by them from1929 to 1960. These studies, covering about 35-50 percent of all academic libraries,were published in the January issue of the College and Research Libraries. In 1960, the Library Services Branch (LSB)of the U.S. Office of Education (USOE) assumed the responsibility for thesesurveys and published them for the years 1959-60 to 1963-64, in two series under the titles: Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, Institutional Data Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, Analytic Report Two transitional reports appeared under the title"Library Statistics of Larger Colleges and Universities,1956-57' and "Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities,1959- 60, Advance Analytic Report." Not yet published are the Institutional Data for 1964-65 and the Analytic Reports for 1962-63and 1963-64.These surveys aimed at a nearly complete coverage which resulted in the release of publicationsbetween March and April.To provide colleges and university libraries and academicadministrators with essential data atan earlier time, in 1961 a solution was found by ALA-LAD and the USOE-LSB.To achieve a Januaryer February publication date, it was agreed that LSB would close out the data collection byNovember 15, publish the following January and depend on ALA-LADto release a supplement for the data which were collected in follow-up between November 15 andFebruary 1.Consequently ALA-LAD released the following publications. Supplement to Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities,1962-63: Institutional data of 419 Libraries Tr- Supplement to Library Statistics of Colleges andUniversities, 1963-64: Institutional data of 247 Libraries Other groups such as the Catholic LibraryAssociation received punched cards from the Library Services Branch and producedparallel studies.The first one of these appeared under the title "Library Statisticsof Catholic Colleges
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