Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus USPS 680020 Published Every Thursday OUR 110th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 41-110 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, June 15, 2000 Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Lapolla Concedes to Connelly In Congressional Primary By PAUL J. PEYTON showing Mrs. Connelly as the dis- This party and I are very proud to Specially Written for The Westfield Leader trict-wide winner. have stood with Michael in this elec- Opting not to challenge the Demo- Warren Township Committeeman tion. Mike ran a good campaign and cratic Seventh Congressional District Jeffrey Golkin finished a distant third, spoke to many issues on the minds of Primary election results, Union County with 8.3 percent of the vote cast, or the people of this area,” she stated. Manager Michael J. Lapolla conceded 2,698 ballots. Attorney Joel Farley fin- Looking at Mrs. Connelly’s vic- Monday night to Maryanne S. ished with a disappointing 585 tallies, tory, Ms. De Filippo reflected, “It is Connelly. He had waited to see if or 1.8 percent of the total vote cast. now clear that Mrs. Connelly won absentee ballots changed the results The Union County Democratic this election and she has earned the before making his official announce- Committee released statements from right to be able to move forward with ment. Mr. Lapolla and County Democratic her plan for the General Election.” By virtue of Mrs. Connelly’s vic- Chairwoman Charlotte De Filippo. Savoring her victory, Mrs. tory, she and Republican Michael A. Mr. Lapolla, who has served as Connelly said, “I am pleased these Ferguson — the two unsuccessful Union County Manager for the past results confirm what we knew last candidates in the 1998 General Elec- three years, thanked all his support- week – that we won. I look forward tion Congressional races in the Sev- ers and offered “my congratulations to working with every Democrat to enth and Sixth Districts, respectively to Maryanne Connelly. From now win this seat back and take back the — will now face off in November. until the General Election, I will House of Representatives.” A former mayor and long-time coun- work closely with my Democratic The Democrats need a six-seat cilwoman in Fanwood, Mrs. Connelly Chairman, as well as our leaders and gain to take back the majority in the edged Mr. Lapolla by 295 tallies, elected officials, to ensure a Demo- House of Representatives for the first 14,931 (45.8 percent) to 14,636 (44.9 cratic victory throughout Union time in six years. percent), or less than 1 percent of the County this November.” Mrs. Connelly had a steep hill to vote cast for the two candidates. In a seemingly unusual move, Ms. climb when Mr. Lapolla announced Mr. Lapolla, who was actually De Filippo herself announced in a his intention to run for Congress in named by CBS News, Comcast Chan- statement that the party would not January. Mr. Lapolla’s campaign was nel 8 and News 12 New Jersey on seek a recount of the election results. co-chaired by United States Senator Ingrid McKinley for The Westfield Leader June 6 as the projected winner of the She served as Co-Chairwoman of Robert Torricelli, State Senator SCHOOL IS ALMOST OUT FOR SUMMER… Children, who are preparing for the last days of school, flocked to the race, opted to concede after the four Mr. Lapolla’s campaign. CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 Memorial Pool in Westfield with their goggles to cool off from the hot sun. counties that make up the Seventh “It is time to move forward to District certified election results electing Democrats this November. Westfield Board of Education and Parents Debate Proposed Math Curriculum By LAWRENCE HENRY board was confronted by a number of (in Regina Kiczek’s words). Plus, Group work in Everyday Math Specially Written for The Westfield Leader parents who voiced concern about group work in classes tended to elimi- classes, said Ms. Kiczek, is designed Editor’s Note: This is the first of adopting the Everyday Math pro- nate a teacher’s traditional whole- “to help the students formulate the two stories about the Westfield School gram. class lecturer role. multiplication rule (for example), District’s plan to adopt a new el- In response to those concerns, Su- For many parents, alarm bells be- then practice it.” ementary school math curriculum. perintendent of Schools Dr. William gan to ring. Board Member Annmarie Puleio, Next week’s article will address: What J. Foley seemed to backpedal on Ms. Westfield’s Joanne Muldoon, who who chairs the school board’s cur- does “successful” mean in teaching Kiczek’s commitment. had two children in the public schools riculum committee, said recently that elementary mathematics? “There’s a presumption that we’re four years ago, “saw some things she was glad Westfield had waited to * * * * * ready to go with Everyday Math,” happening back then that I wasn’t adopt a new elementary math cur- said Dr. Foley at that meeting. That happy with.” She continued, “There riculum. The district benefited from The proposal to adopt a new el- ementary school math curriculum in presumption “is not so.” wasn’t any math homework going the experience of other school sys- “Progressive math,” as it is some- on. There was no rote memorization tems with Everyday Math, she said. Westfield’ schools recaps, in polite times called, started with the pro- of math facts.” miniature, the doubts and conflicts CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 of a decade of nationwide debate mulgation of a set of new “math In addition, Mrs. Muldoon, like standards” by the National Council many other parents in the progres- over “new math.” of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) sive era, found it hard, if not impos- In Westfield, four elementary schools have been “piloting” two in 1989. These new standards em- sible, to help her children with what phasized “cooperative” strategies for homework they did have. Non-Pesticide new curricula, Math Trailblazers and learning (students working together “Children were not allowed to Everyday Math, for the past year. At the school board meeting May in small discussion groups to figure bring home their workbooks,” she Policy Passed out how to solve problems); a com- said. “It was almost impossible for a 16, district math consultant Regina plicated “assessment” protocol (com- parent to get involved.” Kiczek announced that Everyday Math had been selected over Math plicated according to critics; “ongo- Ms. Kiczek pointed out, in a recent By Council ing, consistent, and multi-faceted,” interview, that, since 1989, NCTM Trailblazers, and that the Everyday By PAUL J. PEYTON said NCTM); and a kind of leveling has revised its standards in reponse Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Math pilot — a tryout period — would be extended to four more of the curriculum (“equity”) to make to some of the criticisms coming The Westfield Town Council math more accessible to all students. from parents. has initiated a policy requiring grades next year. At that meeting, Proponents of the new “progres- “One of the big issues (NCTM) Ms. Kiczek said she expected the the town to use the least hazard- district would adopt Everyday Math sive” standards talked about “achiev- addressed,” she said, “is that there is ous chemicals to maintain town- ing deep conceptual understanding” definitely a role for rote memoriza- operated parks and land. Cheri Rogowsky for The Westfield Leader for all grades within two years. of the process of math. At the same tion.” PINNING ON THE BOUTONNIÈRE…During a pre-prom party at Effingham At the most recent school board The town joins Cranford and Place in Westfield, Tara Clarke pins a lovely white rose boutonnière to Michael meeting, however, on June 6, the time, certain traditional norms went As for children not being able to Rahway as the only area munici- Todd’s lapel. by the boards: rote memorization of bring books home, Ms. Kiczek palities that have such a program. the often-talked-about “math facts,” pointed out that the “journals” for The Westfield school system has including multiplication tables and Everyday Math are the basis for had a similar policy for years. algorithms, and the traditional teaching, and that teachers are afraid Eighty towns, school districts Planning Board OK’s Application “gazinta” method of long division kids won’t bring the books back. and county governments includ- ing Union County have endorsed Integrated Test Management or For Southside Grove St. Subdivision IPM policies, according to the New Jersey Environmental Fed- By DEBORAH MADISON In exchange, Mr. Rapuano will that the revised proposal, insuring a Specially Written for The Westfield Leader eration. acquire a parcel of land adjacent to permanent buffer, was a good alter- In an IPM system, pests are Thanks to a land-swap agreement one of the lots at the end of Colum- native for the neighborhood. managed by inspection, monitor- worked out between local developer bus Avenue, which will allow that lot The application was approved and ing, site and sanitation improve- Ralph Rapuano and the Town of to be set back, eliminating the need will now be submitted to the Tree ments, mechanical and biologi- Westfield, Mr. Rapuano’s proposed for a variance and allowing that lot to Preservation Commission for their cal methods. IPM requires the southside Columbus Avenue subdi- face Columbus Avenue instead of recommendations. least hazardous chemical controls. vision was approved by the Planning fronting Grove Street. Mr. Rapuano told the board that he “By adopting an IPM program Board Monday night. Columbus Avenue will only be intends to build three small-sized as its pest control policy, the Town The approval, however, carries the extended 120 feet instead of the ini- Colonial-style homes on the lots, of Westfield endeavors to do its condition that the town will main- tially proposed 140 feet.
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