Stephen F. Austin State University SFA ScholarWorks Forestry Bulletins No. 1-25, 1957-1972 4-1969 Forestry Bulletin No. 17: Films and Filmstrips on Forestry Nelson T. Samson Stephen F. Austin State College Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/forestrybulletins Part of the Film and Media Studies Commons, Forest Biology Commons, Forest Management Commons, and the Other Forestry and Forest Sciences Commons Tell us how this article helped you. Repository Citation Samson, Nelson T., "Forestry Bulletin No. 17: Films and Filmstrips on Forestry" (1969). Forestry Bulletins No. 1-25, 1957-1972. 14. https://scholarworks.sfasu.edu/forestrybulletins/14 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by SFA ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Forestry Bulletins No. 1-25, 1957-1972 by an authorized administrator of SFA ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. BULLETIN 17 APRIL 1969 FILMS AND FILMSTRIPS ON FORESTRY NELSON T. SAMSON Stephen F. Austin State College SCHOOL OF FORESTRY NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS Stephen F. Austin State College SCHOOL OF FORESTRY LAURENCE C. WALKER, Ph.D. Dean and Professor NELSON T. SAMSON, Ph.D. Assistant to the Dean and Professor ARTHUR VERRALL, Ph.D : Professor M. VICTOR BILAN, D.F Professor ROBERT D. BAKER, Ph.D Associate Prof'essor HARRY V. WIANT, JR., Ph.D. Associate Prof essor LEONARD BURKART, Ph.D. Associate Prof essor ELLIS V. HUNT, Ph.D. Assistant Prof essor EUGENE HASTINGS, Ph.D Assistant Prof essor KENNETH G. WATTERSON, Ph.D. Assistant Prof essor J. ROBERT SINGER, Sc.D Assistant Prof essor J. DAVID LENHART, Ph.D Assistant Prof essor WILLIAM T. McGRATH, Ph.D. Assistant Prof essor K. KADAMBI, Ph.D Research Technologist CARLTON S. YEE, M.F. Instructor BILL H. WILFORD, Ph.D. Visiting Professor ROBERT S. MAXWELL, Ph.D Prof essor of Forest History LOWELL K. HALLS, M.S. Instructor,* Forest Game Management JOHN J. STRANSKY, M.F. Instructor,* Forest Game Management GEORGE K. STEPHENSON, M.F Editor oj'-Forestry Publications* MARY Jo LINTHICUM, B.S Forestry Librarian *Part time Bulletin No. 17 143750 BULLETIN 17 APRIL 1969 FILMS AND FILMSTRIPS ON FORESTRY NELSON T. SAMSON . \ Stephen F. Austin State College SCHOOL OF FORESTRY NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS $1.00 Stephen F. Austin State College Bibliography of Forestry Films FILMS AND FILMSTRIPS ON FORESTRY1 Nelson T. Samson, Ph.D. Motion picture films and filmstrips in forestry and related fields are available from many sources in America. This publication is an attempt to provide for foresters and others interested in such aids a convenient means for selecting materials to meet their particular needs The names and addresses of sources are found by reference to the indicated number in the source list. Thus, under "Forest Fires" is listed the film "Building The Fireline," which appears in the list of films followed by the notation 'Source: 40, 132." Reference to these numbers in the source list indicates that the film may be obtained from Department of Resources and Economic Development, Concord, New Hampshire, or from the appro- priate office of the U. S. Forest Service. "The following abbreviations are used in the descriptions of films: min. - minutes (running time of film); sd - sound; sil - silent col-color; B&W - black and white. A number of U. S. Forest Service films are primarily for In-Service use and not available to the public, except for justifiable reasons. These are designated by an asterisk (*). Since source agencies from which a film is available may have different lending policies, no information on costs or lending requirements is shown. All films are 16mm. Films which cannot be loaned, but must be purchased, are so designated. Some sources have geographic restrictions which limit the availability of their films. Wherever possible these have been noted. The listing of any film or company in this bibliography does not constitute any special endorsement by the School of Forestry or Stephen F. Austin State College. Likewise, listing in this publication does not obligate any of the sources listed to furnish films unless they so desire. Additions, corrections, and suggestions will be appreciated. Send all material to the author. 'This bulletin is a revision of Bulletin No. 7 published in April, 1965, entitled Films and " LIBRARY STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE COLLEGE Stephen F. Austin State College TABLE OF CONTENTS Sources of films and filmstrips 5 Film titles and descriptions . 15 Filmstrip titles and description . 63 Subject listing of films and filmstrips 71 SOURCES OF FORESTRY FILMS AND FILMSTRIPS II Stephen F. Austin State College Bibliography of Forestry Films 1. ACADEMY FILM SERVICE 13. BOISE JUNIOR COLLEGE 2110 Payne Ave. 1907 Campus Dr. Cleveland, Ohio 44014 Boise, Idaho 83707 2. AMERICAN FOREST 14. BOWATERS-SOUTHERN PRODUCTS INDUSTRIES PAPER CORP. 1835 K Street, N. W. Calhoun, Tennessee Washington, D.C. 15. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD ASSOC. 3. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF 617 Montgomery St. TIMBER CONSTRUCTION San Francisco, California 1700 K Street, N.W. 94111 Washington, D.C. 20006 Att: Miss Patricia A. Young 4. AMERICAN PLYWOOD (Not sent out of U. S.) 1119 A. Street 16. CALIFORNIA STATE Tacoma, Washington 98401 COLLEGE (Attention: Film Depart- College A. V. Center ment) California, Pennsylvania 5. AMERICAN PULPWOOD (Furnished free on request) ASSOCIATION 17. CANADIAN CAR FORT 605 Third Ave. WILLIAM New York, New York 10016 Box 67 Fort William, Canada 6. ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY 18. CANADIAN CONSULATE Audio Visual Center Suite 1710 Tempe, Arizona 85281 225 Baronne St. New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 7. ARKANSAS STATE DEPT. OF EDUCATION 19. CANADIAN PULP AND Audio-Visual Service PAPER ASSOC. Little Rock, Arkansas 2280 Sun Life Bldg. (Available only to Arkansas Montreal, Canada public schools, programs (Available on a loan basis related to public schools in Canada only) and state colleges. Films 20. CAPITAL FILM LABORA- are available only by order TORIES, INC. of the school audiovisual 470 E. Street S.W. coordinator or the admini- Washington, D.C. strator.) (Films for sale only) 8. ARKANSAS STATE 21. CARBORUNDUM TEACHERS COLLEGE COMPANY Conway, Arkansas Lockport Felt Division 9. AUBURN UNIVERSITY Newfane, N.Y. 14108 Visual Editor, Extension 22. CATERPILLAR TRACTOR Service CO. Auburn. Alabama 36830 100 N.E. Adams St. 10. BELOIT CORP. Advertising Div. AB2C Jones Division Peoria. Illinois 61602 Pittsfield. Mass. 01201 (Contact your nearest Att; Wm. Plouffe caterpillar dealer.) Chief Photographer 23. CENTRAL WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE 11. BEMIS BRO. BAG CO. Audio Visual Library 4653 Humboldt Ave. N. Ellensburg, Washington Minneapolis. Minnesota 55430 98926 12. BIRD & SON, INC. 24. CHICAGO TRIBUNE East Walpole, Mass. 02032 Motion Picture Bureau Also: Aero Drive 33 West Madison St. Shreveport, La. 71102 Chicago, 111. 60602 8 Stephen F. Austin State College 25. CLARK EQUIPMENT CO. 37. DEMCO-GUNTER Construction Machinery Box 1488 Division Madison, Wisconsin 53701 Pipestone Plant, Box 599 (For sale only) Benton Harber, Michigan 38. DEPT. OP NATURAL 49002 RESOURCES (Loaned on a 10 day basis) Film Library 26. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY State of Ohio Cooperative Extension Service Columbus, Ohio 43212 Clemson, South Carolina 29631 39. DIERKS FOREST, INC. (Available only for S.C.) P.O. Box 388 DeQueen, Ark. 71832 27. COLONIAL FILM & or: 810 Whittington Ave. EQUIPMENT CO. Hot Springs, Ark. 71901 752 Spring St. N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 40. DIVISION OF RESOURCES 28. COLONIAL WILLIAMS- DEVELOPMENT BURG, INC. Department of Resources and Film Distribution Section Economic Dev. Box C State House Annex Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 Concord, New Hampshire 03301 29. CONNOR FOREST INDUSTRIES 41. DOW CHEMICAL CO. Box 810 Audio Visual Center Wausau, Wisconsin Abbott Road Bldg. 30. CONSERVATION DEPART- Midland, Michigan MENT STATE OF NEW 42. EASTERN NEW MEXICO YORK UNIVERSITY Film Loan Library Film Library Albany, New York Portales, New Mexico 88130 31. CONSTRUCTION EQUIP- 43. EIMCO CORP. MENT DIVISION P.O. Box 300 Westinghouse Air Brake Co. Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 Peoria, 111. 61601 44. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAN- 32. CONTEMPORARY FILMS NICA FILM LIBRARIES 1211 Polk Street 4420 Oakton St. San Francisco, Cal. 94109 Skokie, Illinois 33. CORLEY MFG. CO. Also: 2494 Teagarden St. P.O. Box 471 San Leandro, Calif. Chattanooga, Tennessee 94577 34. CORNELL UNIVERSITY New York State College of 45. FILM ASSOCIATES Agriculture 11559 Santa Monica Blvd. Film Library Los Angeles, California Ithaca, New York (Available for preview for purchase consideration) 35. CORONET INSTRUCTION- AL FILMS 46. FILM CLASSIC EXCHANGE 65 E. S. Water St. 8163 Santa Monica Blvd. Chicago, Illinois Hollywood, California 36. CURRICULUM MATERIAL 47. FINE HARDWOODS CORP. ASSOC. 1319 Vine St. 66 N. Lake.Shore Dr. Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, Illinois (For sale only) Also: Curriculm of Texas, 48. FIRE-FIGHTING FILMS Inc. 74 President St. P.O. Box 2031 New Rochelle. New York Austin, Texas 78767 (For sale only) Bibliography of Forestry Films 49. FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL 63. INDIANA STATE EXPERIMENT STATION COLLEGE Florida Agricultural Exten- Indiana Film Service sion Service Indiana, Pennsylvania Gainesville, Florida 64. INDIANA UNIVERSITY 50. FLORIDA BOARD OF Audio-Visual Center FORESTRY Bloomington, Indiana 47401 Florida Forest Service 65. INDUSTRIAL FORESTRY Collins Building ASSOC. Tallahassee, Fla. 32304 1410 S. W. Morrison St. 51. FLORIDA STATE Portland, Oregon 97205 UNIVERSITY 66. INSULATION BOARD Ed. Media Center INSTITUTE Tallahassee, Florida 32306 111 West Washington St. Chicago, Illinois 52. FORMEX COMPANY 67. JAM HANDY ORGANI- 1110 Snapps Ferry Rd. ZATION Greenville, Tenn. 2821 East Grand Blvd. 53. GARRETT ENUMCLAW Detroit, Michigan 48211 CO. (Branch offices in Chicago, 800 Stevenson Ave. Dayton, Hollywood, Cali- Enumclaw, Washington 98022 fornia, and New York) 54. GEORGIA FORESTRY 68. KEEP OREGON GREEN COMMISSION ASSOCIATION Box 819 2750 State Street Macon, Georgia 31202 Salem, Oregon 55. GILBERT PAPER CO. 69. KENT STATE UNIVERSITY Menasha, Wisconsin Audio-Visual Center Kent, Ohio 44240 56. P. H. GLATFELTER CO. 70. KNOWLEDGE BUILDERS Spring Grove, Pennsylvania Visual Education Bldg. 57.
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